2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
local M = { }
local curl = require ( " plenary.curl " )
local Path = require ( " plenary.path " )
local n = require ( " nui-components " )
local diff = require ( " avante.diff " )
2024-08-15 10:14:17 +08:00
local utils = require ( " avante.utils " )
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
local api = vim.api
local fn = vim.fn
local function create_result_buf ( )
local buf = api.nvim_create_buf ( false , true )
api.nvim_set_option_value ( " filetype " , " markdown " , { buf = buf } )
api.nvim_set_option_value ( " buftype " , " nofile " , { buf = buf } )
api.nvim_set_option_value ( " swapfile " , false , { buf = buf } )
api.nvim_set_option_value ( " modifiable " , false , { buf = buf } )
api.nvim_buf_set_name ( buf , RESULT_BUF_NAME )
return buf
local result_buf = create_result_buf ( )
local function is_code_buf ( buf )
local ignored_filetypes = {
" dashboard " ,
" alpha " ,
" neo-tree " ,
" NvimTree " ,
" TelescopePrompt " ,
" Prompt " ,
" qf " ,
" help " ,
if api.nvim_buf_is_valid ( buf ) and api.nvim_get_option_value ( " buflisted " , { buf = buf } ) then
local buftype = api.nvim_get_option_value ( " buftype " , { buf = buf } )
local filetype = api.nvim_get_option_value ( " filetype " , { buf = buf } )
if buftype == " " and filetype ~= " " and not vim.tbl_contains ( ignored_filetypes , filetype ) then
local bufname = api.nvim_buf_get_name ( buf )
if bufname ~= " " and bufname ~= RESULT_BUF_NAME and bufname ~= CONFLICT_BUF_NAME then
return true
return false
local signal = n.create_signal ( {
is_loading = false ,
text = " " ,
} )
local _cur_code_buf = nil
local function get_cur_code_buf ( )
return _cur_code_buf
local function get_cur_code_buf_name ( )
local code_buf = get_cur_code_buf ( )
if code_buf == nil then
print ( " Error: cannot get code buffer " )
return api.nvim_buf_get_name ( code_buf )
local function get_cur_code_win ( )
local code_buf = get_cur_code_buf ( )
if code_buf == nil then
print ( " Error: cannot get code buffer " )
return fn.bufwinid ( code_buf )
local function get_cur_code_buf_content ( )
local code_buf = get_cur_code_buf ( )
if code_buf == nil then
print ( " Error: cannot get code buffer " )
return { }
return api.nvim_buf_get_lines ( code_buf , 0 , - 1 , false )
local function prepend_line_number ( content )
local lines = vim.split ( content , " \n " )
local result = { }
for i , line in ipairs ( lines ) do
table.insert ( result , " L " .. i .. " : " .. line )
return table.concat ( result , " \n " )
local function extract_code_snippets ( content )
local snippets = { }
local current_snippet = { }
local in_code_block = false
local lang , start_line , end_line
local explanation = " "
for line in content : gmatch ( " [^ \r \n ]+ " ) do
local start_line_str , end_line_str = line : match ( " ^Replace lines: (%d+)-(%d+) " )
if start_line_str ~= nil and end_line_str ~= nil then
start_line = tonumber ( start_line_str )
end_line = tonumber ( end_line_str )
if line : match ( " ^``` " ) then
if in_code_block then
if start_line ~= nil and end_line ~= nil then
table.insert ( snippets , {
range = { start_line , end_line } ,
content = table.concat ( current_snippet , " \n " ) ,
lang = lang ,
explanation = explanation ,
} )
current_snippet = { }
start_line , end_line = nil , nil
explanation = " "
in_code_block = false
lang = line : match ( " ^```(%w+) " )
if not lang or lang == " " then
lang = " text "
in_code_block = true
elseif in_code_block then
table.insert ( current_snippet , line )
explanation = explanation .. line .. " \n "
return snippets
local system_prompt = [ [
You are an excellent programming expert .
] ]
local user_prompt_tpl = [ [
Your primary task is to suggest code modifications with precise line number ranges . Follow these instructions meticulously :
1. Carefully analyze the original code , paying close attention to its structure and line numbers . Line numbers start from 1 and include ALL lines , even empty ones .
2. When suggesting modifications :
a . Explain why the change is necessary or beneficial .
b . Provide the exact code snippet to be replaced using this format :
Replace lines : { { start_line } } - { { end_line } }
` ` ` { { language } }
{ { suggested_code } }
` ` `
3. Crucial guidelines for line numbers :
- The range { { start_line } } - { { end_line } } is INCLUSIVE . Both start_line and end_line are included in the replacement .
- Count EVERY line , including empty lines , comments , and the LAST line of the file .
- For single - line changes , use the same number for start and end lines .
- For multi - line changes , ensure the range covers ALL affected lines , from the very first to the very last .
- Include the entire block ( e.g . , complete function ) when modifying structured code .
- Pay special attention to the start_line , ensuring it ' s not omitted or incorrectly set.
- Double - check that your start_line is correct , especially for changes at the beginning of the file .
- Also , be careful with the end_line , especially when it ' s the last line of the file.
- Double - check that your line numbers align perfectly with the original code structure .
4. Context and verification :
- Show 1 - 2 unchanged lines before and after each modification as context .
- These context lines are NOT included in the replacement range .
- After each suggestion , recount the lines to verify the accuracy of your line numbers .
- Double - check that both the start_line and end_line are correct for each modification .
- Verify that your suggested changes align perfectly with the original code structure .
5. Final check :
- Review all suggestions , ensuring each line number is correct , especially the start_line and end_line .
- Pay extra attention to the start_line of each modification , ensuring it hasn ' t shifted down.
- Confirm that no unrelated code is accidentally modified or deleted .
- Verify that the start_line and end_line correctly include all intended lines for replacement .
- If a modification involves the first or last line of the file , explicitly state this in your explanation .
- Perform a final alignment check to ensure your line numbers haven ' t shifted, especially the start_line.
- Double - check that your line numbers align perfectly with the original code structure .
- Do not show the content after these modifications .
Remember : Accurate line numbers are CRITICAL . The range start_line to end_line must include ALL lines to be replaced , from the very first to the very last . Double - check every range before finalizing your response , paying special attention to the start_line to ensure it hasn ' t shifted down. Ensure that your line numbers perfectly match the original code structure without any overall shift.
QUESTION : $ { { question } }
` ` `
$ { { code } }
` ` `
] ]
local function call_claude_api_stream ( prompt , original_content , on_chunk , on_complete )
local api_key = os.getenv ( " ANTHROPIC_API_KEY " )
if not api_key then
error ( " ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable is not set " )
local user_prompt = user_prompt_tpl : gsub ( " ${{question}} " , prompt ) : gsub ( " ${{code}} " , original_content )
print ( " Sending request to Claude API... " )
local tokens = M.config . claude.model == " claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 " and 8192 or 4096
local headers = {
[ " Content-Type " ] = " application/json " ,
[ " x-api-key " ] = api_key ,
[ " anthropic-version " ] = " 2023-06-01 " ,
[ " anthropic-beta " ] = " messages-2023-12-15 " ,
if M.config . claude.model == " claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 " then
headers [ " anthropic-beta " ] = " max-tokens-3-5-sonnet-2024-07-15 "
2024-08-15 10:14:17 +08:00
local url = utils.trim_suffix ( M.config . claude.endpoint , " / " ) .. " /v1/messages "
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
curl.post ( url , {
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local
stream = function ( err , data , job )
if err then
error ( " Error: " .. vim.inspect ( err ) )
if data then
for line in data : gmatch ( " [^ \r \n ]+ " ) do
if line : sub ( 1 , 6 ) == " data: " then
vim.schedule ( function ( )
local success , parsed = pcall ( fn.json_decode , line : sub ( 7 ) )
if success and parsed and parsed.type == " content_block_delta " then
on_chunk ( parsed.delta . text )
elseif success and parsed and parsed.type == " message_stop " then
-- Stream request completed
on_complete ( )
elseif success and parsed and parsed.type == " error " then
print ( " Error: " .. vim.inspect ( parsed ) )
-- Stream request completed
on_complete ( )
end )
end ,
headers = headers ,
body = fn.json_encode ( {
model = M.config . claude.model ,
system = system_prompt ,
messages = {
{ role = " user " , content = user_prompt } ,
} ,
stream = true ,
temperature = M.config . claude.temperature ,
max_tokens = tokens ,
} ) ,
} )
local function call_openai_api_stream ( prompt , original_content , on_chunk , on_complete )
local api_key = os.getenv ( " OPENAI_API_KEY " )
if not api_key then
error ( " OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is not set " )
local user_prompt = user_prompt_tpl : gsub ( " ${{question}} " , prompt ) : gsub ( " ${{code}} " , original_content )
2024-08-15 10:14:17 +08:00
local url = utils.trim_suffix ( M.config . openai.endpoint , " / " ) .. " /v1/chat/completions "
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
print ( " Sending request to OpenAI API... " )
2024-08-15 10:14:17 +08:00
curl.post ( url , {
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local
stream = function ( err , data , job )
if err then
error ( " Error: " .. vim.inspect ( err ) )
if data then
for line in data : gmatch ( " [^ \r \n ]+ " ) do
if line : sub ( 1 , 6 ) == " data: " then
vim.schedule ( function ( )
local success , parsed = pcall ( fn.json_decode , line : sub ( 7 ) )
if success and parsed and parsed.choices and parsed.choices [ 1 ] . delta.content then
on_chunk ( parsed.choices [ 1 ] . delta.content )
elseif success and parsed and parsed.choices and parsed.choices [ 1 ] . finish_reason == " stop " then
-- Stream request completed
on_complete ( )
end )
end ,
headers = {
[ " Content-Type " ] = " application/json " ,
[ " Authorization " ] = " Bearer " .. api_key ,
} ,
body = fn.json_encode ( {
model = M.config . openai.model ,
messages = {
{ role = " system " , content = system_prompt } ,
{ role = " user " , content = user_prompt } ,
} ,
temperature = M.config . openai.temperature ,
max_tokens = M.config . openai.max_tokens ,
stream = true ,
} ) ,
} )
local function call_ai_api_stream ( prompt , original_content , on_chunk , on_complete )
if M.config . provider == " openai " then
call_openai_api_stream ( prompt , original_content , on_chunk , on_complete )
elseif M.config . provider == " claude " then
call_claude_api_stream ( prompt , original_content , on_chunk , on_complete )
local function update_result_buf_content ( content )
local current_win = api.nvim_get_current_win ( )
local result_win = fn.bufwinid ( result_buf )
vim.defer_fn ( function ( )
api.nvim_set_option_value ( " modifiable " , true , { buf = result_buf } )
api.nvim_buf_set_lines ( result_buf , 0 , - 1 , false , vim.split ( content , " \n " ) )
api.nvim_set_option_value ( " filetype " , " markdown " , { buf = result_buf } )
if result_win ~= - 1 then
-- Move to the bottom
api.nvim_win_set_cursor ( result_win , { api.nvim_buf_line_count ( result_buf ) , 0 } )
api.nvim_set_option_value ( " modifiable " , false , { buf = result_buf } )
api.nvim_set_current_win ( current_win )
end , 0 )
-- Add a new function to display notifications
local function show_notification ( message )
vim.notify ( message , vim.log . levels.INFO , {
title = " AI Assistant " ,
timeout = 3000 ,
} )
-- Function to get the current project root directory
local function get_project_root ( )
local current_file = fn.expand ( " %:p " )
local current_dir = fn.fnamemodify ( current_file , " :h " )
local git_root = fn.systemlist ( " git -C " .. fn.shellescape ( current_dir ) .. " rev-parse --show-toplevel " ) [ 1 ]
return git_root or current_dir
local function get_chat_history_filename ( )
local code_buf_name = get_cur_code_buf_name ( )
if code_buf_name == nil then
print ( " Error: cannot get code buffer name " )
local relative_path = fn.fnamemodify ( code_buf_name , " :~:. " )
-- Replace path separators with double underscores
local path_with_separators = fn.substitute ( relative_path , " / " , " __ " , " g " )
-- Replace other non-alphanumeric characters with single underscores
return fn.substitute ( path_with_separators , " [^A-Za-z0-9._] " , " _ " , " g " )
-- Function to get the chat history file path
local function get_chat_history_file ( )
local project_root = get_project_root ( )
local filename = get_chat_history_filename ( )
local history_dir = Path : new ( project_root , " .avante_chat_history " )
return history_dir : joinpath ( filename .. " .json " )
-- Function to get current timestamp
local function get_timestamp ( )
return os.date ( " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S " )
-- Function to load chat history
local function load_chat_history ( )
local history_file = get_chat_history_file ( )
if history_file : exists ( ) then
local content = history_file : read ( )
return fn.json_decode ( content )
return { }
-- Function to save chat history
local function save_chat_history ( history )
local history_file = get_chat_history_file ( )
local history_dir = history_file : parent ( )
-- Create the directory if it doesn't exist
if not history_dir : exists ( ) then
history_dir : mkdir ( { parents = true } )
history_file : write ( fn.json_encode ( history ) , " w " )
local function update_result_buf_with_history ( history )
local content = " "
for _ , entry in ipairs ( history ) do
content = content .. " ## " .. entry.timestamp .. " \n \n "
content = content .. " > " .. entry.requirement : gsub ( " \n " , " \n > " ) .. " \n \n "
content = content .. entry.response .. " \n \n "
content = content .. " --- \n \n "
update_result_buf_content ( content )
local function get_conflict_content ( content , snippets )
-- sort snippets by start_line
table.sort ( snippets , function ( a , b )
return a.range [ 1 ] < b.range [ 1 ]
end )
local lines = vim.split ( content , " \n " )
local result = { }
local current_line = 1
for _ , snippet in ipairs ( snippets ) do
local start_line , end_line = unpack ( snippet.range )
while current_line < start_line do
table.insert ( result , lines [ current_line ] )
current_line = current_line + 1
table.insert ( result , " <<<<<<< HEAD " )
for i = start_line , end_line do
table.insert ( result , lines [ i ] )
table.insert ( result , " ======= " )
for _ , line in ipairs ( vim.split ( snippet.content , " \n " ) ) do
table.insert ( result , line )
table.insert ( result , " >>>>>>> Snippet " )
current_line = end_line + 1
while current_line <= # lines do
table.insert ( result , lines [ current_line ] )
current_line = current_line + 1
return result
local renderer_width = math.ceil ( vim.o . columns * 0.3 )
local renderer = n.create_renderer ( {
width = renderer_width ,
height = vim.o . lines ,
position = vim.o . columns - renderer_width ,
relative = " editor " ,
} )
function M . render_sidebar ( )
local chat_history = load_chat_history ( )
update_result_buf_with_history ( chat_history )
local function handle_submit ( )
local state = signal : get_value ( )
local user_input = state.text
local timestamp = get_timestamp ( )
update_result_buf_content (
2024-08-15 10:06:48 +08:00
" ## " .. timestamp .. " \n \n > " .. user_input : gsub ( " \n " , " \n > " ) .. " \n \n Generating response... \n "
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
local code_buf = get_cur_code_buf ( )
if code_buf == nil then
error ( " Error: cannot get code buffer " )
local content = table.concat ( get_cur_code_buf_content ( ) , " \n " )
local content_with_line_numbers = prepend_line_number ( content )
local full_response = " "
signal.is_loading = true
call_ai_api_stream ( user_input , content_with_line_numbers , function ( chunk )
full_response = full_response .. chunk
update_result_buf_content (
" ## " .. timestamp .. " \n \n > " .. user_input : gsub ( " \n " , " \n > " ) .. " \n \n " .. full_response
vim.schedule ( function ( )
vim.cmd ( " redraw " )
end )
end , function ( )
signal.is_loading = false
-- Execute when the stream request is actually completed
update_result_buf_content (
" ## "
.. timestamp
.. " \n \n > "
.. user_input : gsub ( " \n " , " \n > " )
.. " \n \n "
.. full_response
.. " \n \n **Generation complete!** Please review the code suggestions above. \n \n \n \n "
-- Display notification
show_notification ( " Content generation complete! " )
-- Save chat history
table.insert ( chat_history or { } , { timestamp = timestamp , requirement = user_input , response = full_response } )
save_chat_history ( chat_history )
local snippets = extract_code_snippets ( full_response )
local conflict_content = get_conflict_content ( content , snippets )
vim.defer_fn ( function ( )
api.nvim_buf_set_lines ( code_buf , 0 , - 1 , false , conflict_content )
local code_win = get_cur_code_win ( )
if code_win == nil then
error ( " Error: cannot get code window " )
api.nvim_set_current_win ( code_win )
api.nvim_feedkeys ( api.nvim_replace_termcodes ( " <Esc> " , true , false , true ) , " n " , true )
diff.add_visited_buffer ( code_buf )
diff.process ( code_buf )
api.nvim_feedkeys ( " gg " , " n " , false )
vim.defer_fn ( function ( )
vim.cmd ( " AvanteConflictNextConflict " )
api.nvim_feedkeys ( " zz " , " n " , false )
end , 1000 )
end , 10 )
end )
local body = function ( )
local code_buf = get_cur_code_buf ( )
if code_buf == nil then
error ( " Error: cannot get code buffer " )
local filetype = api.nvim_get_option_value ( " filetype " , { buf = code_buf } )
local icon = require ( " nvim-web-devicons " ) . get_icon_by_filetype ( filetype , { } )
local code_file_fullpath = api.nvim_buf_get_name ( code_buf )
local code_filename = fn.fnamemodify ( code_file_fullpath , " :t " )
return n.rows (
{ flex = 0 } ,
n.box (
direction = " column " ,
size = vim.o . lines - 3 ,
} ,
n.buffer ( {
id = " response " ,
flex = 1 ,
buf = result_buf ,
autoscroll = true ,
border_label = {
text = " 💬 Avante Chat " ,
align = " center " ,
} ,
} )
) ,
n.gap ( 1 ) ,
n.columns (
{ flex = 0 } ,
n.text_input ( {
id = " text-input " ,
border_label = {
text = string.format ( " 🙋 Your question (with %s %s): " , icon , code_filename ) ,
} ,
autofocus = true ,
wrap = true ,
flex = 1 ,
on_change = function ( value )
local state = signal : get_value ( )
local is_enter = value : sub ( - 1 ) == " \n " and # state.text < # value
if is_enter then
value = value : sub ( 1 , - 2 )
signal.text = value
if is_enter and # value > 0 then
handle_submit ( )
end ,
} ) ,
n.gap ( 1 ) ,
n.spinner ( {
is_loading = signal.is_loading ,
padding = { top = 1 , left = 1 } ,
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
hidden = signal.is_loading : negate ( ) ,
} )
renderer : render ( body )
M.config = {
2024-08-15 04:04:04 +08:00
provider = " claude " , -- "claude" or "openai"
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
openai = {
2024-08-15 10:14:17 +08:00
endpoint = " https://api.openai.com " ,
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
model = " gpt-4o " ,
temperature = 0 ,
max_tokens = 4096 ,
} ,
claude = {
2024-08-15 10:14:17 +08:00
endpoint = " https://api.anthropic.com " ,
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
model = " claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 " ,
temperature = 0 ,
max_tokens = 4096 ,
} ,
2024-08-15 04:04:04 +08:00
highlights = {
diff = {
incoming = " DiffAdded " , -- need have background color
current = " DiffRemoved " , -- need have background color
} ,
} ,
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
mappings = {
show_sidebar = " <leader>aa " ,
2024-08-15 04:04:04 +08:00
diff = {
ours = " co " ,
theirs = " ct " ,
none = " c0 " ,
both = " cb " ,
next = " ]x " ,
prev = " [x " ,
} ,
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
} ,
function M . setup ( opts )
2024-08-15 04:04:04 +08:00
M.config = vim.tbl_deep_extend ( " force " , M.config , opts or { } )
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
local bufnr = vim.api . nvim_get_current_buf ( )
if is_code_buf ( bufnr ) then
_cur_code_buf = bufnr
2024-08-15 04:04:04 +08:00
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
diff.setup ( {
debug = false , -- log output to console
2024-08-15 04:04:04 +08:00
default_mappings = M.config . mappings.diff , -- disable buffer local mapping created by this plugin
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
default_commands = true , -- disable commands created by this plugin
disable_diagnostics = true , -- This will disable the diagnostics in a buffer whilst it is conflicted
list_opener = " copen " ,
2024-08-15 04:04:04 +08:00
highlights = M.config . highlights.diff ,
2024-08-12 23:53:28 +08:00
} )
local function on_buf_enter ( )
bufnr = vim.api . nvim_get_current_buf ( )
if is_code_buf ( bufnr ) then
_cur_code_buf = bufnr
api.nvim_create_autocmd ( " BufEnter " , {
callback = on_buf_enter ,
} )
api.nvim_create_user_command ( " AvanteAsk " , function ( )
M.render_sidebar ( )
end , {
nargs = 0 ,
} )
api.nvim_set_keymap ( " n " , M.config . mappings.show_sidebar , " <cmd>AvanteAsk<CR> " , { noremap = true , silent = true } )
return M