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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
3b667443c2 readme 2025-02-15 01:07:48 +08:00
7fbc4041a3 siago用到的paster,coaster等类型定义,以及函数,都从core中获得,不再自己写逻辑 2025-02-12 11:24:01 +08:00
dfb682c027 plate 2025-02-12 03:56:15 +08:00
62a37d7342 尝试: 2025-01-23 12:21:34 +08:00
4 changed files with 86 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ go mod tidy
go mod vendor

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@ -699,9 +699,9 @@ func (cr *Core) GetExpiration(per string) (time.Duration, error) {
return 0, err
exp, err := cr.PeriodToMinutes(per)
length, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("sortedSet").Get("length").String()
ln := ToInt64(length)
dur := time.Duration(exp*ln) * time.Minute
length, _ := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("sortedSet").Get("length").Int64()
logrus.Info("length of sortedSet: ", length)
dur := time.Duration(exp*length) * time.Minute
return dur, err

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@ -136,13 +136,12 @@ func (mxl *MaXList) RPush(sm *MaX) (Sample, error) {
mxl.List = append(mxl.List, sm)
return nil, nil
return nil, nil
// 冒泡排序
func (mxl *MaXList) RecursiveBubbleS(length int, ctype string) error {
if length == 0 {
return nil
return errors.New("length is zero")
realLength := len(mxl.List)
@ -166,6 +165,6 @@ func (mxl *MaXList) RecursiveBubbleS(length int, ctype string) error {
mxl.RecursiveBubbleS(length, ctype)
return nil
err := mxl.RecursiveBubbleS(length, ctype)
return err

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package core
import (
@ -20,23 +21,84 @@ func (pl *Plate) Init(instId string) {
// TODO 从redis里读出来已经存储的plate如果不存在就创建一个新的
// LoadPlate 加载或创建指定Instrument的Plate
// 1. 尝试从Redis加载已存储的Plate
// 2. 如果Redis中不存在则初始化一个新的Plate
// 3. 根据配置创建所有需要的Coaster
// 参数:
// - cr: 核心上下文对象
// - instId: Instrument ID
// 返回值:
// - *Plate: 加载或新建的Plate对象
// - error: 操作过程中发生的错误
func LoadPlate(cr *Core, instId string) (*Plate, error) {
// 初始化一个空的Plate对象
pl := Plate{}
// 构造Redis中存储Plate数据的key格式为"instId|plate"
plateName := instId + "|plate"
_, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.Exists().Result()
if err == nil {
str, _ := cr.RedisLocalCli.Get(plateName).Result()
json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &pl)
} else {
prs := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("candleDimentions").MustArray()
for _, v := range prs {
pl.MakeCoaster(cr, v.(string))
// 尝试从Redis获取Plate数据
str, err := cr.RedisLocalCli.Get(plateName).Result()
// 如果Redis中存在数据且没有错误
if err == nil && str != "" {
// 将JSON字符串反序列化为Plate对象
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &pl); err != nil {
// 反序列化失败时初始化一个新的Plate
// logrus.Warnf("failed to unmarshal plate data from redis, init new plate: %v", err)
// 返回从Redis加载的Plate对象
return &pl, nil
// Redis不可用或数据不存在时初始化一个新的Plate
// 从配置中获取candleDimentions配置项
prs := cr.Cfg.Config.Get("candleDimentions")
// 检查配置项是否存在
if prs == nil || prs.Interface() == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("candleDimentions config not found")
// 将配置项转换为数组
periods := prs.MustArray()
// 遍历所有周期配置
for _, v := range periods {
// 将interface{}类型转换为string
period, ok := v.(string)
// 检查周期字符串是否有效
if !ok || period == "" {
continue // 跳过无效的周期配置
// 为每个周期创建Coaster
if err := pl.MakeCoaster(cr, period); err != nil {
// 如果创建失败,返回错误
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create coaster for period %s: %v", period, err)
// 将新创建的Plate保存到Redis可选操作
if err := savePlateToRedis(cr, plateName, &pl); err != nil {
// 保存失败时记录警告日志
// logrus.Warnf("failed to save plate to redis: %v", err)
// 返回创建好的Plate对象
return &pl, nil
func savePlateToRedis(cr *Core, key string, pl *Plate) error {
data, err := json.Marshal(pl)
if err != nil {
return err
return cr.RedisLocalCli.Set(key, data, 0).Err()
func (pl *Plate) SetToKey(cr *Core) error {
js, _ := json.Marshal(*pl)
plateName := pl.InstID + "|plate"
@ -51,19 +113,22 @@ func (pl *Plate) MakeCoaster(cr *Core, period string) error {
if err != nil {
return err
cdl.RecursiveBubbleS(len(cdl.List), "asc")
err = cdl.RecursiveBubbleS(len(cdl.List), "asc")
setName7 := "ma7|" + setName
setName30 := "ma30|" + setName
mxl7, err := cr.GetRangeMaXSortedSet(setName7, pl.Count, lastTime)
if err != nil {
return err
mxl7.RecursiveBubbleS(len(mxl7.List), "asc")
err = mxl7.RecursiveBubbleS(len(mxl7.List), "asc")
if err != nil {
return err
mxl30, err := cr.GetRangeMaXSortedSet(setName30, pl.Count, lastTime)
if err != nil {
return err
mxl30.RecursiveBubbleS(len(mxl30.List), "asc")
err = mxl30.RecursiveBubbleS(len(mxl30.List), "asc")
coaster := Coaster{
InstID: pl.InstID,
Period: period,