local Utils = require("avante.utils") local Config = require("avante.config") local Clipboard = require("avante.clipboard") local P = require("avante.providers") ---@class OpenAIChatResponse ---@field id string ---@field object "chat.completion" | "chat.completion.chunk" ---@field created integer ---@field model string ---@field system_fingerprint string ---@field choices? OpenAIResponseChoice[] | OpenAIResponseChoiceComplete[] ---@field usage {prompt_tokens: integer, completion_tokens: integer, total_tokens: integer} --- ---@class OpenAIResponseChoice ---@field index integer ---@field delta OpenAIMessage ---@field logprobs? integer ---@field finish_reason? "stop" | "length" --- ---@class OpenAIResponseChoiceComplete ---@field message OpenAIMessage ---@field finish_reason "stop" | "length" | "eos_token" ---@field index integer ---@field logprobs integer --- ---@class OpenAIMessage ---@field role? "user" | "system" | "assistant" ---@field content string --- ---@class AvanteProviderFunctor local M = {} M.api_key_name = "OPENAI_API_KEY" M.role_map = { user = "user", assistant = "assistant", } ---@param opts AvantePromptOptions M.get_user_message = function(opts) vim.deprecate("get_user_message", "parse_messages", "0.1.0", "avante.nvim") return table.concat( vim .iter(opts.messages) :filter(function(_, value) return value == nil or value.role ~= "user" end) :fold({}, function(acc, value) acc = vim.list_extend({}, acc) acc = vim.list_extend(acc, { value.content }) return acc end), "\n" ) end M.parse_messages = function(opts) local messages = {} local provider = P[Config.provider] local base, _ = P.parse_config(provider) -- NOTE: Handle the case where the selected model is the `o1` model -- "o1" models are "smart" enough to understand user prompt as a system prompt in this context if base.model and string.find(base.model, "o1") then table.insert(messages, { role = "user", content = opts.system_prompt }) else table.insert(messages, { role = "system", content = opts.system_prompt }) end vim .iter(opts.messages) :each(function(msg) table.insert(messages, { role = M.role_map[msg.role], content = msg.content }) end) if Config.behaviour.support_paste_from_clipboard and opts.image_paths and #opts.image_paths > 0 then local message_content = messages[#messages].content if type(message_content) ~= "table" then message_content = { type = "text", text = message_content } end for _, image_path in ipairs(opts.image_paths) do table.insert(message_content, { type = "image_url", image_url = { url = "data:image/png;base64," .. Clipboard.get_base64_content(image_path), }, }) end messages[#messages].content = message_content end return messages end M.parse_response = function(data_stream, _, opts) if data_stream:match('"%[DONE%]":') then opts.on_complete(nil) return end if data_stream:match('"delta":') then ---@type OpenAIChatResponse local json = vim.json.decode(data_stream) if json.choices and json.choices[1] then local choice = json.choices[1] if choice.finish_reason == "stop" or choice.finish_reason == "eos_token" then opts.on_complete(nil) elseif choice.delta.content then if choice.delta.content ~= vim.NIL then opts.on_chunk(choice.delta.content) end end end end end M.parse_response_without_stream = function(data, _, opts) ---@type OpenAIChatResponse local json = vim.json.decode(data) if json.choices and json.choices[1] then local choice = json.choices[1] if choice.message and choice.message.content then opts.on_chunk(choice.message.content) vim.schedule(function() opts.on_complete(nil) end) end end end M.parse_curl_args = function(provider, code_opts) local base, body_opts = P.parse_config(provider) local headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json", } if not P.env.is_local("openai") then headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " .. provider.parse_api_key() end -- NOTE: When using "o1" set the supported parameters only local stream = true if base.model and string.find(base.model, "o1") then stream = false body_opts.max_tokens = nil body_opts.temperature = 1 end Utils.debug("endpoint", base.endpoint) Utils.debug("model", base.model) return { url = Utils.url_join(base.endpoint, "/chat/completions"), proxy = base.proxy, insecure = base.allow_insecure, headers = headers, body = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", { model = base.model, messages = M.parse_messages(code_opts), stream = stream, }, body_opts), } end return M