local Utils = require("avante.utils") ---@class AvanteClipboard local M = {} M.clip_cmd = nil M.get_clip_cmd = function() if M.clip_cmd then return M.clip_cmd end if vim.fn.executable("pngpaste") == 1 then M.clip_cmd = "pngpaste" elseif vim.fn.executable("osascript") == 1 then M.clip_cmd = "osascript" end return M.clip_cmd end M.has_content = function() local cmd = M.get_clip_cmd() ---@type vim.SystemCompleted local output if cmd == "pngpaste" then output = Utils.shell_run("pngpaste -") return output.code == 0 elseif cmd == "osascript" then output = Utils.shell_run("osascript -e 'clipboard info'") return output.code == 0 and output.stdout ~= nil and output.stdout:find("class PNGf") ~= nil end Utils.warn("Failed to validate clipboard content", { title = "Avante" }) return false end M.get_content = function() local cmd = M.get_clip_cmd() ---@type vim.SystemCompleted local output if cmd == "pngpaste" then output = Utils.shell_run("pngpaste - | base64 | tr -d '\n'") if output.code == 0 then return output.stdout end elseif cmd == "osascript" then output = Utils.shell_run( [[osascript -e 'set theFile to (open for access POSIX file "/tmp/image.png" with write permission)' -e 'try' -e 'write (the clipboard as «class PNGf») to theFile' -e 'end try' -e 'close access theFile'; ]] .. [[cat /tmp/image.png | base64 | tr -d '\n']] ) if output.code == 0 then return output.stdout end end error("Failed to get clipboard content") end return M