local Popup = require("nui.popup") local Utils = require("avante.utils") local event = require("nui.utils.autocmd").event local Config = require("avante.config") local filetype_map = { ["javascriptreact"] = "javascript", ["typescriptreact"] = "typescript", } ---@class AvanteRepoMap ---@field stringify_definitions fun(lang: string, source: string): string local repo_map_lib = nil ---@class avante.utils.repo_map local RepoMap = {} function RepoMap.setup() vim.defer_fn(function() local ok, core = pcall(require, "avante_repo_map") if not ok then error("Failed to load avante_repo_map") return end if repo_map_lib == nil then repo_map_lib = core end end, 1000) end function RepoMap.get_ts_lang(filepath) local filetype = RepoMap.get_filetype(filepath) return filetype_map[filetype] or filetype end function RepoMap.get_filetype(filepath) -- Some files are sometimes not detected correctly when buffer is not included -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/27265 local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local filetype = vim.filetype.match({ filename = filepath, buf = buf }) vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buf, { force = true }) return filetype end function RepoMap._build_repo_map(project_root, file_ext) local output = {} local gitignore_path = project_root .. "/.gitignore" local gitignore_patterns, gitignore_negate_patterns = Utils.parse_gitignore(gitignore_path) local ignore_patterns = vim.list_extend(gitignore_patterns, Config.repo_map.ignore_patterns) local negate_patterns = vim.list_extend(gitignore_negate_patterns, Config.repo_map.negate_patterns) local filepaths = Utils.scan_directory(project_root, ignore_patterns, negate_patterns) vim.iter(filepaths):each(function(filepath) if not Utils.is_same_file_ext(file_ext, filepath) then return end if not repo_map_lib then Utils.error("Failed to load avante_repo_map") return end local filetype = RepoMap.get_ts_lang(filepath) local definitions = filetype and repo_map_lib.stringify_definitions(filetype, Utils.file.read_content(filepath) or "") or "" if definitions == "" then return end table.insert(output, { path = Utils.relative_path(filepath), lang = RepoMap.get_filetype(filepath), defs = definitions, }) end) return output end local cache = {} function RepoMap.get_repo_map(file_ext) local repo_map = RepoMap._get_repo_map(file_ext) or {} if not repo_map or next(repo_map) == nil then Utils.warn("The repo map is empty. Maybe do not support this language: " .. file_ext) end return repo_map end function RepoMap._get_repo_map(file_ext) file_ext = file_ext or vim.fn.expand("%:e") local project_root = Utils.root.get() local cache_key = project_root .. "." .. file_ext local cached = cache[cache_key] if cached then return cached end local PPath = require("plenary.path") local Path = require("avante.path") local repo_map local function build_and_save() repo_map = RepoMap._build_repo_map(project_root, file_ext) cache[cache_key] = repo_map Path.repo_map.save(project_root, file_ext, repo_map) end repo_map = Path.repo_map.load(project_root, file_ext) if not repo_map or next(repo_map) == nil then build_and_save() if not repo_map then return end else local timer = vim.loop.new_timer() if timer then timer:start( 0, 0, vim.schedule_wrap(function() build_and_save() timer:close() end) ) end end local update_repo_map = vim.schedule_wrap(function(rel_filepath) if rel_filepath and Utils.is_same_file_ext(file_ext, rel_filepath) then local abs_filepath = PPath:new(project_root):joinpath(rel_filepath):absolute() local definitions = repo_map_lib.stringify_definitions( RepoMap.get_ts_lang(abs_filepath), Utils.file.read_content(abs_filepath) or "" ) if definitions == "" then return end local found = false for _, m in ipairs(repo_map) do if m.path == rel_filepath then m.defs = definitions found = true break end end if not found then table.insert(repo_map, { path = Utils.relative_path(abs_filepath), lang = RepoMap.get_filetype(abs_filepath), defs = definitions, }) end cache[cache_key] = repo_map Path.repo_map.save(project_root, file_ext, repo_map) end end) local handle = vim.loop.new_fs_event() if handle then handle:start(project_root, { recursive = true }, function(err, rel_filepath) if err then print("Error watching directory " .. project_root .. ":", err) return end if rel_filepath then update_repo_map(rel_filepath) end end) end vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufReadPost", "BufNewFile" }, { callback = function(ev) vim.defer_fn(function() local ok, filepath = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name, ev.buf) if not ok or not filepath then return end if not vim.startswith(filepath, project_root) then return end local rel_filepath = Utils.relative_path(filepath) update_repo_map(rel_filepath) end, 0) end, }) return repo_map end function RepoMap.show() local file_ext = vim.fn.expand("%:e") local repo_map = RepoMap.get_repo_map(file_ext) if not repo_map or next(repo_map) == nil then Utils.warn("The repo map is empty or not supported for this language: " .. file_ext) return end local popup = Popup({ position = "50%", enter = true, focusable = true, border = { style = "rounded", padding = { 1, 1 }, text = { top = " Avante Repo Map ", top_align = "center", }, }, size = { width = math.floor(vim.o.columns * 0.8), height = math.floor(vim.o.lines * 0.8), }, }) popup:mount() popup:map("n", "q", function() popup:unmount() end, { noremap = true, silent = true }) popup:on(event.BufLeave, function() popup:unmount() end) -- Format the repo map for display local lines = {} for _, entry in ipairs(repo_map) do table.insert(lines, string.format("Path: %s", entry.path)) table.insert(lines, string.format("Lang: %s", entry.lang)) table.insert(lines, "Defs:") for def_line in entry.defs:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do table.insert(lines, def_line) end table.insert(lines, "") -- Add an empty line between entries end -- Set the buffer content vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(popup.bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines) end return RepoMap