Christopher Brewin 78dd9b0a6d
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912)
* feat(sidebar): supports select files

chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions

chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call

refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path

chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call

* feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu

* chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view

* refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content

* refactor (config) remove unused configuration options

* refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key

* refactor (context) remove unused imports

* refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection.

* fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key

* refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm

* feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context

* feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context.

* feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file.

* feat (context) add hints for the context view.

* fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer.

* refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata

* refactor: context => selected_files


Co-authored-by: yetone <>
2024-12-12 01:29:10 +08:00

81 lines
2.5 KiB

local api = vim.api
---@class mentions_source : cmp.Source
---@field mentions {description: string, command: AvanteMentions, details: string, shorthelp?: string, callback?: AvanteMentionCallback}[]
---@field bufnr integer
local mentions_source = {}
mentions_source.__index = mentions_source
---@param mentions {description: string, command: AvanteMentions, details: string, shorthelp?: string, callback?: AvanteMentionCallback}[]
---@param bufnr integer
function mentions_source:new(mentions, bufnr)
local instance = setmetatable({}, mentions_source)
instance.mentions = mentions
instance.bufnr = bufnr
return instance
function mentions_source:is_available() return api.nvim_get_current_buf() == self.bufnr end
mentions_source.get_position_encoding_kind = function() return "utf-8" end
function mentions_source:get_trigger_characters() return { "@" } end
function mentions_source:get_keyword_pattern() return [[\%(@\|#\|/\)\k*]] end
function mentions_source:complete(_, callback)
local kind = require("cmp").lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable
local items = {}
for _, mention in ipairs(self.mentions) do
table.insert(items, {
label = "@" .. mention.command .. " ",
kind = kind,
detail = mention.details,
items = items,
isIncomplete = false,
---@param completion_item table
---@param callback fun(response: {behavior: number})
function mentions_source:execute(completion_item, callback)
local current_line = api.nvim_get_current_line()
local label = completion_item.label:match("^@(%S+)") -- Extract mention command without '@' and space
-- Find the corresponding mention
local selected_mention
for _, mention in ipairs(self.mentions) do
if mention.command == label then
selected_mention = mention
-- Execute the mention's callback if it exists
if selected_mention and type(selected_mention.callback) == "function" then
-- Get the current cursor position
local row, col = unpack(api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
-- Replace the current line with the new line (removing the mention)
local new_line = current_line:gsub(vim.pesc(completion_item.label), "")
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, row - 1, row, false, { new_line })
-- Adjust the cursor position if needed
local new_col = math.min(col, #new_line)
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { row, new_col })
callback({ behavior = require("cmp").ConfirmBehavior.Insert })
return mentions_source