local api = vim.api local curl = require("plenary.curl") local Utils = require("avante.utils") local Config = require("avante.config") local P = require("avante.providers") ---@class avante.LLM local M = {} M.CANCEL_PATTERN = "AvanteLLMEscape" ------------------------------Prompt and type------------------------------ ---@alias AvanteSystemPrompt string local system_prompt = [[ You are an excellent programming expert. ]] ---@alias AvanteBasePrompt string local base_user_prompt = [[ Your primary task is to suggest code modifications with precise line number ranges. Follow these instructions meticulously: 1. Carefully analyze the original code, paying close attention to its structure and line numbers. Line numbers start from 1 and include ALL lines, even empty ones. 2. When suggesting modifications: a. Use the language in the question to reply. If there are non-English parts in the question, use the language of those parts. b. Explain why the change is necessary or beneficial. c. Provide the exact code snippet to be replaced using this format: Replace lines: {{start_line}}-{{end_line}} ```{{language}} {{suggested_code}} ``` 3. Crucial guidelines for suggested code snippets: - Only apply the change(s) suggested by the most recent assistant message (before your generation). - Do not make any unrelated changes to the code. - Produce a valid full rewrite of the entire original file without skipping any lines. Do not be lazy! - Do not arbitrarily delete pre-existing comments/empty Lines. - Do not omit large parts of the original file for no reason. - Do not omit any needed changes from the requisite messages/code blocks. - If there is a clicked code block, bias towards just applying that (and applying other changes implied). - Please keep your suggested code changes minimal, and do not include irrelevant lines in the code snippet. 4. Crucial guidelines for line numbers: - The content regarding line numbers MUST strictly follow the format "Replace lines: {{start_line}}-{{end_line}}". Do not be lazy! - The range {{start_line}}-{{end_line}} is INCLUSIVE. Both start_line and end_line are included in the replacement. - Count EVERY line, including empty lines and comments lines, comments. Do not be lazy! - For single-line changes, use the same number for start and end lines. - For multi-line changes, ensure the range covers ALL affected lines, from the very first to the very last. - Double-check that your line numbers align perfectly with the original code structure. 5. Final check: - Review all suggestions, ensuring each line number is correct, especially the start_line and end_line. - Confirm that no unrelated code is accidentally modified or deleted. - Verify that the start_line and end_line correctly include all intended lines for replacement. - Perform a final alignment check to ensure your line numbers haven't shifted, especially the start_line. - Double-check that your line numbers align perfectly with the original code structure. - Do not show the full content after these modifications. Remember: Accurate line numbers are CRITICAL. The range start_line to end_line must include ALL lines to be replaced, from the very first to the very last. Double-check every range before finalizing your response, paying special attention to the start_line to ensure it hasn't shifted down. Ensure that your line numbers perfectly match the original code structure without any overall shift. ]] local group = api.nvim_create_augroup("AvanteLLM", { clear = true }) local active_job = nil ---@param question string ---@param code_lang string ---@param code_content string ---@param selected_content_content string | nil ---@param on_chunk AvanteChunkParser ---@param on_complete AvanteCompleteParser M.stream = function(question, code_lang, code_content, selected_content_content, on_chunk, on_complete) local provider = Config.provider ---@type AvantePromptOptions local code_opts = { base_prompt = base_user_prompt, system_prompt = system_prompt, question = question, code_lang = code_lang, code_content = code_content, selected_code_content = selected_content_content, } ---@type string local current_event_state = nil ---@type AvanteProviderFunctor local Provider = P[provider] ---@type AvanteHandlerOptions local handler_opts = { on_chunk = on_chunk, on_complete = on_complete } ---@type AvanteCurlOutput local spec = Provider.parse_curl_args(Provider, code_opts) Utils.debug({ spec }) ---@param line string local function parse_stream_data(line) local event = line:match("^event: (.+)$") if event then current_event_state = event return end local data_match = line:match("^data: (.+)$") if data_match then Provider.parse_response(data_match, current_event_state, handler_opts) end end if active_job then active_job:shutdown() active_job = nil end active_job = curl.post(spec.url, { headers = spec.headers, proxy = spec.proxy, insecure = spec.insecure, body = vim.json.encode(spec.body), stream = function(err, data, _) if err then on_complete(err) return end if not data then return end vim.schedule(function() if Config.options[provider] == nil and Provider.parse_stream_data ~= nil then if Provider.parse_response ~= nil then Utils.warn( "parse_stream_data and parse_response_data are mutually exclusive, and thus parse_response_data will be ignored. Make sure that you handle the incoming data correctly.", { once = true } ) end Provider.parse_stream_data(data, handler_opts) else if Provider.parse_stream_data ~= nil then Provider.parse_stream_data(data, handler_opts) else parse_stream_data(data) end end end) end, on_error = function(err) on_complete(err) end, callback = function(_) active_job = nil end, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { group = group, pattern = M.CANCEL_PATTERN, callback = function() if active_job then active_job:shutdown() Utils.debug("LLM request cancelled", { title = "Avante" }) active_job = nil end end, }) return active_job end return M