feat: tab flow (#1077)

This commit is contained in:
yetone 2025-01-14 15:39:57 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent ba9f014b75
commit bd8afce3b0
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
6 changed files with 353 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ If you have the following structure:
- [x] Edit the selected block
- [x] Smart Tab (Cursor Flow)
- [x] Chat with project (You can use `@codebase` to chat with the whole project)
- [x] Chat with selected files
- [ ] CoT
- [ ] Chat with selected files
## Roadmap

View File

@ -246,6 +246,10 @@ M._defaults = {
-- Options override for custom providers
provider_opts = {},
suggestion = {
debounce = 600,
throttle = 600,
---@type avante.Config

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ local Highlights = {
ANNOTATION = { name = "AvanteAnnotation", link = "Comment" },
POPUP_HINT = { name = "AvantePopupHint", link = "NormalFloat" },
INLINE_HINT = { name = "AvanteInlineHint", link = "Keyword" },
TO_BE_DELETED = { name = "AvanteToBeDeleted", bg = "#ffcccc", strikethrough = true },
Highlights.conflict = {
@ -46,7 +47,11 @@ M.setup = function()
:each(function(_, hl)
if not has_set_colors(hl.name) then
api.nvim_set_hl(0, hl.name, { fg = hl.fg or nil, bg = hl.bg or nil, link = hl.link or nil })
{ fg = hl.fg or nil, bg = hl.bg or nil, link = hl.link or nil, strikethrough = hl.strikethrough }

View File

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ local SUGGESTION_NS = api.nvim_create_namespace("avante_suggestion")
---@class avante.Suggestion
---@field id number
---@field augroup integer
---@field extmark_id integer
---@field ignore_patterns table
---@field negate_patterns table
---@field _timer? table
---@field _contexts table
---@field is_on_throttle boolean
local Suggestion = {}
Suggestion.__index = Suggestion
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ function Suggestion:new(id)
local gitignore_patterns, gitignore_negate_patterns = Utils.parse_gitignore(gitignore_path)
instance.id = id
instance.extmark_id = 1
instance._timer = nil
instance._contexts = {}
instance.ignore_patterns = gitignore_patterns
instance.negate_patterns = gitignore_negate_patterns
instance.is_on_throttle = false
if Config.behaviour.auto_suggestions then
if not vim.g.avante_login or vim.g.avante_login == false then
api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = Providers.env.REQUEST_LOGIN_PATTERN })
@ -80,7 +80,13 @@ function Suggestion:suggest()
role = "user",
content = [[
<code>def fib</code>
L1: def fib
L3: if __name__ == "__main__":
L4: # just pass
L5: pass
@ -95,11 +101,30 @@ function Suggestion:suggest()
role = "assistant",
content = [[
"row": 1,
"col": 8,
"content": "(n):\n if n < 2:\n return n\n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)"
"start_row": 1,
"end_row": 1,
"content": "def fib(n):\n if n < 2:\n return n\n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)"
"start_row": 4,
"end_row": 5,
"content": " fib(int(input()))"
"start_row": 1,
"end_row": 1,
"content": "def fib(n):\n a, b = 0, 1\n for _ in range(n):\n yield a\n a, b = b, a + b"
"start_row": 4,
"end_row": 5,
"content": " list(fib(int(input())))"
@ -128,21 +153,49 @@ function Suggestion:suggest()
full_response = full_response:gsub("(.-)\n```\n?$", "%1")
-- Remove everything before the first '[' to ensure we get just the JSON array
full_response = full_response:gsub("^.-(%[.*)", "%1")
local ok, suggestions = pcall(vim.json.decode, full_response)
local ok, suggestions_list = pcall(vim.json.decode, full_response)
if not ok then
Utils.error("Error while decoding suggestions: " .. full_response, { once = true, title = "Avante" })
if not suggestions then
if not suggestions_list then
Utils.info("No suggestions found", { once = true, title = "Avante" })
suggestions = vim
:map(function(s) return { row = s.row, col = s.col, content = Utils.trim_all_line_numbers(s.content) } end)
local current_lines = Utils.get_buf_lines(0, -1, bufnr)
suggestions_list = vim
local new_suggestions = vim
local lines = vim.split(s.content, "\n")
local new_start_row = s.start_row
local new_content_lines = lines
for i = s.start_row, s.start_row + #lines - 1 do
if current_lines[i] == lines[1] then
new_start_row = i + 1
new_content_lines = vim.list_slice(new_content_lines, 2)
return {
id = s.start_row,
original_start_row = s.start_row,
start_row = new_start_row,
end_row = s.end_row,
content = Utils.trim_all_line_numbers(table.concat(new_content_lines, "\n")),
--- sort the suggestions by start_row
table.sort(new_suggestions, function(a, b) return a.start_row < b.start_row end)
return new_suggestions
ctx.suggestions = suggestions
ctx.current_suggestion_idx = 1
ctx.suggestions_list = suggestions_list
ctx.current_suggestions_idx = 1
@ -155,74 +208,92 @@ function Suggestion:show()
if not fn.mode():match("^[iR]") then return end
local ctx = self:ctx()
local suggestion = ctx.suggestions[ctx.current_suggestion_idx]
if not suggestion then return end
local cursor_row, cursor_col = Utils.get_cursor_pos()
if suggestion.row < cursor_row then return end
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local row = suggestion.row
local col = suggestion.col
local content = suggestion.content
local lines = vim.split(content, "\n")
local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil
local extmark_col = cursor_col
if not suggestions then return end
if cursor_row < row then extmark_col = 0 end
for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do
local start_row = suggestion.start_row
local end_row = suggestion.end_row
local content = suggestion.content
local current_lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
local lines = vim.split(content, "\n")
if cursor_row == row then
local cursor_line_col = #current_lines[cursor_row] - 1
if cursor_col ~= cursor_line_col then
local current_line = current_lines[cursor_row]
lines[1] = lines[1] .. current_line:sub(col + 1, -1)
local current_lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
local virt_text_win_col = 0
start_row == end_row
and current_lines[start_row]
and #lines > 0
and vim.startswith(lines[1], current_lines[start_row])
virt_text_win_col = #current_lines[start_row]
lines[1] = string.sub(lines[1], #current_lines[start_row] + 1)
local virt_lines = {}
for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
table.insert(virt_lines, { { line, Highlights.SUGGESTION } })
local extmark = {
id = suggestion.id,
virt_text_win_col = virt_text_win_col,
virt_lines = virt_lines,
if virt_text_win_col > 0 then
extmark.virt_text = { { lines[1], Highlights.SUGGESTION } }
extmark.virt_lines = vim.list_slice(virt_lines, 2)
extmark.hl_mode = "combine"
local buf_lines = Utils.get_buf_lines(0, -1, bufnr)
local buf_lines_count = #buf_lines
while buf_lines_count < end_row do
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, buf_lines_count, -1, false, { "" })
buf_lines_count = buf_lines_count + 1
if virt_text_win_col > 0 or start_row - 2 < 0 then
api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, SUGGESTION_NS, start_row - 1, 0, extmark)
api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, SUGGESTION_NS, start_row - 2, 0, extmark)
for i = start_row, end_row do
if i == start_row and virt_text_win_col > 0 then goto continue end
Utils.debug("add highlight", i - 1)
api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, SUGGESTION_NS, Highlights.TO_BE_DELETED, i - 1, 0, -1)
local extmark = {
id = self.extmark_id,
virt_text_win_col = col,
virt_text = { { lines[1], Highlights.SUGGESTION } },
if #lines > 1 then
extmark.virt_lines = {}
for i = 2, #lines do
extmark.virt_lines[i - 1] = { { lines[i], Highlights.SUGGESTION } }
extmark.hl_mode = "combine"
local buf_lines = Utils.get_buf_lines(0, -1, bufnr)
local buf_lines_count = #buf_lines
while buf_lines_count < row do
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, buf_lines_count, -1, false, { "" })
buf_lines_count = buf_lines_count + 1
api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, SUGGESTION_NS, row - 1, extmark_col, extmark)
function Suggestion:is_visible()
return not not api.nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(0, SUGGESTION_NS, self.extmark_id, { details = false })[1]
local extmarks = api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(0, SUGGESTION_NS, 0, -1, { details = false })
return #extmarks > 0
function Suggestion:hide() api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(0, SUGGESTION_NS, self.extmark_id) end
function Suggestion:hide() api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(0, SUGGESTION_NS, 0, -1) end
function Suggestion:ctx()
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local ctx = self._contexts[bufnr]
if not ctx then
ctx = {
suggestions = {},
current_suggestion_idx = 0,
suggestions_list = {},
current_suggestions_idx = 0,
prev_doc = {},
internal_move = false,
self._contexts[bufnr] = ctx
@ -244,15 +315,15 @@ end
function Suggestion:next()
local ctx = self:ctx()
if #ctx.suggestions == 0 then return end
ctx.current_suggestion_idx = (ctx.current_suggestion_idx % #ctx.suggestions) + 1
if #ctx.suggestions_list == 0 then return end
ctx.current_suggestions_idx = (ctx.current_suggestions_idx % #ctx.suggestions_list) + 1
function Suggestion:prev()
local ctx = self:ctx()
if #ctx.suggestions == 0 then return end
ctx.current_suggestion_idx = ((ctx.current_suggestion_idx - 2 + #ctx.suggestions) % #ctx.suggestions) + 1
if #ctx.suggestions_list == 0 then return end
ctx.current_suggestions_idx = ((ctx.current_suggestions_idx - 2 + #ctx.suggestions_list) % #ctx.suggestions_list) + 1
@ -262,56 +333,131 @@ function Suggestion:dismiss()
function Suggestion:get_current_suggestion()
local ctx = self:ctx()
local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil
if not suggestions then return nil end
local cursor_row, _ = Utils.get_cursor_pos(0)
Utils.debug("cursor row", cursor_row)
for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do
if suggestion.original_start_row - 1 <= cursor_row and suggestion.end_row >= cursor_row then return suggestion end
function Suggestion:get_next_suggestion()
local ctx = self:ctx()
local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil
if not suggestions then return nil end
local cursor_row, _ = Utils.get_cursor_pos()
local new_suggestions = {}
for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do
table.insert(new_suggestions, suggestion)
--- sort the suggestions by cursor distance
function(a, b) return math.abs(a.start_row - cursor_row) < math.abs(b.start_row - cursor_row) end
--- get the closest suggestion to the cursor
return new_suggestions[1]
function Suggestion:accept()
-- Llm.cancel_inflight_request()
api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(0, SUGGESTION_NS, self.extmark_id)
local ctx = self:ctx()
local suggestion = ctx.suggestions and ctx.suggestions[ctx.current_suggestion_idx] or nil
if not suggestion then
local suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or nil
Utils.debug("suggestions", suggestions)
if not suggestions then
if Config.mappings.suggestion and Config.mappings.suggestion.accept == "<Tab>" then
api.nvim_feedkeys(api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<Tab>", true, false, true), "n", true)
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local current_lines = Utils.get_buf_lines(0, -1, bufnr)
local row = suggestion.row
local col = suggestion.col
local content = suggestion.content
local lines = vim.split(content, "\n")
local cursor_row, cursor_col = Utils.get_cursor_pos()
if row > cursor_row then api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, row - 1, row - 1, false, { "" }) end
local line_count = #lines
if line_count > 0 then
if cursor_row == row then
local cursor_line_col = #current_lines[cursor_row] - 1
if cursor_col ~= cursor_line_col then
local current_line_ = current_lines[cursor_row]
lines[1] = lines[1] .. current_line_:sub(col + 1, -1)
local current_line = current_lines[row] or ""
local current_line_max_col = #current_line - 1
local start_col = col
if start_col > current_line_max_col then
lines[1] = string.rep(" ", start_col - current_line_max_col - 1) .. lines[1]
start_col = -1
api.nvim_buf_set_text(bufnr, row - 1, start_col, row - 1, -1, { lines[1] })
if #lines > 1 then
local insert_lines = vim.list_slice(lines, 2)
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, row, row, true, insert_lines)
local suggestion = self:get_current_suggestion()
Utils.debug("current suggestion", suggestion)
if not suggestion then
suggestion = self:get_next_suggestion()
if suggestion then
Utils.debug("next suggestion", suggestion)
local lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, false)
local first_line_row = suggestion.start_row
if first_line_row > 1 then first_line_row = first_line_row - 1 end
local line = lines[first_line_row]
local col = 0
if line ~= nil then col = #line end
api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { first_line_row, col })
vim.cmd("normal! zz")
if not suggestion then return end
api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(0, SUGGESTION_NS, suggestion.id)
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local start_row = suggestion.start_row
local end_row = suggestion.end_row
local content = suggestion.content
local lines = vim.split(content, "\n")
local cursor_row, _ = Utils.get_cursor_pos()
local replaced_line_count = end_row - start_row + 1
if replaced_line_count > #lines then
Utils.debug("delete lines")
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, start_row + #lines - 1, end_row, false, {})
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, start_row - 1, start_row + #lines, false, lines)
Utils.debug("replace lines", start_row - 1, end_row, lines)
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, start_row - 1, end_row, false, lines)
local row_diff = #lines - replaced_line_count
ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] = vim
:filter(function(s) return s.start_row ~= suggestion.start_row end)
if s.start_row > suggestion.start_row then
s.original_start_row = s.original_start_row + row_diff
s.start_row = s.start_row + row_diff
s.end_row = s.end_row + row_diff
return s
local line_count = #lines
local down_count = line_count - 1
if row > cursor_row then down_count = down_count + 1 end
if start_row > cursor_row then down_count = down_count + 1 end
local cursor_keys = string.rep("<Down>", down_count) .. "<End>"
api.nvim_feedkeys(api.nvim_replace_termcodes(cursor_keys, true, false, true), "n", false)
suggestions = ctx.suggestions_list and ctx.suggestions_list[ctx.current_suggestions_idx] or {}
if #suggestions > 0 then self:set_internal_move(true) end
api.nvim_feedkeys(api.nvim_replace_termcodes(cursor_keys, true, false, true), "n", false)
if #suggestions > 0 then self:set_internal_move(false) end
function Suggestion:is_internal_move()
local ctx = self:ctx()
Utils.debug("is internal move", ctx and ctx.internal_move)
return ctx and ctx.internal_move
function Suggestion:set_internal_move(internal_move)
local ctx = self:ctx()
if not internal_move then
Utils.debug("set internal move", internal_move)
ctx.internal_move = internal_move
Utils.debug("set internal move", internal_move)
ctx.internal_move = internal_move
function Suggestion:setup_autocmds()
@ -319,13 +465,20 @@ function Suggestion:setup_autocmds()
local last_cursor_pos = {}
local check_for_suggestion = Utils.debounce(function()
if self.is_on_throttle then return end
local current_cursor_pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
if last_cursor_pos[1] == current_cursor_pos[1] and last_cursor_pos[2] == current_cursor_pos[2] then
self.is_on_throttle = true
vim.defer_fn(function() self.is_on_throttle = false end, Config.suggestion.throttle)
end, 700)
end, Config.suggestion.debounce)
local function suggest_callback()
if self.is_on_throttle then return end
if self:is_internal_move() then return end
if not vim.bo.buflisted then return end
if vim.bo.buftype ~= "" then return end

View File

@ -5,22 +5,45 @@ Your task is to suggest code modifications at the cursor position. Follow these
2. You must follow this JSON format when suggesting modifications:
{% raw %}
"row": ${row},
"col": ${column},
"content": "Your suggested code here"
"start_row": ${start_row},
"end_row": ${end_row},
"content": "Your suggested code here"
"start_row": ${start_row},
"end_row": ${end_row},
"content": "Your suggested code here"
"start_row": ${start_row},
"end_row": ${end_row},
"content": "Your suggested code here"
"start_row": ${start_row},
"end_row": ${end_row},
"content": "Your suggested code here"
{% endraw %}
JSON fields explanation:
start_row: The starting row of the code snippet you want to replace (1-indexed), inclusive
end_row: The ending row of the code snippet you want to replace (1-indexed), inclusive
content: The suggested code you want to replace the original code with
1. Make sure you have maintained the user's existing whitespace and indentation. This is REALLY IMPORTANT!
2. DO NOT include three backticks: {%raw%}```{%endraw%} in your suggestion. Treat the suggested code AS IS.
3. Each element in the returned list is a COMPLETE and INDEPENDENT code snippet.
4. MUST be a valid JSON format. DON NOT be lazy!
5. Only return the new code to be inserted.
6. Your returned code should not overlap with the original code in any way. Don't be lazy!
7. Please strictly check the code around the position and ensure that the complete code after insertion is correct. Don't be lazy!
2. Each segment in the returned list must be non-overlapping, and together they constitute this code modification.
3. DO NOT include three backticks: {%raw%}```{%endraw%} in your suggestion. Treat the suggested code AS IS.
4. Each element in the returned list is a COMPLETE code snippet.
5. MUST be a valid JSON format. DO NOT be lazy!
6. Only return the new code to be inserted. DON NOT be lazy!
7. Please strictly check the code around the position and ensure that the complete code after insertion is correct. DO NOT be lazy!
8. Do not return the entire file content or any surrounding code.
9. Do not include any explanations, comments, or line numbers in your response.
10. Ensure the suggested code fits seamlessly with the existing code structure and indentation.

View File

@ -120,4 +120,57 @@ describe("Utils", function()
assert.equals("diagnostics", mentions[2].command)
describe("debounce", function()
it("should debounce function calls", function()
local count = 0
local debounced = Utils.debounce(function() count = count + 1 end, 100)
-- Call multiple times in quick succession
-- Should not have executed yet
assert.equals(0, count)
-- Wait for debounce timeout
vim.wait(200, function() return false end)
-- Should have executed once
assert.equals(1, count)
it("should cancel previous timer on new calls", function()
local count = 0
local debounced = Utils.debounce(function(c) count = c end, 100)
-- First call
-- Wait partial time
vim.wait(50, function() return false end)
-- Second call should cancel first
-- Wait for timeout
vim.wait(200, function() return false end)
-- Should only execute the latest once
assert.equals(233, count)
it("should pass arguments correctly", function()
local result
local debounced = Utils.debounce(function(x, y) result = x + y end, 100)
debounced(2, 3)
-- Wait for timeout
vim.wait(200, function() return false end)
assert.equals(5, result)