2725 lines
120 KiB
2725 lines
120 KiB
package ccxt
// https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-code
type bitteam struct {
func NewBitteamCore() bitteam {
p := bitteam{}
return p
func (this *bitteam) Describe() interface{} {
return this.DeepExtend(this.Exchange.Describe(), map[string]interface{} {
"id": "bitteam",
"name": "BIT.TEAM",
"countries": []interface{}{"UK"},
"version": "v2.0.6",
"rateLimit": 1,
"certified": false,
"pro": false,
"has": map[string]interface{} {
"CORS": nil,
"spot": true,
"margin": false,
"swap": false,
"future": false,
"option": false,
"addMargin": false,
"borrowMargin": false,
"cancelAllOrders": true,
"cancelOrder": true,
"cancelOrders": false,
"createDepositAddress": false,
"createOrder": true,
"createPostOnlyOrder": false,
"createReduceOnlyOrder": false,
"createStopLimitOrder": false,
"createStopMarketOrder": false,
"createStopOrder": false,
"deposit": false,
"editOrder": false,
"fetchAccounts": false,
"fetchBalance": true,
"fetchBidsAsks": false,
"fetchBorrowInterest": false,
"fetchBorrowRateHistories": false,
"fetchBorrowRateHistory": false,
"fetchCanceledOrders": true,
"fetchClosedOrder": false,
"fetchClosedOrders": true,
"fetchCrossBorrowRate": false,
"fetchCrossBorrowRates": false,
"fetchCurrencies": true,
"fetchDeposit": false,
"fetchDepositAddress": false,
"fetchDepositAddresses": false,
"fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork": false,
"fetchDeposits": false,
"fetchDepositsWithdrawals": true,
"fetchDepositWithdrawFee": false,
"fetchDepositWithdrawFees": false,
"fetchFundingHistory": false,
"fetchFundingRate": false,
"fetchFundingRateHistory": false,
"fetchFundingRates": false,
"fetchIndexOHLCV": false,
"fetchIsolatedBorrowRate": false,
"fetchIsolatedBorrowRates": false,
"fetchL3OrderBook": false,
"fetchLedger": false,
"fetchLeverage": false,
"fetchLeverageTiers": false,
"fetchMarketLeverageTiers": false,
"fetchMarkets": true,
"fetchMarkOHLCV": false,
"fetchMyTrades": true,
"fetchOHLCV": true,
"fetchOpenInterestHistory": false,
"fetchOpenOrder": false,
"fetchOpenOrders": true,
"fetchOrder": true,
"fetchOrderBook": true,
"fetchOrderBooks": false,
"fetchOrders": true,
"fetchOrderTrades": false,
"fetchPosition": false,
"fetchPositionHistory": false,
"fetchPositionMode": false,
"fetchPositions": false,
"fetchPositionsForSymbol": false,
"fetchPositionsHistory": false,
"fetchPositionsRisk": false,
"fetchPremiumIndexOHLCV": false,
"fetchStatus": false,
"fetchTicker": true,
"fetchTickers": true,
"fetchTime": false,
"fetchTrades": true,
"fetchTradingFee": false,
"fetchTradingFees": false,
"fetchTradingLimits": false,
"fetchTransactionFee": false,
"fetchTransactionFees": false,
"fetchTransactions": true,
"fetchTransfers": false,
"fetchWithdrawal": false,
"fetchWithdrawals": false,
"fetchWithdrawalWhitelist": false,
"reduceMargin": false,
"repayMargin": false,
"setLeverage": false,
"setMargin": false,
"setMarginMode": false,
"setPositionMode": false,
"signIn": false,
"transfer": false,
"withdraw": false,
"ws": false,
"timeframes": map[string]interface{} {
"1m": "1",
"5m": "5",
"15m": "15",
"1h": "60",
"1d": "1D",
"urls": map[string]interface{} {
"logo": "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b41b5e0d-98e5-4bd3-8a6e-aeb230a4a135",
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"history": "https://history.bit.team",
"public": "https://bit.team",
"private": "https://bit.team",
"www": "https://bit.team/",
"referral": "https://bit.team/auth/sign-up?ref=bitboy2023",
"doc": []interface{}{"https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation"},
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"history": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"api/tw/history/{pairName}/{resolution}": 1,
"public": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"trade/api/asset": 1,
"trade/api/currencies": 1,
"trade/api/orderbooks/{symbol}": 1,
"trade/api/orders": 1,
"trade/api/pair/{name}": 1,
"trade/api/pairs": 1,
"trade/api/pairs/precisions": 1,
"trade/api/rates": 1,
"trade/api/trade/{id}": 1,
"trade/api/trades": 1,
"trade/api/ccxt/pairs": 1,
"trade/api/cmc/assets": 1,
"trade/api/cmc/orderbook/{pair}": 1,
"trade/api/cmc/summary": 1,
"trade/api/cmc/ticker": 1,
"trade/api/cmc/trades/{pair}": 1,
"private": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"trade/api/ccxt/balance": 1,
"trade/api/ccxt/order/{id}": 1,
"trade/api/ccxt/ordersOfUser": 1,
"trade/api/ccxt/tradesOfUser": 1,
"trade/api/transactionsOfUser": 1,
"post": map[string]interface{} {
"trade/api/ccxt/cancel-all-order": 1,
"trade/api/ccxt/cancelorder": 1,
"trade/api/ccxt/ordercreate": 1,
"fees": map[string]interface{} {
"trading": map[string]interface{} {
"feeSide": "get",
"tierBased": false,
"percentage": true,
"taker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"),
"maker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"),
"precisionMode": TICK_SIZE,
"options": map[string]interface{} {
"networksById": map[string]interface{} {
"Ethereum": "ERC20",
"ethereum": "ERC20",
"Tron": "TRC20",
"tron": "TRC20",
"Binance": "BSC",
"binance": "BSC",
"Binance Smart Chain": "BSC",
"bscscan": "BSC",
"Bitcoin": "BTC",
"bitcoin": "BTC",
"Litecoin": "LTC",
"litecoin": "LTC",
"Polygon": "POLYGON",
"polygon": "POLYGON",
"Decimal": "Decimal",
"ufobject": "ufobject",
"tonchain": "tonchain",
"currenciesValuedInUsd": map[string]interface{} {
"USDT": true,
"BUSD": true,
"features": map[string]interface{} {
"spot": map[string]interface{} {
"sandbox": false,
"createOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"triggerPrice": false,
"triggerPriceType": nil,
"triggerDirection": nil,
"stopLossPrice": false,
"takeProfitPrice": false,
"attachedStopLossTakeProfit": nil,
"timeInForce": map[string]interface{} {
"IOC": false,
"FOK": false,
"PO": false,
"GTD": false,
"hedged": false,
"trailing": false,
"leverage": false,
"marketBuyRequiresPrice": false,
"marketBuyByCost": false,
"selfTradePrevention": false,
"iceberg": false,
"createOrders": nil,
"fetchMyTrades": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 100,
"daysBack": 100000,
"untilDays": 100000,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchOpenOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 100,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": true,
"limit": 100,
"daysBack": nil,
"untilDays": nil,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchClosedOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 100,
"daysBack": nil,
"daysBackCanceled": nil,
"untilDays": nil,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchOHLCV": map[string]interface{} {
"limit": 1000,
"swap": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": nil,
"inverse": nil,
"future": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": nil,
"inverse": nil,
"exceptions": map[string]interface{} {
"exact": map[string]interface{} {
"400002": BadSymbol,
"401000": AuthenticationError,
"403002": BadRequest,
"404200": BadSymbol,
"broad": map[string]interface{} {
"is not allowed": BadRequest,
"Insufficient funds": InsufficientFunds,
"Invalid request params input": BadRequest,
"must be a number": BadRequest,
"must be a string": BadRequest,
"must be of type": BadRequest,
"must be one of": BadRequest,
"Order not found": OrderNotFound,
"Pair with pair name": BadSymbol,
"pairName": BadSymbol,
"Service Unavailable": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"Symbol ": BadSymbol,
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchMarkets
* @description retrieves data on all markets for bitteam
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/CCXT/getTradeApiCcxtPairs
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange api endpoint
* @returns {object[]} an array of objects representing market data
func (this *bitteam) FetchMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.PublicGetTradeApiCcxtPairs(params))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "count": 28,
// "pairs": [
// {
// "id": 2,
// "name": "eth_usdt",
// "baseAssetId": 2,
// "quoteAssetId": 3,
// "fullName": "ETH USDT",
// "description": "ETH USDT",
// "lastBuy": 1964.665001,
// "lastSell": 1959.835005,
// "lastPrice": 1964.665001,
// "change24": 1.41,
// "volume24": 28.22627543,
// "volume24USD": 55662.35636401598,
// "active": true,
// "baseStep": 8,
// "quoteStep": 6,
// "status": 1,
// "settings": {
// "limit_usd": "0.1",
// "price_max": "10000000000000",
// "price_min": "1",
// "price_tick": "1",
// "pricescale": 10000,
// "lot_size_max": "1000000000000000",
// "lot_size_min": "1",
// "lot_size_tick": "1",
// "price_view_min": 6,
// "default_slippage": 10,
// "lot_size_view_min": 6
// },
// "updateId": "50620",
// "timeStart": "2021-01-28T09:19:30.706Z",
// "makerFee": 200,
// "takerFee": 200,
// "quoteVolume24": 54921.93404134529,
// "lowPrice24": 1919.355,
// "highPrice24": 1971.204995
// },
// {
// "id": 27,
// "name": "ltc_usdt",
// "baseAssetId": 13,
// "quoteAssetId": 3,
// "fullName": "LTC USDT",
// "description": "This is LTC USDT",
// "lastBuy": 53.14,
// "lastSell": 53.58,
// "lastPrice": 53.58,
// "change24": -6.72,
// "volume24": 0,
// "volume24USD": null,
// "active": true,
// "baseStep": 8,
// "quoteStep": 6,
// "status": 0,
// "settings": {
// "limit_usd": "0.1",
// "price_max": "1000000000000",
// "price_min": "1",
// "price_tick": "1",
// "pricescale": 10000,
// "lot_size_max": "1000000000000",
// "lot_size_min": "1",
// "lot_size_tick": "1",
// "price_view_min": 6,
// "default_slippage": 10,
// "lot_size_view_min": 6
// },
// "updateId": "30",
// "timeStart": "2021-10-13T12:11:05.359Z",
// "makerFee": 200,
// "takerFee": 200,
// "quoteVolume24": 0,
// "lowPrice24": null,
// "highPrice24": null
// }
// ]
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var markets interface{} = this.SafeValue(result, "pairs", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseMarkets(markets)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitteam) ParseMarket(market interface{}) interface{} {
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "name")
var numericId interface{} = this.SafeInteger(market, "id")
var parts interface{} = Split(id, "_")
var baseId interface{} = this.SafeString(parts, 0)
var quoteId interface{} = this.SafeString(parts, 1)
var base interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(baseId)
var quote interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId)
var active interface{} = this.SafeValue(market, "active")
var timeStart interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "timeStart")
var created interface{} = this.Parse8601(timeStart)
var minCost interface{} = nil
var currenciesValuedInUsd interface{} = this.SafeValue(this.Options, "currenciesValuedInUsd", map[string]interface{} {})
var quoteInUsd interface{} = this.SafeBool(currenciesValuedInUsd, quote, false)
if IsTrue(quoteInUsd) {
var settings interface{} = this.SafeValue(market, "settings", map[string]interface{} {})
minCost = this.SafeNumber(settings, "limit_usd")
return this.SafeMarketStructure(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"numericId": numericId,
"symbol": Add(Add(base, "/"), quote),
"base": base,
"quote": quote,
"settle": nil,
"baseId": baseId,
"quoteId": quoteId,
"settleId": nil,
"type": "spot",
"spot": true,
"margin": false,
"swap": false,
"future": false,
"option": false,
"active": active,
"contract": false,
"linear": nil,
"inverse": nil,
"contractSize": nil,
"expiry": nil,
"expiryDatetime": nil,
"strike": nil,
"optionType": nil,
"precision": map[string]interface{} {
"amount": this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(market, "baseStep"))),
"price": this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(market, "quoteStep"))),
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"leverage": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"amount": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"price": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"cost": map[string]interface{} {
"min": minCost,
"max": nil,
"created": created,
"info": market,
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchCurrencies
* @description fetches all available currencies on an exchange
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PUBLIC/getTradeApiCurrencies
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} an associative dictionary of currencies
func (this *bitteam) FetchCurrencies(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.PublicGetTradeApiCurrencies(params))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "count": 24,
// "currencies": [
// {
// "txLimits": {
// "minDeposit": "0.0001",
// "minWithdraw": "0.02",
// "maxWithdraw": "10000",
// "withdrawCommissionPercentage": "NaN",
// "withdrawCommissionFixed": "0.005"
// },
// "id": 2,
// "status": 1,
// "symbol": "eth",
// "title": "Ethereum",
// "logoURL": "https://ethereum.org/static/6b935ac0e6194247347855dc3d328e83/34ca5/eth-diamond-black.png",
// "isDiscount": false,
// "address": "https://ethereum.org/",
// "description": "Ethereum ETH",
// "decimals": 18,
// "blockChain": "Ethereum",
// "precision": 8,
// "currentRate": null,
// "active": true,
// "timeStart": "2021-01-28T08:57:41.719Z",
// "type": "crypto",
// "typeNetwork": "internalGW",
// "idSorting": 2,
// "links": [
// {
// "tx": "https://etherscan.io/tx/",
// "address": "https://etherscan.io/address/",
// "blockChain": "Ethereum"
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// "txLimits": {
// "minDeposit": "0.001",
// "minWithdraw": "1",
// "maxWithdraw": "100000",
// "withdrawCommissionPercentage": "NaN",
// "withdrawCommissionFixed": {
// "Tron": "2",
// "Binance": "2",
// "Ethereum": "20"
// }
// },
// "id": 3,
// "status": 1,
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "title": "Tether USD",
// "logoURL": "https://cryptologos.cc/logos/tether-usdt-logo.png?v=010",
// "isDiscount": false,
// "address": "https://tether.to/",
// "description": "Tether USD",
// "decimals": 6,
// "blockChain": "",
// "precision": 6,
// "currentRate": null,
// "active": true,
// "timeStart": "2021-01-28T09:04:17.170Z",
// "type": "crypto",
// "typeNetwork": "internalGW",
// "idSorting": 0,
// "links": [
// {
// "tx": "https://etherscan.io/tx/",
// "address": "https://etherscan.io/address/",
// "blockChain": "Ethereum"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/",
// "address": "https://tronscan.org/#/address/",
// "blockChain": "Tron"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://bscscan.com/tx/",
// "address": "https://bscscan.com/address/",
// "blockChain": "Binance"
// }
// ]
// }
// ]
// }
// }
var responseResult interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var currencies interface{} = this.SafeValue(responseResult, "currencies", []interface{}{})
// usding another endpoint to fetch statuses of deposits and withdrawals
statusesResponse:= (<-this.PublicGetTradeApiCmcAssets())
// {
// "ZNX": {
// "name": "ZeNeX Coin",
// "unified_cryptoasset_id": 30,
// "withdrawStatus": true,
// "depositStatus": true,
// "min_withdraw": 0.00001,
// "max_withdraw": 10000
// },
// "USDT": {
// "name": "Tether USD",
// "unified_cryptoasset_id": 3,
// "withdrawStatus": true,
// "depositStatus": true,
// "min_withdraw": 1,
// "max_withdraw": 100000
// },
// }
statusesResponse = this.IndexBy(statusesResponse, "unified_cryptoasset_id")
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(currencies)); i++ {
var currency interface{} = GetValue(currencies, i)
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "symbol")
var numericId interface{} = this.SafeInteger(currency, "id")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(id)
var active interface{} = this.SafeBool(currency, "active", false)
var precision interface{} = this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(currency, "precision")))
var txLimits interface{} = this.SafeValue(currency, "txLimits", map[string]interface{} {})
var minWithdraw interface{} = this.SafeString(txLimits, "minWithdraw")
var maxWithdraw interface{} = this.SafeString(txLimits, "maxWithdraw")
var minDeposit interface{} = this.SafeString(txLimits, "minDeposit")
var fee interface{} = nil
var withdrawCommissionFixed interface{} = this.SafeValue(txLimits, "withdrawCommissionFixed", map[string]interface{} {})
var feesByNetworkId interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
var blockChain interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "blockChain")
// if only one blockChain
if IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(blockChain, nil))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(blockChain, "")))) {
fee = this.ParseNumber(withdrawCommissionFixed)
AddElementToObject(feesByNetworkId, blockChain, fee)
} else {
feesByNetworkId = withdrawCommissionFixed
var statuses interface{} = this.SafeValue(statusesResponse, numericId, map[string]interface{} {})
var deposit interface{} = this.SafeValue(statuses, "depositStatus")
var withdraw interface{} = this.SafeValue(statuses, "withdrawStatus")
var networkIds interface{} = ObjectKeys(feesByNetworkId)
var networks interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
var networkPrecision interface{} = this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(currency, "decimals")))
for j := 0; IsLessThan(j, GetArrayLength(networkIds)); j++ {
var networkId interface{} = GetValue(networkIds, j)
var networkCode interface{} = this.NetworkIdToCode(networkId, code)
var networkFee interface{} = this.SafeNumber(feesByNetworkId, networkId)
AddElementToObject(networks, networkCode, map[string]interface{} {
"id": networkId,
"network": networkCode,
"deposit": deposit,
"withdraw": withdraw,
"active": active,
"fee": networkFee,
"precision": networkPrecision,
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"amount": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"withdraw": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.ParseNumber(minWithdraw),
"max": this.ParseNumber(maxWithdraw),
"deposit": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.ParseNumber(minDeposit),
"max": nil,
"info": currency,
AddElementToObject(result, code, map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"numericId": numericId,
"code": code,
"name": code,
"info": currency,
"active": active,
"deposit": deposit,
"withdraw": withdraw,
"fee": fee,
"precision": precision,
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"amount": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"withdraw": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.ParseNumber(minWithdraw),
"max": this.ParseNumber(maxWithdraw),
"deposit": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.ParseNumber(minDeposit),
"max": nil,
"networks": networks,
ch <- result
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchOHLCV
* @description fetches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for
* @param {string} timeframe the length of time each candle represents
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of candles to fetch
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {int[][]} A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume
func (this *bitteam) FetchOHLCV(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
timeframe := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "1m")
_ = timeframe
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes7228 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var resolution interface{} = this.SafeString(this.Timeframes, timeframe, timeframe)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"pairName": GetValue(market, "id"),
"resolution": resolution,
response:= (<-this.HistoryGetApiTwHistoryPairNameResolution(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "count": 364,
// "data": [
// {
// "t": 1669593600,
// "o": 16211.259266,
// "h": 16476.985001,
// "l": 16023.714999,
// "c": 16430.636894,
// "v": 2.60150368999999
// },
// {
// "t": 1669680000,
// "o": 16430.636894,
// "h": 17065.229582,
// "l": 16346.114155,
// "c": 16882.297736,
// "v": 3.0872548400000115
// },
// ...
// ]
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var data interface{} = this.SafeList(result, "data", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseOHLCVs(data, market, timeframe, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitteam) ParseOHLCV(ohlcv interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "t": 1669680000,
// "o": 16430.636894,
// "h": 17065.229582,
// "l": 16346.114155,
// "c": 16882.297736,
// "v": 3.0872548400000115
// },
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
return []interface{}{this.SafeTimestamp(ohlcv, "t"), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, "o"), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, "h"), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, "l"), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, "c"), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, "v")}
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchOrderBook
* @description fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/CMC/getTradeApiCmcOrderbookPair
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of order book entries to return (default 100, max 200)
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} A dictionary of [order book structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-book-structure} indexed by market symbols
func (this *bitteam) FetchOrderBook(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes7948 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"pair": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PublicGetTradeApiCmcOrderbookPair(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "timestamp": 1701166703285,
// "bids": [
// [
// 2019.334988,
// 0.09048525
// ],
// [
// 1999.860002,
// 0.0225
// ],
// ...
// ],
// "asks": [
// [
// 2019.334995,
// 0.00899078
// ],
// [
// 2019.335013,
// 0.09833052
// ],
// ...
// ]
// }
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(response, "timestamp")
var orderbook interface{} = this.ParseOrderBook(response, symbol, timestamp)
ch <- orderbook
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchOrders
* @description fetches information on multiple orders made by the user
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiCcxtOrdersofuser
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of orde structures to retrieve (default 10)
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @param {string} [params.type] the status of the order - 'active', 'closed', 'cancelled', 'all', 'history' (default 'all')
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes8458 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var typeVar interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "type", "all")
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"type": typeVar,
var market interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
market = this.Market(symbol)
AddElementToObject(request, "pair", GetValue(market, "id"))
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetTradeApiCcxtOrdersOfUser(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "count": 3,
// "orders": [
// {
// "id": 106733026,
// "orderId": null,
// "userId": 21639,
// "pair": "btc_usdt",
// "pairId": 22,
// "quantity": "0.00001",
// "price": "40",
// "executedPrice": "0",
// "fee": null,
// "orderCid": null,
// "executed": "0",
// "expires": null,
// "baseDecimals": 8,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "timestamp": 1700594804,
// "status": "inactive",
// "side": "buy",
// "type": "limit",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-21T19:26:43.868Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-21T19:26:43.868Z"
// },
// {
// "id": 106733308,
// "orderId": "13074362",
// "userId": 21639,
// "pair": "btc_usdt",
// "pairId": 22,
// "quantity": "0.00001",
// "price": "50000",
// "executedPrice": "37017.495008",
// "fee": {
// "amount": "0.00000002",
// "symbol": "btc",
// "userId": 21639,
// "decimals": 8,
// "symbolId": 11
// },
// "orderCid": null,
// "executed": "0.00001",
// "expires": null,
// "baseDecimals": 8,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "timestamp": 1700594959,
// "status": "executed",
// "side": "buy",
// "type": "limit",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-21T19:29:19.946Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-21T19:29:19.946Z"
// },
// {
// "id": 106734455,
// "orderId": "13248984",
// "userId": 21639,
// "pair": "eth_usdt",
// "pairId": 2,
// "quantity": "0.001",
// "price": "1750",
// "executedPrice": "0",
// "fee": null,
// "orderCid": null,
// "executed": "0",
// "expires": null,
// "baseDecimals": 18,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "timestamp": 1700595523,
// "status": "accepted",
// "side": "buy",
// "type": "limit",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-21T19:38:43.530Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-21T19:38:43.530Z"
// }
// ]
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var orders interface{} = this.SafeList(result, "orders", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseOrders(orders, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchOrder
* @description fetches information on an order
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiCcxtOrderId
* @param {int|string} id order id
* @param {string} symbol not used by bitteam fetchOrder ()
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes9578 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
var market interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
market = this.Market(symbol)
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetTradeApiCcxtOrderId(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "id": 106494347,
// "orderId": "13214332",
// "userId": 15912,
// "pair": "eth_usdt",
// "pairId": 2,
// "quantity": "0.00448598",
// "price": "2015.644995",
// "executedPrice": "2015.644995",
// "fee": {
// "amount": "0",
// "symbol": "eth",
// "userId": 15912,
// "decimals": 18,
// "symbolId": 2,
// "discountAmount": "0",
// "discountSymbol": "btt",
// "discountDecimals": 18,
// "discountSymbolId": 5
// },
// "orderCid": null,
// "executed": "0.00448598",
// "expires": null,
// "baseDecimals": 18,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "timestamp": 1700470476,
// "status": "executed",
// "side": "buy",
// "type": "limit",
// "stopPrice": null,
// "slippage": null
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeDict(response, "result")
ch <- this.ParseOrder(result, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchOpenOrders
* @description fetch all unfilled currently open orders
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiCcxtOrdersofuser
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of open order structures to retrieve (default 10)
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchOpenOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10198 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"type": "active",
retRes102315 := (<-this.FetchOrders(symbol, since, limit, this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- retRes102315
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchClosedOrders
* @description fetches information on multiple closed orders made by the user
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiCcxtOrdersofuser
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of closed order structures to retrieve (default 10)
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchClosedOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10388 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"type": "closed",
retRes104215 := (<-this.FetchOrders(symbol, since, limit, this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- retRes104215
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchCanceledOrders
* @description fetches information on multiple canceled orders made by the user
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiCcxtOrdersofuser
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of canceled order structures to retrieve (default 10)
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} a list of [order structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchCanceledOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10578 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"type": "cancelled",
retRes106115 := (<-this.FetchOrders(symbol, since, limit, this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- retRes106115
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#createOrder
* @description create a trade order
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/postTradeApiCcxtOrdercreate
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in
* @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit'
* @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell'
* @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency
* @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) CreateOrder(symbol interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = price
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10788 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"pairId": ToString(GetValue(market, "numericId")),
"type": typeVar,
"side": side,
"amount": this.AmountToPrecision(symbol, amount),
if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "limit")) {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(price, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " createOrder() requires a price argument for a "), typeVar), " order")))
} else {
AddElementToObject(request, "price", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, price))
response:= (<-this.PrivatePostTradeApiCcxtOrdercreate(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "id": 106733308,
// "userId": 21639,
// "quantity": "0.00001",
// "pair": "btc_usdt",
// "side": "buy",
// "price": "50000",
// "executed": "0",
// "executedPrice": "0",
// "status": "created",
// "baseDecimals": 8,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "pairId": 22,
// "type": "limit",
// "stopPrice": null,
// "slippage": null,
// "timestamp": "1700594959"
// }
// }
var order interface{} = this.SafeDict(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
ch <- this.ParseOrder(order, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#cancelOrder
* @description cancels an open order
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/postTradeApiCcxtCancelorder
* @param {string} id order id
* @param {string} symbol not used by bitteam cancelOrder ()
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) CancelOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes11328 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
response:= (<-this.PrivatePostTradeApiCcxtCancelorder(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "message": "The request to cancel your order was received"
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeDict(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
ch <- this.ParseOrder(result)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#cancelAllOrders
* @description cancel open orders of market
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/postTradeApiCcxtCancelallorder
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitteam) CancelAllOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes11598 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
market = this.Market(symbol)
AddElementToObject(request, "pairId", ToString(GetValue(market, "numericId")))
} else {
AddElementToObject(request, "pairId", "0") // '0' for all markets
response:= (<-this.PrivatePostTradeApiCcxtCancelAllOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "message":"The request to cancel all your orders was received"
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var orders interface{} = []interface{}{result}
ch <- this.ParseOrders(orders, market)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitteam) ParseOrder(order interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchOrders
// {
// "id": 106733308,
// "orderId": "13074362",
// "userId": 21639,
// "pair": "btc_usdt",
// "pairId": 22,
// "quantity": "0.00001",
// "price": "50000",
// "executedPrice": "37017.495008",
// "fee": {
// "amount": "0.00000002",
// "symbol": "btc",
// "userId": 21639,
// "decimals": 8,
// "symbolId": 11
// },
// "orderCid": null,
// "executed": "0.00001",
// "expires": null,
// "baseDecimals": 8,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "timestamp": 1700594959,
// "status": "executed",
// "side": "buy",
// "type": "limit",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-21T19:29:19.946Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-21T19:29:19.946Z"
// },
// fetchOrder
// {
// "id": 106494347,
// "orderId": "13214332",
// "userId": 15912,
// "pair": "eth_usdt",
// "pairId": 2,
// "quantity": "0.00448598",
// "price": "2015.644995",
// "executedPrice": "2015.644995",
// "fee": {
// "amount": "0",
// "symbol": "eth",
// "userId": 15912,
// "decimals": 18,
// "symbolId": 2,
// "discountAmount": "0",
// "discountSymbol": "btt",
// "discountDecimals": 18,
// "discountSymbolId": 5
// },
// "orderCid": null,
// "executed": "0.00448598",
// "expires": null,
// "baseDecimals": 18,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "timestamp": 1700470476,
// "status": "executed",
// "side": "buy",
// "type": "limit",
// "stopPrice": null,
// "slippage": null
// }
// createOrder
// {
// "id": 106733308,
// "userId": 21639,
// "quantity": "0.00001",
// "pair": "btc_usdt",
// "side": "buy",
// "price": "50000",
// "executed": "0",
// "executedPrice": "0",
// "status": "created",
// "baseDecimals": 8,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "pairId": 22,
// "type": "limit",
// "stopPrice": null,
// "slippage": null,
// "timestamp": "1700594959"
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "id")
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "pair")
market = this.SafeMarket(marketId, market)
var clientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "orderCid")
var timestamp interface{} = nil
var createdAt interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "createdAt")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(createdAt, nil)) {
timestamp = this.Parse8601(createdAt)
} else {
timestamp = this.SafeTimestamp(order, "timestamp")
var updatedAt interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "updatedAt")
var lastUpdateTimestamp interface{} = this.Parse8601(updatedAt)
var status interface{} = this.ParseOrderStatus(this.SafeString(order, "status"))
var typeVar interface{} = this.ParseOrderType(this.SafeString(order, "type"))
var side interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "side")
var feeRaw interface{} = this.SafeValue(order, "fee")
var price interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "price")
var amount interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "quantity")
var filled interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "executed")
var fee interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeRaw, nil)) {
var feeCost interface{} = this.SafeString(feeRaw, "amount")
var feeCurrencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(feeRaw, "symbol")
fee = map[string]interface{} {
"currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(feeCurrencyId),
"cost": feeCost,
"rate": nil,
return this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"clientOrderId": clientOrderId,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"lastTradeTimestamp": nil,
"lastUpdateTimestamp": lastUpdateTimestamp,
"status": status,
"symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"),
"type": typeVar,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"side": side,
"price": price,
"triggerPrice": this.SafeString(order, "stopPrice"),
"average": nil,
"amount": amount,
"cost": nil,
"filled": filled,
"remaining": nil,
"fee": fee,
"trades": nil,
"info": order,
"postOnly": false,
}, market)
func (this *bitteam) ParseOrderStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"accepted": "open",
"executed": "closed",
"cancelled": "canceled",
"partiallyCancelled": "canceled",
"delete": "rejected",
"inactive": "rejected",
"executing": "open",
"created": "open",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitteam) ParseOrderType(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"market": "market",
"limit": "limit",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitteam) ParseValueToPricision(valueObject interface{}, valueKey interface{}, preciseObject interface{}, precisionKey interface{}) interface{} {
var valueRawString interface{} = this.SafeString(valueObject, valueKey)
var precisionRawString interface{} = this.SafeString(preciseObject, precisionKey)
if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsEqual(valueRawString, nil)) || IsTrue(IsEqual(precisionRawString, nil))) {
return nil
var precisionString interface{} = this.ParsePrecision(precisionRawString)
return Precise.StringMul(valueRawString, precisionString)
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchTickers
* @description fetches price tickers for multiple markets, statistical calculations with the information calculated over the past 24 hours each market
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/CMC/getTradeApiCmcSummary
* @param {string[]|undefined} symbols unified symbols of the markets to fetch the ticker for, all market tickers are returned if not assigned
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} a dictionary of [ticker structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#ticker-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchTickers(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbols
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes13668 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.PublicGetTradeApiCmcSummary())
// [
// {
// "trading_pairs": "BTC_USDT",
// "base_currency": "BTC",
// "quote_currency": "USDT",
// "last_price": 37669.955001,
// "lowest_ask": 37670.055,
// "highest_bid": 37669.955,
// "base_volume": 6.81156888,
// "quote_volume": 257400.516878529,
// "price_change_percent_24h": -0.29,
// "highest_price_24h": 38389.994463,
// "lowest_price_24h": 37574.894999
// },
// {
// "trading_pairs": "BNB_USDT",
// "base_currency": "BNB",
// "quote_currency": "USDT",
// "last_price": 233.525142,
// "lowest_ask": 233.675,
// "highest_bid": 233.425,
// "base_volume": 245.0199339,
// "quote_volume": 57356.91823827642,
// "price_change_percent_24h": -0.32,
// "highest_price_24h": 236.171123,
// "lowest_price_24h": 231.634637
// },
// ...
// ]
var tickers interface{} = []interface{}{}
if !IsTrue(IsArray(response)) {
response = []interface{}{}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(response)); i++ {
var rawTicker interface{} = GetValue(response, i)
var ticker interface{} = this.ParseTicker(rawTicker)
ch <- this.FilterByArrayTickers(tickers, "symbol", symbols)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchTicker
* @description fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PUBLIC/getTradeApiPairName
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} a [ticker structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#ticker-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchTicker(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes14218 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"name": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PublicGetTradeApiPairName(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "pair": {
// "id": 2,
// "name": "eth_usdt",
// "baseAssetId": 2,
// "quoteAssetId": 3,
// "fullName": "ETH USDT",
// "description": "ETH USDT",
// "lastBuy": "1976.715012",
// "lastSell": "1971.995006",
// "lastPrice": "1976.715012",
// "change24": "1.02",
// "volume24": 24.0796457,
// "volume24USD": 44282.347995912205,
// "active": true,
// "baseStep": 8,
// "quoteStep": 6,
// "status": 1,
// "settings": {
// "limit_usd": "0.1",
// "price_max": "10000000000000",
// "price_min": "1",
// "price_tick": "1",
// "pricescale": 10000,
// "lot_size_max": "1000000000000000",
// "lot_size_min": "1",
// "lot_size_tick": "1",
// "price_view_min": 6,
// "default_slippage": 10,
// "lot_size_view_min": 6
// },
// "asks": [
// {
// "price": "1976.405003",
// "quantity": "0.0051171",
// "amount": "10.1134620408513"
// },
// {
// "price": "1976.405013",
// "quantity": "0.09001559",
// "amount": "177.90726332415267"
// },
// {
// "price": "2010.704988",
// "quantity": "0.00127892",
// "amount": "2.57153082325296"
// }
// ],
// "bids": [
// {
// "price": "1976.404988",
// "quantity": "0.09875861",
// "amount": "195.18700941194668"
// },
// {
// "price": "1905.472973",
// "quantity": "0.00263591",
// "amount": "5.02265526426043"
// },
// {
// "price": "1904.274973",
// "quantity": "0.09425304",
// "amount": "179.48370520116792"
// }
// ],
// "updateId": "78",
// "timeStart": "2021-01-28T09:19:30.706Z",
// "makerFee": 200,
// "takerFee": 200,
// "quoteVolume24": 49125.1374009045,
// "lowPrice24": 1966.704999,
// "highPrice24": 2080.354997,
// "baseCurrency": {
// "id": 2,
// "status": 1,
// "symbol": "eth",
// "title": "Ethereum",
// "logoURL": "https://ethereum.org/static/6b935ac0e6194247347855dc3d328e83/34ca5/eth-diamond-black.png",
// "isDiscount": false,
// "address": "https://ethereum.org/",
// "description": "Ethereum ETH",
// "decimals": 18,
// "blockChain": "Ethereum",
// "precision": 8,
// "currentRate": null,
// "active": true,
// "timeStart": "2021-01-28T08:57:41.719Z",
// "txLimits": {
// "minDeposit": "100000000000000",
// "maxWithdraw": "10000000000000000000000",
// "minWithdraw": "20000000000000000",
// "withdrawCommissionFixed": "5000000000000000",
// "withdrawCommissionPercentage": "NaN"
// },
// "type": "crypto",
// "typeNetwork": "internalGW",
// "idSorting": 2,
// "links": [
// {
// "tx": "https://etherscan.io/tx/",
// "address": "https://etherscan.io/address/",
// "blockChain": "Ethereum"
// }
// ],
// "clientTxLimits": {
// "minDeposit": "0.0001",
// "minWithdraw": "0.02",
// "maxWithdraw": "10000",
// "withdrawCommissionPercentage": "NaN",
// "withdrawCommissionFixed": "0.005"
// }
// },
// "quoteCurrency": {
// "id": 3,
// "status": 1,
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "title": "Tether USD",
// "logoURL": "https://cryptologos.cc/logos/tether-usdt-logo.png?v=010",
// "isDiscount": false,
// "address": "https://tether.to/",
// "description": "Tether USD",
// "decimals": 6,
// "blockChain": "",
// "precision": 6,
// "currentRate": null,
// "active": true,
// "timeStart": "2021-01-28T09:04:17.170Z",
// "txLimits": {
// "minDeposit": "1000",
// "maxWithdraw": "100000000000",
// "minWithdraw": "1000000",
// "withdrawCommissionFixed": {
// "Tron": "2000000",
// "Binance": "2000000000000000000",
// "Ethereum": "20000000"
// },
// "withdrawCommissionPercentage": "NaN"
// },
// "type": "crypto",
// "typeNetwork": "internalGW",
// "idSorting": 0,
// "links": [
// {
// "tx": "https://etherscan.io/tx/",
// "address": "https://etherscan.io/address/",
// "blockChain": "Ethereum"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/",
// "address": "https://tronscan.org/#/address/",
// "blockChain": "Tron"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://bscscan.com/tx/",
// "address": "https://bscscan.com/address/",
// "blockChain": "Binance"
// }
// ],
// "clientTxLimits": {
// "minDeposit": "0.001",
// "minWithdraw": "1",
// "maxWithdraw": "100000",
// "withdrawCommissionPercentage": "NaN",
// "withdrawCommissionFixed": {
// "Tron": "2",
// "Binance": "2",
// "Ethereum": "20"
// }
// }
// },
// "quantities": {
// "asks": "5.58760757",
// "bids": "2226.98663823032198"
// }
// }
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var pair interface{} = this.SafeDict(result, "pair", map[string]interface{} {})
ch <- this.ParseTicker(pair, market)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitteam) ParseTicker(ticker interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchTicker
// {
// "id": 2,
// "name": "eth_usdt",
// "baseAssetId": 2,
// "quoteAssetId": 3,
// "fullName": "ETH USDT",
// "description": "ETH USDT",
// "lastBuy": "1976.715012",
// "lastSell": "1971.995006",
// "lastPrice": "1976.715012",
// "change24": "1.02",
// "volume24": 24.0796457,
// "volume24USD": 44282.347995912205,
// "active": true,
// "baseStep": 8,
// "quoteStep": 6,
// "status": 1,
// "asks": [
// {
// "price": "1976.405003",
// "quantity": "0.0051171",
// "amount": "10.1134620408513"
// },
// {
// "price": "1976.405013",
// "quantity": "0.09001559",
// "amount": "177.90726332415267"
// },
// {
// "price": "2010.704988",
// "quantity": "0.00127892",
// "amount": "2.57153082325296"
// }
// ...
// ],
// "bids": [
// {
// "price": "1976.404988",
// "quantity": "0.09875861",
// "amount": "195.18700941194668"
// },
// {
// "price": "1905.472973",
// "quantity": "0.00263591",
// "amount": "5.02265526426043"
// },
// {
// "price": "1904.274973",
// "quantity": "0.09425304",
// "amount": "179.48370520116792"
// }
// ...
// ],
// "updateId": "78",
// "timeStart": "2021-01-28T09:19:30.706Z",
// "makerFee": 200,
// "takerFee": 200,
// "quoteVolume24": 49125.1374009045,
// "lowPrice24": 1966.704999,
// "highPrice24": 2080.354997,
// ...
// }
// fetchTickers
// {
// "trading_pairs": "BTC_USDT",
// "base_currency": "BTC",
// "quote_currency": "USDT",
// "last_price": 37669.955001,
// "lowest_ask": 37670.055,
// "highest_bid": 37669.955,
// "base_volume": 6.81156888,
// "quote_volume": 257400.516878529,
// "price_change_percent_24h": -0.29,
// "highest_price_24h": 38389.994463,
// "lowest_price_24h": 37574.894999
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(ticker, "trading_pairs")
market = this.SafeMarket(marketId, market)
var bestBidPrice interface{} = nil
var bestAskPrice interface{} = nil
var bestBidVolume interface{} = nil
var bestAskVolume interface{} = nil
var bids interface{} = this.SafeValue(ticker, "bids")
var asks interface{} = this.SafeValue(ticker, "asks")
if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(bids, nil))) && IsTrue((IsArray(bids)))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(asks, nil)))) && IsTrue((IsArray(asks)))) {
var bestBid interface{} = this.SafeValue(bids, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
bestBidPrice = this.SafeString(bestBid, "price")
bestBidVolume = this.SafeString(bestBid, "quantity")
var bestAsk interface{} = this.SafeValue(asks, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
bestAskPrice = this.SafeString(bestAsk, "price")
bestAskVolume = this.SafeString(bestAsk, "quantity")
} else {
bestBidPrice = this.SafeString(ticker, "highest_bid")
bestAskPrice = this.SafeString(ticker, "lowest_ask")
var baseVolume interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "volume24", "base_volume")
var quoteVolume interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "quoteVolume24", "quote_volume")
var high interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "highPrice24", "highest_price_24h")
var low interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "lowPrice24", "lowest_price_24h")
var close interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "lastPrice", "last_price")
var changePcnt interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "change24", "price_change_percent_24h")
return this.SafeTicker(map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"),
"timestamp": nil,
"datetime": nil,
"open": nil,
"high": high,
"low": low,
"close": close,
"bid": bestBidPrice,
"bidVolume": bestBidVolume,
"ask": bestAskPrice,
"askVolume": bestAskVolume,
"vwap": nil,
"previousClose": nil,
"change": nil,
"percentage": changePcnt,
"average": nil,
"baseVolume": baseVolume,
"quoteVolume": quoteVolume,
"info": ticker,
}, market)
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchTrades
* @description get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/CMC/getTradeApiCmcTradesPair
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of trades to fetch
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#public-trades}
func (this *bitteam) FetchTrades(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes17558 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"pair": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PublicGetTradeApiCmcTradesPair(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "trade_id": 34970337,
// "price": 37769.994793,
// "base_volume": 0.00119062,
// "quote_volume": 44.96971120044166,
// "timestamp": 1700827234000,
// "type": "buy"
// },
// {
// "trade_id": 34970347,
// "price": 37769.634497,
// "base_volume": 0.00104009,
// "quote_volume": 39.28381914398473,
// "timestamp": 1700827248000,
// "type": "buy"
// },
// ...
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTrades(response, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchMyTrades
* @description fetch all trades made by the user
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiCcxtTradesofuser
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve (default 10)
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#trade-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchMyTrades(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes17978 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
var market interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
market = this.Market(symbol)
AddElementToObject(request, "pairId", GetValue(market, "numericId"))
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetTradeApiCcxtTradesOfUser(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "count": 3,
// "trades": [
// {
// "id": 34880724,
// "tradeId": "4368041",
// "makerOrderId": 106742914,
// "takerOrderId": 106761614,
// "pairId": 2,
// "quantity": "0.00955449",
// "price": "1993.674994",
// "isBuyerMaker": true,
// "baseDecimals": 18,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "side": "sell",
// "timestamp": 1700615250,
// "rewarded": true,
// "makerUserId": 21639,
// "takerUserId": 15913,
// "baseCurrencyId": 2,
// "quoteCurrencyId": 3,
// "feeMaker": {
// "amount": "0.0000191",
// "symbol": "eth",
// "userId": 21639,
// "decimals": 18,
// "symbolId": 2
// },
// "feeTaker": {
// "amount": "0",
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "userId": 15913,
// "decimals": 6,
// "symbolId": 3,
// "discountAmount": "0",
// "discountSymbol": "btt",
// "discountDecimals": 18,
// "discountSymbolId": 5
// },
// "pair": "eth_usdt",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-22T01:07:30.593Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-22T01:10:00.117Z",
// "isCurrentSide": "maker"
// },
// {
// "id": 34875793,
// "tradeId": "4368010",
// "makerOrderId": 106742914,
// "takerOrderId": 106745926,
// "pairId": 2,
// "quantity": "0.0027193",
// "price": "1993.674994",
// "isBuyerMaker": true,
// "baseDecimals": 18,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "side": "sell",
// "timestamp": 1700602983,
// "rewarded": true,
// "makerUserId": 21639,
// "takerUserId": 15912,
// "baseCurrencyId": 2,
// "quoteCurrencyId": 3,
// "feeMaker": {
// "amount": "0.00000543",
// "symbol": "eth",
// "userId": 21639,
// "decimals": 18,
// "symbolId": 2
// },
// "feeTaker": {
// "amount": "0",
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "userId": 15912,
// "decimals": 6,
// "symbolId": 3,
// "discountAmount": "0",
// "discountSymbol": "btt",
// "discountDecimals": 18,
// "discountSymbolId": 5
// },
// "pair": "eth_usdt",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-21T21:43:02.758Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-21T21:45:00.147Z",
// "isCurrentSide": "maker"
// },
// {
// "id": 34871727,
// "tradeId": "3441840",
// "makerOrderId": 106733299,
// "takerOrderId": 106733308,
// "pairId": 22,
// "quantity": "0.00001",
// "price": "37017.495008",
// "isBuyerMaker": false,
// "baseDecimals": 8,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "side": "buy",
// "timestamp": 1700594960,
// "rewarded": true,
// "makerUserId": 15909,
// "takerUserId": 21639,
// "baseCurrencyId": 11,
// "quoteCurrencyId": 3,
// "feeMaker": {
// "amount": "0",
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "userId": 15909,
// "decimals": 6,
// "symbolId": 3,
// "discountAmount": "0",
// "discountSymbol": "btt",
// "discountDecimals": 18,
// "discountSymbolId": 5
// },
// "feeTaker": {
// "amount": "0.00000002",
// "symbol": "btc",
// "userId": 21639,
// "decimals": 8,
// "symbolId": 11
// },
// "pair": "btc_usdt",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-21T19:29:20.092Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-21T19:30:00.159Z"
// "isCurrentSide": "taker"
// }
// ]
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var trades interface{} = this.SafeList(result, "trades", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseTrades(trades, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitteam) ParseTrade(trade interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchTrades
// {
// "trade_id": 34970337,
// "price": 37769.994793,
// "base_volume": 0.00119062,
// "quote_volume": 44.96971120044166,
// "timestamp": 1700827234000,
// "type": "buy"
// },
// fetchMyTrades
// {
// "id": 34875793,
// "tradeId": "4368010",
// "makerOrderId": 106742914,
// "takerOrderId": 106745926,
// "pairId": 2,
// "quantity": "0.0027193",
// "price": "1993.674994",
// "isBuyerMaker": true,
// "baseDecimals": 18,
// "quoteDecimals": 6,
// "side": "sell",
// "timestamp": 1700602983,
// "rewarded": true,
// "makerUserId": 21639,
// "takerUserId": 15912,
// "baseCurrencyId": 2,
// "quoteCurrencyId": 3,
// "feeMaker": {
// "amount": "0.00000543",
// "symbol": "eth",
// "userId": 21639,
// "decimals": 18,
// "symbolId": 2
// },
// "feeTaker": {
// "amount": "0",
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "userId": 15912,
// "decimals": 6,
// "symbolId": 3,
// "discountAmount": "0",
// "discountSymbol": "btt",
// "discountDecimals": 18,
// "discountSymbolId": 5
// },
// "pair": "eth_usdt",
// "createdAt": "2023-11-21T21:43:02.758Z",
// "updatedAt": "2023-11-21T21:45:00.147Z",
// "isCurrentSide": "maker"
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "pair")
market = this.SafeMarket(marketId, market)
var symbol interface{} = GetValue(market, "symbol")
var id interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "id", "trade_id")
var price interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "price")
var amount interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "quantity", "base_volume")
var cost interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "quote_volume")
var takerOrMaker interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "isCurrentSide")
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "timestamp")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(takerOrMaker, nil)) {
timestamp = Precise.StringMul(timestamp, "1000")
// the exchange returns the side of the taker
var side interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "side", "type")
var feeInfo interface{} = nil
var order interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(IsEqual(takerOrMaker, "maker")) {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(side, "sell")) {
side = "buy"
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(side, "buy")) {
side = "sell"
order = this.SafeString(trade, "makerOrderId")
feeInfo = this.SafeValue(trade, "feeMaker", map[string]interface{} {})
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(takerOrMaker, "taker")) {
order = this.SafeString(trade, "takerOrderId")
feeInfo = this.SafeValue(trade, "feeTaker", map[string]interface{} {})
var feeCurrencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(feeInfo, "symbol")
var feeCost interface{} = this.SafeString(feeInfo, "amount")
var fee interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(feeCurrencyId),
"cost": feeCost,
var intTs interface{} = this.ParseToInt(timestamp)
return this.SafeTrade(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"order": order,
"timestamp": intTs,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(intTs),
"symbol": symbol,
"type": nil,
"side": side,
"takerOrMaker": takerOrMaker,
"price": price,
"amount": amount,
"cost": cost,
"fee": fee,
"info": trade,
}, market)
* @method
* @name betteam#fetchBalance
* @description query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiCcxtBalance
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the betteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} a [balance structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#balance-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchBalance(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes20628 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetTradeApiCcxtBalance(params))
ch <- this.ParseBalance(response)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitteam) ParseBalance(response interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "free": {
// "USDT": "0",
// "DEL": "0",
// "BTC": "0",
// ...
// },
// "used": {
// "USDT": "0",
// "DEL": "0",
// "BTC": "0",
// ...
// },
// "total": {
// "USDT": "0",
// "DEL": "0",
// "BTC": "0",
// ...
// },
// "USDT": {
// "free": "0",
// "used": "0",
// "total": "0",
// },
// "DEL": {
// "free": "0",
// "used": "0",
// "total": "0",
// },
// "BTC": {
// "free": "0",
// "used": "0",
// "total": "0",
// }
// ...
// }
// }
var timestamp interface{} = this.Milliseconds()
var balance interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"info": response,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var balanceByCurrencies interface{} = this.Omit(result, []interface{}{"free", "used", "total"})
var rawCurrencyIds interface{} = ObjectKeys(balanceByCurrencies)
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(rawCurrencyIds)); i++ {
var rawCurrencyId interface{} = GetValue(rawCurrencyIds, i)
var currencyBalance interface{} = this.SafeValue(result, rawCurrencyId)
var free interface{} = this.SafeString(currencyBalance, "free")
var used interface{} = this.SafeString(currencyBalance, "used")
var total interface{} = this.SafeString(currencyBalance, "total")
var currencyCode interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(ToLower(rawCurrencyId))
AddElementToObject(balance, currencyCode, map[string]interface{} {
"free": free,
"used": used,
"total": total,
return this.SafeBalance(balance)
* @method
* @name bitteam#fetchDepositsWithdrawals
* @description fetch history of deposits and withdrawals from external wallets and between CoinList Pro trading account and CoinList wallet
* @see https://bit.team/trade/api/documentation#/PRIVATE/getTradeApiTransactionsofuser
* @param {string} [code] unified currency code for the currency of the deposit/withdrawals
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest deposit/withdrawal
* @param {int} [limit] max number of deposit/withdrawals to return (default 10)
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the bitteam api endpoint
* @returns {object} a list of [transaction structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#transaction-structure}
func (this *bitteam) FetchDepositsWithdrawals(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes21468 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) {
currency = this.Currency(code)
AddElementToObject(request, "currency", GetValue(currency, "numericId"))
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetTradeApiTransactionsOfUser(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "ok": true,
// "result": {
// "count": 2,
// "transactions": [
// {
// "id": 1329686,
// "orderId": "2f060ad5-30f7-4f2b-ac5f-1bb8f5fd34dc",
// "transactionCoreId": "561863",
// "userId": 21639,
// "recipient": "0x9050dfA063D1bE7cA711c750b18D51fDD13e90Ee",
// "sender": "0x6894a93B6fea044584649278621723cac51443Cd",
// "symbolId": 2,
// "CommissionId": 17571,
// "amount": "44000000000000000",
// "params": {},
// "reason": null,
// "timestamp": 1700715341743,
// "status": "approving",
// "statusDescription": null,
// "type": "withdraw",
// "message": null,
// "blockChain": "",
// "before": null,
// "after": null,
// "currency": {
// "symbol": "eth",
// "decimals": 18,
// "blockChain": "Ethereum",
// "links": [
// {
// "tx": "https://etherscan.io/tx/",
// "address": "https://etherscan.io/address/",
// "blockChain": "Ethereum"
// }
// ]
// }
// },
// {
// "id": 1329229,
// "orderId": null,
// "transactionCoreId": "561418",
// "userId": 21639,
// "recipient": "0x7d6a797f2406e06b2f9b41d067df324affa315dd",
// "sender": null,
// "symbolId": 3,
// "CommissionId": null,
// "amount": "100000000",
// "params": {
// "tx_id": "0x2253823c828d838acd983fe6a348fb0e034efe3874b081871d8b80da76ec758b"
// },
// "reason": null,
// "timestamp": 1700594180417,
// "status": "success",
// "statusDescription": null,
// "type": "deposit",
// "message": null,
// "blockChain": "Ethereum",
// "before": 0,
// "after": 100000000,
// "currency": {
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "decimals": 6,
// "blockChain": "",
// "links": [
// {
// "tx": "https://etherscan.io/tx/",
// "address": "https://etherscan.io/address/",
// "blockChain": "Ethereum"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/",
// "address": "https://tronscan.org/#/address/",
// "blockChain": "Tron"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://bscscan.com/tx/",
// "address": "https://bscscan.com/address/",
// "blockChain": "Binance"
// }
// ]
// }
// }
// ]
// }
// }
var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "result", map[string]interface{} {})
var transactions interface{} = this.SafeList(result, "transactions", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseTransactions(transactions, currency, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitteam) ParseTransaction(transaction interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "id": 1329229,
// "orderId": null,
// "transactionCoreId": "561418",
// "userId": 21639,
// "recipient": "0x7d6a797f2406e06b2f9b41d067df324affa315dd",
// "sender": null,
// "symbolId": 3,
// "CommissionId": null,
// "amount": "100000000",
// "params": {
// "tx_id": "0x2253823c828d838acd983fe6a348fb0e034efe3874b081871d8b80da76ec758b"
// },
// "reason": null,
// "timestamp": 1700594180417,
// "status": "success",
// "statusDescription": null,
// "type": "deposit",
// "message": null,
// "blockChain": "Ethereum",
// "before": 0,
// "after": 100000000,
// "currency": {
// "symbol": "usdt",
// "decimals": 6,
// "blockChain": "",
// "links": [
// {
// "tx": "https://etherscan.io/tx/",
// "address": "https://etherscan.io/address/",
// "blockChain": "Ethereum"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/",
// "address": "https://tronscan.org/#/address/",
// "blockChain": "Tron"
// },
// {
// "tx": "https://bscscan.com/tx/",
// "address": "https://bscscan.com/address/",
// "blockChain": "Binance"
// }
// ]
// }
// }
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var currencyObject interface{} = this.SafeValue(transaction, "currency")
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(currencyObject, "symbol")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency)
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "id")
var params interface{} = this.SafeValue(transaction, "params")
var txid interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "tx_id")
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(transaction, "timestamp")
var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "blockChain")
if IsTrue(IsEqual(networkId, nil)) {
var links interface{} = this.SafeValue(currencyObject, "links", []interface{}{})
var blockChain interface{} = this.SafeValue(links, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
networkId = this.SafeString(blockChain, "blockChain")
var addressFrom interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "sender")
var addressTo interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "recipient")
var tag interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "message")
var typeVar interface{} = this.ParseTransactionType(this.SafeString(transaction, "type"))
var amount interface{} = this.ParseValueToPricision(transaction, "amount", currencyObject, "decimals")
var status interface{} = this.ParseTransactionStatus(this.SafeValue(transaction, "status"))
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": transaction,
"id": id,
"txid": txid,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"network": this.NetworkIdToCode(networkId),
"addressFrom": addressFrom,
"address": nil,
"addressTo": addressTo,
"tagFrom": nil,
"tag": tag,
"tagTo": nil,
"type": typeVar,
"amount": this.ParseNumber(amount),
"currency": code,
"status": status,
"updated": nil,
"fee": nil,
"comment": this.SafeString(transaction, "description"),
"internal": false,
func (this *bitteam) ParseTransactionType(typeVar interface{}) interface{} {
var types interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"deposit": "deposit",
"withdraw": "withdrawal",
return this.SafeString(types, typeVar, typeVar)
func (this *bitteam) ParseTransactionStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"approving": "pending",
"success": "ok",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitteam) Sign(path interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
api := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "public")
_ = api
method := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, "GET")
_ = method
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
headers := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil)
_ = headers
body := GetArg(optionalArgs, 4, nil)
_ = body
var request interface{} = this.Omit(params, this.ExtractParams(path))
var endpoint interface{} = Add("/", this.ImplodeParams(path, params))
var url interface{} = Add(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), api), endpoint)
var query interface{} = this.Urlencode(request)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(api, "private")) {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "POST")) {
body = this.Json(request)
} else if IsTrue(!IsEqual(GetArrayLength(query), 0)) {
url = Add(url, Add("?", query))
var auth interface{} = Add(Add(this.ApiKey, ":"), this.Secret)
var auth64 interface{} = this.StringToBase64(auth)
var signature interface{} = Add("Basic ", auth64)
headers = map[string]interface{} {
"Authorization": signature,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
} else if IsTrue(!IsEqual(GetArrayLength(query), 0)) {
url = Add(url, Add("?", query))
return map[string]interface{} {
"url": url,
"method": method,
"body": body,
"headers": headers,
func (this *bitteam) HandleErrors(code interface{}, reason interface{}, url interface{}, method interface{}, headers interface{}, body interface{}, response interface{}, requestHeaders interface{}, requestBody interface{}) interface{} {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(response, nil)) {
return nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, 200)) {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(code, 404)) {
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(url, "/ccxt/order/"), 0))) && IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "GET")))) {
var parts interface{} = Split(url, "/order/")
var orderId interface{} = this.SafeString(parts, 1)
panic(OrderNotFound(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " order "), orderId), " not found")))
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(url, "/cmc/orderbook/"), 0)) {
var parts interface{} = Split(url, "/cmc/orderbook/")
var symbolId interface{} = this.SafeString(parts, 1)
panic(BadSymbol(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " symbolId "), symbolId), " not found")))
var feedback interface{} = Add(Add(this.Id, " "), body)
var message interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "message")
var responseCode interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "code")
this.ThrowBroadlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "broad"), message, feedback)
this.ThrowExactlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "exact"), responseCode, feedback)
return nil
func (this *bitteam) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) {
this.Exchange = Exchange{}
this.Exchange.InitParent(userConfig, this.Describe().(map[string]interface{}), this)
this.Exchange.DerivedExchange = this