gitignroe 的bug修复
Some checks failed
Lua CI / unit tests (ubuntu-22.04, v0.10.0/nvim-linux64.tar.gz) (push) Has been cancelled
Lua CI / Check Lua style (push) Has been cancelled
Lua CI / Lint Lua (push) Has been cancelled

This commit is contained in: 2025-02-17 00:58:22 +08:00
parent 24b9daee42
commit 010b23851b
3 changed files with 13 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ end
local function get_project_filepaths()
local project_root = Utils.get_project_root()
print("project_root:", project_root)
local files = Utils.scan_directory_respect_gitignore({ directory = project_root, add_dirs = true })
files = vim.iter(files):map(function(filepath) return Path:new(filepath):make_relative(project_root) end):totable()

View File

@ -665,6 +665,19 @@ function M.scan_directory_respect_gitignore(options)
local directory =
local gitignore_path = directory .. "/.gitignore"
local gitignore_patterns, gitignore_negate_patterns = M.parse_gitignore(gitignore_path)
-- Convert relative paths in gitignore to absolute paths based on project root
local project_root = M.get_project_root()
local function to_absolute_path(pattern)
-- Skip if already absolute path
if pattern:sub(1, 1) == "/" then return pattern end
-- Convert relative path to absolute
return Path:new(project_root, pattern):absolute()
gitignore_patterns = vim.tbl_map(to_absolute_path, gitignore_patterns)
gitignore_negate_patterns = vim.tbl_map(to_absolute_path, gitignore_negate_patterns)
return M.scan_directory({
directory = directory,
gitignore_patterns = gitignore_patterns,

View File

@ -81,12 +81,10 @@ function M.detect(opts)
opts.spec = opts.spec or type(vim.g.root_spec) == "table" and vim.g.root_spec or M.spec
opts.buf = (opts.buf == nil or opts.buf == 0) and vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() or opts.buf
print("Detection Specs:", vim.inspect(opts.spec))
local ret = {} ---@type AvanteRoot[]
for _, spec in ipairs(opts.spec) do
local paths = M.resolve(spec)(opts.buf)
print("Paths for Spec:", spec, vim.inspect(paths))
paths = paths or {}
paths = type(paths) == "table" and paths or { paths }
@ -101,7 +99,6 @@ function M.detect(opts)
if opts.all == false then break end
print("Detected Roots:", vim.inspect(ret))
return ret
@ -119,18 +116,12 @@ M.cache = {}
function M.get(opts)
opts = opts or {}
local buf = opts.buf or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
print("Current Buffer:", buf)
local ret = M.cache[buf]
print("Cached Root:", ret)
if not ret then
local roots = M.detect({ all = false, buf = buf })
print("Detected Roots:", vim.inspect(roots))
ret = roots[1] and roots[1].paths[1] or vim.uv.cwd()
print("Selected Root:", ret)
M.cache[buf] = ret
@ -138,7 +129,6 @@ function M.get(opts)
-- Ensure a non-empty return value
ret = ret ~= "" and ret or vim.uv.cwd()
print("Final Root:", ret)
--- return Utils.is_win() and ret:gsub("/", "\\") or ret
return ret