local api = vim.api local namespace = api.nvim_create_namespace("avante_floating_window") api.nvim_set_hl(namespace, "NormalFloat", { link = "Normal" }) api.nvim_set_hl(namespace, "FloatBorder", { link = "Normal" }) ---@class FloatingWindow ---@field enter boolean | nil ---@field winid integer | nil ---@field bufnr integer | nil ---@field buf_options table | nil ---@field win_options table | nil ---@field float_options table | nil ---@field on_mount_handlers table | nil ---@field on_unmount_handlers table | nil ---@field augroup integer | nil ---@field keep_floating_style boolean | nil local FloatingWindow = {} FloatingWindow.__index = FloatingWindow setmetatable(FloatingWindow, { __call = function(cls, ...) return cls.new(...) end, }) ---@class FloatingWindowOptions ---@field enter? boolean ---@field buf_options? table ---@field win_options? table ---@field float_options? table ---@field keep_floating_style? boolean ---@param opts FloatingWindowOptions ---@return FloatingWindow function FloatingWindow.new(opts) local instance = setmetatable({}, FloatingWindow) instance.winid = nil instance.bufnr = nil instance.enter = opts.enter or true instance.buf_options = opts.buf_options or {} instance.win_options = opts.win_options or {} instance.float_options = opts.float_options or {} instance.on_mount_handlers = {} instance.on_unmount_handlers = {} instance.augroup = nil instance.keep_floating_style = opts.keep_floating_style or false return instance end ---@param split_winid integer ---@param opts FloatingWindowOptions ---@return FloatingWindow function FloatingWindow.from_split_win(split_winid, opts) local split_win_width = api.nvim_win_get_width(split_winid) local split_win_height = api.nvim_win_get_height(split_winid) local calc_floating_win_size = function(width, height) return { width = math.max(width - 2, 1), height = math.max(height - 3, 1), } end local floating_win_size = calc_floating_win_size(split_win_width, split_win_height) local float_opts_ = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", { relative = "win", win = split_winid, width = floating_win_size.width, height = floating_win_size.height, row = 1, col = 0, style = "minimal", border = { " " }, }, opts.float_options or {}) local win_opts_ = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {}, opts.win_options or {}) local buf_opts_ = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {}, opts.buf_options or {}) local floating_win = FloatingWindow({ buf_options = buf_opts_, win_options = win_opts_, float_options = float_opts_, keep_floating_style = opts.keep_floating_style, }) floating_win:on_mount(function(winid) api.nvim_create_autocmd("WinResized", { group = floating_win.augroup, callback = function() if not split_winid or not winid or not api.nvim_win_is_valid(split_winid) or not api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then return end local current_width = api.nvim_win_get_width(winid) local current_height = api.nvim_win_get_height(winid) if current_width == floating_win_size.width and current_height == floating_win_size.height then return end floating_win_size.width = current_width floating_win_size.height = current_height api.nvim_win_set_height(split_winid, current_height + 3) api.nvim_win_set_width(split_winid, current_width + 2) end, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd("WinResized", { group = floating_win.augroup, callback = function() if not split_winid or not winid or not api.nvim_win_is_valid(split_winid) or not api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then return end local current_split_win_width = api.nvim_win_get_width(split_winid) local current_split_win_height = api.nvim_win_get_height(split_winid) if current_split_win_width == split_win_width and current_split_win_height == split_win_height then return end split_win_width = current_split_win_width split_win_height = current_split_win_height local current_floating_win_size = calc_floating_win_size(current_split_win_width, current_split_win_height) local old_floating_win_options = api.nvim_win_get_config(winid) local new_floating_win_options = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", old_floating_win_options, { width = current_floating_win_size.width, height = current_floating_win_size.height, }) api.nvim_win_set_config(winid, new_floating_win_options) end, }) end) return floating_win end function FloatingWindow:__gc() self:unmount() end function FloatingWindow:__tostring() return "FloatingWindow" end function FloatingWindow:__eq(other) return self.winid == other.winid end ---@param handler fun(number, number): nil ---@return nil function FloatingWindow:on_mount(handler) table.insert(self.on_mount_handlers, handler) end ---@param handler fun(nuber, nubmer): nil ---@return nil function FloatingWindow:on_unmount(handler) table.insert(self.on_unmount_handlers, handler) end ---@return nil function FloatingWindow:mount() self.bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) for option, value in pairs(self.buf_options) do api.nvim_set_option_value(option, value, { buf = self.bufnr }) end self.winid = api.nvim_open_win(self.bufnr, self.enter, self.float_options) self.augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup("avante_floating_window_" .. tostring(self.winid), { clear = true }) for option, value in pairs(self.win_options) do api.nvim_set_option_value(option, value, { win = self.winid }) end if not self.keep_floating_style then api.nvim_win_set_hl_ns(self.winid, namespace) end for _, handler in ipairs(self.on_mount_handlers) do handler(self.winid, self.bufnr) end end ---@return nil function FloatingWindow:unmount() for _, handler in ipairs(self.on_unmount_handlers) do handler(self.winid, self.bufnr) end if self.augroup ~= nil then pcall(api.nvim_delete_augroup, self.augroup) self.augroup = nil end if self.bufnr and api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.bufnr) then api.nvim_buf_delete(self.bufnr, { force = true }) self.bufnr = nil end if self.winid and api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.winid) then api.nvim_win_close(self.winid, true) self.winid = nil end end ---@param event string | string[] ---@param handler string | function ---@param options? table<"'once'" | "'nested'", boolean> ---@return nil function FloatingWindow:on(event, handler, options) api.nvim_create_autocmd(event, { buffer = self.bufnr, callback = handler, once = options and options["once"] or false, nested = options and options["nested"] or false, }) end ---@param mode string|string[] check `:h :map-modes` ---@param key string|string[] key for the mapping ---@param handler string | fun(): nil handler for the mapping ---@param opts? table<"'expr'"|"'noremap'"|"'nowait'"|"'remap'"|"'script'"|"'silent'"|"'unique'", boolean> ---@return nil function FloatingWindow:map(mode, key, handler, opts) local options = opts or {} if type(key) == "string" then vim.keymap.set(mode, key, handler, options) return end for _, key_ in ipairs(key) do vim.keymap.set(mode, key_, handler, options) end end return FloatingWindow