251 lines
7.0 KiB
251 lines
7.0 KiB
'use strict';
const utils = require('./utils.cjs');
const hasOwn = typeof Object.hasOwn === 'function'
? Object.hasOwn
: (object, key) => Object.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key);
// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#table-json-single-character-escapes
const escapableCharCodeSubstitution = { // JSON Single Character Escape Sequences
0x08: '\\b',
0x09: '\\t',
0x0a: '\\n',
0x0c: '\\f',
0x0d: '\\r',
0x22: '\\\"',
0x5c: '\\\\'
const charLength2048 = Uint8Array.from({ length: 2048 }, (_, code) => {
if (hasOwn(escapableCharCodeSubstitution, code)) {
return 2; // \X
if (code < 0x20) {
return 6; // \uXXXX
return code < 128 ? 1 : 2; // UTF8 bytes
function isLeadingSurrogate(code) {
return code >= 0xD800 && code <= 0xDBFF;
function isTrailingSurrogate(code) {
return code >= 0xDC00 && code <= 0xDFFF;
function stringLength(str) {
// Fast path to compute length when a string contains only characters encoded as single bytes
if (!/[^\x20\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7F]/.test(str)) {
return str.length + 2;
let len = 0;
let prevLeadingSurrogate = false;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code < 2048) {
len += charLength2048[code];
} else if (isLeadingSurrogate(code)) {
len += 6; // \uXXXX since no pair with trailing surrogate yet
prevLeadingSurrogate = true;
} else if (isTrailingSurrogate(code)) {
len = prevLeadingSurrogate
? len - 2 // surrogate pair (4 bytes), since we calculate prev leading surrogate as 6 bytes, substruct 2 bytes
: len + 6; // \uXXXX
} else {
len += 3; // code >= 2048 is 3 bytes length for UTF8
prevLeadingSurrogate = false;
return len + 2; // +2 for quotes
// avoid producing a string from a number
function intLength(num) {
let len = 0;
if (num < 0) {
len = 1;
num = -num;
if (num >= 1e9) {
len += 9;
num = (num - num % 1e9) / 1e9;
if (num >= 1e4) {
if (num >= 1e6) {
return len + (num >= 1e8
? 9
: num >= 1e7 ? 8 : 7
return len + (num >= 1e5 ? 6 : 5);
return len + (num >= 1e2
? num >= 1e3 ? 4 : 3
: num >= 10 ? 2 : 1
function primitiveLength(value) {
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return stringLength(value);
case 'number':
return Number.isFinite(value)
? Number.isInteger(value)
? intLength(value)
: String(value).length
: 4 /* null */;
case 'boolean':
return value ? 4 /* true */ : 5 /* false */;
case 'undefined':
case 'object':
return 4; /* null */
return 0;
function stringifyInfo(value, ...args) {
const { replacer, getKeys, ...options } = utils.normalizeStringifyOptions(...args);
const continueOnCircular = Boolean(options.continueOnCircular);
const space = options.space?.length || 0;
const keysLength = new Map();
const visited = new Map();
const circular = new Set();
const stack = [];
const root = { '': value };
let stop = false;
let bytes = 0;
let spaceBytes = 0;
let objects = 0;
walk(root, '', value);
// when value is undefined or replaced for undefined
if (bytes === 0) {
bytes += 9; // FIXME: that's the length of undefined, should we normalize behaviour to convert it to null?
return {
bytes: isNaN(bytes) ? Infinity : bytes + spaceBytes,
spaceBytes: space > 0 && isNaN(bytes) ? Infinity : spaceBytes,
circular: [...circular]
function walk(holder, key, value) {
if (stop) {
value = utils.replaceValue(holder, key, value, replacer);
if (value === null || typeof value !== 'object') {
// primitive
if (value !== undefined || Array.isArray(holder)) {
bytes += primitiveLength(value);
} else {
// check for circular references
if (stack.includes(value)) {
bytes += 4; // treat as null
if (!continueOnCircular) {
stop = true;
// Using 'visited' allows avoiding hang-ups in cases of highly interconnected object graphs;
// for example, a list of git commits with references to parents can lead to N^2 complexity for traversal,
// and N when 'visited' is used
if (visited.has(value)) {
bytes += visited.get(value);
const prevObjects = objects;
const valueBytes = bytes;
let valueLength = 0;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// array
valueLength = value.length;
for (let i = 0; i < valueLength; i++) {
walk(value, i, value[i]);
} else {
// object
let prevLength = bytes;
for (const key of getKeys(value)) {
walk(value, key, value[key]);
if (prevLength !== bytes) {
let keyLen = keysLength.get(key);
if (keyLen === undefined) {
keysLength.set(key, keyLen = stringLength(key) + 1); // "key":
// value is printed
bytes += keyLen;
prevLength = bytes;
bytes += valueLength === 0
? 2 // {} or []
: 1 + valueLength; // {} or [] + commas
if (space > 0 && valueLength > 0) {
spaceBytes +=
// a space between ":" and a value for each object entry
(Array.isArray(value) ? 0 : valueLength) +
// the formula results from folding the following components:
// - for each key-value or element: ident + newline
// (1 + stack.length * space) * valueLength
// - ident (one space less) before "}" or "]" + newline
// (stack.length - 1) * space + 1
(1 + stack.length * space) * (valueLength + 1) - space;
// add to 'visited' only objects that contain nested objects
if (prevObjects !== objects) {
visited.set(value, bytes - valueBytes);
exports.stringifyInfo = stringifyInfo;