356 lines
12 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

'use strict';
const utils = require('./utils.cjs');
const STACK_OBJECT = 1;
const STACK_ARRAY = 2;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
function adjustPosition(error, parser) {
if (error.name === 'SyntaxError' && parser.jsonParseOffset) {
error.message = error.message.replace(/at position (\d+)/, (_, pos) =>
'at position ' + (Number(pos) + parser.jsonParseOffset)
return error;
function append(array, elements) {
// Note: Avoid to use array.push(...elements) since it may lead to
// "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" for a long arrays
const initialLength = array.length;
array.length += elements.length;
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
array[initialLength + i] = elements[i];
async function parseChunked(chunkEmitter) {
const iterable = typeof chunkEmitter === 'function'
? chunkEmitter()
: chunkEmitter;
if (utils.isIterable(iterable)) {
let parser = new ChunkParser();
try {
for await (const chunk of iterable) {
if (typeof chunk !== 'string' && !ArrayBuffer.isView(chunk)) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid chunk: Expected string, TypedArray or Buffer');
return parser.finish();
} catch (e) {
throw adjustPosition(e, parser);
throw new TypeError(
'Invalid chunk emitter: Expected an Iterable, AsyncIterable, generator, ' +
'async generator, or a function returning an Iterable or AsyncIterable'
class ChunkParser {
constructor() {
this.value = undefined;
this.valueStack = null;
this.stack = new Array(100);
this.lastFlushDepth = 0;
this.flushDepth = 0;
this.stateString = false;
this.stateStringEscape = false;
this.pendingByteSeq = null;
this.pendingChunk = null;
this.chunkOffset = 0;
this.jsonParseOffset = 0;
parseAndAppend(fragment, wrap) {
// Append new entries or elements
if (this.stack[this.lastFlushDepth - 1] === STACK_OBJECT) {
if (wrap) {
fragment = '{' + fragment + '}';
Object.assign(this.valueStack.value, JSON.parse(fragment));
} else {
if (wrap) {
fragment = '[' + fragment + ']';
append(this.valueStack.value, JSON.parse(fragment));
prepareAddition(fragment) {
const { value } = this.valueStack;
const expectComma = Array.isArray(value)
? value.length !== 0
: Object.keys(value).length !== 0;
if (expectComma) {
// Skip a comma at the beginning of fragment, otherwise it would
// fail to parse
if (fragment[0] === ',') {
return fragment.slice(1);
// When value (an object or array) is not empty and a fragment
// doesn't start with a comma, a single valid fragment starting
// is a closing bracket. If it's not, a prefix is adding to fail
// parsing. Otherwise, the sequence of chunks can be successfully
// parsed, although it should not, e.g. ["[{}", "{}]"]
if (fragment[0] !== '}' && fragment[0] !== ']') {
this.jsonParseOffset -= 3;
return '[[]' + fragment;
return fragment;
flush(chunk, start, end) {
let fragment = chunk.slice(start, end);
// Save position correction an error in JSON.parse() if any
this.jsonParseOffset = this.chunkOffset + start;
// Prepend pending chunk if any
if (this.pendingChunk !== null) {
fragment = this.pendingChunk + fragment;
this.jsonParseOffset -= this.pendingChunk.length;
this.pendingChunk = null;
if (this.flushDepth === this.lastFlushDepth) {
// Depth didn't changed, so it's a root value or entry/element set
if (this.flushDepth > 0) {
this.parseAndAppend(this.prepareAddition(fragment), true);
} else {
// That's an entire value on a top level
this.value = JSON.parse(fragment);
this.valueStack = {
value: this.value,
prev: null
} else if (this.flushDepth > this.lastFlushDepth) {
// Add missed closing brackets/parentheses
for (let i = this.flushDepth - 1; i >= this.lastFlushDepth; i--) {
fragment += this.stack[i] === STACK_OBJECT ? '}' : ']';
if (this.lastFlushDepth === 0) {
// That's a root value
this.value = JSON.parse(fragment);
this.valueStack = {
value: this.value,
prev: null
} else {
this.parseAndAppend(this.prepareAddition(fragment), true);
// Move down to the depths to the last object/array, which is current now
for (let i = this.lastFlushDepth || 1; i < this.flushDepth; i++) {
let value = this.valueStack.value;
if (this.stack[i - 1] === STACK_OBJECT) {
// find last entry
let key;
// eslint-disable-next-line curly
for (key in value);
value = value[key];
} else {
// last element
value = value[value.length - 1];
this.valueStack = {
prev: this.valueStack
} else /* this.flushDepth < this.lastFlushDepth */ {
fragment = this.prepareAddition(fragment);
// Add missed opening brackets/parentheses
for (let i = this.lastFlushDepth - 1; i >= this.flushDepth; i--) {
fragment = (this.stack[i] === STACK_OBJECT ? '{' : '[') + fragment;
this.parseAndAppend(fragment, false);
for (let i = this.lastFlushDepth - 1; i >= this.flushDepth; i--) {
this.valueStack = this.valueStack.prev;
this.lastFlushDepth = this.flushDepth;
push(chunk) {
if (typeof chunk !== 'string') {
// Suppose chunk is Buffer or Uint8Array
// Prepend uncompleted byte sequence if any
if (this.pendingByteSeq !== null) {
const origRawChunk = chunk;
chunk = new Uint8Array(this.pendingByteSeq.length + origRawChunk.length);
chunk.set(origRawChunk, this.pendingByteSeq.length);
this.pendingByteSeq = null;
// In case Buffer/Uint8Array, an input is encoded in UTF8
// Seek for parts of uncompleted UTF8 symbol on the ending
// This makes sense only if we expect more chunks and last char is not multi-bytes
if (chunk[chunk.length - 1] > 127) {
for (let seqLength = 0; seqLength < chunk.length; seqLength++) {
const byte = chunk[chunk.length - 1 - seqLength];
// 10xxxxxx - 2nd, 3rd or 4th byte
// 110xxxxx first byte of 2-byte sequence
// 1110xxxx - first byte of 3-byte sequence
// 11110xxx - first byte of 4-byte sequence
if (byte >> 6 === 3) {
// If the sequence is really incomplete, then preserve it
// for the future chunk and cut off it from the current chunk
if ((seqLength !== 4 && byte >> 3 === 0b11110) ||
(seqLength !== 3 && byte >> 4 === 0b1110) ||
(seqLength !== 2 && byte >> 5 === 0b110)) {
this.pendingByteSeq = chunk.slice(chunk.length - seqLength);
chunk = chunk.slice(0, -seqLength);
// Convert chunk to a string, since single decode per chunk
// is much effective than decode multiple small substrings
chunk = decoder.decode(chunk);
const chunkLength = chunk.length;
let lastFlushPoint = 0;
let flushPoint = 0;
// Main scan loop
scan: for (let i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) {
if (this.stateString) {
for (; i < chunkLength; i++) {
if (this.stateStringEscape) {
this.stateStringEscape = false;
} else {
switch (chunk.charCodeAt(i)) {
case 0x22: /* " */
this.stateString = false;
continue scan;
case 0x5C: /* \ */
this.stateStringEscape = true;
switch (chunk.charCodeAt(i)) {
case 0x22: /* " */
this.stateString = true;
this.stateStringEscape = false;
case 0x2C: /* , */
flushPoint = i;
case 0x7B: /* { */
// Open an object
flushPoint = i + 1;
this.stack[this.flushDepth++] = STACK_OBJECT;
case 0x5B: /* [ */
// Open an array
flushPoint = i + 1;
this.stack[this.flushDepth++] = STACK_ARRAY;
case 0x5D: /* ] */
case 0x7D: /* } */
// Close an object or array
flushPoint = i + 1;
if (this.flushDepth < this.lastFlushDepth) {
this.flush(chunk, lastFlushPoint, flushPoint);
lastFlushPoint = flushPoint;
case 0x09: /* \t */
case 0x0A: /* \n */
case 0x0D: /* \r */
case 0x20: /* space */
// Move points forward when they points on current position and it's a whitespace
if (lastFlushPoint === i) {
if (flushPoint === i) {
if (flushPoint > lastFlushPoint) {
this.flush(chunk, lastFlushPoint, flushPoint);
// Produce pendingChunk if something left
if (flushPoint < chunkLength) {
if (this.pendingChunk !== null) {
// When there is already a pending chunk then no flush happened,
// appending entire chunk to pending one
this.pendingChunk += chunk;
} else {
// Create a pending chunk, it will start with non-whitespace since
// flushPoint was moved forward away from whitespaces on scan
this.pendingChunk = chunk.slice(flushPoint, chunkLength);
this.chunkOffset += chunkLength;
finish() {
if (this.pendingChunk !== null) {
this.flush('', 0, 0);
this.pendingChunk = null;
return this.value;
exports.parseChunked = parseChunked;