local curl = require("plenary.curl") local Utils = require("avante.utils") local Config = require("avante.config") local P = require("avante.providers") local O = require("avante.providers").openai ---@class AvanteProviderFunctor local M = {} ---@class CopilotToken ---@field annotations_enabled boolean ---@field chat_enabled boolean ---@field chat_jetbrains_enabled boolean ---@field code_quote_enabled boolean ---@field codesearch boolean ---@field copilotignore_enabled boolean ---@field endpoints {api: string, ["origin-tracker"]: string, proxy: string, telemetry: string} ---@field expires_at integer ---@field individual boolean ---@field nes_enabled boolean ---@field prompt_8k boolean ---@field public_suggestions string ---@field refresh_in integer ---@field sku string ---@field snippy_load_test_enabled boolean ---@field telemetry string ---@field token string ---@field tracking_id string ---@field vsc_electron_fetcher boolean ---@field xcode boolean ---@field xcode_chat boolean --- ---@private ---@class AvanteCopilot: table ---@field token? CopilotToken ---@field github_token? string ---@field sessionid? string ---@field machineid? string M.copilot = nil local H = {} local version_headers = { ["editor-version"] = "Neovim/" .. vim.version().major .. "." .. vim.version().minor .. "." .. vim.version().patch, ["editor-plugin-version"] = "avante.nvim/0.0.0", ["user-agent"] = "avante.nvim/0.0.0", } ---@return string H.uuid = function() local template = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" return ( string.gsub(template, "[xy]", function(c) local v = (c == "x") and math.random(0, 0xf) or math.random(8, 0xb) return string.format("%x", v) end) ) end ---@return string H.machine_id = function() local length = 65 local hex_chars = "0123456789abcdef" local hex = "" for _ = 1, length do hex = hex .. hex_chars:sub(math.random(1, #hex_chars), math.random(1, #hex_chars)) end return hex end ---@return string | nil H.find_config_path = function() local config = vim.fn.expand("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME") if config and vim.fn.isdirectory(config) > 0 then return config elseif vim.fn.has("win32") > 0 then config = vim.fn.expand("~/AppData/Local") if vim.fn.isdirectory(config) > 0 then return config end else config = vim.fn.expand("~/.config") if vim.fn.isdirectory(config) > 0 then return config end end end H.cached_token = function() -- loading token from the environment only in GitHub Codespaces local token = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") local codespaces = os.getenv("CODESPACES") if token and codespaces then return token end -- loading token from the file local config_path = H.find_config_path() if not config_path then return nil end -- token can be sometimes in apps.json sometimes in hosts.json local file_paths = { config_path .. "/github-copilot/hosts.json", config_path .. "/github-copilot/apps.json", } for _, file_path in ipairs(file_paths) do if vim.fn.filereadable(file_path) == 1 then local userdata = vim.fn.json_decode(vim.fn.readfile(file_path)) for key, value in pairs(userdata) do if string.find(key, "github.com") then return value.oauth_token end end end end return nil end ---@param token string ---@param sessionid string ---@param machineid string ---@return table H.generate_headers = function(token, sessionid, machineid) local headers = { ["authorization"] = "Bearer " .. token, ["x-request-id"] = H.uuid(), ["vscode-sessionid"] = sessionid, ["vscode-machineid"] = machineid, ["copilot-integration-id"] = "vscode-chat", ["openai-organization"] = "github-copilot", ["openai-intent"] = "conversation-panel", ["content-type"] = "application/json", } for key, value in pairs(version_headers) do headers[key] = value end return headers end M.api_key_name = P.AVANTE_INTERNAL_KEY M.has = function() if Utils.has("copilot.lua") or Utils.has("copilot.vim") or H.find_config_path() then return true end Utils.warn("copilot is not setup correctly. Please use copilot.lua or copilot.vim for authentication.") return false end M.parse_message = O.parse_message M.parse_response = O.parse_response M.parse_curl_args = function(provider, code_opts) local github_token = H.cached_token() if not github_token then error( "No GitHub token found, please use `:Copilot auth` to setup with `copilot.lua` or `:Copilot setup` with `copilot.vim`" ) end local base, body_opts = P.parse_config(provider) local on_done = function() return { url = Utils.trim(base.endpoint, { suffix = "/" }) .. "/chat/completions", proxy = base.proxy, insecure = base.allow_insecure, headers = H.generate_headers(M.copilot.token.token, M.copilot.sessionid, M.copilot.machineid), body = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", { mode = base.model, n = 1, top_p = 1, stream = true, messages = M.parse_message(code_opts), }, body_opts), } end local result = nil if not M.copilot.token or (M.copilot.token.expires_at and M.copilot.token.expires_at <= math.floor(os.time())) then local sessionid = H.uuid() .. tostring(math.floor(os.time() * 1000)) local url = "https://api.github.com/copilot_internal/v2/token" local headers = { ["Authorization"] = "token " .. github_token, ["Accept"] = "application/json", } for key, value in pairs(version_headers) do headers[key] = value end local response = curl.get(url, { timeout = Config.copilot.timeout, headers = headers, proxy = base.proxy, insecure = base.allow_insecure, on_error = function(err) error("Failed to get response: " .. vim.inspect(err)) end, }) M.copilot.sessionid = sessionid M.copilot.token = vim.json.decode(response.body) result = on_done() else result = on_done() end return result end M.setup = function() if not M.copilot then M.copilot = { sessionid = nil, token = nil, github_token = H.cached_token(), machineid = H.machine_id(), } end end return M