--Taken from https://github.com/jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim/blob/main/lua/chatgpt/flows/chat/tokens.lua
local Tokenizer = require("avante.tokenizers")

---@class avante.utils.tokens
local Tokens = {}

---@type table<[string], number>
local cost_per_token = {
  davinci = 0.000002,

--- Calculate the number of tokens in a given text.
---@param text string The text to calculate the number of tokens for.
---@return integer The number of tokens in the given text.
function Tokens.calculate_tokens(text)
  if Tokenizer.available() then return Tokenizer.count(text) end

  local tokens = 0
  local current_token = ""
  for char in text:gmatch(".") do
    if char == " " or char == "\n" then
      if current_token ~= "" then
        tokens = tokens + 1
        current_token = ""
      current_token = current_token .. char
  if current_token ~= "" then tokens = tokens + 1 end
  return tokens

--- Calculate the cost of a given text in dollars.
-- @param text The text to calculate the cost of.
-- @param model The model to use to calculate the cost.
-- @return The cost of the given text in dollars.
function Tokens.calculate_usage_in_dollars(text, model)
  local tokens = Tokens.calculate_tokens(text)
  return Tokens.usage_in_dollars(tokens, model)

--- Calculate the cost of a given number of tokens in dollars.
-- @param tokens The number of tokens to calculate the cost of.
-- @param model The model to use to calculate the cost.
-- @return The cost of the given number of tokens in dollars.
function Tokens.usage_in_dollars(tokens, model) return tokens * cost_per_token[model or "davinci"] end

return Tokens