param ( [string]$Version = "luajit", [string]$BuildFromSource = "false" ) $Build = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($BuildFromSource) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $BuildDir = "build" function Build-FromSource($feature) { if (-not (Test-Path $BuildDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BuildDir | Out-Null } cargo build --release --features=$feature $SCRIPT_DIR = $PSScriptRoot $targetTokenizerFile = "avante_tokenizers.dll" $targetTemplatesFile = "avante_templates.dll" $targetRepoMapFile = "avante_repo_map.dll" Copy-Item (Join-Path $SCRIPT_DIR "target\release\avante_tokenizers.dll") (Join-Path $BuildDir $targetTokenizerFile) Copy-Item (Join-Path $SCRIPT_DIR "target\release\avante_templates.dll") (Join-Path $BuildDir $targetTemplatesFile) Copy-Item (Join-Path $SCRIPT_DIR "target\release\avante_repo_map.dll") (Join-Path $BuildDir $targetRepoMapFile) Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "target" } function Test-Command($cmdname) { return $null -ne (Get-Command $cmdname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } function Test-GHAuth { try { $null = gh api user return $true } catch { return $false } } function Download-Prebuilt($feature) { $REPO_OWNER = "yetone" $REPO_NAME = "avante.nvim" $SCRIPT_DIR = $PSScriptRoot # Set the target directory to clone the artifact $TARGET_DIR = Join-Path $SCRIPT_DIR "build" # Set the platform to Windows $PLATFORM = "windows" $ARCH = "x86_64" if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "ARM64") { $ARCH = "aarch64" } # Set the Lua version (lua51 or luajit) $LUA_VERSION = if ($feature) { $feature } else { "luajit" } # Set the artifact name pattern $ARTIFACT_NAME_PATTERN = "avante_lib-$PLATFORM-$ARCH-$LUA_VERSION" $TempFile = Get-Item ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempFilename()) | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name + ".zip" } -PassThru if ((Test-Command "gh") -and (Test-GHAuth)) { gh release download --repo "$REPO_OWNER/$REPO_NAME" --pattern "*$ARTIFACT_NAME_PATTERN*" --output $TempFile --clobber } else { # Get the artifact download URL $LATEST_RELEASE = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$REPO_OWNER/$REPO_NAME/releases/latest" $ARTIFACT_URL = $LATEST_RELEASE.assets | Where-Object { $ -like "*$ARTIFACT_NAME_PATTERN*" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url # Download and extract the artifact Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ARTIFACT_URL -OutFile $TempFile } # Create target directory if it doesn't exist if (-not (Test-Path $TARGET_DIR)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TARGET_DIR | Out-Null } Expand-Archive -Path $TempFile -DestinationPath $TARGET_DIR -Force Remove-Item $TempFile } function Main { Set-Location $PSScriptRoot if ($Build) { Write-Host "Building for $Version..." Build-FromSource $Version } else { Write-Host "Downloading for $Version..." Download-Prebuilt $Version } Write-Host "Completed!" } # Run the main function Main