
283 lines
8.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
local Utils = require("avante.utils")
local Path = require("plenary.path")
local scan = require("plenary.scandir")
local Config = require("avante.config")
local PROMPT_TITLE = "(Avante) Add a file"
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
--- @class FileSelector
local FileSelector = {}
--- @class FileSelector
--- @field id integer
--- @field selected_filepaths string[]
--- @field file_cache string[]
--- @field event_handlers table<string, function[]>
---@alias FileSelectorHandler fun(self: FileSelector, on_select: fun(on_select: fun(filepath: string)|nil)): nil
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
---@param id integer
---@return FileSelector
function FileSelector:new(id)
return setmetatable({
id = id,
selected_files = {},
file_cache = {},
event_handlers = {},
}, { __index = self })
function FileSelector:reset()
self.selected_filepaths = {}
self.event_handlers = {}
function FileSelector:add_selected_file(filepath)
if not filepath or filepath == "" then return end
2024-12-13 23:05:44 +08:00
local uniform_path = Utils.uniform_path(filepath)
-- Avoid duplicates
if not vim.tbl_contains(self.selected_filepaths, uniform_path) then
table.insert(self.selected_filepaths, uniform_path)
function FileSelector:add_current_buffer()
2024-12-13 23:05:44 +08:00
local current_buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local filepath = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(current_buf)
-- Only process if it's a real file buffer
if filepath and filepath ~= "" and not vim.startswith(filepath, "avante://") then
local relative_path = require("avante.utils").relative_path(filepath)
-- Check if file is already in list
for i, path in ipairs(self.selected_filepaths) do
if path == relative_path then
-- Remove if found
table.remove(self.selected_filepaths, i)
return true
2024-12-13 23:05:44 +08:00
2024-12-13 23:05:44 +08:00
-- Add if not found
return true
return false
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
function FileSelector:on(event, callback)
local handlers = self.event_handlers[event]
if not handlers then
handlers = {}
self.event_handlers[event] = handlers
table.insert(handlers, callback)
function FileSelector:emit(event, ...)
local handlers = self.event_handlers[event]
if not handlers then return end
for _, handler in ipairs(handlers) do
function FileSelector:off(event, callback)
if not callback then
self.event_handlers[event] = {}
local handlers = self.event_handlers[event]
if not handlers then return end
for i, handler in ipairs(handlers) do
if handler == callback then
table.remove(handlers, i)
---@return nil
function FileSelector:open()
if Config.file_selector.provider == "native" then self:update_file_cache() end
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
---@return nil
function FileSelector:update_file_cache()
local project_root = Path:new(Utils.get_project_root()):absolute()
local filepaths = scan.scan_dir(project_root, {
respect_gitignore = true,
-- Sort buffer names alphabetically
table.sort(filepaths, function(a, b) return a < b end)
self.file_cache = vim
:map(function(filepath) return Path:new(filepath):make_relative(project_root) end)
---@type FileSelectorHandler
function FileSelector:fzf_ui(handler)
local success, fzf_lua = pcall(require, "fzf-lua")
if not success then
Utils.error("fzf-lua is not installed. Please install fzf-lua to use it as a file selector.")
local close_action = function() handler(nil) end
fzf_lua.files(vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", Config.file_selector.provider_opts, {
file_ignore_patterns = self.selected_filepaths,
prompt = string.format("%s> ", PROMPT_TITLE),
fzf_opts = {},
git_icons = false,
actions = {
["default"] = function(selected)
local file = fzf_lua.path.entry_to_file(selected[1])
["esc"] = close_action,
["ctrl-c"] = close_action,
function FileSelector:telescope_ui(handler)
local success, _ = pcall(require, "telescope")
if not success then
Utils.error("telescope is not installed. Please install telescope to use it as a file selector.")
local pickers = require("telescope.pickers")
local finders = require("telescope.finders")
local conf = require("telescope.config").values
local actions = require("telescope.actions")
local action_state = require("telescope.actions.state")
vim.tbl_extend("force", Config.file_selector.provider_opts, {
file_ignore_patterns = self.selected_filepaths,
prompt_title = string.format("%s> ", PROMPT_TITLE),
finder = finders.new_oneshot_job({ "git", "ls-files" }, { cwd = Utils.get_project_root() }),
sorter = conf.file_sorter(),
attach_mappings = function(prompt_bufnr, map)
map("i", "<esc>", require("telescope.actions").close)
local selection = action_state.get_selected_entry()
return true
---@type FileSelectorHandler
function FileSelector:native_ui(handler)
local filepaths = vim
:filter(function(filepath) return not vim.tbl_contains(self.selected_filepaths, filepath) end)
vim.ui.select(filepaths, {
prompt = string.format("%s:", PROMPT_TITLE),
format_item = function(item) return item end,
}, handler)
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
---@return nil
function FileSelector:show_select_ui()
local handler = function(filepath)
if not filepath then return end
local uniform_path = Utils.uniform_path(filepath)
if Config.file_selector.provider == "native" then
-- Native handler filters out already selected files
table.insert(self.selected_filepaths, uniform_path)
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
if not vim.tbl_contains(self.selected_filepaths, uniform_path) then
table.insert(self.selected_filepaths, uniform_path)
if Config.file_selector.provider == "native" then
elseif Config.file_selector.provider == "fzf" then
elseif Config.file_selector.provider == "telescope" then
Utils.error("Unknown file selector provider: " .. Config.file_selector.provider)
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
-- unlist the current buffer as vim.ui.select will be listed
local winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid)
vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("buflisted", false, { buf = bufnr })
vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("bufhidden", "wipe", { buf = bufnr })
---@param idx integer
---@return boolean
function FileSelector:remove_selected_filepaths(idx)
if idx > 0 and idx <= #self.selected_filepaths then
table.remove(self.selected_filepaths, idx)
return true
return false
---@return { path: string, content: string, file_type: string }[]
function FileSelector:get_selected_files_contents()
local contents = {}
for _, file_path in ipairs(self.selected_filepaths) do
local file = io.open(file_path, "r")
if file then
local content = file:read("*all")
-- Detect the file type
local filetype = vim.filetype.match({ filename = file_path, contents = contents }) or "unknown"
table.insert(contents, { path = file_path, content = content, file_type = filetype })
return contents
function FileSelector:get_selected_filepaths() return vim.deepcopy(self.selected_filepaths) end
---@return nil
function FileSelector:add_quickfix_files()
local quickfix_files = vim
.iter(vim.fn.getqflist({ items = 0 }).items)
:filter(function(item) return item.bufnr ~= 0 end)
:map(function(item) return Utils.relative_path(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(item.bufnr)) end)
for _, filepath in ipairs(quickfix_files) do
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
return FileSelector