Aaron Pham 4ad913435c
feat(templates): avanterules filetype support (closes #254) (#466)
Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz>
2024-09-03 04:09:13 -04:00

330 lines
9.4 KiB

---NOTE: user will be merged with defaults and
---we add a default var_accessor for this table to config values.
local Utils = require("avante.utils")
---@class avante.CoreConfig: avante.Config
local M = {}
---@class avante.Config
---@field silent_warning? boolean will be determined from debug
M.defaults = {
debug = false,
---@alias Provider "claude" | "openai" | "azure" | "gemini" | "cohere" | "copilot" | [string]
provider = "claude", -- Only recommend using Claude
---@alias Tokenizer "tiktoken" | "hf"
-- Used for counting tokens and encoding text.
-- By default, we will use tiktoken.
-- For most providers that we support we will determine this automatically.
-- If you wish to use a given implementation, then you can override it here.
tokenizer = "tiktoken",
---@alias AvanteSystemPrompt string
-- Default system prompt. Users can override this with their own prompt
-- You can use `require('avante.config').override({system_prompt = "MY_SYSTEM_PROMPT"}) conditionally
-- in your own autocmds to do it per directory, or that fit your needs.
system_prompt = [[
You are an excellent programming expert.
---@type AvanteSupportedProvider
openai = {
endpoint = "https://api.openai.com/v1",
model = "gpt-4o",
timeout = 30000, -- Timeout in milliseconds
temperature = 0,
max_tokens = 4096,
["local"] = false,
---@type AvanteSupportedProvider
copilot = {
endpoint = "https://api.githubcopilot.com",
model = "gpt-4o-2024-05-13",
proxy = nil, -- [protocol://]host[:port] Use this proxy
allow_insecure = false, -- Allow insecure server connections
timeout = 30000, -- Timeout in milliseconds
temperature = 0,
max_tokens = 4096,
---@type AvanteAzureProvider
azure = {
endpoint = "", -- example: "https://<your-resource-name>.openai.azure.com"
deployment = "", -- Azure deployment name (e.g., "gpt-4o", "my-gpt-4o-deployment")
api_version = "2024-06-01",
timeout = 30000, -- Timeout in milliseconds
temperature = 0,
max_tokens = 4096,
["local"] = false,
---@type AvanteSupportedProvider
claude = {
endpoint = "https://api.anthropic.com",
model = "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620",
timeout = 30000, -- Timeout in milliseconds
temperature = 0,
max_tokens = 8000,
["local"] = false,
---@type AvanteSupportedProvider
gemini = {
endpoint = "https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1beta/models",
model = "gemini-1.5-flash-latest",
timeout = 30000, -- Timeout in milliseconds
temperature = 0,
max_tokens = 4096,
["local"] = false,
---@type AvanteSupportedProvider
cohere = {
endpoint = "https://api.cohere.com/v1",
model = "command-r-plus-08-2024",
timeout = 30000, -- Timeout in milliseconds
temperature = 0,
max_tokens = 4096,
["local"] = false,
---To add support for custom provider, follow the format below
---See https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim/README.md#custom-providers for more details
---@type {[string]: AvanteProvider}
vendors = {},
---Specify the behaviour of avante.nvim
---1. auto_apply_diff_after_generation: Whether to automatically apply diff after LLM response.
--- This would simulate similar behaviour to cursor. Default to false.
---2. auto_set_keymaps : Whether to automatically set the keymap for the current line. Default to true.
--- Note that avante will safely set these keymap. See https://github.com/yetone/avante.nvim/wiki#keymaps-and-api-i-guess for more details.
---3. auto_set_highlight_group : Whether to automatically set the highlight group for the current line. Default to true.
---4. support_paste_from_clipboard : Whether to support pasting image from clipboard. This will be determined automatically based whether img-clip is available or not.
behaviour = {
auto_suggestions = false, -- Experimental stage
auto_set_highlight_group = true,
auto_set_keymaps = true,
auto_apply_diff_after_generation = false,
support_paste_from_clipboard = false,
history = {
storage_path = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/avante",
paste = {
extension = "png",
filename = "pasted-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S",
highlights = {
---@type AvanteConflictHighlights
diff = {
current = "DiffText",
incoming = "DiffAdd",
mappings = {
---@class AvanteConflictMappings
diff = {
ours = "co",
theirs = "ct",
all_theirs = "ca",
both = "cb",
cursor = "cc",
next = "]x",
prev = "[x",
suggestion = {
accept = "<M-l>",
next = "<M-]>",
prev = "<M-[>",
dismiss = "<C-]>",
jump = {
next = "]]",
prev = "[[",
submit = {
normal = "<CR>",
insert = "<C-s>",
-- NOTE: The following will be safely set by avante.nvim
ask = "<leader>aa",
edit = "<leader>ae",
refresh = "<leader>ar",
toggle = {
default = "<leader>at",
debug = "<leader>ad",
hint = "<leader>ah",
windows = {
---@alias AvantePosition "right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom"
position = "right",
wrap = true, -- similar to vim.o.wrap
width = 30, -- default % based on available width in vertical layout
height = 30, -- default % based on available height in horizontal layout
sidebar_header = {
align = "center", -- left, center, right for title
rounded = true,
input = {
prefix = "> ",
edit = {
border = "rounded",
--- @class AvanteConflictConfig
diff = {
autojump = true,
--- @class AvanteHintsConfig
hints = {
enabled = true,
---@type avante.Config
M.options = {}
---@class avante.ConflictConfig: AvanteConflictConfig
---@field mappings AvanteConflictMappings
---@field highlights AvanteConflictHighlights
M.diff = {}
---@type Provider[]
M.providers = {}
---@param opts? avante.Config
function M.setup(opts)
vim.validate({ opts = { opts, "table", true } })
M.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend(
opts or {},
---@type avante.Config
behaviour = {
support_paste_from_clipboard = M.support_paste_image(true),
if not M.options.silent_warning then
-- set silent_warning to true if debug is false
M.options.silent_warning = not M.options.debug
M.providers = vim
:filter(function(_, value)
return type(value) == "table" and value.endpoint ~= nil
:fold({}, function(acc, k)
acc = vim.list_extend({}, acc)
acc = vim.list_extend(acc, { k })
return acc
vim.validate({ provider = { M.options.provider, "string", false } })
M.diff = vim.tbl_deep_extend(
{ mappings = M.options.mappings.diff, highlights = M.options.highlights.diff }
if next(M.options.vendors) ~= nil then
for k, v in pairs(M.options.vendors) do
M.options.vendors[k] = type(v) == "function" and v() or v
vim.validate({ vendors = { M.options.vendors, "table", true } })
M.providers = vim.list_extend(M.providers, vim.tbl_keys(M.options.vendors))
---@param opts? avante.Config
function M.override(opts)
vim.validate({ opts = { opts, "table", true } })
M.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", M.options, opts or {})
if not M.options.silent_warning then
-- set silent_warning to true if debug is false
M.options.silent_warning = not M.options.debug
M.diff = vim.tbl_deep_extend(
{ mappings = M.options.mappings.diff, highlights = M.options.highlights.diff }
if next(M.options.vendors) ~= nil then
for k, v in pairs(M.options.vendors) do
M.options.vendors[k] = type(v) == "function" and v() or v
if not vim.tbl_contains(M.providers, k) then
M.providers = vim.list_extend(M.providers, { k })
vim.validate({ vendors = { M.options.vendors, "table", true } })
M = setmetatable(M, {
__index = function(_, k)
if M.options[k] then
return M.options[k]
---@param skip_warning? boolean
M.support_paste_image = function(skip_warning)
skip_warning = skip_warning or M.silent_warning
if skip_warning then
return Utils.has("img-clip.nvim") or Utils.has("img-clip")
M.get_window_width = function()
return math.ceil(vim.o.columns * (M.windows.width / 100))
---@param provider Provider
---@return boolean
M.has_provider = function(provider)
return M.options[provider] ~= nil or M.vendors[provider] ~= nil
---get supported providers
---@param provider Provider
---@return AvanteProviderFunctor
M.get_provider = function(provider)
if M.options[provider] ~= nil then
return vim.deepcopy(M.options[provider], true)
elseif M.vendors[provider] ~= nil then
return vim.deepcopy(M.vendors[provider], true)
error("Failed to find provider: " .. provider, 2)
-- internal
---@return {width: integer, height: integer}
M.get_sidebar_layout_options = function()
local width = M.get_window_width()
local height = vim.o.lines
return { width = width, height = height }
return M