local Utils = require("avante.utils") local Clipboard = require("avante.clipboard") local P = require("avante.providers") ---@class AvanteProviderFunctor local M = {} M.api_key_name = "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" ---@param prompt_opts AvantePromptOptions M.parse_message = function(prompt_opts) local message_content = {} if Clipboard.support_paste_image() and prompt_opts.image_paths then for _, image_path in ipairs(prompt_opts.image_paths) do table.insert(message_content, { type = "image", source = { type = "base64", media_type = "image/png", data = Clipboard.get_base64_content(image_path), }, }) end end for _, user_prompt in ipairs(prompt_opts.user_prompts) do local user_prompt_obj = { type = "text", text = user_prompt, cache_control = { type = "ephemeral" }, } table.insert(message_content, user_prompt_obj) end return { { role = "user", content = message_content, }, } end M.parse_response = function(data_stream, event_state, opts) if event_state == "content_block_delta" then local ok, json = pcall(vim.json.decode, data_stream) if not ok then return end opts.on_chunk(json.delta.text) elseif event_state == "message_stop" then opts.on_complete(nil) return elseif event_state == "error" then opts.on_complete(vim.json.decode(data_stream)) end end ---@param provider AvanteProviderFunctor ---@param prompt_opts AvantePromptOptions ---@return table M.parse_curl_args = function(provider, prompt_opts) local base, body_opts = P.parse_config(provider) local headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json", ["anthropic-version"] = "2023-06-01", ["anthropic-beta"] = "prompt-caching-2024-07-31", } if not P.env.is_local("claude") then headers["x-api-key"] = provider.parse_api_key() end local messages = M.parse_message(prompt_opts) return { url = Utils.trim(base.endpoint, { suffix = "/" }) .. "/v1/messages", proxy = base.proxy, insecure = base.allow_insecure, headers = headers, body = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", { model = base.model, system = { { type = "text", text = prompt_opts.system_prompt, cache_control = { type = "ephemeral" }, }, }, messages = messages, stream = true, }, body_opts), } end M.on_error = function(result) if not result.body then return Utils.error("API request failed with status " .. result.status, { once = true, title = "Avante" }) end local ok, body = pcall(vim.json.decode, result.body) if not (ok and body and body.error) then return Utils.error("Failed to parse error response", { once = true, title = "Avante" }) end local error_msg = body.error.message local error_type = body.error.type if error_type == "insufficient_quota" then error_msg = "You don't have any credits or have exceeded your quota. Please check your plan and billing details." elseif error_type == "invalid_request_error" and error_msg:match("temperature") then error_msg = "Invalid temperature value. Please ensure it's between 0 and 1." end Utils.error(error_msg, { once = true, title = "Avante" }) end return M