This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath -o ./bin/core ./cmd/core
rm bin/core
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package main
import (
const (
Name = "core"
Version = "1.0.0"
Author = "phyer"
func main() {
if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "--version" {
fmt.Printf("%s %s (by %s)\n", Name, Version, Author)
fmt.Println("This is a library package, not an executable")
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Create standard Go project directories
mkdir -p api/v1 # For API contracts/protos
mkdir -p configs # For configuration files
mkdir -p scripts # For deployment/build scripts
mkdir -p test/e2e # For different test types
mkdir -p third_party # For third party dependencies
# Reorganize existing directories
mv pkg/config internal/ # Move config to internal implementation
mv pkg/log internal/logger # Move logging to internal
mv pkg/utils internal/ # Move utilities to internal
# Create new service layer
mkdir -p internal/service # For business logic services
mkdir -p internal/repository # For data access layer
mkdir -p internal/transport # For HTTP/gRPC handlers
# Cleanup empty directories
rmdir pkg 2>/dev/null || true
# Update build script
echo '#!/bin/sh
go build -ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath -o ./bin/core ./cmd/core' >
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
package core
package analysis
import (
logrus ""
// "os"
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ type WillMX struct {
Count int
func (mx MaX) SetToKey(cr *Core) ([]interface{}, error) {
func (mx MaX) SetToKey(cr *core.Core) ([]interface{}, error) {
// fmt.Println(utils.GetFuncName(), " step1 ", mx.InstID, " ", mx.Period)
// mx.Timestamp, _ = Int64ToTime(mx.Ts)
cstr := strconv.Itoa(mx.Count)
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ func (mx *MaX) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *Core) error {
hs := HashString(did)
mx.Id = hs
md, _ := json.Marshal(mx)
wg := WriteLog{
wg := logger.WriteLog{
Content: md,
Tag: "sardine.log.maX." + mx.Period,
Id: hs,
@ -168,3 +169,38 @@ func (mxl *MaXList) RecursiveBubbleS(length int, ctype string) error {
err := mxl.RecursiveBubbleS(length, ctype)
return err
// TODO pixel
func (mxl *MaXList) MakePixelList(cr *Core, mx *MaX, score float64) (*PixelList, error) {
if len(mx.Data) == 2 {
err := errors.New("ma30 原始数据不足30条")
return nil, err
if mx.Data[2] != float64(30) {
err := errors.New("ma30 原始数据不足30条")
return nil, err
pxl := PixelList{
Count: mxl.Count,
UpdateNickName: mxl.UpdateNickName,
LastUpdateTime: mxl.LastUpdateTime,
List: []*Pixel{},
for i := 0; i < mxl.Count; i++ {
pix := Pixel{}
pxl.List = append(pxl.List, &pix)
ma30Val := (mx.Data[1]).(float64)
realLens := len(mxl.List)
cha := mxl.Count - realLens
// fmt.Println("mxl.Count: ", mxl.Count, "realLens: ", realLens)
for h := mxl.Count - 1; h-cha >= 0; h-- {
// Count 是希望值,比如24,realLens是实际值, 如果希望值和实际值相等,cha就是0
cdLast := mxl.List[h-cha].Data[1]
pxl.List[h].Y = (cdLast.(float64) - ma30Val) / ma30Val / score
pxl.List[h].X = float64(h)
pxl.List[h].Score = cdLast.(float64)
pxl.List[h].TimeStamp = int64(mxl.List[h-cha].Data[0].(float64))
return &pxl, nil
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package analysis
import (
// "crypto/sha256"
@ -15,12 +15,15 @@ import (
// simple ""
// ""
// ""
logrus ""
type Rsi struct {
Id string `json:"_id"`
core *Core
core *core.Core
InstID string `json:"instID"`
Period string `json:"period"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timeStamp"`
@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ type RsiList struct {
type StockRsi struct {
Id string `json:"_id"`
core *Core
core *core.Core
InstID string `json:"instID"`
Period string `json:"period"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timeStamp"`
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ type StockRsiList struct {
List []*StockRsi `json:"list"`
func (rsi *Rsi) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *Core) error {
func (rsi *Rsi) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *core.Core) error {
did := rsi.InstID + rsi.Period + ToString(rsi.Ts)
rsi.Id = HashString(did)
cd, err := json.Marshal(rsi)
@ -71,9 +74,9 @@ func (rsi *Rsi) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *Core) error {
cr.WriteLogChan <- &wg
return nil
func (srsi *StockRsi) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *Core) error {
func (srsi *StockRsi) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *core.Core) error {
did := srsi.InstID + srsi.Period + ToString(srsi.Ts)
srsi.Id = HashString(did)
srsi.Id = util.HashString(did)
cd, err := json.Marshal(srsi)
if err != nil {
logrus.Error("PushToWriteLog json marshal rsi err: ", err)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
package analysis
import (
logrus ""
// 段对象是对某个线段的表现进行评估的一个手段, 整个段会被分成3个小段, 整个段,计算整体的,字段,各自计算。包含仰角,段内极值等。
// SegmentItem 属于一阶分析结果
// {DMD-USDT 5D ma30 1643240793839 0 1642867200000 0xc00835fd80 0xc001687600 NaN 23 23 []}]
type SegmentItem struct {
InstID string
Period string //通过InstID,Periods可以定位到Series对象, 里面有一手数据
Ctype string //candle|ma7|ma30
ReportTime int64
ReportTimeStr string
PolarQuadrant string // shangxian,manyue,xiaxian,xinyue, 分别对应圆周的四个阶段。
LastUpdate int64
ExtremumPixels *Extremum // 极值 是两个pixel对象
FirstPixel *Pixel // 起始值,最后的pixel对象
LastPixel *Pixel // 最后值,最后的maX pixel对象
LastCandle *Pixel // 最后值,最后的Candle的pixel对象
LastMa7 *Pixel // 最后值,最后的Ma7的pixel对象
LastMa30 *Pixel // 最后值,最后的Ma30的pixel对象
VerticalElevation float64 // 仰角, Interval范围内线段的仰角
StartIdx int // 开始的坐标
EndIdx int // 结束的坐标
SubItemList []SegmentItem //往下一级微分
const DAMANYUE = "damanyue"
const DAMANYUE_POST = "damanyue_post"
const DAMANYUE_PRE = "damanyue_pre"
const XIAOMANYUE = "xiaomanyue"
const XIAOMANYUE_POST = "xiaomanyue_post"
const XIAOMANYUE_PRE = "xiaomanyue_pre"
const DAXINYUE = "daxinyue"
const DAXINYUE_POST = "daxinyue_post"
const DAXINYUE_PRE = "daxinyue_pre"
const XIAOXINYUE = "xiaoxinyue"
const XIAOXINYUE_POST = "xiaoxinyue_post"
const XIAOXINYUE_PRE = "xiaoxinyue_pre"
const DASHANGXIANYUE = "dashangxianyue"
const XIAOSHANGXIANYUE = "xiaoshangxianyue"
const DAXIAXIANYUE = "daxiaxianyue"
const XIAOXIAXIANYUE = "xiaoxiaxianyue"
const tinySeg = 0.1
type Extremum struct {
Max *Pixel
Min *Pixel
func CalPolar(e0 float64, e1 float64, e2 float64) string {
polarQuadrant := "default"
// ## 上弦月
// e0,e1,e2: -3.5315694477826525 -0.5773082714100172 1.0558744145515746
if e2 >= e1 && e2 >= 0 {
// e2 > e1 > 0: 小上弦月
// -> e1 > e0 > 0 : 大上弦月
if e2 >= e1 && e1 >= 0 {
if e1 >= e0 && e0 >= 0 {
polarQuadrant = DASHANGXIANYUE
// ## 下弦月
// 0 > e1 > e2:小下弦月
// -> 0 > e0 > e1: 大下弦月
if 0 >= e1 && e1 >= e2 {
polarQuadrant = XIAOXIAXIANYUE
if 0 >= e0 && e0 >= e1 {
polarQuadrant = DAXIAXIANYUE
// ## 同上
if (0 >= e2 && 0 >= e1) && e2 >= e1 {
polarQuadrant = XIAOXIAXIANYUE
// ##
// ## 满月
// e1 > e2 > 0 : 小满月 pre
// -> e0 > e1 : 大满月pre
if e1 >= e2 && e2 >= 0 {
polarQuadrant = XIAOMANYUE_PRE
if e0 > e1 {
polarQuadrant = DAMANYUE_PRE
// e1 > 0.1 > e2 > 0 : 小满月
// -> e0 > e1 : 大满月
if e1 >= tinySeg && tinySeg >= e2 && e2 >= 0 {
polarQuadrant = XIAOMANYUE
if e0 > e1 {
polarQuadrant = DAMANYUE
// e0,e1,e2: 0.9699903789854316 0.1802190672652184 -1.7888783234326784
// e1 > 0 > e2 > -0.1 : 小满月post
// -> e0 > e1 > 0 : 大满月post
if e1 >= 0 && 0 >= e2 && e2 >= -100000 {
polarQuadrant = XIAOMANYUE_POST
if e0 > e1 {
polarQuadrant = DAMANYUE_POST
// e0,e1,e2: -0.049579775302532776 0 -0.018291567587323976
// ## 新月
// e1 < e2 <0: 小新月pre
// -> e1 > e0 : 大新月pre
if e1 <= e2 && e2 <= 0 && e2 >= -1*tinySeg {
polarQuadrant = XIAOXINYUE_PRE
if e1 > e0 {
polarQuadrant = DAXINYUE_PRE
// e1 < -0.1 < e2 <0 小新月
// -> e1 > e0 : 大新月
if e1 <= -1*tinySeg && -1*tinySeg <= e2 && e2 <= 0 {
polarQuadrant = XIAOXINYUE
if e1 > e0 {
polarQuadrant = DAXINYUE
// e1 < 0 < e2 < 0.1 小新月post
// -> e1 > e0 : 大新月post
//e0,e1,e2: -0.03902244287114438 -0.13929829606729519 0.14828528291036536
if e1 <= 0 && 0 <= e2 && e2 <= 1000000 {
polarQuadrant = XIAOXINYUE_POST
if e1 > e0 {
polarQuadrant = DAXINYUE_POST
return polarQuadrant
// 计算当前某段的曲线正弦所处极坐标象限
func CalPolarQuadrant(maXSeg *SegmentItem) string {
if len(maXSeg.SubItemList) == 0 {
return "subItem no polarQuadrant"
m0 := maXSeg.SubItemList[0]
m1 := maXSeg.SubItemList[1]
m2 := maXSeg.SubItemList[2]
e0 := m0.VerticalElevation
e1 := m1.VerticalElevation
e2 := m2.VerticalElevation
polarQuadrant := CalPolar(e0, e1, e2)
if polarQuadrant == "default" {
env := os.Getenv("GO_ENV")
if env != "production" {
fmt.Println(GetFuncName(), " instId:", maXSeg.InstID, " period:", maXSeg.Period, " ctype", maXSeg.Ctype, " e0,e1,e2:", e0, e1, e2)
return polarQuadrant
func (seg *SegmentItem) SetToKey(cr *Core) error {
if seg.InstID == "USDC-USDT" {
return nil
keyName := seg.InstID + "|" + seg.Period + "|" + seg.Ctype + "|segmentItem"
bj, err := json.Marshal(seg)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn("se.MakeSegment: ", err, seg)
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName, string(bj), 0)
sf7 := float64(0)
sf7 = seg.LastCandle.Y - seg.LastMa7.Y
sf30 := float64(0)
sf30 = seg.LastCandle.Y
tms := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
// fmt.Println("tms: ", seg.InstID, seg.Period, tms, seg.LastUpdate)
she := ShearItem{
LastUpdate: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
LastUpdateTime: tms,
VerticalElevation: seg.SubItemList[2].VerticalElevation,
Ratio: seg.LastCandle.Y / seg.SubItemList[2].VerticalElevation,
Score: seg.LastCandle.Score,
PolarQuadrant: seg.PolarQuadrant,
if seg.Ctype == "ma7" {
she.ShearForce = sf7
if seg.Ctype == "ma30" {
she.ShearForce = sf30
sbj, _ := json.Marshal(she)
keyName = seg.InstID + "|" + seg.Period + "|" + seg.Ctype + "|shearItem"
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName, string(sbj), 3*time.Minute)
cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(keyName, string(sbj), 3*time.Minute)
return nil
func (seg *SegmentItem) Show() error {
if seg.InstID == "USDC-USDT" {
return nil
bj, _ := json.Marshal(*seg)
logrus.Warn("SegmentItem Show:", string(bj))
return nil
func (jgm *SegmentItem) Report(cr *Core) error {
return nil
func (seg *SegmentItem) Process(cr *Core) {
go func() {
if seg == nil {
// sheGrp, err := seg.MakeShearForceGrp(cr)
// if err != nil {
// log.Panic(err)
// }
// 当最后一个维度数据更新后,触发显示和备份
// 空的就可以
shg := ShearForceGrp{
InstID: seg.InstID,
Ma30PeriodGroup: map[string]ShearItem{},
Ma7PeriodGroup: map[string]ShearItem{},
if seg.Period == "4H" {
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) //等可能存在的5D也ready
go func() {
cr.ShearForceGrpChan <- &shg
func (srs *Series) MakeSegment(cr *Core, start int, end int, subArys [][]int, ctype string) *SegmentItem {
list := []*Pixel{}
if ctype == "ma7" {
list = srs.Ma7Series.List
if ctype == "ma30" {
list = srs.Ma30Series.List
st := start
if len(list) == 0 {
return nil
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
if list[i].X == 0 && list[i].Y == 0 {
if i+1 < len(list) {
st = i + 1
} else {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), "没有符合的记录")
extra, _ := srs.GetExtremum(cr, st, end, ctype)
yj, err := srs.GetElevation(cr, ctype, st, end)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("MakeSegment GetElevation err : ", err)
tm := time.Now()
seg := SegmentItem{
InstID: srs.InstID,
Period: srs.Period,
ReportTime: tm.UnixMilli(),
ReportTimeStr: tm.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"),
LastUpdate: srs.LastUpdateTime,
FirstPixel: list[st],
LastPixel: list[end],
ExtremumPixels: extra,
Ctype: ctype,
VerticalElevation: yj,
StartIdx: st,
EndIdx: end,
LastCandle: srs.CandleSeries.List[end],
LastMa7: srs.Ma7Series.List[end],
SubItemList: []SegmentItem{},
PolarQuadrant: "none",
if len(subArys) > 0 {
for _, pair := range subArys {
sub := [][]int{}
curSeg := srs.MakeSegment(cr, pair[0], pair[1], sub, ctype)
seg.SubItemList = append(seg.SubItemList, *curSeg)
polar := CalPolarQuadrant(&seg)
seg.PolarQuadrant = polar
return &seg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
package analysis
import (
logrus ""
type Series struct {
InstID string `json:"instID"`
Period string `json:"Period"`
Count int `json:"count,number"`
Scale float64 `json:"scale,number"`
LastUpdateTime int64 `json:"lastUpdateTime,number"`
UpdateNickName string
LastCandle1m Candle `json:"lastCandle1m"`
CandleSeries *PixelList `json:"candleSerie"`
Ma7Series *PixelList `json:"ma7Serie"`
Ma30Series *PixelList `json:"ma30Serie"`
type SeriesInfo struct {
InstID string `json:"instID"`
Period string `json:"period"`
InsertedNew bool `json:"insertedNew,bool"`
Score float64 `json:"score,number"`
type SeriesInfoScore struct {
InstID string `json:"instID"`
Score float64 `json:"score,number"`
// redis key: verticalReportItem|BTC-USDT|4H-15m|ts:1643002300000
// sortedSet: verticalLimit|2D-4H|rank|sortedSet
type VerticalReportItem struct {
InstID string
Period string
ReportTime int64
LastUpdate int64
LastUpdateTime string
Interval int
TrigerValue float64
AdvUpSellPrice float64
AdvDownSellPrice float64
Rank float64
ShearForce float64
VerticalElevation float64
SecondPeriod string
// type Segment struct {
// IndextStart int
// IndexEnd int
// }
// 根据instId 和period 从 PlateMap里拿到coaster,创建对应的 series,
func (sr *Series) Refresh(cr *Core) error {
curCo, err := cr.GetCoasterFromPlate(sr.InstID, sr.Period)
if err != nil {
return err
ma30List := curCo.Ma30List.List
ma30len := len(ma30List)
if ma30len == 0 {
err = errors.New("ma30List is empty:" + sr.InstID + "," + sr.Period)
return err
baseMaX := ma30List[ma30len-1]
ma30Pxl, err := curCo.Ma30List.MakePixelList(cr, baseMaX, sr.Scale)
if err != nil {
return err
sr.Ma30Series = ma30Pxl
ma7Pxl, err := curCo.Ma7List.MakePixelList(cr, baseMaX, sr.Scale)
if err != nil {
return err
sr.Ma7Series = ma7Pxl
curCo.CandleList.RecursiveBubbleS(len(curCo.CandleList.List), "asc")
candlePxl, err := curCo.CandleList.MakePixelList(cr, baseMaX, sr.Scale)
if err != nil {
return err
sr.CandleSeries = candlePxl
// bj, _ := json.Marshal(sr.Ma30Series)
// fmt.Println("sr.Ma30Series:", sr.Period, sr.InstID, string(bj))
sr.LastUpdateTime = sr.Ma30Series.LastUpdateTime
// fmt.Println("candlePxl: ", candlePxl)
return nil
func (sr *Series) SetToKey(cr *Core) (string, error) {
if sr == nil || sr.CandleSeries == nil {
return "", errors.New("sr.CandlesSeries == nil")
sr.CandleSeries.RecursiveBubbleS(sr.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
sr.CandleSeries.RecursiveBubbleS(sr.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
// sr.CandleSeries.RecursiveBubbleX(sr.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
sr.Ma7Series.RecursiveBubbleS(sr.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
// sr.Ma7Series.RecursiveBubbleX(sr.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
sr.Ma30Series.RecursiveBubbleS(sr.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
// sr.Ma30Series.RecursiveBubbleX(sr.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
now := time.Now().UnixMilli()
sr.LastUpdateTime = now
sr.CandleSeries.LastUpdateTime = now
sr.CandleSeries.UpdateNickName = GetRandomString(12)
sr.UpdateNickName = GetRandomString(12)
js, _ := json.Marshal(*sr)
seriesName := sr.InstID + "|" + sr.Period + "|series"
res, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(seriesName, string(js), 0).Result()
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), err, " seriesSetToKey1: instId:", sr.InstID, " period: ", sr.Period, " lastUpdate:", sr.LastUpdateTime, " md5:", Md5V(string(js)))
res, err = cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(seriesName, string(js), 0).Result()
return res, err
func PrintSerieY(cr *Core, list []redis.Z, period string, count int) {
// fmt.Println("PrintSerieY start")
env := os.Getenv("GO_ENV")
isProduction := env == "production"
//TODO 只有非产线环境,才会显示此列表
if !isProduction {
fmt.Println("seriesYTop count:", count, "period:", period, "sort start")
seiScrList := []*SeriesInfoScore{}
for _, v := range list {
sei := SeriesInfo{}
seiScr := SeriesInfoScore{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(v.Member.(string)), &sei)
seiScr.InstID = sei.InstID
seiScr.Score = v.Score
seiScrList = append(seiScrList, &seiScr)
// if k < count {
// if !isProduction {
// fmt.Println("seriesYTop", count, "No.", k+1, "period"+period, "InstID:", sei.InstID, "score:", v.Score)
// }
// 拉扯极限报告
// }
// if k == count+1 {
// if !isProduction {
// fmt.Println("seriesYTop end -------" + "period" + period + "-------------------------------------")
// fmt.Println("seriesYLast start -------" + "period" + period + "-------------------------------------")
// }
// }
// if k > len(list)-count-1 {
// if !isProduction {
// fmt.Println("seriesYLast", count, "No.", k+1, "period"+period, "InstID:", sei.InstID, "score:", v.Score)
// }
// }
bj, _ := json.Marshal(seiScrList)
reqBody := bytes.NewBuffer(bj)
cr.Env = os.Getenv("GO_ENV")
cr.FluentBitUrl = os.Getenv("SARDINE_FluentBitUrl")
fullUrl := "http://" + cr.FluentBitUrl + "/seriesY." + period
res, err := http.Post(fullUrl, "application/json", reqBody)
fmt.Println("requested, response:", fullUrl, reqBody, res)
if err != nil {
if !isProduction {
fmt.Println("seriesYLast count:", count, "period:", period, "sort end")
func (sei *SeriesInfo) Process(cr *Core) {
curSe, err := cr.GetPixelSeries(sei.InstID, sei.Period)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn("GetPixelSeries: ", err)
// TODO 金拱门
// list := cr.GetMyCcyBalanceName()
go func(se Series) {
threeSeg := [][]int{[]int{0, 19}, []int{19, 22}, []int{22, 23}}
ma7Seg := se.MakeSegment(cr, 0, 23, threeSeg, "ma7")
go func() {
cr.SegmentItemChan <- ma7Seg
ma30Seg := se.MakeSegment(cr, 0, 23, threeSeg, "ma30")
go func() {
cr.SegmentItemChan <- ma30Seg
cli := cr.RedisLocalCli
go func(se Series) {
// 拉扯极限报告
willReport := os.Getenv("SARDINE_SERIESTOREPORT") == "true"
logrus.Info("willReport:", willReport)
// fmt.Println("willReport:", willReport)
if !willReport {
err = curSe.AddToYSorted(cr)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn("sei addToYSorted err: ", err)
// 所有维度拉扯极限
go func(se Series) {
if se.InstID != "BTC-USDT" {
list, err := cli.ZRevRangeWithScores("series|YValue|sortedSet|period"+se.Period, 0, -1).Result()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("series sorted err", err)
PrintSerieY(cr, list, se.Period, 20)
// TODO 刘海儿检测, 监测金拱门中的刘海儿,预警下跌趋势, 其实有没有金拱门并不重要,刘海儿比金拱门更有说服力
go func(se Series) {
// 如何定义刘海:目前定义如下,3m以上的周期时,当7个或小于7个周期内的时间内发生了一次下坠和一次上升,下坠幅度达到2%以上,并随后的上升中收复了下坠的幅度,那么疑似刘海儿发生。用的周期越少,越强烈,探底和抬升的幅度越大越强烈,所处的维度越高越强烈,比如15m的没有1H的强烈
// 如果发生在BTC身上,那么将影响所有
// se.CheckLiuhai() {
// }
go func(se Series) {
allow := os.Getenv("SARDINE_SERIESINFOTOCHNL") == "true"
if !allow {
time.Sleep(0 * time.Second)
sei := SeriesInfo{
InstID: curSe.InstID,
Period: curSe.Period,
// 拉扯极限相关: 加入seriesY值排行榜, 用于生成拉扯极限
func (srs *Series) AddToYSorted(cr *Core) error {
setName := "series|YValue|sortedSet|period" + srs.Period
srs.CandleSeries.RecursiveBubbleS(srs.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
length := len(srs.CandleSeries.List)
if length != srs.Count {
err := errors.New("AddToYSorted err: 数据量不够")
return err
lastCandlePixel1 := srs.CandleSeries.List[srs.Count-1]
sei := SeriesInfo{
InstID: srs.InstID,
Period: srs.Period,
bj, _ := json.Marshal(sei)
// TODO -200 是个无效的值,如果遇到-200就赋予0值,这个办法不好,后面考虑不用sortedSet,而用自定义对象更好些。
if lastCandlePixel1.Y == -200 {
lastCandlePixel1.Y = 0
z := redis.Z{
Score: float64(lastCandlePixel1.Y),
Member: string(bj),
// TODO ZAdd 有可能由于bug或者key不一样的原因,让列表变长,需要想办法怎么定期请空
if lastCandlePixel1.Score != 0 {
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZAdd(setName, z).Result()
return nil
// 垂直极限排名有一定片面性。暂时先不开放。垂直极限推荐最高的,可能是个不太容易📈上来的股票,甚至垃圾股,而且过一会儿可能跌的更多,所以就算使用这个功能,也仅供参考,
func (vir *VerticalReportItem) AddToVeriticalLimitSorted(cr *Core, srs *Series, period2 string) error {
// redis key: verticalReportItem|BTC-USDT|4H-15m|ts:1643002300000
// sortedSet: verticalLimit|2D-4H|rank|sortedSet
setName := "verticalLimit|" + srs.Period + "-" + period2 + "|rank|sortedSet"
tms := strconv.FormatInt(srs.LastUpdateTime, 10)
keyName := "verticalLimit|" + srs.InstID + "|" + srs.Period + "-" + period2 + "|ts:" + tms
z := redis.Z{
Score: float64(srs.LastUpdateTime),
Member: keyName,
if vir.Rank != -1 && vir.Rank != 0 {
extt := 48 * time.Hour
ot := time.Now().Add(extt * -1)
oti := ot.UnixMilli()
count, _ := cr.RedisLocalCli.ZRemRangeByScore(setName, "0", strconv.FormatInt(oti, 10)).Result()
if count > 0 {
logrus.Warning("移出过期的引用数量:", setName, count, "ZRemRangeByScore ", setName, 0, strconv.FormatInt(oti, 10))
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZAdd(setName, z).Result()
bj, _ := json.Marshal(vir)
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName, bj, 48*time.Hour).Result()
return nil
func (vri *VerticalReportItem) Report(cr *Core) error {
dd := DingdingMsg{
Topic: "垂直极限触发",
RobotName: "pengpeng",
AtAll: true,
Ctype: "markdown",
Content: "",
ary1 := []string{}
str := "``币名: ``" + vri.InstID + "\n"
str1 := fmt.Sprintln("``基础维度:``", vri.Period)
str2 := fmt.Sprintln("``剪切维度:``", vri.SecondPeriod)
str21 := fmt.Sprintln("``观察周期:``", vri.Interval)
str3 := fmt.Sprintln("``平均仰角:``", vri.VerticalElevation)
str4 := fmt.Sprintln("``剪切力:``", vri.ShearForce)
str5 := fmt.Sprintln("``Rank:``", vri.Rank)
score := vri.TrigerValue
str6 := fmt.Sprintln("``触发买入价位:``", score)
str7 := fmt.Sprintln("``建议止盈价位:``", vri.AdvUpSellPrice)
str8 := fmt.Sprintln("``建议止损价位:``", vri.AdvDownSellPrice)
str9 := "----------------------\n"
ary1 = append(ary1, str, str1, str2, str21, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9)
dd.AddItemListGrp("垂直极限", 2, ary1)
ary2 := []string{}
tm := time.Now().Format("01-02:15:04")
rtime := fmt.Sprintln("``报告时间:``", tm)
ctype := fmt.Sprintln("``类型:``", "极限触发,已弃用")
from := "来自: " + os.Getenv("HOSTNAME")
ary2 = append(ary2, rtime, ctype, from)
dd.AddItemListGrp("", 2, ary2)
dd.PostToRobot("pengpeng", cr)
return nil
func (vri *VerticalReportItem) Show(cr *Core) error {
ary1 := []string{}
str := "``币名: ``" + vri.InstID + "\n"
str1 := fmt.Sprintln("``基础维度:``", vri.Period)
str2 := fmt.Sprintln("``剪切维度:``", vri.SecondPeriod)
str21 := fmt.Sprintln("``观察周期:``", vri.Interval)
str3 := fmt.Sprintln("``平均仰角:``", vri.VerticalElevation)
str4 := fmt.Sprintln("``剪切力:``", vri.ShearForce)
str5 := fmt.Sprintln("``Rank:``", vri.Rank)
score := vri.TrigerValue
str6 := fmt.Sprintln("``触发买入价位:``", score)
str7 := fmt.Sprintln("``建议止盈价位:``", vri.AdvUpSellPrice)
str8 := fmt.Sprintln("``建议止损价位:``", vri.AdvDownSellPrice)
str9 := "----------------------\n"
ary1 = append(ary1, str, str1, str2, str21, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9)
for _, v := range ary1 {
fmt.Println("verticalReportItem: ", v)
return nil
// TODO 求某个PixelList里两个点之间的仰角,从ridx开始,往lidx的元素画一条直线,的仰角
func (srs *Series) GetElevation(cr *Core, ctype string, lIdx int, rIdx int) (float64, error) {
yj := float64(0)
switch ctype {
case "candle":
yj = (srs.CandleSeries.List[rIdx].Y - srs.CandleSeries.List[lIdx].Y) / float64(rIdx-lIdx)
case "ma7":
yj = (srs.Ma7Series.List[rIdx].Y - srs.Ma7Series.List[lIdx].Y) / float64(rIdx-lIdx)
case "ma30":
yj = (srs.Ma30Series.List[rIdx].Y - srs.Ma30Series.List[lIdx].Y) / float64(rIdx-lIdx)
return yj, nil
// TODO 求极值,在某个线段上。一个最大值,一个最小值
func (srs *Series) GetExtremum(cr *Core, lIdx int, rIdx int, ctype string) (*Extremum, error) {
ext := Extremum{
Max: &Pixel{},
Min: &Pixel{},
switch ctype {
case "candle":
done := false
for k, v := range srs.CandleSeries.List {
if k < lIdx {
if v.X == 0 && v.Y == 0 {
if k > rIdx {
if !done {
ext.Max = srs.CandleSeries.List[k]
ext.Min = srs.CandleSeries.List[k]
done = true
if v.Y > ext.Max.Y {
ext.Max = v
if v.Y < ext.Min.Y {
ext.Min = v
// ext = nil
case "ma7":
done := false
for k, v := range srs.Ma7Series.List {
if k < lIdx {
if v.X == 0 && v.Y == 0 {
if k > rIdx {
if !done {
ext.Max = srs.Ma7Series.List[k]
ext.Min = srs.Ma7Series.List[k]
done = true
if v.Y > ext.Max.Y {
ext.Max = v
if v.Y < ext.Min.Y {
ext.Min = v
// ext = nil
case "ma30":
done := false
for k, v := range srs.Ma30Series.List {
if k < lIdx {
if v.X == 0 && v.Y == 0 {
if k > rIdx {
if !done {
ext.Max = srs.Ma30Series.List[k]
ext.Min = srs.Ma30Series.List[k]
done = true
if v.Y > ext.Max.Y {
ext.Max = v
if v.Y < ext.Min.Y {
ext.Min = v
// ext = nil
return &ext, nil
// TODO 获取垂直极限列表
// 筛选条件:
// 1. 极大值未发生在最后周期的,排除
// 2. n周期内,有仰角小于0的,排除
// 注意: 仰角极值未必发生在最后一个周期
// 对剩下的币种结果,计算:
// 1. n周期平均仰角: s
// 2. 最后周期仰角: p
// 筛选出最后仰角高于n周期平均仰角的币列表,
// 以最后仰角为结果,得到一个值 p
// 对此列表集合,得到每个的15分钟维度拉扯极限,每个计算后得到一个结果 f,
// f值权重更高,p值权重降一个量级,求出分值用于排名,
// rank = 2 * (lcjx * -1) * (1 + avgElevation) * (1 + lastElevation) * (1 + lastElevation)
// 存储在sortedSet里,命名:
// verticalLimit|15m~4H|rank|sortedSet
// return rank, err
func (vir *VerticalReportItem) MakeVerticalLimit(cr *Core, srs *Series, startIdx int, endIdx int, period2 string) (err error) {
count := len(srs.CandleSeries.List) - 1
lastMa30Pixel := srs.Ma30Series.List[count]
// func (srs *Series) GetExtremum(cr *Core, lIdx int, rIdx int, ctype string) (*Extremum, error) {
ext, err := srs.GetExtremum(cr, startIdx, endIdx, "ma30")
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(GetFuncName(), ":", err)
if ext.Max.Score < 1.05*lastMa30Pixel.Score {
lbj, _ := json.Marshal(lastMa30Pixel)
lext, _ := json.Marshal(ext)
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintln("当前pixel不是极值", " lastMa30Pixel: ", string(lbj), " ext: ", string(lext)))
return err
} else {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintln("当前pixel满足极值", lastMa30Pixel))
yj, err := srs.GetElevation(cr, "ma30", startIdx, endIdx)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(GetFuncName(), ":", err)
vir.VerticalElevation = yj
lcjx, _ := LacheJixian(cr, srs, period2)
vir.ShearForce = lcjx
vir.TrigerValue = srs.CandleSeries.List[len(srs.CandleSeries.List)-1].Score
vir.AdvUpSellPrice = vir.TrigerValue * 1.04
vir.AdvDownSellPrice = vir.TrigerValue * 0.98
// 计算rank的公式如下
// rank := 2 * (lcjx * -1) * (1 + avgElevation) * (1 + lastElevation) * (1 + lastElevation)
// vir.Rank = rank
return nil
// 计算剪切力
func LacheJixian(cr *Core, srs *Series, period string) (float64, error) {
curSe, _ := cr.GetPixelSeries(srs.InstID, period)
return curSe.CandleSeries.List[len(srs.CandleSeries.List)-1].Y, nil
// type SegmentItem struct {
// InstID string
// Period string
// ReportTime int64
// lastUpdate int64
// Interval int
// Direct string // up, down
// VerticalElevation float64
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
package analysis
import (
logrus ""
type ShearItem struct {
ShearForce float64 // ma30-candle剪切力
VerticalElevation float64 // 仰角, Interval范围内线段的仰角
Ratio float64 // 剪切力除以仰角的比值
Score float64 // 当前LastCandleY点本值
PolarQuadrant string // shangxian,manyue,xiaxian,xinyue, 分别对应圆周的四个阶段。
LastUpdate int64
LastUpdateTime string
type ShearForceGrp struct {
InstID string
LastUpdate int64
LastUpdateTime string
Ma30PeriodGroup map[string]ShearItem
Ma7PeriodGroup map[string]ShearItem
From string
// TODO 弃用
// func (seg *SegmentItem) MakeShearForceGrp(cr *Core) (*ShearForceGrp, error) {
// shg := ShearForceGrp{
// InstID: seg.InstID,
// Ma30PeriodGroup: map[string]ShearItem{},
// Ma7PeriodGroup: map[string]ShearItem{},
// }
// err := shg.ForceUpdate(cr)
// sf1 := float64(0)
// sf1 = seg.LastCandle.Y - seg.LastMa7.Y
// she := ShearItem{
// LastUpdate: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
// VerticalElevation: seg.SubItemList[2].VerticalElevation,
// Ratio: seg.LastCandle.Y / seg.SubItemList[2].VerticalElevation,
// Score: seg.LastCandle.Score,
// PolarQuadrant: seg.PolarQuadrant,
// }
// if seg.Ctype == "ma7" {
// she.ShearForce = seg.LastCandle.Y
// shg.Ma7PeriodGroup[seg.Period] = she
// }
// if seg.Ctype == "ma30" {
// she.ShearForce = sf1
// shg.Ma30PeriodGroup[seg.Period] = she
// }
// return &shg, err
// }
// TODO 弃用
// func (shg *ShearForceGrp) ForceUpdate(cr *Core) error {
// ctype := "ma7"
// hmName := shg.InstID + "|" + ctype + "|shearForceGrp"
// res, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.HGetAll(hmName).Result()
// for k, v := range res {
// si := ShearItem{}
// json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &si)
// shg.Ma7PeriodGroup[k] = si
// }
// ctype = "ma30"
// hmName = shg.InstID + "|" + ctype + "|shearForceGrp"
// res, err = cr.RedisLocalCli.HGetAll(hmName).Result()
// for k, v := range res {
// si := ShearItem{}
// json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &si)
// shg.Ma30PeriodGroup[k] = si
// }
// shg.SetToKey(cr)
// return err
// }
func (she *ShearForceGrp) Show(cr *Core) error {
js, err := json.Marshal(she)
logrus.Info(GetFuncName(), ": ", string(js))
return err
// TODO 需要重构: 已经重构
// 对象数据库落盘
func (she *ShearForceGrp) SetToKey(cr *Core) error {
keyName := she.InstID + "|shearForce"
she.From = os.Getenv("HOSTNAME")
she.LastUpdateTime = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
js, err := json.Marshal(she)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), " err: ", err)
} else {
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName, string(js), 0).Result()
cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(keyName, string(js), 0).Result()
return err
func (she *ShearForceGrp) maXPrd(cr *Core, ctype string) {
// 先把对象克隆,防止在处理的过程中对象发生变更
she2 := *she
she3 := &she2
// 查了一下,json marshal 有线程安全问题,需要用户自己加锁,先不用了
// bj, _ := json.Marshal(she3)
// bytes := []byte(bj)
// var she4 ShearForceGrp
// json.Unmarshal(bytes, she4)
// 先声明map
var grp map[string]ShearItem
// 再使用make函数创建一个非nil的map,nil map不能赋值
grp = make(map[string]ShearItem)
if ctype == "ma7" {
//fmt.Println("len of ma7 she.Ma7PeriodGroup: ", len(she3.Ma7PeriodGroup))
bj, err := json.Marshal(she3.Ma7PeriodGroup)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), " err:", err)
json.Unmarshal(bj, &grp)
//fmt.Println("len of ma30 she.Ma7PeriodGroup: ", len(she3.Ma7PeriodGroup))
} else if ctype == "ma30" {
bj, err := json.Marshal(she3.Ma30PeriodGroup)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic(GetFuncName(), " err: ", err)
json.Unmarshal(bj, &grp)
for period, shearItem := range grp {
setName := "shearForce|ratio|" + ctype + "|" + period + "|sortedSet"
// TODO:这个key用于判定当前instID|maX|period|的ratio排名是否已经过期
timelinessKey := "shearForce|ratio|" + she.InstID + "|" + ctype + "|" + period + "|lastUpdate"
sei := SeriesInfo{
InstID: she3.InstID,
Period: period,
// 阈值先暂且设置为 -100
threahold := float64(SHEARFORCE_VERTICAL_RATE)
bj, _ := json.Marshal(sei)
z := redis.Z{
Score: float64(shearItem.Ratio),
Member: string(bj),
if shearItem.Ratio < -1*threahold {
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZAdd(setName, z).Result()
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(timelinessKey, shearItem.LastUpdate, 3*time.Minute)
} else if shearItem.Ratio > threahold {
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZAdd(setName, z).Result()
cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(timelinessKey, shearItem.LastUpdate, 3*time.Minute)
} else {
cr.RedisLocalCli.ZRem(setName, string(bj)).Result()
// 把所有引用调用都改成传值调用,试试,看能不能解决那个陈年bug
func (she *ShearForceGrp) AddToRatioSorted(cr *Core) error {
she.maXPrd(cr, "ma7")
she.maXPrd(cr, "ma30")
return nil
// TODO 需要重构: 看了一下,不用重构
func (she *ShearForceGrp) MakeSnapShot(cr *Core) error {
nw := time.Now()
tm := nw.UnixMilli()
tm = tm - tm%60000
tms := strconv.FormatInt(tm, 10)
js, err := json.Marshal(she)
keyName1 := fmt.Sprint(she.InstID + "|shearForce|snapShot|ts:" + tms)
keyName2 := fmt.Sprint(she.InstID + "|shearForce|snapShot|last")
_, err = cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName1, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
_, err = cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(keyName2, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
_, err = cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(keyName1, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
_, err = cr.RedisLocal2Cli.Set(keyName2, string(js), time.Duration(24)*time.Hour).Result()
writeLog := os.Getenv("SARDINE_WRITELOG") == "true"
if !writeLog {
return err
wg := WriteLog{
Content: js,
Tag: she.InstID + ".shearForce",
go func() {
cr.WriteLogChan <- &wg
return nil
func (sheGrp *ShearForceGrp) Refresh(cr *Core) error {
segments := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("softCandleSegmentList").MustArray()
ma7Grp := map[string]ShearItem{}
ma30Grp := map[string]ShearItem{}
for _, v := range segments {
cs := CandleSegment{}
sv, _ := json.Marshal(v)
json.Unmarshal(sv, &cs)
shi30, err := MakeShearItem(cr, sheGrp.InstID, cs.Seg, "ma30")
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(GetFuncName(), err)
} else {
ma30Grp[cs.Seg] = *shi30
shi7, err := MakeShearItem(cr, sheGrp.InstID, cs.Seg, "ma7")
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn(GetFuncName(), err)
} else {
ma7Grp[cs.Seg] = *shi7
sheGrp.Ma7PeriodGroup = ma7Grp
sheGrp.Ma30PeriodGroup = ma30Grp
return nil
func MakeShearItem(cr *Core, instId string, period string, ctype string) (*ShearItem, error) {
shi := ShearItem{}
keyn := instId + "|" + period + "|" + ctype + "|shearItem"
res, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.Get(keyn).Result()
if err != nil && len(res) == 0 {
return &shi, err
json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &shi)
return &shi, err
func (sheGrp *ShearForceGrp) Process(cr *Core) error {
go func() {
// 传递过来的shg对象是空的,需要从segmentItem对象创建的shearItem对象组合中来重建
err := sheGrp.SetToKey(cr)
if err != nil {
logrus.Panic("srs SetToKey err: ", err)
// sheGrp.MakeSnapShot(cr)
// 下一个阶段计算
allow := os.Getenv("SARDINE_MAKEANALYTICS") == "true"
if !allow {
periodList := []string{}
for k := range sheGrp.Ma30PeriodGroup {
periodList = append(periodList, k)
go func() {
go func() {
// 另一个携程中,Analytics对象要读这里snapShot,我希望它读到的是老的而不是新的,所以等待2秒钟
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
return nil
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package config
import (
// "fmt"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package config
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import (
// "math/rand"
@ -15,8 +13,6 @@ import (
// simple ""
// "v5sdk_go/ws/wImpl"
@ -41,13 +37,13 @@ type Core struct {
StockRsiProcessChan chan *StockRsi
TickerInforocessChan chan *TickerInfo
CoasterChan chan *CoasterInfo
// SeriesChan chan *SeriesInfo
// SegmentItemChan chan *SegmentItem
MakeMaXsChan chan *Candle
// ShearForceGrpChan chan *ShearForceGrp
InvokeRestQueueChan chan *RestQueue
RedisLocal2Cli *redis.Client
RestQueueChan chan *RestQueue
SeriesChan chan *SeriesInfo // to be init
SegmentItemChan chan *SegmentItem // to be init
MakeMaXsChan chan *Candle
ShearForceGrpChan chan *ShearForceGrp // to be init
InvokeRestQueueChan chan *RestQueue
RedisLocal2Cli *redis.Client
RestQueueChan chan *RestQueue
WriteLogChan chan *WriteLog
@ -871,3 +867,43 @@ func (cr *Core) GetCoasterFromPlate(instID string, period string) (Coaster, erro
return co, nil
func (core *Core) GetPixelSeries(instId string, period string) (Series, error) {
srs := Series{}
srName := instId + "|" + period + "|series"
cli := core.RedisLocalCli
srsStr, err := cli.Get(srName).Result()
if err != nil {
return *new(Series), err
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(srsStr), &srs)
if err != nil {
return *new(Series), err
logrus.Info("sei:", srsStr)
err = srs.CandleSeries.RecursiveBubbleS(srs.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
if err != nil {
return *new(Series), err
// err = srs.CandleSeries.RecursiveBubbleX(srs.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
err = srs.Ma7Series.RecursiveBubbleS(srs.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
if err != nil {
return *new(Series), err
// err = srs.Ma7Series.RecursiveBubbleX(srs.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
err = srs.Ma30Series.RecursiveBubbleS(srs.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
if err != nil {
return *new(Series), err
// err = srs.Ma30Series.RecursiveBubbleX(srs.CandleSeries.Count, "asc")
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
return srs, nil
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package logger
import (
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
// ""
logrus ""
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ type WriteLog struct {
Id string
func (wg *WriteLog) Process(cr *Core) error {
func (wg *WriteLog) Process(cr *core.Core) error {
go func() {
reqBody := bytes.NewBuffer(wg.Content)
cr.Env = os.Getenv("GO_ENV")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package market
import (
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import (
"" // 新增
type TickerInfo struct {
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ type TickerInfoResp struct {
func (tir *TickerInfoResp) Convert() TickerInfo {
ti := TickerInfo{
Id: HashString(tir.InstID + tir.Ts),
Id: utils.HashString(tir.InstID + tir.Ts),
InstID: tir.InstID,
InstType: tir.InstType,
Last: ToFloat64(tir.Last),
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package model
import (
@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ import (
simple ""
logrus ""
"" // 新增
type Candle struct {
Id string `json:"_id"`
core *Core
core *core.Core
InstID string `json:"instID"`
Period string `json:"period"`
Data []interface{}
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ type Candle struct {
Confirm bool `json:"confirm"`
type Sample interface {
SetToKey(cr *Core) ([]interface{}, error)
SetToKey(cr *core.Core) ([]interface{}, error)
type SampleList interface {
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ type MatchCheck struct {
Matched bool
func (cd *Candle) Filter(cr *Core) bool {
func (cd *Candle) Filter(cr *core.Core) bool {
myFocusList := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("focusList").MustArray()
founded := false
for _, v := range myFocusList {
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ func (mc *MatchCheck) SetMatched(value bool) {
mc.Matched = value
func (core *Core) GetCandlesWithRest(instId string, kidx int, dura time.Duration, maxCandles int) error {
func (core *core.Core) GetCandlesWithRest(instId string, kidx int, dura time.Duration, maxCandles int) error {
ary := []string{}
wsary := core.Cfg.CandleDimentions
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ func IsModOf(curInt int64, duration time.Duration) bool {
return false
func (core *Core) SaveCandle(instId string, period string, rsp *CandleData, dura time.Duration, withWs bool) {
func (core *core.Core) SaveCandle(instId string, period string, rsp *CandleData, dura time.Duration, withWs bool) {
leng := len(rsp.Data)
// fmt.Println("saveCandle leng: ", leng, " instId: ", instId, " period: ", period)
logrus.Info("saveCandles leng: ", leng, " instId: ", instId, " period: ", period, " length of rsp.Data: ", len(rsp.Data))
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ func (core *Core) SaveCandle(instId string, period string, rsp *CandleData, dura
func (candle *Candle) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *Core) error {
func (candle *Candle) PushToWriteLogChan(cr *core.Core) error {
did := candle.InstID + candle.Period + candle.Data[0].(string)
candle.Id = HashString(did)
cl, _ := candle.ToStruct(cr)
@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ func HashString(input string) string {
return hashHex[:23]
func (cl *Candle) ToStruct(core *Core) (*Candle, error) {
func (cl *Candle) ToStruct(core *core.Core) (*Candle, error) {
// cl.Timestamp
// 将字符串转换为 int64 类型的时间戳
ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(cl.Data[0].(string), 10, 64)
@ -340,7 +341,7 @@ func (cl *Candle) ToStruct(core *Core) (*Candle, error) {
// 保证同一个 period, keyName ,在一个周期里,SaveToSortSet只会被执行一次
func (core *Core) SaveUniKey(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duration, tsi int64) {
func (core *core.Core) SaveUniKey(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duration, tsi int64) {
refName := keyName + "|refer"
// refRes, _ := core.RedisLocalCli.GetSet(refName, 1).Result()
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ func (core *Core) SaveUniKey(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duration,
core.SaveToSortSet(period, keyName, extt, tsi)
func (core *Core) findInSortSet(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duration, tsi int64) (bool, error) {
func (core *core.Core) findInSortSet(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duration, tsi int64) (bool, error) {
founded := false
ary := strings.Split(keyName, "ts:")
setName := ary[0] + "sortedSet"
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ func (core *Core) findInSortSet(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duratio
// tsi: 上报时间timeStamp millinSecond
func (core *Core) SaveToSortSet(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duration, tsi int64) {
func (core *core.Core) SaveToSortSet(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duration, tsi int64) {
ary := strings.Split(keyName, "ts:")
setName := ary[0] + "sortedSet"
z := redis.Z{
@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ func (core *Core) SaveToSortSet(period string, keyName string, extt time.Duratio
// 根据周期的文本内容,返回这代表多少个分钟
func (cr *Core) PeriodToMinutes(period string) (int64, error) {
func (cr *core.Core) PeriodToMinutes(period string) (int64, error) {
ary := strings.Split(period, "")
beiStr := "1"
danwei := ""
@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ func (cr *Core) PeriodToMinutes(period string) (int64, error) {
// process func(cmd Cmder) error
// }
func (core *Core) GetRangeKeyList(pattern string, from time.Time) ([]*simple.Json, error) {
func (core *core.Core) GetRangeKeyList(pattern string, from time.Time) ([]*simple.Json, error) {
// 比如,用来计算ma30或ma7,倒推多少时间范围,
redisCli := core.RedisLocalCli
cursor := uint64(0)
@ -513,7 +514,7 @@ func (core *Core) GetRangeKeyList(pattern string, from time.Time) ([]*simple.Jso
return res, nil
func (cl *Candle) SetToKey(core *Core) ([]interface{}, error) {
func (cl *Candle) SetToKey(core *core.Core) ([]interface{}, error) {
data := cl.Data
tsi, err := strconv.ParseInt(data[0].(string), 10, 64)
@ -622,3 +623,61 @@ func (cdl *CandleList) RPush(sp *Candle) (Sample, error) {
return nil, err
// TODO pixel
func (cdl *CandleList) MakePixelList(cr *core.Core, mx *MaX, score float64) (*PixelList, error) {
if mx.Data[2] != float64(30) {
err := errors.New("ma30 原始数据不足30条")
return nil, err
pxl := PixelList{
Count: cdl.Count,
UpdateNickName: cdl.UpdateNickName,
LastUpdateTime: cdl.LastUpdateTime,
List: []*Pixel{},
realLens := len(cdl.List)
cha := cdl.Count - realLens
for i := 0; i < 24; i++ {
pix := Pixel{}
pxl.List = append(pxl.List, &pix)
ma30Val := ToFloat64(mx.Data[1])
for h := cdl.Count - 1; h-cha >= 0; h-- {
// Count 是希望值,比如24,realLens是实际值, 如果希望值和实际值相等,cha就是0
cdLast := cdl.List[h-cha].Data[4]
cdLastf := ToFloat64(cdLast)
cdOpen := cdl.List[h-cha].Data[1]
cdOpenf := ToFloat64(cdOpen)
cdHigh := cdl.List[h-cha].Data[2]
cdHighf := ToFloat64(cdHigh)
cdLow := cdl.List[h-cha].Data[3]
cdLowf := ToFloat64(cdLow)
yCandle := YCandle{
Open: (cdOpenf - ma30Val) / ma30Val / score,
High: (cdHighf - ma30Val) / ma30Val / score,
Low: (cdLowf - ma30Val) / ma30Val / score,
Close: (cdLastf - ma30Val) / ma30Val / score,
tmi := ToInt64(cdl.List[h-cha].Data[0])
pxl.List[h].Y = (cdLastf - ma30Val) / ma30Val / score
pxl.List[h].X = float64(h)
pxl.List[h].YCandle = yCandle
pxl.List[h].Score = cdLastf
pxl.List[h].TimeStamp = tmi
return &pxl, nil
func (cr *core.Core) AddToGeneralSeriesInfoChnl(sr *SeriesInfo) {
redisCli := cr.RedisLocalCli
ab, _ := json.Marshal(sr)
if len(string(ab)) == 0 {
_, err := redisCli.Publish(ALLSERIESINFO_PUBLISH, string(ab)).Result()
if err != nil {
logrus.Debug("err of seriesinfo add to redis2:", err, sr.InstID, sr.Period)
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package core
package model
import (
// "errors"
// "fmt"
logrus ""
// "os"
@ -89,89 +89,90 @@ func (co *Coaster) SetToKey(cr *Core) (string, error) {
return res, err
// func (coi *CoasterInfo) Process(cr *Core) {
// curCo, _ := cr.GetCoasterFromPlate(coi.InstID, coi.Period)
// go func(co Coaster) {
// //这里执行:创建一个tray对象,用现有的co的数据计算和填充其listMap
// // TODO 发到一个channel里来执行下面的任务,
// allow := os.Getenv("SARDINE_MAKESERIES") == "true"
// if !allow {
// return
// }
// srs, err := co.UpdateTray(cr)
// if err != nil || srs == nil {
// logrus.Warn("tray err: ", err)
// return
// }
// _, err = srs.SetToKey(cr)
// if err != nil {
// logrus.Warn("srs SetToKey err: ", err)
// return
// }
// //实例化完一个tray之后,拿着这个tray去执行Analytics方法
// //
// // srsinfo := SeriesInfo{
// // InstID: curCo.InstID,
// // Period: curCo.Period,
// // }
// //
// // cr.SeriesChan <- &srsinfo
// }(curCo)
// go func(co Coaster) {
// // 每3次会有一次触发缓存落盘
// // run := utils.Shaizi(3)
// // if run {
// _, err := co.SetToKey(cr)
// if err != nil {
// logrus.Warn("coaster process err: ", err)
// fmt.Println("coaster SetToKey err: ", err)
// }
// // }
// }(curCo)
// }
func (coi *CoasterInfo) Process(cr *Core) {
curCo, _ := cr.GetCoasterFromPlate(coi.InstID, coi.Period)
go func(co Coaster) {
// TODO 发到一个channel里来执行下面的任务,
allow := os.Getenv("SARDINE_MAKESERIES") == "true"
if !allow {
srs, err := co.UpdateTray(cr)
if err != nil || srs == nil {
logrus.Warn("tray err: ", err)
_, err = srs.SetToKey(cr)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn("srs SetToKey err: ", err)
// srsinfo := SeriesInfo{
// InstID: curCo.InstID,
// Period: curCo.Period,
// }
// cr.SeriesChan <- &srsinfo
go func(co Coaster) {
// 每3次会有一次触发缓存落盘
// run := utils.Shaizi(3)
// if run {
_, err := co.SetToKey(cr)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn("coaster process err: ", err)
fmt.Println("coaster SetToKey err: ", err)
// }
// TODO 类似于InsertIntoPlate函数,照猫画虎就行了
// func (co *Coaster) UpdateTray(cr *Core) (*Series, error) {
// cr.Mu1.Lock()
// defer cr.Mu1.Unlock()
// //尝试从内存读取tray对象
// tr, trayFounded := cr.TrayMap[co.InstID]
// if !trayFounded {
// tr1, err := co.LoadTray(cr)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// cr.TrayMap[co.InstID] = tr1
// tr = tr1
// }
// srs, seriesFounded := tr.SeriesMap["period"+co.Period]
// err := errors.New("")
// if !seriesFounded {
// srs1, err := tr.NewSeries(cr, co.Period)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// tr.SeriesMap["period"+co.Period] = srs1
// } else {
// err = srs.Refresh(cr)
// }
// // if err == nil {
// // bj, _ := json.Marshal(srs)
// // logrus.Debug("series:,string"(bj))
// // }
// return srs, err
// }
func (co *Coaster) UpdateTray(cr *Core) (*Series, error) {
defer cr.Mu1.Unlock()
tr, trayFounded := cr.TrayMap[co.InstID]
if !trayFounded {
tr1, err := co.LoadTray(cr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cr.TrayMap[co.InstID] = tr1
tr = tr1
srs, seriesFounded := tr.SeriesMap["period"+co.Period]
err := errors.New("")
if !seriesFounded {
srs1, err := tr.NewSeries(cr, co.Period)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr.SeriesMap["period"+co.Period] = srs1
} else {
err = srs.Refresh(cr)
// if err == nil {
// bj, _ := json.Marshal(srs)
// logrus.Debug("series:,string"(bj))
// }
return srs, err
// func (co *Coaster) LoadTray(cr *Core) (*Tray, error) {
// tray := Tray{}
// tray.Init(co.InstID)
// prs := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("candleDimentions").MustArray()
// for _, v := range prs {
// tray.NewSeries(cr, v.(string))
// }
// return &tray, nil
// }
func (co *Coaster) LoadTray(cr *Core) (*Tray, error) {
tray := Tray{}
prs := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("candleDimentions").MustArray()
for _, v := range prs {
tray.NewSeries(cr, v.(string))
return &tray, nil
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package model
import (
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
package core
package model
import (
type Tray struct {
InstID string `json:"instId,string"`
Period string `json:"period,string"`
Count int `json:"count,number"`
Scale float64 `json:"scale,number"`
LastUpdateTime int64 `json:"lastUpdateTime,number"`
// SeriesMap map[string]*Series `json:"seriesMap"`
InstID string `json:"instId,string"`
Period string `json:"period,string"`
Count int `json:"count,number"`
Scale float64 `json:"scale,number"`
LastUpdateTime int64 `json:"lastUpdateTime,number"`
SeriesMap map[string]*Series `json:"seriesMap"`
type PixelSeries struct {
Count int64 `json:"count"`
Section int64 `json:"section"`
List []*Pixel `json:"list"`
List []*analysis/Pixel `json:"list"`
func (tr *Tray) Init(instId string) {
@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ func (tr *Tray) Analytics(cr *Core) {
// TODO 实例化一个series
// func (tr *Tray) NewSeries(cr *Core, period string) (*Series, error) {
// sr := Series{
// InstID: tr.InstID,
// Period: period,
// Count: tr.Count,
// Scale: tr.Scale,
// CandleSeries: &PixelList{},
// Ma7Series: &PixelList{},
// Ma30Series: &PixelList{},
// }
// // 自我更新
// err := sr.Refresh(cr)
// tr.SeriesMap["period"+period] = &sr
// return &sr, err
// }
func (tr *Tray) NewSeries(cr *Core, period string) (*Series, error) {
sr := Series{
InstID: tr.InstID,
Period: period,
Count: tr.Count,
Scale: tr.Scale,
CandleSeries: &PixelList{},
Ma7Series: &PixelList{},
Ma30Series: &PixelList{},
// 自我更新
err := sr.Refresh(cr)
tr.SeriesMap["period"+period] = &sr
return &sr, err
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
package notify
import (
logrus ""
const DingdingMsgType_Markdown = "markdown"
type DingdingMsg struct {
RobotName string
Topic string
Ctype string
Content string
AtAll bool
UniqueCode string
func (dd *DingdingMsg) AddItemListGrp(title string, level int, list []string) error {
pre := ""
if level < 1 {
err := errors.New("level is not allow " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(level), 10))
return err
for i := level; i > 0; i-- {
pre = pre + "#"
title = pre + " " + title
dd.Content += "\n"
dd.Content += title
dd.Content += "\n"
for _, v := range list {
dd.Content += v
dd.Content += "\n"
return nil
func MakeSign(baseUrl string, secure string, token string, tm time.Time) string {
tsi := tm.UnixMilli()
tsi = tsi - tsi%60000
tss := strconv.FormatInt(tsi, 10)
sign := tss + "\n" + secure
sign = ComputeHmac256(secure, sign)
sign = url.QueryEscape(sign)
url := baseUrl + "?access_token=" + token + "×tamp=" + tss + "&sign=" + sign
return url
func (dd *DingdingMsg) MakeContent() []byte {
ctn := map[string]interface{}{}
ctn["msgtype"] = dd.Ctype
if dd.Ctype == DingdingMsgType_Markdown {
md := map[string]interface{}{}
md["title"] = dd.Topic
md["text"] = dd.Content
md["isAtAll"] = dd.AtAll
ctn[DingdingMsgType_Markdown] = md
btn, _ := json.Marshal(ctn)
return btn
func ComputeHmac256(secret string, message string) string {
h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(secret))
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
func PostHeader(url string, msg []byte, headers map[string]string) (string, error) {
client := &http.Client{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(string(msg)))
if err != nil {
return "", err
for key, header := range headers {
req.Header.Set(key, header)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warn("postHeader err: ", err)
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(body), nil
func (dd *DingdingMsg) PostToRobot(rbt string, cr *Core) (string, error) {
baseUrl, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("dingding").Get("baseUrl").String()
secret, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("dingding").Get("robots").Get(rbt).Get("secret").String()
token, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("dingding").Get("robots").Get(rbt).Get("accessToken").String()
cli := cr.RedisLocalCli
if len(dd.UniqueCode) > 0 {
unique := "ddPostUnique|" + dd.UniqueCode
exists, _ := cli.Exists(unique).Result()
if exists == 1 {
err := errors.New("20分钟内已经投递过了,不再重复")
return "", err
cli.Set(unique, 1, 20*time.Minute).Result()
nw := time.Now()
url := MakeSign(baseUrl, secret, token, nw)
ctn := dd.MakeContent()
headers := make(map[string]string)
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=utf-8"
res, err := PostHeader(url, ctn, headers)
logrus.Warn("postToRobot res:", res, string(ctn))
return res, err
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package core
package utils
import (
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cd /home/ubuntu/data/go/ &&
mkdir -p models utils config notify analysis market log &&
mv candle.go coaster.go plate.go tray.go models/ &&
mv util.go utils/ &&
mv config.go const.go config/ &&
mv dingding.go notify/ &&
mv maX.go rsi.go segmentItem.go series.go shearGorceGrp.go analysis/ &&
mv ticker.go market/ &&
mv writeLog.go log/
Reference in New Issue
Block a user