feat: keep the history content in the resp buffer (#807)

This commit is contained in:
yetone 2024-11-05 21:02:38 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0aa2659580
commit 9fbe0256f2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
2 changed files with 39 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local fn, api = vim.fn, vim.api
local Utils = require("avante.utils")
local LRUCache = require("avante.utils.lru_cache")
local Path = require("plenary.path")
local Scan = require("plenary.scandir")
local Config = require("avante.config")
@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ end
---@param mode LlmMode
H.get_mode_file = function(mode) return string.format("custom.%s.avanterules", mode) end
local history_file_cache = LRUCache:new(12)
-- History path
local History = {}
@ -39,11 +42,16 @@ History.get = function(bufnr) return Path:new(Config.history.storage_path):joinp
---@param bufnr integer
History.load = function(bufnr)
local history_file = History.get(bufnr)
local cached_key = tostring(history_file:absolute())
local cached_value = history_file_cache:get(cached_key)
if cached_value ~= nil then return cached_value end
local value = {}
if history_file:exists() then
local content = history_file:read()
return content ~= nil and vim.json.decode(content) or {}
value = content ~= nil and vim.json.decode(content) or {}
return {}
history_file_cache:set(cached_key, value)
return value
-- Saves the chat history for the given buffer.
@ -51,7 +59,9 @@ end
---@param history table
History.save = vim.schedule_wrap(function(bufnr, history)
local history_file = History.get(bufnr)
local cached_key = tostring(history_file:absolute())
history_file:write(vim.json.encode(history), "w")
history_file_cache:set(cached_key, history)
P.history = History

View File

@ -1022,10 +1022,14 @@ local function delete_last_n_chars(bufnr, n)
---@param content string concatenated content of the buffer
---@param opts? {focus?: boolean, stream?: boolean, scroll?: boolean, backspace?: integer, callback?: fun(): nil} whether to focus the result view
---@param opts? {focus?: boolean, scroll?: boolean, backspace?: integer, ignore_history?: boolean, callback?: fun(): nil} whether to focus the result view
function Sidebar:update_content(content, opts)
if not self.result or not self.result.bufnr then return end
opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", { focus = true, scroll = true, stream = false, callback = nil }, opts or {})
if not opts.ignore_history then
local chat_history = Path.history.load(self.code.bufnr)
content = self:get_history_content(chat_history) .. "---\n\n" .. content
if opts.stream then
local scroll_to_bottom = function()
local last_line = api.nvim_buf_line_count(self.result.bufnr)
@ -1117,7 +1121,7 @@ function Sidebar:get_layout()
return vim.tbl_contains({ "left", "right" }, calculate_config_window_position()) and "vertical" or "horizontal"
function Sidebar:update_content_with_history(history)
function Sidebar:get_history_content(history)
local content = ""
for idx, entry in ipairs(history) do
local prefix =
@ -1126,7 +1130,12 @@ function Sidebar:update_content_with_history(history)
content = content .. entry.response .. "\n\n"
if idx < #history then content = content .. "---\n\n" end
return content
function Sidebar:update_content_with_history(history)
local content = self:get_history_content(history)
self:update_content(content, { ignore_history = true })
---@return string, integer
@ -1344,11 +1353,11 @@ function Sidebar:create_input(opts)
local cur_displayed_response = generate_display_content(transformed)
if is_first_chunk then
is_first_chunk = false
self:update_content(content_prefix .. chunk, { stream = false, scroll = true })
self:update_content(content_prefix .. chunk, { scroll = true })
local suffix = get_display_content_suffix(transformed)
self:update_content(content_prefix .. cur_displayed_response .. suffix, { stream = false, scroll = true })
self:update_content(content_prefix .. cur_displayed_response .. suffix, { scroll = true })
vim.schedule(function() vim.cmd("redraw") end)
displayed_response = cur_displayed_response
@ -1356,16 +1365,23 @@ function Sidebar:create_input(opts)
---@type AvanteCompleteParser
local on_complete = function(err)
if err ~= nil then
self:update_content("\n\nError: " .. vim.inspect(err), { stream = true, scroll = true })
content_prefix .. displayed_response .. "\n\nError: " .. vim.inspect(err),
{ scroll = true }
-- Execute when the stream request is actually completed
self:update_content("\n\n**Generation complete!** Please review the code suggestions above.\n", {
stream = true,
scroll = true,
callback = function() api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = VIEW_BUFFER_UPDATED_PATTERN }) end,
.. displayed_response
.. "\n\n**Generation complete!** Please review the code suggestions above.\n",
scroll = true,
callback = function() api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = VIEW_BUFFER_UPDATED_PATTERN }) end,
if self.result and self.result.winid and api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.result.winid) then