local Utils = require("avante.utils") local Llm = require("avante.llm") local Highlights = require("avante.highlights") local Config = require("avante.config") local Providers = require("avante.providers") local api = vim.api local fn = vim.fn local SUGGESTION_NS = api.nvim_create_namespace("avante_suggestion") ---@class avante.SuggestionItem ---@field content string ---@field row number ---@field col number ---@class avante.SuggestionContext ---@field suggestions avante.SuggestionItem[] ---@field current_suggestion_idx number ---@field prev_doc? table ---@class avante.Suggestion ---@field id number ---@field augroup integer ---@field ignore_patterns table ---@field negate_patterns table ---@field _timer? table ---@field _contexts table ---@field is_on_throttle boolean local Suggestion = {} Suggestion.__index = Suggestion ---@param id number ---@return avante.Suggestion function Suggestion:new(id) local instance = setmetatable({}, self) local gitignore_path = Utils.get_project_root() .. "/.gitignore" local gitignore_patterns, gitignore_negate_patterns = Utils.parse_gitignore(gitignore_path) instance.id = id instance._timer = nil instance._contexts = {} instance.ignore_patterns = gitignore_patterns instance.negate_patterns = gitignore_negate_patterns instance.is_on_throttle = false if Config.behaviour.auto_suggestions then if not vim.g.avante_login or vim.g.avante_login == false then api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = Providers.env.REQUEST_LOGIN_PATTERN }) vim.g.avante_login = true end instance:setup_autocmds() end return instance end function Suggestion:destroy() self:stop_timer() self:reset() self:delete_autocmds() end function Suggestion:suggest() Utils.debug("suggesting") local ctx = self:ctx() local doc = Utils.get_doc() ctx.prev_doc = doc local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local filetype = api.nvim_get_option_value("filetype", { buf = bufnr }) local code_content = Utils.prepend_line_number(table.concat(api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false), "\n") .. "\n\n") local full_response = "" local provider = Providers[Config.auto_suggestions_provider] ---@type AvanteLLMMessage[] local history_messages = { { role = "user", content = [[ <filepath>a.py</filepath> <code> L1: def fib L2: L3: if __name__ == "__main__": L4: # just pass L5: pass </code> ]], }, { role = "assistant", content = "ok", }, { role = "user", content = '<question>{ "indentSize": 4, "position": { "row": 1, "col": 2 } }</question>', }, { role = "assistant", content = [[ [ [ { "start_row": 1, "end_row": 1, "content": "def fib(n):\n if n < 2:\n return n\n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)" }, { "start_row": 4, "end_row": 5, "content": " fib(int(input()))" }, ], [ { "start_row": 1, "end_row": 1, "content": "def fib(n):\n a, b = 0, 1\n for _ in range(n):\n yield a\n a, b = b, a + b" }, { "start_row": 4, "end_row": 5, "content": " list(fib(int(input())))" }, ] ] ]], }, } local diagnostics = Utils.get_diagnostics(bufnr) Llm.stream({ provider = provider, ask = true, diagnostics = vim.json.encode(diagnostics), selected_files = { { content = code_content, file_type = filetype, path = "" } }, code_lang = filetype, history_messages = history_messages, instructions = vim.json.encode(doc), mode = "suggesting", on_start = function(_) end, on_chunk = function(chunk) full_response = full_response .. chunk end, on_stop = function(stop_opts) local err = stop_opts.error if err then Utils.error("Error while suggesting: " .. vim.inspect(err), { once = true, title = "Avante" }) return end Utils.debug("full_response:", full_response) vim.schedule(function() local cursor_row, cursor_col = Utils.get_cursor_pos() if cursor_row ~= doc.position.row or cursor_col ~= doc.position.col then return end -- Clean up markdown code blocks full_response = full_response:gsub("^```%w*\n(.-)\n```$", "%1") full_response = full_response:gsub("(.-)\n```\n?$", "%1") -- Remove everything before the first '[' to ensure we get just the JSON array full_response = full_response:gsub("^.-(%[.*)", "%1") local ok, suggestions_list = pcall(vim.json.decode, full_response) if not ok then Utils.error("Error while decoding suggestions: " .. full_response, { once = true, title = "Avante" }) return end if not suggestions_list then Utils.info("No suggestions found", { once = true, title = "Avante" }) return end local current_lines = Utils.get_buf_lines(0, -1, bufnr) suggestions_list = vim .iter(suggestions_list) :map(function(suggestions) local new_suggestions = vim .iter(suggestions) :map(function(s) local lines = vim.split(s.content, "\n") local new_start_row = s.start_row local new_content_lines = lines for i = s.start_row, s.start_row + #lines - 1 do if current_lines[i] == lines[i - s.start_row + 1] then new_start_row = i + 1 new_content_lines = vim.list_slice(new_content_lines, 2) else break end end if #new_content_lines == 0 then return nil end return { id = s.start_row, original_start_row = s.start_row, start_row = new_start_row, end_row = s.end_row, content = Utils.trim_all_line_numbers(table.concat(new_content_lines, "\n")), } end) :filter(function(s) return s ~= nil end) :totable() --- sort the suggestions by start_row table.sort(new_suggestions, function(a, b) return a.start_row < b.start_row end) return new_suggestions end) :totable() ctx.suggestions_list = suggestions_list ctx.current_suggestions_idx = 1 self:show() end) end, }) end function Suggestion:show() Utils.debug("showing suggestions, mode:", fn.mode()) self:hide() if not fn.mode():match("^[iR]") then return end local ctx = self:ctx() local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil Utils.debug("show suggestions", suggestions) if not suggestions then return end for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do local start_row = suggestion.start_row local end_row = suggestion.end_row local content = suggestion.content local lines = vim.split(content, "\n") local current_lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false) local virt_text_win_col = 0 local cursor_row, _ = Utils.get_cursor_pos() if start_row == end_row and start_row == cursor_row and current_lines[start_row] and #lines > 0 then if vim.startswith(lines[1], current_lines[start_row]) then virt_text_win_col = #current_lines[start_row] lines[1] = string.sub(lines[1], #current_lines[start_row] + 1) else local patch = vim.diff( current_lines[start_row], lines[1], ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-fields { algorithm = "histogram", result_type = "indices", ctxlen = vim.o.scrolloff } ) Utils.debug("patch", patch) if patch and #patch > 0 then virt_text_win_col = patch[1][3] lines[1] = string.sub(lines[1], patch[1][3] + 1) end end end local virt_lines = {} for _, line in ipairs(lines) do table.insert(virt_lines, { { line, Highlights.SUGGESTION } }) end local extmark = { id = suggestion.id, virt_text_win_col = virt_text_win_col, virt_lines = virt_lines, } if virt_text_win_col > 0 then extmark.virt_text = { { lines[1], Highlights.SUGGESTION } } extmark.virt_lines = vim.list_slice(virt_lines, 2) end extmark.hl_mode = "combine" local buf_lines = Utils.get_buf_lines(0, -1, bufnr) local buf_lines_count = #buf_lines while buf_lines_count < end_row do api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, buf_lines_count, -1, false, { "" }) buf_lines_count = buf_lines_count + 1 end if virt_text_win_col > 0 or start_row - 2 < 0 then api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, SUGGESTION_NS, start_row - 1, 0, extmark) else api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, SUGGESTION_NS, start_row - 2, 0, extmark) end for i = start_row, end_row do if i == start_row and start_row == cursor_row and virt_text_win_col > 0 then goto continue end Utils.debug("add highlight", i - 1) api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, SUGGESTION_NS, Highlights.TO_BE_DELETED, i - 1, 0, -1) ::continue:: end end end function Suggestion:is_visible() local extmarks = api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(0, SUGGESTION_NS, 0, -1, { details = false }) return #extmarks > 0 end function Suggestion:hide() api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(0, SUGGESTION_NS, 0, -1) end function Suggestion:ctx() local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local ctx = self._contexts[bufnr] if not ctx then ctx = { suggestions_list = {}, current_suggestions_idx = 0, prev_doc = {}, internal_move = false, } self._contexts[bufnr] = ctx end return ctx end function Suggestion:reset() self._timer = nil local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() self._contexts[bufnr] = nil end function Suggestion:stop_timer() if self._timer then pcall(function() fn.timer_stop(self._timer) end) self._timer = nil end end function Suggestion:next() local ctx = self:ctx() if #ctx.suggestions_list == 0 then return end ctx.current_suggestions_idx = (ctx.current_suggestions_idx % #ctx.suggestions_list) + 1 self:show() end function Suggestion:prev() local ctx = self:ctx() if #ctx.suggestions_list == 0 then return end ctx.current_suggestions_idx = ((ctx.current_suggestions_idx - 2 + #ctx.suggestions_list) % #ctx.suggestions_list) + 1 self:show() end function Suggestion:dismiss() self:stop_timer() self:hide() self:reset() end function Suggestion:get_current_suggestion() local ctx = self:ctx() local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil if not suggestions then return nil end local cursor_row, _ = Utils.get_cursor_pos(0) Utils.debug("cursor row", cursor_row) for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do if suggestion.original_start_row - 1 <= cursor_row and suggestion.end_row >= cursor_row then return suggestion end end end function Suggestion:get_next_suggestion() local ctx = self:ctx() local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil if not suggestions then return nil end local cursor_row, _ = Utils.get_cursor_pos() local new_suggestions = {} for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do table.insert(new_suggestions, suggestion) end --- sort the suggestions by cursor distance table.sort( new_suggestions, function(a, b) return math.abs(a.start_row - cursor_row) < math.abs(b.start_row - cursor_row) end ) --- get the closest suggestion to the cursor return new_suggestions[1] end function Suggestion:accept() local ctx = self:ctx() local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil Utils.debug("suggestions", suggestions) if not suggestions then if Config.mappings.suggestion and Config.mappings.suggestion.accept == "<Tab>" then api.nvim_feedkeys(api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<Tab>", true, false, true), "n", true) end return end local suggestion = self:get_current_suggestion() Utils.debug("current suggestion", suggestion) if not suggestion then suggestion = self:get_next_suggestion() if suggestion then Utils.debug("next suggestion", suggestion) local lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, false) local first_line_row = suggestion.start_row if first_line_row > 1 then first_line_row = first_line_row - 1 end local line = lines[first_line_row] local col = 0 if line ~= nil then col = #line end self:set_internal_move(true) api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { first_line_row, col }) vim.cmd("normal! zz") vim.cmd("startinsert") self:set_internal_move(false) return end end if not suggestion then return end api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(0, SUGGESTION_NS, suggestion.id) local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local start_row = suggestion.start_row local end_row = suggestion.end_row local content = suggestion.content local lines = vim.split(content, "\n") local cursor_row, _ = Utils.get_cursor_pos() local replaced_line_count = end_row - start_row + 1 if replaced_line_count > #lines then Utils.debug("delete lines") api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, start_row + #lines - 1, end_row, false, {}) api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, start_row - 1, start_row + #lines, false, lines) else local start_line = start_row - 1 local end_line = end_row if end_line < start_line then end_line = start_line end Utils.debug("replace lines", start_line, end_line, lines) api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, start_line, end_line, false, lines) end local row_diff = #lines - replaced_line_count ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] = vim .iter(suggestions) :filter(function(s) return s.start_row ~= suggestion.start_row end) :map(function(s) if s.start_row > suggestion.start_row then s.original_start_row = s.original_start_row + row_diff s.start_row = s.start_row + row_diff s.end_row = s.end_row + row_diff end return s end) :totable() local line_count = #lines local down_count = line_count - 1 if start_row > cursor_row then down_count = down_count + 1 end local cursor_keys = string.rep("<Down>", down_count) .. "<End>" suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or {} if #suggestions > 0 then self:set_internal_move(true) end api.nvim_feedkeys(api.nvim_replace_termcodes(cursor_keys, true, false, true), "n", false) if #suggestions > 0 then self:set_internal_move(false) end end function Suggestion:is_internal_move() local ctx = self:ctx() Utils.debug("is internal move", ctx and ctx.internal_move) return ctx and ctx.internal_move end function Suggestion:set_internal_move(internal_move) local ctx = self:ctx() if not internal_move then vim.schedule(function() Utils.debug("set internal move", internal_move) ctx.internal_move = internal_move end) else Utils.debug("set internal move", internal_move) ctx.internal_move = internal_move end end function Suggestion:setup_autocmds() self.augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup("avante_suggestion_" .. self.id, { clear = true }) local last_cursor_pos = {} local check_for_suggestion = Utils.debounce(function() if self.is_on_throttle then return end local current_cursor_pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) if last_cursor_pos[1] == current_cursor_pos[1] and last_cursor_pos[2] == current_cursor_pos[2] then self.is_on_throttle = true vim.defer_fn(function() self.is_on_throttle = false end, Config.suggestion.throttle) self:suggest() end end, Config.suggestion.debounce) local function suggest_callback() if self.is_on_throttle then return end if self:is_internal_move() then return end if not vim.bo.buflisted then return end if vim.bo.buftype ~= "" then return end local full_path = api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) if Config.behaviour.auto_suggestions_respect_ignore and Utils.is_ignored(full_path, self.ignore_patterns, self.negate_patterns) then return end local ctx = self:ctx() if ctx.prev_doc and vim.deep_equal(ctx.prev_doc, Utils.get_doc()) then return end self:hide() last_cursor_pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) self._timer = check_for_suggestion() end api.nvim_create_autocmd("InsertEnter", { group = self.augroup, callback = suggest_callback, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufEnter", { group = self.augroup, callback = function() if fn.mode():match("^[iR]") then suggest_callback() end end, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd("CursorMovedI", { group = self.augroup, callback = suggest_callback, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd("InsertLeave", { group = self.augroup, callback = function() last_cursor_pos = {} self:hide() self:reset() end, }) end function Suggestion:delete_autocmds() if self.augroup then api.nvim_del_augroup_by_id(self.augroup) end self.augroup = nil end return Suggestion