zhangkun9038@dingtalk.com cd998f0a26 CheckSortedSet
2025-01-13 20:36:40 +08:00

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package main
import (
// "fmt"
// "v5sdk_go/ws"
// "v5sdk_go/ws/wImpl"
simple "github.com/bitly/go-simplejson"
// "github.com/go-redis/redis"
// "github.com/phyer/texus/private"
func init() {
// 通过rest接口获取所有ticker信息存入redis的stream和成交量排行榜
func RestTicker(cr *core.Core, dura time.Duration) {
rsp := rest.RESTAPIResult{}
js := simple.Json{}
itemList := []interface{}{}
// logrus.Info("getAllTickerInfo err: ")
rsp1, err := GetAllTickerInfo(cr)
rsp = *rsp1
js1, err := simple.NewJson([]byte(rsp.Body))
js = *js1
if err != nil {
logrus.Error("restTicker err: ", err)
if len(rsp.Body) == 0 {
logrus.Error("rsp body is null")
itemList = js.Get("data").MustArray()
// logrus.Info("itemList length:", len(itemList))
// 关注多少个币,在这里设置, 只需要5个币
allTicker := cr.GetScoreList(-1)
redisCli := cr.RedisLocalCli
// 全部币种列表跟特定币种列表进行比对匹配后push到redis
for _, v := range itemList {
tir := core.TickerInfoResp{}
bs, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
logrus.Error("restTicker marshal err: ", err)
err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &tir)
if err != nil {
logrus.Error("restTicker unmarshal err: ", err)
ti := tir.Convert()
isUsdt := strings.Contains(ti.InstID, "-USDT")
if !isUsdt {
if ti.InstType != "SPOT" {
ab, _ := json.Marshal(ti)
suffix := ""
env := os.Getenv("GO_ENV")
if env == "demoEnv" {
suffix = "-demoEnv"
for _, v := range allTicker {
if v == ti.InstID {
wg := core.WriteLog{
Content: ab,
Tag: "sardine.log.ticker." + tir.InstID,
Id: ti.Id,
cr.WriteLogChan <- &wg
redisCli.Publish(core.TICKERINFO_PUBLISH+suffix, string(ab)).Result()
func LoopRestTicker(cr *core.Core) {
per1 := 1 * time.Minute
RestTicker(cr, per1)
limiter := time.Tick(per1)
for {
go func() {
RestTicker(cr, per1)
// CheckSortedSet 遍历redis下所有以"candle"开头,"|sortedSet"结尾的key检查其内容是否达到300条记录且连续
// 如果不满足判定出缺少的时间段构造出一个core.RestQueue对象序列化后推到redis的restQueue队列中
func CheckSortedSet(cr *core.Core) {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
keys, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.Keys("candle*|sortedSet").Result()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("获取Redis键失败: %v", err)
for _, key := range keys {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
period, instId := extractInfo(key)
if period == "" || instId == "" {
logrus.Warnf("无法从键 %s 中提取周期信息或instId", key)
// 使用 ZRangeWithScores 获取成员和分数
members, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.ZRangeWithScores(key, 0, -1).Result()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("获取SortedSet %s 的成员失败: %v", key, err)
if len(members) < 300 || !isConsecutive(members, period) {
missingTimes := findMissingPeriods(members, period)
if len(missingTimes) > 0 {
restQueue := &core.RestQueue{
InstId: instId,
Bar: period,
After: missingTimes[0].UnixMilli(),
Limit: strconv.Itoa(len(missingTimes)),
WithWs: false,
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(restQueue)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("序列化RestQueue失败: %v", err)
err = cr.RedisLocalCli.RPush("restQueue", jsonData).Err()
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("推送到restQueue失败: %v", err)
// extractInfo 从键名中提取周期信息和instId
func extractInfo(key string) (period string, instId string) {
parts := strings.Split(key, "|")
if len(parts) != 3 {
return "", ""
periodPart := strings.TrimPrefix(parts[0], "candle")
return periodPart, parts[1]
// isConsecutive 检查记录是否连续
func isConsecutive(members []redis.Z, period string) bool {
if len(members) < 2 {
return true
duration := parseDuration(period)
for i := 1; i < len(members); i++ {
prev := int64(members[i-1].Score)
curr := int64(members[i].Score)
if curr-prev != int64(duration.Milliseconds()) {
return false
return true
// findMissingPeriods 找出第一个缺失的时间段,返回连续缺失的时间戳
func findMissingPeriods(members []redis.Z, period string) []time.Time {
if len(members) < 2 {
return nil
duration := parseDuration(period)
var missingTimes []time.Time
for i := 1; i < len(members); i++ {
prev := int64(members[i-1].Score)
curr := int64(members[i].Score)
expected := prev + duration.Milliseconds()
if expected < curr {
for t := expected; t < curr; t += duration.Milliseconds() {
missingTimes = append(missingTimes, time.UnixMilli(t))
break // 只处理第一个缺失段
return missingTimes
// parseDuration 解析周期字符串为time.Duration
func parseDuration(period string) time.Duration {
unit := period[len(period)-1:]
value, _ := strconv.Atoi(period[:len(period)-1])
switch unit {
case "m":
return time.Duration(value) * time.Minute
case "H":
return time.Duration(value) * time.Hour
case "D":
return time.Duration(value) * 24 * time.Hour
return 0
// 统一受理发起rest请求的请求
func LoopSaveCandle(cr *core.Core) {
for {
ary, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.BRPop(0, "restQueue").Result()
if err != nil {
logrus.Error("brpop err:", err)
restQ := core.RestQueue{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(ary[1]), &restQ)
// logrus.Info("before: ", restQ.InstId)
// before: USDT|position|key
ary1 := strings.Split(restQ.InstId, "|")
if ary1[0] == "USDT" {
// "USDT-USDT" 这个没有意义,忽略
if len(ary1) > 1 && ary1[1] == "position" {
restQ.InstId = ary1[0] + "-USDT"
// logrus.Info("after: ", restQ.InstId)
// after: restQueue-USDT
go func() {
func GetAllTickerInfo(cr *core.Core) (*rest.RESTAPIResult, error) {
rsp, err := RestInvoke(cr, "/api/v5/market/tickers?instType=SPOT", rest.GET)
return rsp, err
func RestInvoke(cr *core.Core, subUrl string, method string) (*rest.RESTAPIResult, error) {
restUrl, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("connect").Get("restBaseUrl").String()
//ep, method, uri string, param *map[string]interface{}
rest := rest.NewRESTAPI(restUrl, method, subUrl, nil)
key, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("credentialReadOnly").Get("okAccessKey").String()
secure, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("credentialReadOnly").Get("secretKey").String()
pass, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("credentialReadOnly").Get("okAccessPassphrase").String()
isDemo := false
if cr.Env == "demoEnv" {
isDemo = true
rest.SetSimulate(isDemo).SetAPIKey(key, secure, pass)
response, err := rest.Run(context.Background())
if err != nil {
logrus.Error("restInvoke1 err:", subUrl, err)
return response, err
func ShowSysTime(cr *core.Core) {
rsp, _ := RestInvoke(cr, "/api/v5/public/time", rest.GET)
logrus.Info("serverSystem time:", rsp)
// period: 每个循环开始的时间点,单位:秒
// delay延时多少秒后去取此值, 单位:秒
// mdura多少个秒之内遍历完获取到的goins列表, 单位:秒
// barPeriod: 周期名字
// onceCount每次获取这个coin几个当前周期的candle数据
// range: 随机的范围从0开始到range个周期作为查询的after值也就是随机n个周期去取之前的记录,对于2D5D等数据可以用来补全数据, range值越大随机散点的范围越大, 越失焦
func LoopAllCoinsList(mdura int, barPeriod string, rge int) {
cr := core.Core{}
allScoreChan := make(chan []string)
// logrus.Info("start LoopAllCoinsList: period: ", period, " delay: ", delay, " mdura:", mdura, " barPeriod: ", barPeriod, " onceCount: ", onceCount, " rge:", rge)
per1 := 1 * time.Minute
ticker := time.NewTicker(per1)
go func() {
for {
tsi := time.Now().Unix()
if tsi%int64(mdura) != 0 {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
select {
case <-ticker.C:
go func() {
// -1 是获取全部coin列表
list := cr.GetScoreList(-1)
// logrus.Info("allCoins3", list)
allScoreChan <- list
for {
allScore := <-allScoreChan
logrus.Debug("allCoins allScore", allScore)
if len(allScore) == 0 {
utils.TickerWrapper(time.Duration(mdura)*time.Second, allScore, func(i int, ary []string) error {
nw := time.Now()
// 修改随机逻辑
// 将随机范围分成两部分80%的概率获取最近30%的数据20%的概率获取剩余历史数据
var ct int
randVal := rand.Float64()
switch {
case randVal < 0.7:
// 70%的概率获取最近15%的数据
ct = rand.Intn(rge * 15 / 100)
case randVal < 0.9:
// 20%的概率获取最近15%~55%的数据
ct = rand.Intn(rge*40/100) + (rge * 15 / 100)
// 10%的概率获取最近55%~100%的数据
ct = rand.Intn(rge*45/100) + (rge * 55 / 100)
minutes, _ := cr.PeriodToMinutes(barPeriod)
tmi := nw.UnixMilli()
tmi = tmi - tmi%60000
tmi = tmi - (int64(ct) * minutes * 60000)
lm := "100"
// logrus.Info("instId: ", ary[i], " limit: ", lm, " onceCount:", onceCount)
if lm == "0" {
lm = "100"
restQ := core.RestQueue{
InstId: ary[i],
Bar: barPeriod,
WithWs: false,
Limit: lm,
After: tmi,
js, err := json.Marshal(restQ)
logrus.Debug("allCoins lpush js:", string(js))
cr.RedisLocalCli.LPush("restQueue", js)
return err
func main() {
cr := core.Core{}
// level := os.Getenv("TEXUS_LOGLEVEL")
// 从rest接口获取的ticker记录种的交量计入排行榜指定周期刷新一次
go func() {
// 全员5m
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 5m")
LoopAllCoinsList(180, "5m", 50)
// 全员15m candle
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 15m")
LoopAllCoinsList(360, "15m", 100)
// 全员30m candle
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 30m")
LoopAllCoinsList(600, "30m", 150)
// 全员1H candle
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 1H")
LoopAllCoinsList(900, "1H", 200)
// 全员2H candle
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 2H")
LoopAllCoinsList(1200, "2H", 250)
// 全员4小时candle
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 4H")
LoopAllCoinsList(1500, "4H", 300)
// 全员6小时candle
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 6H")
LoopAllCoinsList(1800, "6H", 350)
// 全员12小时candle
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 12H")
LoopAllCoinsList(2100, "12H", 400)
// 全员1Day candle & maX
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 1D")
LoopAllCoinsList(2400, "1D", 500)
// 全员2Day candle & maX
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 2D")
LoopAllCoinsList(3000, "2D", 600)
// 全员5Day candle & maX
go func() {
logrus.Info("LoopAllCoinsList - 5D")
LoopAllCoinsList(3600, "5D", 700)
go func() {
go func() {
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Minute)
// 永久阻塞
select {}