268 lines
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268 lines
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package analysis
import (
logrus "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type ShearItem struct {
ShearForce float64 // ma30-candle剪切力
VerticalElevation float64 // 仰角, Interval范围内线段的仰角
Ratio float64 // 剪切力除以仰角的比值
Score float64 // 当前LastCandleY点本值
PolarQuadrant string // shangxian,manyue,xiaxian,xinyue, 分别对应圆周的四个阶段。
LastUpdate int64
LastUpdateTime string
type ShearForceGrp struct {
InstID string
LastUpdate int64
LastUpdateTime string
Ma30PeriodGroup map[string]ShearItem
Ma7PeriodGroup map[string]ShearItem
From string
// TODO 弃用
// func (seg *SegmentItem) MakeShearForceGrp(cr *Core) (*ShearForceGrp, error) {
// shg := ShearForceGrp{
// InstID: seg.InstID,
// Ma30PeriodGroup: map[string]ShearItem{},
// Ma7PeriodGroup: map[string]ShearItem{},
// }
// err := shg.ForceUpdate(cr)
// sf1 := float64(0)
// sf1 = seg.LastCandle.Y - seg.LastMa7.Y
// she := ShearItem{
// LastUpdate: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
// VerticalElevation: seg.SubItemList[2].VerticalElevation,
// Ratio: seg.LastCandle.Y / seg.SubItemList[2].VerticalElevation,
// Score: seg.LastCandle.Score,
// PolarQuadrant: seg.PolarQuadrant,
// }
// if seg.Ctype == "ma7" {
// she.ShearForce = seg.LastCandle.Y
// shg.Ma7PeriodGroup[seg.Period] = she
// }
// if seg.Ctype == "ma30" {
// she.ShearForce = sf1
// shg.Ma30PeriodGroup[seg.Period] = she
// }
// return &shg, err
// }
// TODO 弃用
// func (shg *ShearForceGrp) ForceUpdate(cr *Core) error {
// ctype := "ma7"
// hmName := shg.InstID + "|" + ctype + "|shearForceGrp"
// res, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.HGetAll(hmName).Result()
// for k, v := range res {
// si := ShearItem{}
// json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &si)
// shg.Ma7PeriodGroup[k] = si
// }
// ctype = "ma30"
// hmName = shg.InstID + "|" + ctype + "|shearForceGrp"
// res, err = cr.RedisLocalCli.HGetAll(hmName).Result()
// for k, v := range res {
// si := ShearItem{}
// json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &si)
// shg.Ma30PeriodGroup[k] = si
// }
// shg.SetToKey(cr)
// return err
// }
func (she *ShearForceGrp) Show(cr *Core) error {
js, err := json.Marshal(she)
logrus.Info(GetFuncName(), ": ", string(js))
return err
// TODO 需要重构: 已经重构
// 对象数据库落盘
func (she *ShearForceGrp) SetToKey(cr *Core) error {
keyName := she.InstID + "|shearForce"
she.From = os.Getenv("HOSTNAME")
she.LastUpdateTime = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
js, err := json.Marshal(she)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), " err: ", err)
} else {
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName, string(js), 0).Result()
cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(keyName, string(js), 0).Result()
return err
func (she *ShearForceGrp) maXPrd(cr *Core, ctype string) {
// 先把对象克隆,防止在处理的过程中对象发生变更
she2 := *she
she3 := &she2
// 查了一下,json marshal 有线程安全问题,需要用户自己加锁,先不用了
// bj, _ := json.Marshal(she3)
// bytes := []byte(bj)
// var she4 ShearForceGrp
// json.Unmarshal(bytes, she4)
// 先声明map
var grp map[string]ShearItem
// 再使用make函数创建一个非nil的map,nil map不能赋值
grp = make(map[string]ShearItem)
if ctype == "ma7" {
//fmt.Println("len of ma7 she.Ma7PeriodGroup: ", len(she3.Ma7PeriodGroup))
bj, err := json.Marshal(she3.Ma7PeriodGroup)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), " err:", err)
json.Unmarshal(bj, &grp)
//fmt.Println("len of ma30 she.Ma7PeriodGroup: ", len(she3.Ma7PeriodGroup))
} else if ctype == "ma30" {
bj, err := json.Marshal(she3.Ma30PeriodGroup)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), " err: ", err)
json.Unmarshal(bj, &grp)
for period, shearItem := range grp {
setName := "shearForce|ratio|" + ctype + "|" + period + "|sortedSet"
// TODO:这个key用于判定当前instID|maX|period|的ratio排名是否已经过期
timelinessKey := "shearForce|ratio|" + she.InstID + "|" + ctype + "|" + period + "|lastUpdate"
sei := SeriesInfo{
InstID: she3.InstID,
Period: period,
// 阈值先暂且设置为 -100
threahold := float64(SHEARFORCE_VERTICAL_RATE)
bj, _ := json.Marshal(sei)
z := redis.Z{
Score: float64(shearItem.Ratio),
Member: string(bj),
if shearItem.Ratio < -1*threahold {
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZAdd(setName, z).Result()
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(timelinessKey, shearItem.LastUpdate, 3*time.Minute)
} else if shearItem.Ratio > threahold {
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZAdd(setName, z).Result()
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(timelinessKey, shearItem.LastUpdate, 3*time.Minute)
} else {
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZRem(setName, string(bj)).Result()
// 把所有引用调用都改成传值调用,试试,看能不能解决那个陈年bug
func (she *ShearForceGrp) AddToRatioSorted(cr *Core) error {
she.maXPrd(cr, "ma7")
she.maXPrd(cr, "ma30")
return nil
// TODO 需要重构: 看了一下,不用重构
func (she *ShearForceGrp) MakeSnapShot(cr *Core) error {
nw := time.Now()
tm := nw.UnixMilli()
tm = tm - tm%60000
tms := strconv.FormatInt(tm, 10)
js, err := json.Marshal(she)
keyName1 := fmt.Sprint(she.InstID + "|shearForce|snapShot|ts:" + tms)
keyName2 := fmt.Sprint(she.InstID + "|shearForce|snapShot|last")
_, err = cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName1, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
_, err = cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName2, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
_, err = cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(keyName1, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
_, err = cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(keyName2, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
writeLog := os.Getenv("SARDINE_WRITELOG") == "true"
if !writeLog {
return err
wg := WriteLog{
Content: js,
Tag: she.InstID + ".shearForce",
go func() {
cr.WriteLogChan <- &wg
return nil
func (sheGrp *ShearForceGrp) Refresh(cr *Core) error {
segments := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("softCandleSegmentList").MustArray()
ma7Grp := map[string]ShearItem{}
ma30Grp := map[string]ShearItem{}
for _, v := range segments {
cs := CandleSegment{}
sv, _ := json.Marshal(v)
json.Unmarshal(sv, &cs)
shi30, err := MakeShearItem(cr, sheGrp.InstID, cs.Seg, "ma30")
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(GetFuncName(), err)
} else {
ma30Grp[cs.Seg] = *shi30
shi7, err := MakeShearItem(cr, sheGrp.InstID, cs.Seg, "ma7")
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(GetFuncName(), err)
} else {
ma7Grp[cs.Seg] = *shi7
sheGrp.Ma7PeriodGroup = ma7Grp
sheGrp.Ma30PeriodGroup = ma30Grp
return nil
func MakeShearItem(cr *Core, instId string, period string, ctype string) (*ShearItem, error) {
shi := ShearItem{}
keyn := instId + "|" + period + "|" + ctype + "|shearItem"
res, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.Get(keyn).Result()
if err != nil && len(res) == 0 {
return &shi, err
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &shi)
return &shi, err
func (sheGrp *ShearForceGrp) Process(cr *Core) error {
go func() {
// 传递过来的shg对象是空的,需要从segmentItem对象创建的shearItem对象组合中来重建
err := sheGrp.SetToKey(cr)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic("srs SetToKey err: ", err)
// sheGrp.MakeSnapShot(cr)
// 下一个阶段计算
allow := os.Getenv("SARDINE_MAKEANALYTICS") == "true"
if !allow {
periodList := []string{}
for k := range sheGrp.Ma30PeriodGroup {
periodList = append(periodList, k)
go func() {
go func() {
// 另一个携程中,Analytics对象要读这里snapShot,我希望它读到的是老的而不是新的,所以等待2秒钟
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
return nil