local api = vim.api local Utils = require("avante.utils") local Sidebar = require("avante.sidebar") local Selection = require("avante.selection") local Config = require("avante.config") ---@class Avante local M = { ---@type avante.Sidebar[] we use this to track chat command across tabs sidebars = {}, ---@type avante.Selection[] selections = {}, ---@type {sidebar?: avante.Sidebar, selection?: avante.Selection} current = { sidebar = nil, selection = nil }, } M.did_setup = false local H = {} H.commands = function() local cmd = function(n, c, o) o = vim.tbl_extend("force", { nargs = 0 }, o or {}) api.nvim_create_user_command("Avante" .. n, c, o) end cmd("Ask", function() M.ask() end, { desc = "avante: ask AI for code suggestions" }) cmd("Edit", function() M.edit() end, { desc = "avante: edit selected block" }) cmd("Refresh", function() M.refresh() end, { desc = "avante: refresh windows" }) cmd("Build", function() M.build() end, { desc = "avante: build dependencies" }) end H.keymaps = function() vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "(AvanteAsk)", function() M.ask() end, { noremap = true }) vim.keymap.set("v", "(AvanteEdit)", function() M.edit() end, { noremap = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", "(AvanteRefresh)", function() M.refresh() end, { noremap = true }) --- the following is kinda considered as internal mappings. vim.keymap.set("n", "(AvanteToggleDebug)", function() M.toggle.debug() end) vim.keymap.set("n", "(AvanteToggleHint)", function() M.toggle.hint() end) if Config.behaviour.auto_set_keymaps then Utils.safe_keymap_set({ "n", "v" }, Config.mappings.ask, function() M.ask() end, { desc = "avante: ask" }) Utils.safe_keymap_set("v", Config.mappings.edit, function() M.edit() end, { desc = "avante: edit" }) Utils.safe_keymap_set("n", Config.mappings.refresh, function() M.refresh() end, { desc = "avante: refresh" }) Utils.safe_keymap_set("n", Config.mappings.toggle.debug, function() M.toggle.debug() end, { desc = "avante: toggle debug" }) Utils.safe_keymap_set("n", Config.mappings.toggle.hint, function() M.toggle.hint() end, { desc = "avante: toggle hint" }) end end ---@class ApiCaller ---@operator call(...): any H.api = function(fun) return setmetatable({ api = true }, { __call = function(...) return fun(...) end, }) --[[@as ApiCaller]] end H.signs = function() vim.fn.sign_define("AvanteInputPromptSign", { text = Config.windows.input.prefix }) end H.augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup("avante_autocmds", { clear = true }) H.autocmds = function() local ok, LazyConfig = pcall(require, "lazy.core.config") if ok then local name = "avante.nvim" local load_path = function() require("avante_lib").load() end if LazyConfig.plugins[name] and LazyConfig.plugins[name]._.loaded then vim.schedule(load_path) else api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { pattern = "LazyLoad", callback = function(event) if event.data == name then load_path() return true end end, }) end api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { pattern = "VeryLazy", callback = load_path, }) end api.nvim_create_autocmd("TabEnter", { group = H.augroup, pattern = "*", once = true, callback = function(ev) local tab = tonumber(ev.file) M._init(tab or api.nvim_get_current_tabpage()) if Config.hints.enabled and not M.current.selection.did_setup then M.current.selection:setup_autocmds() end end, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimResized", { group = H.augroup, callback = function() local sidebar, _ = M._get() if not sidebar then return end if not sidebar:is_open() then return end sidebar:resize() end, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd("TabClosed", { group = H.augroup, pattern = "*", callback = function(ev) local tab = tonumber(ev.file) local s = M.sidebars[tab] local sl = M.selections[tab] if s then s:reset() end if sl then sl:delete_autocmds() end if tab ~= nil then M.sidebars[tab] = nil end end, }) vim.schedule(function() M._init(api.nvim_get_current_tabpage()) if Config.hints.enabled then M.current.selection:setup_autocmds() end end) api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorSchemePre", { group = H.augroup, callback = function() require("avante.highlights").setup() end, }) -- automatically setup Avante filetype to markdown vim.treesitter.language.register("markdown", "Avante") end ---@param current boolean? false to disable setting current, otherwise use this to track across tabs. ---@return avante.Sidebar, avante.Selection function M._get(current) local tab = api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local sidebar = M.sidebars[tab] local selection = M.selections[tab] if current ~= false then M.current.sidebar = sidebar M.current.selection = selection end return sidebar, selection end ---@param id integer function M._init(id) local sidebar = M.sidebars[id] local selection = M.selections[id] if not sidebar then sidebar = Sidebar:new(id) M.sidebars[id] = sidebar end if not selection then selection = Selection:new(id) M.selections[id] = selection end M.current = { sidebar = sidebar, selection = selection } return M end M.toggle = { api = true } M.toggle.debug = H.api(Utils.toggle_wrap({ name = "debug", get = function() return Config.debug end, set = function(state) Config.override({ debug = state }) end, })) M.toggle.hint = H.api(Utils.toggle_wrap({ name = "hint", get = function() return Config.hints.enabled end, set = function(state) Config.override({ hints = { enabled = state } }) end, })) setmetatable(M.toggle, { __index = M.toggle, __call = function() local sidebar, _ = M._get() if not sidebar then M._init(api.nvim_get_current_tabpage()) M.current.sidebar:open() return true end return sidebar:toggle() end, }) local function to_windows_path(path) local winpath = path:gsub("/", "\\") if winpath:match("^%a:") then winpath = winpath:sub(1, 2):upper() .. winpath:sub(3) end winpath = winpath:gsub("\\$", "") return winpath end M.build = H.api(function() local dirname = Utils.trim(string.sub(debug.getinfo(1).source, 2, #"/init.lua" * -1), { suffix = "/" }) local git_root = vim.fs.find(".git", { path = dirname, upward = true })[1] local build_directory = git_root and vim.fn.fnamemodify(git_root, ":h") or (dirname .. "/../../") if not vim.fn.executable("cargo") then error("Building avante.nvim requires cargo to be installed.", 2) end ---@type string[] local cmd local os_name = Utils.get_os_name() if vim.tbl_contains({ "linux", "darwin" }, os_name) then cmd = { "sh", "-c", ("make -C %s"):format(build_directory) } elseif os_name == "windows" then build_directory = to_windows_path(build_directory) cmd = { "powershell", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-File", ("%s\\Build.ps1"):format(build_directory), "-WorkingDirectory", build_directory, } else error("Unsupported operating system: " .. os_name, 2) end local job = vim.system(cmd, { text = true }):wait() return vim.tbl_contains({ 0 }, job.code) and true or false end) M.ask = H.api(function() M.toggle() end) M.edit = H.api(function() local _, selection = M._get() if not selection then return end selection:create_editing_input() end) M.refresh = H.api(function() local sidebar, _ = M._get() if not sidebar then return end if not sidebar:is_open() then return end local curbuf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local focused = sidebar.result.bufnr == curbuf or sidebar.input.bufnr == curbuf if focused or not sidebar:is_open() then return end local listed = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("buflisted", { buf = curbuf }) if Utils.is_sidebar_buffer(curbuf) or not listed then return end local curwin = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() sidebar:close() sidebar.code.winid = curwin sidebar.code.bufnr = curbuf sidebar:render() end) ---@param opts? avante.Config function M.setup(opts) if vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 0 then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "Avante requires at least nvim-0.10", "ErrorMsg" }, { "Please upgrade your neovim version", "WarningMsg" }, { "Press any key to exit", "ErrorMsg" }, }, true, {}) vim.fn.getchar() vim.cmd([[quit]]) end ---PERF: we can still allow running require("avante").setup() multiple times to override config if users wish to ---but most of the other functionality will only be called once from lazy.nvim Config.setup(opts) if M.did_setup then return end require("avante.path").setup() require("avante.highlights").setup() require("avante.diff").setup() require("avante.providers").setup() require("avante.clipboard").setup() -- setup helpers H.autocmds() H.commands() H.keymaps() H.signs() M.did_setup = true end return M