462 lines
15 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

local api = vim.api
local fn = vim.fn
local uv = vim.uv
2024-08-15 19:04:15 +08:00
local curl = require("plenary.curl")
2024-08-15 19:04:15 +08:00
local Utils = require("avante.utils")
local Config = require("avante.config")
local Path = require("avante.path")
local P = require("avante.providers")
local LLMTools = require("avante.llm_tools")
---@class avante.LLM
refactor(ui): bounding popover (#13) (#29) * refactor(ui): bounding popover (#13) * refactor(ui): bounding popover Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * chore: update readme instructions on setting up render-markdown.nvim Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * chore: align code style * fix: incorrect type annotation * fix: make it work with mouse movement Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * fix: focus correct on render Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * fix: make sure to close the view Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * chore: cleanup cursor position Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * docs: add notes on rc Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * fix: make sure to apply if has diff Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * fix: do not simulate user input --------- Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com> * fix(autocmd): make sure to load tiktoken on correct events (closes #16) (#24) Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * feat(type): better hinting on nui components (#27) Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * feat: scrollview and tracking config and lazy load and perf (#33) * feat: scrollview and tracking config and lazy load and perf Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * fix: add back options Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * revert: remove unused autocmd Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> * fix: get code content * fix: keybinding hint virtual text position --------- Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com> --------- Signed-off-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz> Co-authored-by: Aaron Pham <contact@aarnphm.xyz>
2024-08-17 15:14:30 +08:00
local M = {}
2024-08-15 19:04:15 +08:00
------------------------------Prompt and type------------------------------
local group = api.nvim_create_augroup("avante_llm", { clear = true })
---@param opts GeneratePromptsOptions
---@return AvantePromptOptions
M.generate_prompts = function(opts)
local Provider = opts.provider or P[Config.provider]
local mode = opts.mode or "planning"
---@type AvanteProviderFunctor | AvanteBedrockProviderFunctor
2025-02-13 01:39:02 +08:00
local _, request_body = P.parse_config(Provider)
local max_tokens = request_body.max_tokens or 4096
2024-08-30 22:21:50 +08:00
-- Check if the instructions contains an image path
local image_paths = {}
2024-11-04 16:20:28 +08:00
local instructions = opts.instructions
if opts.instructions:match("image: ") then
local lines = vim.split(opts.instructions, "\n")
for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
if line:match("^image: ") then
local image_path = line:gsub("^image: ", "")
table.insert(image_paths, image_path)
table.remove(lines, i)
2024-11-04 16:20:28 +08:00
instructions = table.concat(lines, "\n")
local project_root = Utils.root.get()
local system_info = Utils.get_system_info()
local template_opts = {
use_xml_format = Provider.use_xml_format,
ask = opts.ask, -- TODO: add mode without ask instruction
code_lang = opts.code_lang,
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
selected_files = opts.selected_files,
selected_code = opts.selected_code,
project_context = opts.project_context,
2024-11-23 21:49:33 +08:00
diagnostics = opts.diagnostics,
system_info = system_info,
2024-11-04 16:20:28 +08:00
local system_prompt = Path.prompts.render_mode(mode, template_opts)
---@type AvanteLLMMessage[]
local messages = {}
if opts.project_context ~= nil and opts.project_context ~= "" and opts.project_context ~= "null" then
local project_context = Path.prompts.render_file("_project.avanterules", template_opts)
if project_context ~= "" then table.insert(messages, { role = "user", content = project_context }) end
2024-11-23 21:49:33 +08:00
if opts.diagnostics ~= nil and opts.diagnostics ~= "" and opts.diagnostics ~= "null" then
local diagnostics = Path.prompts.render_file("_diagnostics.avanterules", template_opts)
if diagnostics ~= "" then table.insert(messages, { role = "user", content = diagnostics }) end
if #opts.selected_files > 0 or opts.selected_code ~= nil then
local code_context = Path.prompts.render_file("_context.avanterules", template_opts)
if code_context ~= "" then table.insert(messages, { role = "user", content = code_context }) end
2024-11-04 16:20:28 +08:00
if opts.use_xml_format then
table.insert(messages, { role = "user", content = string.format("<question>%s</question>", instructions) })
table.insert(messages, { role = "user", content = string.format("QUESTION:\n%s", instructions) })
local remaining_tokens = max_tokens - Utils.tokens.calculate_tokens(system_prompt)
for _, message in ipairs(messages) do
remaining_tokens = remaining_tokens - Utils.tokens.calculate_tokens(message.content)
if opts.history_messages then
if Config.history.max_tokens > 0 then remaining_tokens = math.min(Config.history.max_tokens, remaining_tokens) end
-- Traverse the history in reverse, keeping only the latest history until the remaining tokens are exhausted and the first message role is "user"
local history_messages = {}
for i = #opts.history_messages, 1, -1 do
local message = opts.history_messages[i]
local tokens = Utils.tokens.calculate_tokens(message.content)
remaining_tokens = remaining_tokens - tokens
if remaining_tokens > 0 then
table.insert(history_messages, message)
-- prepend the history messages to the messages table
vim.iter(history_messages):each(function(msg) table.insert(messages, 1, msg) end)
if #messages > 0 and messages[1].role == "assistant" then table.remove(messages, 1) end
2024-11-04 16:20:28 +08:00
2024-08-30 22:21:50 +08:00
---@type AvantePromptOptions
return {
2024-11-04 16:20:28 +08:00
system_prompt = system_prompt,
messages = messages,
image_paths = image_paths,
tools = opts.tools,
tool_histories = opts.tool_histories,
---@param opts GeneratePromptsOptions
---@return integer
M.calculate_tokens = function(opts)
local prompt_opts = M.generate_prompts(opts)
local tokens = Utils.tokens.calculate_tokens(prompt_opts.system_prompt)
for _, message in ipairs(prompt_opts.messages) do
tokens = tokens + Utils.tokens.calculate_tokens(message.content)
return tokens
---@param opts StreamOptions
M._stream = function(opts)
local Provider = opts.provider or P[Config.provider]
local prompt_opts = M.generate_prompts(opts)
---@type string
local current_event_state = nil
---@type AvanteHandlerOptions
local handler_opts = {
on_start = opts.on_start,
on_chunk = opts.on_chunk,
on_stop = function(stop_opts)
2025-02-06 16:41:28 +08:00
if stop_opts.reason == "tool_use" and stop_opts.tool_use_list then
local old_tool_histories = vim.deepcopy(opts.tool_histories) or {}
2025-02-06 16:41:28 +08:00
for _, tool_use in ipairs(stop_opts.tool_use_list) do
local result, error = LLMTools.process_tool_use(opts.tools, tool_use, opts.on_tool_log)
local tool_result = {
tool_use_id = tool_use.id,
content = error ~= nil and error or result,
is_error = error ~= nil,
table.insert(old_tool_histories, { tool_result = tool_result, tool_use = tool_use })
local new_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", opts, {
tool_histories = old_tool_histories,
return M._stream(new_opts)
return opts.on_stop(stop_opts)
---@type AvanteCurlOutput
local spec = Provider.parse_curl_args(Provider, prompt_opts)
local resp_ctx = {}
---@param line string
local function parse_stream_data(line)
local event = line:match("^event: (.+)$")
if event then
current_event_state = event
local data_match = line:match("^data: (.+)$")
if data_match then Provider.parse_response(resp_ctx, data_match, current_event_state, handler_opts) end
local function parse_response_without_stream(data)
Provider.parse_response_without_stream(data, current_event_state, handler_opts)
2024-08-28 22:17:00 +08:00
local completed = false
local active_job
local curl_body_file = fn.tempname() .. ".json"
local json_content = vim.json.encode(spec.body)
fn.writefile(vim.split(json_content, "\n"), curl_body_file)
Utils.debug("curl body file:", curl_body_file)
local function cleanup()
if Config.debug then return end
vim.schedule(function() fn.delete(curl_body_file) end)
active_job = curl.post(spec.url, {
headers = spec.headers,
proxy = spec.proxy,
insecure = spec.insecure,
body = curl_body_file,
raw = spec.rawArgs,
stream = function(err, data, _)
2024-08-15 19:04:15 +08:00
if err then
2024-08-28 22:17:00 +08:00
completed = true
handler_opts.on_stop({ reason = "error", error = err })
2024-08-15 19:04:15 +08:00
if not data then return end
if Config[Config.provider] == nil and Provider.parse_stream_data ~= nil then
if Provider.parse_response ~= nil then
"parse_stream_data and parse_response are mutually exclusive, and thus parse_response will be ignored. Make sure that you handle the incoming data correctly.",
{ once = true }
Provider.parse_stream_data(data, handler_opts)
if Provider.parse_stream_data ~= nil then
Provider.parse_stream_data(data, handler_opts)
on_error = function(err)
if err.exit == 23 then
local xdg_runtime_dir = os.getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")
2024-11-04 16:20:28 +08:00
if not xdg_runtime_dir or fn.isdirectory(xdg_runtime_dir) == 0 then
.. xdg_runtime_dir
.. " is set but does not exist. curl could not write output. Please make sure it exists, or unset.",
{ title = "Avante" }
elseif not uv.fs_access(xdg_runtime_dir, "w") then
.. xdg_runtime_dir
.. " exists but is not writable. curl could not write output. Please make sure it is writable, or unset.",
{ title = "Avante" }
active_job = nil
2024-08-28 22:17:00 +08:00
completed = true
handler_opts.on_stop({ reason = "error", error = err })
callback = function(result)
active_job = nil
if result.status >= 400 then
if Provider.on_error then
Utils.error("API request failed with status " .. result.status, { once = true, title = "Avante" })
2024-08-28 22:17:00 +08:00
if not completed then
completed = true
reason = "error",
error = "API request failed with status " .. result.status .. ". Body: " .. vim.inspect(result.body),
2024-08-28 22:17:00 +08:00
-- If stream is not enabled, then handle the response here
if spec.body.stream == false and result.status == 200 then
completed = true
api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
group = group,
once = true,
callback = function()
-- Error: cannot resume dead coroutine
if active_job then
xpcall(function() active_job:shutdown() end, function(err) return err end)
2024-09-26 11:18:40 +08:00
Utils.debug("LLM request cancelled")
active_job = nil
2024-08-15 19:04:15 +08:00
return active_job
2024-08-15 19:04:15 +08:00
local function _merge_response(first_response, second_response, opts)
local prompt = "\n" .. Config.dual_boost.prompt
prompt = prompt
:gsub("{{[%s]*provider1_output[%s]*}}", first_response)
:gsub("{{[%s]*provider2_output[%s]*}}", second_response)
prompt = prompt .. "\n"
-- append this reference prompt to the prompt_opts messages at last
opts.instructions = opts.instructions .. prompt
local function _collector_process_responses(collector, opts)
if not collector[1] or not collector[2] then
Utils.error("One or both responses failed to complete")
_merge_response(collector[1], collector[2], opts)
local function _collector_add_response(collector, index, response, opts)
collector[index] = response
collector.count = collector.count + 1
if collector.count == 2 then
_collector_process_responses(collector, opts)
M._dual_boost_stream = function(opts, Provider1, Provider2)
Utils.debug("Starting Dual Boost Stream")
local collector = {
count = 0,
responses = {},
timer = uv.new_timer(),
timeout_ms = Config.dual_boost.timeout,
-- Setup timeout
if collector.count < 2 then
Utils.warn("Dual boost stream timeout reached")
-- Process whatever responses we have
_collector_process_responses(collector, opts)
-- Create options for both streams
local function create_stream_opts(index)
local response = ""
return vim.tbl_extend("force", opts, {
on_chunk = function(chunk)
if chunk then response = response .. chunk end
on_stop = function(stop_opts)
if stop_opts.error then
Utils.error(string.format("Stream %d failed: %s", index, stop_opts.error))
Utils.debug(string.format("Response %d completed", index))
_collector_add_response(collector, index, response, opts)
-- Start both streams
local success, err = xpcall(function()
local opts1 = create_stream_opts(1)
opts1.provider = Provider1
local opts2 = create_stream_opts(2)
opts2.provider = Provider2
end, function(err) return err end)
if not success then Utils.error("Failed to start dual_boost streams: " .. tostring(err)) end
---@alias LlmMode "planning" | "editing" | "suggesting"
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
---@class SelectedFiles
---@field path string
---@field content string
---@field file_type string
---@class TemplateOptions
---@field use_xml_format boolean
---@field ask boolean
---@field question string
---@field code_lang string
---@field selected_code string | nil
---@field project_context string | nil
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
---@field selected_files SelectedFiles[] | nil
2024-11-23 21:49:33 +08:00
---@field diagnostics string | nil
---@field history_messages AvanteLLMMessage[]
---@class GeneratePromptsOptions: TemplateOptions
---@field ask boolean
---@field instructions string
---@field mode LlmMode
---@field provider AvanteProviderFunctor | AvanteBedrockProviderFunctor | nil
---@field tools? AvanteLLMTool[]
---@field tool_histories? AvanteLLMToolHistory[]
---@class AvanteLLMToolHistory
---@field tool_result? AvanteLLMToolResult
---@field tool_use? AvanteLLMToolUse
---@class StreamOptions: GeneratePromptsOptions
---@field on_start AvanteLLMStartCallback
---@field on_chunk AvanteLLMChunkCallback
---@field on_stop AvanteLLMStopCallback
2025-02-06 15:15:44 +08:00
---@field on_tool_log? function(tool_name: string, log: string): nil
---@param opts StreamOptions
M.stream = function(opts)
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
local is_completed = false
2025-02-06 15:15:44 +08:00
if opts.on_tool_log ~= nil then
local original_on_tool_log = opts.on_tool_log
opts.on_tool_log = vim.schedule_wrap(function(tool_name, log)
if not original_on_tool_log then return end
return original_on_tool_log(tool_name, log)
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
if opts.on_chunk ~= nil then
local original_on_chunk = opts.on_chunk
opts.on_chunk = vim.schedule_wrap(function(chunk)
if is_completed then return end
return original_on_chunk(chunk)
if opts.on_stop ~= nil then
local original_on_stop = opts.on_stop
opts.on_stop = vim.schedule_wrap(function(stop_opts)
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
if is_completed then return end
if stop_opts.reason == "complete" or stop_opts.reason == "error" then is_completed = true end
return original_on_stop(stop_opts)
feat(context): add a ui for selecting and adding files to the sidebar as context (#912) * feat(sidebar): supports select files chore (context) update add type annotations to context functions chore (sidebar) remove unused notify function call refactor (sidebar) remove setting search file to file path chore (sidebar) remove nvim_notify debugging api call * feat (files) allow selecting a file by string via cmp suggestion menu * chore (context) refactor to allow context using @file with a context view * refactor (context) refactor seletected file types as an array of path and content * refactor (config) remove unused configuration options * refactor (sidebar) remove unused unbild key * refactor (context) remove unused imports * refactor (mentions) update mentions to support items with callback functions and removal of the underlying selection. * fix (sidebar) add file context as a window that is visitable via the tab key * refactor (file_content) remove file content as an input to llm * feat (sidebar) support suggesting and applying code in all languages that are in the context * feat (sidebar) configurable mapping for removing a file from the context. * feat (context_view) configure hints for the context view for adding and deleting a file. * feat (context) add hints for the context view. * fix (sidebar) type when scrolling the results buffer. * refactor (selected files) refactor llm stream to accept an array of selected file metadata * refactor: context => selected_files --------- Co-authored-by: yetone <yetoneful@gmail.com>
2024-12-12 03:29:10 +10:00
if Config.dual_boost.enabled and opts.mode == "planning" then
M._dual_boost_stream(opts, P[Config.dual_boost.first_provider], P[Config.dual_boost.second_provider])
function M.cancel_inflight_request() api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = M.CANCEL_PATTERN }) end
return M