2025-02-06 19:13:47 +08:00

792 lines
24 KiB

local curl = require("plenary.curl")
local Utils = require("avante.utils")
local Path = require("plenary.path")
local Config = require("avante.config")
local M = {}
---@param rel_path string
---@return string
local function get_abs_path(rel_path)
local project_root = Utils.get_project_root()
return Path:new(project_root):joinpath(rel_path):absolute()
function M.confirm(msg)
local ok = vim.fn.confirm(msg, "&Yes\n&No", 2)
return ok == 1
---@param abs_path string
---@return boolean
local function has_permission_to_access(abs_path)
if not Path:new(abs_path):is_absolute() then return false end
local project_root = Utils.get_project_root()
if abs_path:sub(1, #project_root) ~= project_root then return false end
local gitignore_path = project_root .. "/.gitignore"
local gitignore_patterns, gitignore_negate_patterns = Utils.parse_gitignore(gitignore_path)
return not Utils.is_ignored(abs_path, gitignore_patterns, gitignore_negate_patterns)
---@param opts { rel_path: string, depth?: integer }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string files
---@return string|nil error
function M.list_files(opts, on_log)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return "", "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if on_log then on_log("path: " .. abs_path) end
if on_log then on_log("depth: " .. tostring(opts.depth)) end
local files = Utils.scan_directory_respect_gitignore({
directory = abs_path,
add_dirs = true,
depth = opts.depth,
local result = ""
for _, file in ipairs(files) do
local uniform_path = Utils.uniform_path(file)
result = result .. uniform_path .. "\n"
result = result:gsub("\n$", "")
return result, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string, keyword: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string files
---@return string|nil error
function M.search_files(opts, on_log)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return "", "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if on_log then on_log("path: " .. abs_path) end
if on_log then on_log("keyword: " .. opts.keyword) end
local files = Utils.scan_directory_respect_gitignore({
directory = abs_path,
local result = ""
for _, file in ipairs(files) do
if file:find(opts.keyword) then result = result .. file .. "\n" end
result = result:gsub("\n$", "")
return result, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string, keyword: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string result
---@return string|nil error
function M.search(opts, on_log)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return "", "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return "", "No such file or directory: " .. abs_path end
---check if any search cmd is available
local search_cmd = vim.fn.exepath("rg")
if search_cmd == "" then search_cmd = vim.fn.exepath("ag") end
if search_cmd == "" then search_cmd = vim.fn.exepath("ack") end
if search_cmd == "" then search_cmd = vim.fn.exepath("grep") end
if search_cmd == "" then return "", "No search command found" end
---execute the search command
local cmd = ""
if search_cmd:find("rg") then
cmd = string.format("%s --files-with-matches --no-ignore-vcs --ignore-case --hidden --glob '!.git'", search_cmd)
cmd = string.format("%s '%s' %s", cmd, opts.keyword, abs_path)
elseif search_cmd:find("ag") then
cmd = string.format("%s '%s' --nocolor --nogroup --hidden --ignore .git %s", search_cmd, opts.keyword, abs_path)
elseif search_cmd:find("ack") then
cmd = string.format("%s --nocolor --nogroup --hidden --ignore-dir .git", search_cmd)
cmd = string.format("%s '%s' %s", cmd, opts.keyword, abs_path)
elseif search_cmd:find("grep") then
cmd = string.format("%s -riH --exclude-dir=.git %s %s", search_cmd, opts.keyword, abs_path)
Utils.debug("cmd", cmd)
if on_log then on_log("Running command: " .. cmd) end
local result = vim.fn.system(cmd)
return result or "", nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string definitions
---@return string|nil error
function M.read_file_toplevel_symbols(opts, on_log)
local RepoMap = require("avante.repo_map")
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return "", "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if on_log then on_log("path: " .. abs_path) end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return "", "File does not exists: " .. abs_path end
local filetype = RepoMap.get_ts_lang(abs_path)
local repo_map_lib = RepoMap._init_repo_map_lib()
if not repo_map_lib then return "", "Failed to load avante_repo_map" end
local definitions = filetype
and repo_map_lib.stringify_definitions(filetype, Utils.file.read_content(abs_path) or "")
or ""
return definitions, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string content
---@return string|nil error
function M.read_file(opts, on_log)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return "", "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if on_log then on_log("path: " .. abs_path) end
local file = io.open(abs_path, "r")
if not file then return "", "file not found: " .. abs_path end
local content = file:read("*a")
return content, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return boolean success
---@return string|nil error
function M.create_file(opts, on_log)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if on_log then on_log("path: " .. abs_path) end
---create directory if it doesn't exist
local dir = Path:new(abs_path):parent()
if not dir:exists() then dir:mkdir({ parents = true }) end
---create file if it doesn't exist
if not dir:joinpath(opts.rel_path):exists() then
local file = io.open(abs_path, "w")
if not file then return false, "file not found: " .. abs_path end
return true, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string, new_rel_path: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return boolean success
---@return string|nil error
function M.rename_file(opts, on_log)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return false, "File not found: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):is_file() then return false, "Path is not a file: " .. abs_path end
local new_abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.new_rel_path)
if on_log then on_log(abs_path .. " -> " .. new_abs_path) end
if not has_permission_to_access(new_abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. new_abs_path end
if Path:new(new_abs_path):exists() then return false, "File already exists: " .. new_abs_path end
if not M.confirm("Are you sure you want to rename the file: " .. abs_path .. " to: " .. new_abs_path) then
return false, "User canceled"
os.rename(abs_path, new_abs_path)
return true, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string, new_rel_path: string }
---@return boolean success
---@return string|nil error
function M.copy_file(opts)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return false, "File not found: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):is_file() then return false, "Path is not a file: " .. abs_path end
local new_abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.new_rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(new_abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. new_abs_path end
if Path:new(new_abs_path):exists() then return false, "File already exists: " .. new_abs_path end
return true, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string }
---@return boolean success
---@return string|nil error
function M.delete_file(opts)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return false, "File not found: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):is_file() then return false, "Path is not a file: " .. abs_path end
if not M.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the file: " .. abs_path) then return false, "User canceled" end
return true, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string }
---@return boolean success
---@return string|nil error
function M.create_dir(opts)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return false, "Directory already exists: " .. abs_path end
Path:new(abs_path):mkdir({ parents = true })
return true, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string, new_rel_path: string }
---@return boolean success
---@return string|nil error
function M.rename_dir(opts)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return false, "Directory not found: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):is_dir() then return false, "Path is not a directory: " .. abs_path end
local new_abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.new_rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(new_abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. new_abs_path end
if Path:new(new_abs_path):exists() then return false, "Directory already exists: " .. new_abs_path end
if not M.confirm("Are you sure you want to rename directory " .. abs_path .. " to " .. new_abs_path .. "?") then
return false, "User canceled"
os.rename(abs_path, new_abs_path)
return true, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string }
---@return boolean success
---@return string|nil error
function M.delete_dir(opts)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return false, "Directory not found: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):is_dir() then return false, "Path is not a directory: " .. abs_path end
if not M.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the directory: " .. abs_path) then
return false, "User canceled"
return true, nil
---@param opts { rel_path: string, command: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string|boolean result
---@return string|nil error
function M.run_command(opts, on_log)
local abs_path = get_abs_path(opts.rel_path)
if not has_permission_to_access(abs_path) then return false, "No permission to access path: " .. abs_path end
if not Path:new(abs_path):exists() then return false, "Path not found: " .. abs_path end
if on_log then on_log("command: " .. opts.command) end
not M.confirm("Are you sure you want to run the command: `" .. opts.command .. "` in the directory: " .. abs_path)
return false, "User canceled"
---change cwd to abs_path
local old_cwd = vim.fn.getcwd()
local res = Utils.shell_run(opts.command)
if res.code ~= 0 then
if res.stdout then return false, "Error: " .. res.stdout .. "; Error code: " .. tostring(res.code) end
return false, "Error code: " .. tostring(res.code)
return res.stdout, nil
---@param opts { query: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string|nil result
---@return string|nil error
function M.web_search(opts, on_log)
if on_log then on_log("query: " .. opts.query) end
local search_engine = Config.web_search_engine
if search_engine.provider == "tavily" then
if search_engine.api_key_name == "" then return nil, "No API key provided" end
local api_key = os.getenv(search_engine.api_key_name)
if api_key == nil or api_key == "" then
return nil, "Environment variable " .. search_engine.api_key_name .. " is not set"
local resp = curl.post("https://api.tavily.com/search", {
headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["Authorization"] = "Bearer " .. api_key,
body = vim.json.encode(vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {
query = opts.query,
}, search_engine.provider_opts)),
if resp.status ~= 200 then return nil, "Error: " .. resp.body end
local jsn = vim.json.decode(resp.body)
return jsn.anwser, nil
---@param opts { url: string }
---@param on_log? fun(log: string): nil
---@return string|nil result
---@return string|nil error
function M.fetch(opts, on_log)
if on_log then on_log("url: " .. opts.url) end
local Html2Md = require("avante.html2md")
local res = Html2Md.fetch_md(opts.url)
if res == nil then return nil, "Failed to fetch markdown" end
return res, nil
---@class AvanteLLMTool
---@field name string
---@field description string
---@field func? fun(input: any): (string | nil, string | nil)
---@field param AvanteLLMToolParam
---@field returns AvanteLLMToolReturn[]
---@class AvanteLLMToolParam
---@field type string
---@field fields AvanteLLMToolParamField[]
---@class AvanteLLMToolParamField
---@field name string
---@field description string
---@field type string
---@field optional? boolean
---@class AvanteLLMToolReturn
---@field name string
---@field description string
---@field type string
---@field optional? boolean
---@type AvanteLLMTool[]
M.tools = {
name = "list_files",
description = "List files in a directory",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the directory",
type = "string",
name = "depth",
description = "Depth of the directory",
type = "integer",
optional = true,
returns = {
name = "files",
description = "List of files in the directory",
type = "string[]",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the directory was not listed successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "search_files",
description = "Search for files in a directory",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the directory",
type = "string",
name = "keyword",
description = "Keyword to search for",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "files",
description = "List of files that match the keyword",
type = "string",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the directory was not searched successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "search",
description = "Search for a keyword in a directory",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the directory",
type = "string",
name = "keyword",
description = "Keyword to search for",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "files",
description = "List of files that match the keyword",
type = "string",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the directory was not searched successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "read_file_toplevel_symbols",
description = "Read the top-level symbols of a file",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the file",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "definitions",
description = "Top-level symbols of the file",
type = "string",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the file was not read successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "read_file",
description = "Read the contents of a file",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the file",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "content",
description = "Contents of the file",
type = "string",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the file was not read successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "create_file",
description = "Create a new file",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the file",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "success",
description = "True if the file was created successfully, false otherwise",
type = "boolean",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the file was not created successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "rename_file",
description = "Rename a file",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the file",
type = "string",
name = "new_rel_path",
description = "New relative path for the file",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "success",
description = "True if the file was renamed successfully, false otherwise",
type = "boolean",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the file was not renamed successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "delete_file",
description = "Delete a file",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the file",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "success",
description = "True if the file was deleted successfully, false otherwise",
type = "boolean",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the file was not deleted successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "create_dir",
description = "Create a new directory",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the directory",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "success",
description = "True if the directory was created successfully, false otherwise",
type = "boolean",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the directory was not created successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "rename_dir",
description = "Rename a directory",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the directory",
type = "string",
name = "new_rel_path",
description = "New relative path for the directory",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "success",
description = "True if the directory was renamed successfully, false otherwise",
type = "boolean",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the directory was not renamed successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "delete_dir",
description = "Delete a directory",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the directory",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "success",
description = "True if the directory was deleted successfully, false otherwise",
type = "boolean",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the directory was not deleted successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "run_command",
description = "Run a command in a directory",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "rel_path",
description = "Relative path to the directory",
type = "string",
name = "command",
description = "Command to run",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "stdout",
description = "Output of the command",
type = "string",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the command was not run successfully",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "web_search",
description = "Search the web",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "query",
description = "Query to search",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "result",
description = "Result of the search",
type = "string",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the search was not successful",
type = "string",
optional = true,
name = "fetch",
description = "Fetch markdown from a url",
param = {
type = "table",
fields = {
name = "url",
description = "Url to fetch markdown from",
type = "string",
returns = {
name = "result",
description = "Result of the fetch",
type = "string",
name = "error",
description = "Error message if the fetch was not successful",
type = "string",
optional = true,
---@param tools AvanteLLMTool[]
---@param tool_use AvanteLLMToolUse
---@param on_log? fun(tool_name: string, log: string): nil
---@return string | nil result
---@return string | nil error
function M.process_tool_use(tools, tool_use, on_log)
Utils.debug("use tool", tool_use.name, tool_use.input_json)
local tool = vim.iter(tools):find(function(tool) return tool.name == tool_use.name end)
if tool == nil then return end
local input_json = vim.json.decode(tool_use.input_json)
local func = tool.func or M[tool.name]
if on_log then on_log(tool_use.name, "running tool") end
local result, error = func(input_json, function(log)
if on_log then on_log(tool_use.name, log) end
if on_log then on_log(tool_use.name, "tool finished") end
-- Utils.debug("result", result)
-- Utils.debug("error", error)
if error ~= nil then
if on_log then on_log(tool_use.name, "Error: " .. error) end
if result ~= nil and type(result) ~= "string" then result = vim.json.encode(result) end
return result, error
---@param tool_use AvanteLLMToolUse
---@return string
function M.stringify_tool_use(tool_use)
local s = string.format("`%s`", tool_use.name)
return s
return M