an optional dependency (#328)
* chore: make `web-devicons` optional * docs: update readme install instructions
avante.nvim is a Neovim plugin designed to emulate the behaviour of the Cursor AI IDE. It provides users with AI-driven code suggestions and the ability to apply these recommendations directly to their source files with minimal effort.
🥰 This project is undergoing rapid iterations, and many exciting features will be added successively. Stay tuned!
- AI-Powered Code Assistance: Interact with AI to ask questions about your current code file and receive intelligent suggestions for improvement or modification.
- One-Click Application: Quickly apply the AI's suggested changes to your source code with a single command, streamlining the editing process and saving time.
Install avante.nvim
using lazy.nvim:
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = {
-- add any opts here
dependencies = {
--- The below dependencies are optional,
"nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- or echasnovski/mini.icons
-- Make sure to setup it properly if you have lazy=true
opts = {
file_types = { "markdown", "Avante" },
ft = { "markdown", "Avante" },
is currently only compatible with Neovim 0.10.0 or later. Please ensure that your Neovim version meets these requirements before proceeding.
is an optional dependency that is used to render the markdown content of the chat history. Make sure to also includeAvante
as a filetype to its setup:{ "MeanderingProgrammer/render-markdown.nvim", opts = { file_types = { "markdown", "Avante" }, }, ft = { "markdown", "Avante" }, }
Default setup configuration:
See config.lua#L9 for the full config
---@alias Provider "openai" | "claude" | "azure" | "cohere" | [string]
provider = "claude", -- Only recommend using Claude
claude = {
endpoint = "https://api.anthropic.com",
model = "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620",
temperature = 0,
max_tokens = 4096,
mappings = {
ask = "<leader>aa",
edit = "<leader>ae",
refresh = "<leader>ar",
--- @class AvanteConflictMappings
diff = {
ours = "co",
theirs = "ct",
both = "cb",
next = "]x",
prev = "[x",
jump = {
next = "]]",
prev = "[[",
submit = {
normal = "<CR>",
insert = "<C-s>",
toggle = {
debug = "<leader>ad",
hint = "<leader>ah",
hints = { enabled = true },
windows = {
wrap = true, -- similar to vim.o.wrap
width = 30, -- default % based on available width
sidebar_header = {
align = "center", -- left, center, right for title
rounded = true,
highlights = {
---@type AvanteConflictHighlights
diff = {
current = "DiffText",
incoming = "DiffAdd",
--- @class AvanteConflictUserConfig
diff = {
debug = false,
autojump = true,
---@type string | fun(): any
list_opener = "copen",
Given its early stage, avante.nvim
currently supports the following basic functionalities:
Avante will only support Claude, and OpenAI (and its variants including azure)out-of-the-box due to its high code quality generation. For all OpenAI-compatible providers, see wiki for more details.
Due to the poor performance of other models, avante.nvim only recommends using the claude-3.5-sonnet model. All features can only be guaranteed to work properly on the claude-3.5-sonnet model. We do not accept changes to the code or prompts to accommodate other models. Otherwise, it will greatly increase our maintenance costs. We hope everyone can understand. Thank you!
For most consistency between neovim session, it is recommended to set the environment variables in your shell file. By default,
will prompt you at startup to input the API key for the provider you have selected.For Claude:
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-api-key
For OpenAI:
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-api-key
For Azure OpenAI:
export AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY=your-api-key
- Open a code file in Neovim.
- Use the
command to query the AI about the code. - Review the AI's suggestions.
- Apply the recommended changes directly to your code with a simple command or key binding.
Note: The plugin is still under active development, and both its functionality and interface are subject to significant changes. Expect some rough edges and instability as the project evolves.
Key Bindings
The following key bindings are available for use with avante.nvim
Key Binding | Description |
Leaderaa | show sidebar |
Leaderar | refresh sidebar |
Leaderae | edit selected blocks |
co | choose ours |
ct | choose theirs |
cb | choose both |
c0 | choose none |
]x | move to previous conflict |
[x | move to next conflict |
[[ | jump to previous codeblocks (results window) |
]] | jump to next codeblocks (results windows) |
Highlight Groups
Highlight Group | Description | Notes |
AvanteTitle | Title | |
AvanteReversedTitle | Used for rounded border | |
AvanteSubtitle | Selected code title | |
AvanteReversedSubtitle | Used for rounded border | |
AvanteThirdTitle | Prompt title | |
AvanteReversedThirdTitle | Used for rounded border | |
AvanteConflictCurrent | Current conflict highlight | Default to Config.highlights.diff.current |
AvanteConflictIncoming | Incoming conflict highlight | Default to Config.highlights.diff.incoming |
AvanteConflictCurrentLabel | Current conflict label highlight | Default to shade of AvanteConflictCurrent |
AvanteConflictIncomingLabel | Incoming conflict label highlight | Default to shade of AvanteConflictIncoming |
See highlights.lua for more information
- Chat with current file
- Apply diff patch
- Chat with the selected block
- Slash commands
- Edit the selected block
- Smart Tab (Cursor Flow)
- Chat with project
- Chat with selected files
- Enhanced AI Interactions: Improve the depth of AI analysis and recommendations for more complex coding scenarios.
- LSP + Tree-sitter + LLM Integration: Integrate with LSP and Tree-sitter and LLM to provide more accurate and powerful code suggestions and analysis.
Contributions to avante.nvim are welcome! If you're interested in helping out, please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues. Before contributing, ensure that your code has been thoroughly tested.
See wiki for more recipes and tricks.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the contributors of the following open-source projects, whose code has provided invaluable inspiration and reference for the development of avante.nvim:
Nvim Plugin | License | Functionality | Where did we use |
git-conflict.nvim | No License | Diff comparison functionality | https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim/blob/main/lua/avante/diff.lua |
ChatGPT.nvim | Apache 2.0 License | Calculation of tokens count | https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim/blob/main/lua/avante/utils/tokens.lua |
The high quality and ingenuity of these projects' source code have been immensely beneficial throughout our development process. We extend our sincere thanks and respect to the authors and contributors of these projects. It is the selfless dedication of the open-source community that drives projects like avante.nvim forward.
avante.nvim is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For more details, please refer to the LICENSE file.