3716 lines
160 KiB
3716 lines
160 KiB
package ccxt
// https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-code
type bitrue struct {
func NewBitrueCore() bitrue {
p := bitrue{}
return p
func (this *bitrue) Describe() interface{} {
return this.DeepExtend(this.Exchange.Describe(), map[string]interface{} {
"id": "bitrue",
"name": "Bitrue",
"countries": []interface{}{"SG"},
"rateLimit": 1000,
"certified": false,
"version": "v1",
"pro": true,
"has": map[string]interface{} {
"CORS": nil,
"spot": true,
"margin": false,
"swap": true,
"future": false,
"option": false,
"cancelAllOrders": true,
"cancelOrder": true,
"createMarketBuyOrderWithCost": true,
"createMarketOrderWithCost": false,
"createMarketSellOrderWithCost": false,
"createOrder": true,
"createStopLimitOrder": true,
"createStopMarketOrder": true,
"createStopOrder": true,
"fetchBalance": true,
"fetchBidsAsks": true,
"fetchBorrowRateHistories": false,
"fetchBorrowRateHistory": false,
"fetchClosedOrders": true,
"fetchCrossBorrowRate": false,
"fetchCrossBorrowRates": false,
"fetchCurrencies": true,
"fetchDepositAddress": false,
"fetchDeposits": true,
"fetchDepositsWithdrawals": false,
"fetchDepositWithdrawFee": "emulated",
"fetchDepositWithdrawFees": true,
"fetchFundingHistory": false,
"fetchFundingRate": false,
"fetchFundingRateHistory": false,
"fetchFundingRates": false,
"fetchIsolatedBorrowRate": false,
"fetchIsolatedBorrowRates": false,
"fetchMarginMode": false,
"fetchMarkets": true,
"fetchMyTrades": true,
"fetchOHLCV": true,
"fetchOpenOrders": true,
"fetchOrder": true,
"fetchOrderBook": true,
"fetchOrders": false,
"fetchPositionMode": false,
"fetchStatus": true,
"fetchTicker": true,
"fetchTickers": true,
"fetchTime": true,
"fetchTrades": true,
"fetchTradingFee": false,
"fetchTradingFees": false,
"fetchTransactionFees": false,
"fetchTransactions": false,
"fetchTransfers": true,
"fetchWithdrawals": true,
"setLeverage": true,
"setMargin": true,
"transfer": true,
"withdraw": true,
"timeframes": map[string]interface{} {
"1m": "1m",
"5m": "5m",
"15m": "15m",
"30m": "30m",
"1h": "1H",
"2h": "2H",
"4h": "4H",
"1d": "1D",
"1w": "1W",
"urls": map[string]interface{} {
"logo": "https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/67abe346-1273-461a-bd7c-42fa32907c8e",
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"spot": "https://www.bitrue.com/api",
"fapi": "https://fapi.bitrue.com/fapi",
"dapi": "https://fapi.bitrue.com/dapi",
"kline": "https://www.bitrue.com/kline-api",
"www": "https://www.bitrue.com",
"referral": "https://www.bitrue.com/affiliate/landing?cn=600000&inviteCode=EZWETQE",
"doc": []interface{}{"https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/bitrue-official-api-docs", "https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs"},
"fees": "https://bitrue.zendesk.com/hc/en-001/articles/4405479952537",
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"spot": map[string]interface{} {
"kline": map[string]interface{} {
"public": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"public.json": 1,
"public{currency}.json": 1,
"v1": map[string]interface{} {
"public": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"ping": 1,
"time": 1,
"exchangeInfo": 1,
"depth": map[string]interface{} {
"cost": 1,
"byLimit": []interface{}{[]interface{}{100, 1}, []interface{}{500, 5}, []interface{}{1000, 10}},
"trades": 1,
"historicalTrades": 5,
"aggTrades": 1,
"ticker/24hr": map[string]interface{} {
"cost": 1,
"noSymbol": 40,
"ticker/price": map[string]interface{} {
"cost": 1,
"noSymbol": 2,
"ticker/bookTicker": map[string]interface{} {
"cost": 1,
"noSymbol": 2,
"market/kline": 1,
"private": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"order": 1,
"openOrders": 1,
"allOrders": 5,
"account": 5,
"myTrades": map[string]interface{} {
"cost": 5,
"noSymbol": 40,
"etf/net-value/{symbol}": 1,
"withdraw/history": 1,
"deposit/history": 1,
"post": map[string]interface{} {
"order": 4,
"withdraw/commit": 1,
"delete": map[string]interface{} {
"order": 1,
"v2": map[string]interface{} {
"private": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"myTrades": 5,
"fapi": map[string]interface{} {
"v1": map[string]interface{} {
"public": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"ping": 1,
"time": 1,
"contracts": 1,
"depth": 1,
"ticker": 1,
"klines": 1,
"v2": map[string]interface{} {
"private": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"myTrades": 1,
"openOrders": 1,
"order": 1,
"account": 1,
"leverageBracket": 1,
"commissionRate": 1,
"futures_transfer_history": 1,
"forceOrdersHistory": 1,
"post": map[string]interface{} {
"positionMargin": 1,
"level_edit": 1,
"cancel": 1,
"order": 1,
"allOpenOrders": 1,
"futures_transfer": 1,
"dapi": map[string]interface{} {
"v1": map[string]interface{} {
"public": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"ping": 1,
"time": 1,
"contracts": 1,
"depth": 1,
"ticker": 1,
"klines": 1,
"v2": map[string]interface{} {
"private": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"myTrades": 1,
"openOrders": 1,
"order": 1,
"account": 1,
"leverageBracket": 1,
"commissionRate": 1,
"futures_transfer_history": 1,
"forceOrdersHistory": 1,
"post": map[string]interface{} {
"positionMargin": 1,
"level_edit": 1,
"cancel": 1,
"order": 1,
"allOpenOrders": 1,
"futures_transfer": 1,
"fees": map[string]interface{} {
"trading": map[string]interface{} {
"feeSide": "get",
"tierBased": false,
"percentage": true,
"taker": this.ParseNumber("0.00098"),
"maker": this.ParseNumber("0.00098"),
"future": map[string]interface{} {
"trading": map[string]interface{} {
"feeSide": "quote",
"tierBased": true,
"percentage": true,
"taker": this.ParseNumber("0.000400"),
"maker": this.ParseNumber("0.000200"),
"tiers": map[string]interface{} {
"taker": []interface{}{[]interface{}{this.ParseNumber("0"), this.ParseNumber("0.000400")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("250"), this.ParseNumber("0.000400")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("2500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000350")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("7500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000320")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("22500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000300")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("50000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000270")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("100000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000250")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("200000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000220")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("400000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000200")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("750000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000170")}},
"maker": []interface{}{[]interface{}{this.ParseNumber("0"), this.ParseNumber("0.000200")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("250"), this.ParseNumber("0.000160")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("2500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000140")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("7500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000120")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("22500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000100")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("50000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000080")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("100000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000060")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("200000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000040")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("400000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000020")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("750000"), this.ParseNumber("0")}},
"delivery": map[string]interface{} {
"trading": map[string]interface{} {
"feeSide": "base",
"tierBased": true,
"percentage": true,
"taker": this.ParseNumber("0.000500"),
"maker": this.ParseNumber("0.000100"),
"tiers": map[string]interface{} {
"taker": []interface{}{[]interface{}{this.ParseNumber("0"), this.ParseNumber("0.000500")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("250"), this.ParseNumber("0.000450")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("2500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000400")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("7500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000300")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("22500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000250")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("50000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000240")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("100000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000240")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("200000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000240")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("400000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000240")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("750000"), this.ParseNumber("0.000240")}},
"maker": []interface{}{[]interface{}{this.ParseNumber("0"), this.ParseNumber("0.000100")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("250"), this.ParseNumber("0.000080")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("2500"), this.ParseNumber("0.000050")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("7500"), this.ParseNumber("0.0000030")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("22500"), this.ParseNumber("0")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("50000"), this.ParseNumber("-0.000050")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("100000"), this.ParseNumber("-0.000060")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("200000"), this.ParseNumber("-0.000070")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("400000"), this.ParseNumber("-0.000080")}, []interface{}{this.ParseNumber("750000"), this.ParseNumber("-0.000090")}},
"options": map[string]interface{} {
"createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPrice": true,
"fetchMarkets": []interface{}{"spot", "linear", "inverse"},
"fetchMyTradesMethod": "v2PrivateGetMyTrades",
"hasAlreadyAuthenticatedSuccessfully": false,
"currencyToPrecisionRoundingMode": TRUNCATE,
"recvWindow": Multiply(5, 1000),
"timeDifference": 0,
"adjustForTimeDifference": false,
"parseOrderToPrecision": false,
"newOrderRespType": map[string]interface{} {
"market": "FULL",
"limit": "FULL",
"networks": map[string]interface{} {
"ERC20": "ETH",
"TRC20": "TRX",
"AETERNITY": "Aeternity",
"ALGO": "Algorand",
"ASK": "ASK",
"AVAXC": "AVAX C-Chain",
"BCH": "BCH",
"BEP2": "BEP2",
"BEP20": "BEP20",
"Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"BRP20": "BRP20",
"ADA": "Cardano",
"CASINOCOIN": "CasinoCoin",
"CONTENTOS": "Contentos",
"DASH": "Dash",
"DECOIN": "Decoin",
"DFI": "DeFiChain",
"DGB": "DGB",
"DIVI": "Divi",
"DOGE": "dogecoin",
"EOS": "EOS",
"ETC": "ETC",
"FILECOIN": "Filecoin",
"HEDERA": "Hedera Hashgraph",
"HRC20": "HRC20",
"ICP": "ICP",
"IGNIS": "Ignis",
"INTERNETCOMPUTER": "Internet Computer",
"KSM": "KSM",
"LTC": "LiteCoin",
"LUNA": "Luna",
"MOBILECOIN": "Mobile Coin",
"MONACOIN": "MonaCoin",
"XMR": "Monero",
"NEM": "NEM",
"NEP5": "NEP5",
"PAC": "PAC",
"DOT": "Polkadot",
"RAVEN": "Ravencoin",
"SAFEX": "Safex",
"SGB": "Songbird",
"XML": "Stellar Lumens",
"XYM": "Symbol",
"XTZ": "Tezos",
"theta": "theta",
"VECHAIN": "VeChain",
"WANCHAIN": "Wanchain",
"XINFIN": "XinFin Network",
"XRP": "XRP",
"ZIL": "ZIL",
"defaultType": "spot",
"timeframes": map[string]interface{} {
"spot": map[string]interface{} {
"1m": "1m",
"5m": "5m",
"15m": "15m",
"30m": "30m",
"1h": "1H",
"2h": "2H",
"4h": "4H",
"12h": "12H",
"1d": "1D",
"1w": "1W",
"future": map[string]interface{} {
"1m": "1min",
"5m": "5min",
"15m": "15min",
"30m": "30min",
"1h": "1h",
"1d": "1day",
"1w": "1week",
"1M": "1month",
"accountsByType": map[string]interface{} {
"spot": "wallet",
"future": "contract",
"swap": "contract",
"funding": "wallet",
"fund": "wallet",
"contract": "contract",
"commonCurrencies": map[string]interface{} {
"MIM": "MIM Swarm",
"precisionMode": TICK_SIZE,
"features": map[string]interface{} {
"default": map[string]interface{} {
"sandbox": false,
"createOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"triggerPrice": true,
"triggerPriceType": nil,
"triggerDirection": nil,
"stopLossPrice": false,
"takeProfitPrice": false,
"attachedStopLossTakeProfit": nil,
"timeInForce": map[string]interface{} {
"IOC": true,
"FOK": true,
"PO": true,
"GTD": false,
"hedged": false,
"trailing": false,
"leverage": false,
"marketBuyRequiresPrice": true,
"marketBuyByCost": true,
"selfTradePrevention": false,
"iceberg": true,
"createOrders": nil,
"fetchMyTrades": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 1000,
"daysBack": 100000,
"untilDays": 100000,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOpenOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": nil,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOrders": nil,
"fetchClosedOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 1000,
"daysBack": 90,
"daysBackCanceled": 1,
"untilDays": 90,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOHLCV": map[string]interface{} {
"limit": 1440,
"spot": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "default",
"forDerivatives": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "default",
"createOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": true,
"leverage": true,
"marketBuyRequiresPrice": false,
"marketBuyByCost": false,
"fetchOHLCV": map[string]interface{} {
"limit": 300,
"fetchClosedOrders": nil,
"swap": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "forDerivatives",
"inverse": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "forDerivatives",
"future": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": nil,
"inverse": nil,
"exceptions": map[string]interface{} {
"exact": map[string]interface{} {
"System is under maintenance.": OnMaintenance,
"System abnormality": ExchangeError,
"You are not authorized to execute this request.": PermissionDenied,
"API key does not exist": AuthenticationError,
"Order would trigger immediately.": OrderImmediatelyFillable,
"Stop price would trigger immediately.": OrderImmediatelyFillable,
"Order would immediately match and take.": OrderImmediatelyFillable,
"Account has insufficient balance for requested action.": InsufficientFunds,
"Rest API trading is not enabled.": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"You don\\'t have permission.": PermissionDenied,
"Market is closed.": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"Too many requests. Please try again later.": DDoSProtection,
"-1000": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"-1001": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"-1002": AuthenticationError,
"-1003": RateLimitExceeded,
"-1013": InvalidOrder,
"-1015": RateLimitExceeded,
"-1016": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"-1020": BadRequest,
"-1021": InvalidNonce,
"-1022": AuthenticationError,
"-1100": BadRequest,
"-1101": BadRequest,
"-1102": BadRequest,
"-1103": BadRequest,
"-1104": BadRequest,
"-1105": BadRequest,
"-1106": BadRequest,
"-1111": BadRequest,
"-1112": InvalidOrder,
"-1114": BadRequest,
"-1115": BadRequest,
"-1116": BadRequest,
"-1117": BadRequest,
"-1166": InvalidOrder,
"-1118": BadRequest,
"-1119": BadRequest,
"-1120": BadRequest,
"-1121": BadSymbol,
"-1125": AuthenticationError,
"-1127": BadRequest,
"-1128": BadRequest,
"-1130": BadRequest,
"-1131": BadRequest,
"-1160": InvalidOrder,
"-1156": InvalidOrder,
"-2008": AuthenticationError,
"-2010": ExchangeError,
"-2011": OrderNotFound,
"-2013": OrderNotFound,
"-2014": AuthenticationError,
"-2015": AuthenticationError,
"-2017": InsufficientFunds,
"-2019": InsufficientFunds,
"-3005": InsufficientFunds,
"-3006": InsufficientFunds,
"-3008": InsufficientFunds,
"-3010": ExchangeError,
"-3015": ExchangeError,
"-3022": AccountSuspended,
"-4028": BadRequest,
"-3020": InsufficientFunds,
"-3041": InsufficientFunds,
"-5013": InsufficientFunds,
"-11008": InsufficientFunds,
"-4051": InsufficientFunds,
"broad": map[string]interface{} {
"Insufficient account balance": InsufficientFunds,
"has no operation privilege": PermissionDenied,
"MAX_POSITION": InvalidOrder,
func (this *bitrue) Nonce() interface{} {
return Subtract(this.Milliseconds(), GetValue(this.Options, "timeDifference"))
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchStatus
* @description the latest known information on the availability of the exchange API
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#test-connectivity
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [status structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=exchange-status-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchStatus(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetPing(params))
// empty means working status.
// {}
var keys interface{} = ObjectKeys(response)
var keysLength interface{} = GetArrayLength(keys)
var formattedStatus interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue(keysLength), "maintenance", "ok")
ch <- map[string]interface{} {
"status": formattedStatus,
"updated": nil,
"eta": nil,
"url": nil,
"info": response,
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchTime
* @description fetches the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#check-server-time
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {int} the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server
func (this *bitrue) FetchTime(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetTime(params))
// {
// "serverTime":1635467280514
// }
ch <- this.SafeInteger(response, "serverTime")
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchCurrencies
* @description fetches all available currencies on an exchange
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} an associative dictionary of currencies
func (this *bitrue) FetchCurrencies(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetExchangeInfo(params))
// {
// "timezone":"CTT",
// "serverTime":1635464889117,
// "rateLimits":[
// {"rateLimitType":"REQUESTS_WEIGHT","interval":"MINUTES","limit":6000},
// {"rateLimitType":"ORDERS","interval":"SECONDS","limit":150},
// {"rateLimitType":"ORDERS","interval":"DAYS","limit":288000},
// ],
// "exchangeFilters":[],
// "symbols":[
// {
// "symbol":"SHABTC",
// "status":"TRADING",
// "baseAsset":"sha",
// "baseAssetPrecision":0,
// "quoteAsset":"btc",
// "quotePrecision":10,
// "orderTypes":["MARKET","LIMIT"],
// "icebergAllowed":false,
// "filters":[
// {"filterType":"PRICE_FILTER","minPrice":"0.00000001349","maxPrice":"0.00000017537","priceScale":10},
// {"filterType":"LOT_SIZE","minQty":"1.0","minVal":"0.00020","maxQty":"1000000000","volumeScale":0},
// ],
// "defaultPrice":"0.0000006100",
// },
// ],
// "coins":[
// {
// "coin": "near",
// "coinFulName": "NEAR Protocol",
// "chains": [ "BEP20", ],
// "chainDetail": [
// {
// "chain": "BEP20",
// "enableWithdraw": true,
// "enableDeposit": true,
// "withdrawFee": "0.2000",
// "minWithdraw": "5.0000",
// "maxWithdraw": "1000000000000000.0000",
// },
// ],
// },
// ],
// }
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
var coins interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "coins", []interface{}{})
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(coins)); i++ {
var currency interface{} = GetValue(coins, i)
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "coin")
var name interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "coinFulName")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(id)
var deposit interface{} = nil
var withdraw interface{} = nil
var minWithdrawString interface{} = nil
var maxWithdrawString interface{} = nil
var minWithdrawFeeString interface{} = nil
var networkDetails interface{} = this.SafeList(currency, "chainDetail", []interface{}{})
var networks interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
for j := 0; IsLessThan(j, GetArrayLength(networkDetails)); j++ {
var entry interface{} = GetValue(networkDetails, j)
var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "chain")
var network interface{} = this.NetworkIdToCode(networkId, code)
var enableDeposit interface{} = this.SafeBool(entry, "enableDeposit")
deposit = Ternary(IsTrue((enableDeposit)), enableDeposit, deposit)
var enableWithdraw interface{} = this.SafeBool(entry, "enableWithdraw")
withdraw = Ternary(IsTrue((enableWithdraw)), enableWithdraw, withdraw)
var networkWithdrawFeeString interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "withdrawFee")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkWithdrawFeeString, nil)) {
minWithdrawFeeString = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(minWithdrawFeeString, nil))), networkWithdrawFeeString, Precise.StringMin(networkWithdrawFeeString, minWithdrawFeeString))
var networkMinWithdrawString interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "minWithdraw")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkMinWithdrawString, nil)) {
minWithdrawString = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(minWithdrawString, nil))), networkMinWithdrawString, Precise.StringMin(networkMinWithdrawString, minWithdrawString))
var networkMaxWithdrawString interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "maxWithdraw")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkMaxWithdrawString, nil)) {
maxWithdrawString = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(maxWithdrawString, nil))), networkMaxWithdrawString, Precise.StringMax(networkMaxWithdrawString, maxWithdrawString))
AddElementToObject(networks, network, map[string]interface{} {
"info": entry,
"id": networkId,
"network": network,
"deposit": enableDeposit,
"withdraw": enableWithdraw,
"active": IsTrue(enableDeposit) && IsTrue(enableWithdraw),
"fee": this.ParseNumber(networkWithdrawFeeString),
"precision": nil,
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"withdraw": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.ParseNumber(networkMinWithdrawString),
"max": this.ParseNumber(networkMaxWithdrawString),
AddElementToObject(result, code, map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"name": name,
"code": code,
"precision": nil,
"info": currency,
"active": IsTrue(deposit) && IsTrue(withdraw),
"deposit": deposit,
"withdraw": withdraw,
"networks": networks,
"fee": this.ParseNumber(minWithdrawFeeString),
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"withdraw": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.ParseNumber(minWithdrawString),
"max": this.ParseNumber(maxWithdrawString),
ch <- result
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchMarkets
* @description retrieves data on all markets for bitrue
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#exchangeInfo_endpoint
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#current-open-contract
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#current-open-contract
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange api endpoint
* @returns {object[]} an array of objects representing market data
func (this *bitrue) FetchMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
var promisesRaw interface{} = []interface{}{}
var fetchMarkets interface{} = this.SafeValue(this.Options, "fetchMarkets", []interface{}{"spot", "linear", "inverse"})
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(fetchMarkets)); i++ {
var marketType interface{} = GetValue(fetchMarkets, i)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) {
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "linear")) {
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "inverse")) {
} else {
panic(ExchangeError(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchMarkets() this.options fetchMarkets \""), marketType), "\" is not a supported market type")))
promises:= (<-promiseAll(promisesRaw))
var spotMarkets interface{} = this.SafeValue(this.SafeValue(promises, 0), "symbols", []interface{}{})
var futureMarkets interface{} = this.SafeValue(promises, 1)
var deliveryMarkets interface{} = this.SafeValue(promises, 2)
var markets interface{} = spotMarkets
markets = this.ArrayConcat(markets, futureMarkets)
markets = this.ArrayConcat(markets, deliveryMarkets)
// spot
// {
// "timezone":"CTT",
// "serverTime":1635464889117,
// "rateLimits":[
// {"rateLimitType":"REQUESTS_WEIGHT","interval":"MINUTES","limit":6000},
// {"rateLimitType":"ORDERS","interval":"SECONDS","limit":150},
// {"rateLimitType":"ORDERS","interval":"DAYS","limit":288000},
// ],
// "exchangeFilters":[],
// "symbols":[
// {
// "symbol":"SHABTC",
// "status":"TRADING",
// "baseAsset":"sha",
// "baseAssetPrecision":0,
// "quoteAsset":"btc",
// "quotePrecision":10,
// "orderTypes":["MARKET","LIMIT"],
// "icebergAllowed":false,
// "filters":[
// {"filterType":"PRICE_FILTER","minPrice":"0.00000001349","maxPrice":"0.00000017537","priceScale":10},
// {"filterType":"LOT_SIZE","minQty":"1.0","minVal":"0.00020","maxQty":"1000000000","volumeScale":0},
// ],
// "defaultPrice":"0.0000006100",
// },
// ],
// "coins":[
// {
// "coin":"sbr",
// "coinFulName":"Saber",
// "enableWithdraw":true,
// "enableDeposit":true,
// "chains":["SOLANA"],
// "withdrawFee":"2.0",
// "minWithdraw":"5.0",
// "maxWithdraw":"1000000000000000",
// },
// ],
// }
// swap / delivery
// [
// {
// "symbol": "H-HT-USDT",
// "pricePrecision": 8,
// "side": 1,
// "maxMarketVolume": 100000,
// "multiplier": 6,
// "minOrderVolume": 1,
// "maxMarketMoney": 10000000,
// "type": "H", // E: perpetual contract, S: test contract, others are mixed contract
// "maxLimitVolume": 1000000,
// "maxValidOrder": 20,
// "multiplierCoin": "HT",
// "minOrderMoney": 0.001,
// "maxLimitMoney": 1000000,
// "status": 1
// }
// ]
if IsTrue(GetValue(this.Options, "adjustForTimeDifference")) {
retRes88712 := (<-this.LoadTimeDifference())
ch <- this.ParseMarkets(markets)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseMarket(market interface{}) interface{} {
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "symbol")
var lowercaseId interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(market, "symbol")
var side interface{} = this.SafeInteger(market, "side") // 1 linear, 0 inverse, undefined spot
var typeVar interface{} = nil
var isLinear interface{} = nil
var isInverse interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(IsEqual(side, nil)) {
typeVar = "spot"
} else {
typeVar = "swap"
isLinear = (IsEqual(side, 1))
isInverse = (IsEqual(side, 0))
var isContract interface{} = (!IsEqual(typeVar, "spot"))
var baseId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "baseAsset")
var quoteId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "quoteAsset")
var settleId interface{} = nil
var settle interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(isContract) {
var symbolSplit interface{} = Split(id, "-")
baseId = this.SafeString(symbolSplit, 1)
quoteId = this.SafeString(symbolSplit, 2)
if IsTrue(isLinear) {
settleId = quoteId
} else {
settleId = baseId
settle = this.SafeCurrencyCode(settleId)
var base interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(baseId)
var quote interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId)
var symbol interface{} = Add(Add(base, "/"), quote)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(settle, nil)) {
symbol = Add(symbol, Add(":", settle))
var filters interface{} = this.SafeList(market, "filters", []interface{}{})
var filtersByType interface{} = this.IndexBy(filters, "filterType")
var status interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "status")
var priceFilter interface{} = this.SafeDict(filtersByType, "PRICE_FILTER", map[string]interface{} {})
var amountFilter interface{} = this.SafeDict(filtersByType, "LOT_SIZE", map[string]interface{} {})
var defaultPricePrecision interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "pricePrecision")
var defaultAmountPrecision interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "quantityPrecision")
var pricePrecision interface{} = this.SafeString(priceFilter, "priceScale", defaultPricePrecision)
var amountPrecision interface{} = this.SafeString(amountFilter, "volumeScale", defaultAmountPrecision)
var multiplier interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "multiplier")
var maxQuantity interface{} = this.SafeNumber(amountFilter, "maxQty")
if IsTrue(IsEqual(maxQuantity, nil)) {
maxQuantity = this.SafeNumber(market, "maxValidOrder")
var minCost interface{} = this.SafeNumber(amountFilter, "minVal")
if IsTrue(IsEqual(minCost, nil)) {
minCost = this.SafeNumber(market, "minOrderMoney")
return map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"lowercaseId": lowercaseId,
"symbol": symbol,
"base": base,
"quote": quote,
"settle": settle,
"baseId": baseId,
"quoteId": quoteId,
"settleId": settleId,
"type": typeVar,
"spot": (IsEqual(typeVar, "spot")),
"margin": false,
"swap": isContract,
"future": false,
"option": false,
"active": (IsEqual(status, "TRADING")),
"contract": isContract,
"linear": isLinear,
"inverse": isInverse,
"contractSize": this.ParseNumber(Precise.StringAbs(multiplier)),
"expiry": nil,
"expiryDatetime": nil,
"strike": nil,
"optionType": nil,
"precision": map[string]interface{} {
"amount": this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(amountPrecision)),
"price": this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(pricePrecision)),
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"leverage": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"amount": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.SafeNumber(amountFilter, "minQty"),
"max": maxQuantity,
"price": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.SafeNumber(priceFilter, "minPrice"),
"max": this.SafeNumber(priceFilter, "maxPrice"),
"cost": map[string]interface{} {
"min": minCost,
"max": nil,
"created": nil,
"info": market,
func (this *bitrue) ParseBalance(response interface{}) interface{} {
// spot
// {
// "makerCommission":0,
// "takerCommission":0,
// "buyerCommission":0,
// "sellerCommission":0,
// "updateTime":null,
// "balances":[
// {"asset":"sbr","free":"0","locked":"0"},
// {"asset":"ksm","free":"0","locked":"0"},
// {"asset":"neo3s","free":"0","locked":"0"},
// ],
// "canTrade":false,
// "canWithdraw":false,
// "canDeposit":false
// }
// swap
// {
// "account":[
// {
// "marginCoin":"USDT",
// "coinPrecious":4,
// "accountNormal":1010.4043400372839856,
// "accountLock":2.9827889600000006,
// "partPositionNormal":0,
// "totalPositionNormal":0,
// "achievedAmount":0,
// "unrealizedAmount":0,
// "totalMarginRate":0,
// "totalEquity":1010.4043400372839856,
// "partEquity":0,
// "totalCost":0,
// "sumMarginRate":0,
// "sumOpenRealizedAmount":0,
// "canUseTrialFund":0,
// "sumMaintenanceMargin":null,
// "futureModel":null,
// "positionVos":[]
// }
// ]
// }
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"info": response,
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(response, "updateTime")
var balances interface{} = this.SafeValue2(response, "balances", "account", []interface{}{})
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(balances)); i++ {
var balance interface{} = GetValue(balances, i)
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString2(balance, "asset", "marginCoin")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId)
var account interface{} = this.Account()
AddElementToObject(account, "free", this.SafeString2(balance, "free", "accountNormal"))
AddElementToObject(account, "used", this.SafeString2(balance, "locked", "accountLock"))
AddElementToObject(result, code, account)
AddElementToObject(result, "timestamp", timestamp)
AddElementToObject(result, "datetime", this.Iso8601(timestamp))
return this.SafeBalance(result)
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchBalance
* @description query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#account-information-user_data
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#account-information-v2-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#account-information-v2-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @param {string} [params.type] 'future', 'delivery', 'spot', 'swap'
* @param {string} [params.subType] 'linear', 'inverse'
* @returns {object} a [balance structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchBalance(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10778 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var typeVar interface{} = nil
typeVarparamsVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchBalance", nil, params);
typeVar = GetValue(typeVarparamsVariable,0);
params = GetValue(typeVarparamsVariable,1)
var subType interface{} = nil
subTypeparamsVariable := this.HandleSubTypeAndParams("fetchBalance", nil, params);
subType = GetValue(subTypeparamsVariable,0);
params = GetValue(subTypeparamsVariable,1)
var response interface{} = nil
var result interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "swap")) {
if IsTrue(IsTrue(!IsEqual(subType, nil)) && IsTrue(IsEqual(subType, "inverse"))) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivateGetAccount(params))
result = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {})
} else {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivateGetAccount(params))
result = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {})
} else {
response = (<-this.SpotV1PrivateGetAccount(params))
result = response
ch <- this.ParseBalance(result)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchOrderBook
* @description fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#order-book
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#order-book
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#order-book
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of order book entries to return
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} A dictionary of [order book structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure} indexed by market symbols
func (this *bitrue) FetchOrderBook(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes11898 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"contractName": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(limit, 100)) {
limit = 100
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) // default 100, max 100, see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#order-book
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV1PublicGetDepth(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV1PublicGetDepth(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(limit, 1000)) {
limit = 1000
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) // default 100, max 1000, see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/bitrue-official-api-docs#order-book
response = (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetDepth(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrderBook only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// {
// "lastUpdateId":1635474910177,
// "bids":[
// ["61436.84","0.05",[]],
// ["61435.77","0.0124",[]],
// ["61434.88","0.012",[]],
// ],
// "asks":[
// ["61452.46","0.0001",[]],
// ["61452.47","0.0597",[]],
// ["61452.76","0.0713",[]],
// ]
// }
// swap
// {
// "asks": [[34916.5, 2582], [34916.6, 2193], [34916.7, 2629], [34916.8, 3478], [34916.9, 2718]],
// "bids": [[34916.4, 92065], [34916.3, 25703], [34916.2, 37259], [34916.1, 26446], [34916, 44456]],
// "time": 1699338305000
// }
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(response, "time")
var orderbook interface{} = this.ParseOrderBook(response, symbol, timestamp)
AddElementToObject(orderbook, "nonce", this.SafeInteger(response, "lastUpdateId"))
ch <- orderbook
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseTicker(ticker interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchBidsAsks
// {
// "symbol": "LTCBTC",
// "bidPrice": "4.00000000",
// "bidQty": "431.00000000",
// "askPrice": "4.00000200",
// "askQty": "9.00000000"
// }
// fetchTicker
// {
// "symbol": "BNBBTC",
// "priceChange": "0.000248",
// "priceChangePercent": "3.5500",
// "weightedAvgPrice": null,
// "prevClosePrice": null,
// "lastPrice": "0.007226",
// "lastQty": null,
// "bidPrice": "0.007208",
// "askPrice": "0.007240",
// "openPrice": "0.006978",
// "highPrice": "0.007295",
// "lowPrice": "0.006935",
// "volume": "11749.86",
// "quoteVolume": "84.1066211",
// "openTime": 0,
// "closeTime": 0,
// "firstId": 0,
// "lastId": 0,
// "count": 0
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(nil, market)
var last interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "lastPrice", "last")
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(ticker, "time")
var percentage interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
percentage = Precise.StringMul(this.SafeString(ticker, "rose"), "100")
} else {
percentage = this.SafeString(ticker, "priceChangePercent")
return this.SafeTicker(map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": symbol,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"high": this.SafeString2(ticker, "highPrice", "high"),
"low": this.SafeString2(ticker, "lowPrice", "low"),
"bid": this.SafeString2(ticker, "bidPrice", "buy"),
"bidVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "bidQty"),
"ask": this.SafeString2(ticker, "askPrice", "sell"),
"askVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "askQty"),
"vwap": this.SafeString(ticker, "weightedAvgPrice"),
"open": this.SafeString(ticker, "openPrice"),
"close": last,
"last": last,
"previousClose": nil,
"change": this.SafeString(ticker, "priceChange"),
"percentage": percentage,
"average": nil,
"baseVolume": this.SafeString2(ticker, "volume", "vol"),
"quoteVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "quoteVolume"),
"info": ticker,
}, market)
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchTicker
* @description fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#24hr-ticker-price-change-statistics
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#ticker
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#ticker
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [ticker structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchTicker(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes13338 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"contractName": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV1PublicGetTicker(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV1PublicGetTicker(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
response = (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetTicker24hr(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeDict(response, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchTicker only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// [{
// symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
// priceChange: '105.20',
// priceChangePercent: '0.3000',
// weightedAvgPrice: null,
// prevClosePrice: null,
// lastPrice: '34905.21',
// lastQty: null,
// bidPrice: '34905.21',
// askPrice: '34905.22',
// openPrice: '34800.01',
// highPrice: '35276.33',
// lowPrice: '34787.51',
// volume: '12549.6481',
// quoteVolume: '439390492.917',
// openTime: '0',
// closeTime: '0',
// firstId: '0',
// lastId: '0',
// count: '0'
// }]
// swap
// {
// "high": "35296",
// "vol": "779308354",
// "last": "34884.1",
// "low": "34806.7",
// "buy": 34883.9,
// "sell": 34884,
// "rose": "-0.0027957315",
// "time": 1699348013000
// }
ch <- this.ParseTicker(data, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchOHLCV
* @description fetches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/spot/index.html#kline-data
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/futures/index.html#kline-candlestick-data
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for
* @param {string} timeframe the length of time each candle represents
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of candles to fetch
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {int[][]} A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume
func (this *bitrue) FetchOHLCV(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
timeframe := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "1m")
_ = timeframe
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes14118 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var timeframes interface{} = this.SafeDict(this.Options, "timeframes", map[string]interface{} {})
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
var timeframesFuture interface{} = this.SafeDict(timeframes, "future", map[string]interface{} {})
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"contractName": GetValue(market, "id"),
"interval": this.SafeString(timeframesFuture, timeframe, "1min"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV1PublicGetKlines(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV1PublicGetKlines(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
var timeframesSpot interface{} = this.SafeDict(timeframes, "spot", map[string]interface{} {})
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
"scale": this.SafeString(timeframesSpot, timeframe, "1m"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "fromIdx", since)
response = (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetMarketKline(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{})
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchOHLCV only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// {
// "symbol":"BTCUSDT",
// "scale":"KLINE_1MIN",
// "data":[
// {
// "i":"1660825020",
// "a":"93458.778",
// "v":"3.9774",
// "c":"23494.99",
// "h":"23509.63",
// "l":"23491.93",
// "o":"23508.34"
// }
// ]
// }
// swap
// [
// {
// "high": "35360.7",
// "vol": "110288",
// "low": "35347.9",
// "idx": 1699411680000,
// "close": "35347.9",
// "open": "35349.4"
// }
// ]
ch <- this.ParseOHLCVs(data, market, timeframe, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseOHLCV(ohlcv interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// spot
// {
// "i":"1660825020",
// "a":"93458.778",
// "v":"3.9774",
// "c":"23494.99",
// "h":"23509.63",
// "l":"23491.93",
// "o":"23508.34"
// }
// swap
// {
// "high": "35360.7",
// "vol": "110288",
// "low": "35347.9",
// "idx": 1699411680000,
// "close": "35347.9",
// "open": "35349.4"
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeTimestamp(ohlcv, "i")
if IsTrue(IsEqual(timestamp, nil)) {
timestamp = this.SafeInteger(ohlcv, "idx")
return []interface{}{timestamp, this.SafeNumber2(ohlcv, "o", "open"), this.SafeNumber2(ohlcv, "h", "high"), this.SafeNumber2(ohlcv, "l", "low"), this.SafeNumber2(ohlcv, "c", "close"), this.SafeNumber2(ohlcv, "v", "vol")}
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchBidsAsks
* @description fetches the bid and ask price and volume for multiple markets
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#symbol-order-book-ticker
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#ticker
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#ticker
* @param {string[]|undefined} symbols unified symbols of the markets to fetch the bids and asks for, all markets are returned if not assigned
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a dictionary of [ticker structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchBidsAsks(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbols
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes15368 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
symbols = this.MarketSymbols(symbols, nil, false)
var first interface{} = this.SafeString(symbols, 0)
var market interface{} = this.Market(first)
var response interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"contractName": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV1PublicGetTicker(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV1PublicGetTicker(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
response = (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetTickerBookTicker(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchBidsAsks only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// {
// "symbol": "LTCBTC",
// "bidPrice": "4.00000000",
// "bidQty": "431.00000000",
// "askPrice": "4.00000200",
// "askQty": "9.00000000"
// }
// swap
// {
// "high": "35296",
// "vol": "779308354",
// "last": "34884.1",
// "low": "34806.7",
// "buy": 34883.9,
// "sell": 34884,
// "rose": "-0.0027957315",
// "time": 1699348013000
// }
var data interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
AddElementToObject(data, GetValue(market, "id"), response)
ch <- this.ParseTickers(data, symbols)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchTickers
* @description fetches price tickers for multiple markets, statistical information calculated over the past 24 hours for each market
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#24hr-ticker-price-change-statistics
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#ticker
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#ticker
* @param {string[]|undefined} symbols unified symbols of the markets to fetch the ticker for, all market tickers are returned if not assigned
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a dictionary of [ticker structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchTickers(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbols
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes15998 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
symbols = this.MarketSymbols(symbols)
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
var typeVar interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbols, nil)) {
var first interface{} = this.SafeString(symbols, 0)
var market interface{} = this.Market(first)
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchTickers does not support swap markets, please use fetchTicker instead")))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
response = (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetTicker24hr(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchTickers only support spot & swap markets")))
} else {
typeVarparamsVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchTickers", nil, params);
typeVar = GetValue(typeVarparamsVariable,0);
params = GetValue(typeVarparamsVariable,1)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(typeVar, "spot")) {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchTickers only support spot when symbols are not proved")))
response = (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetTicker24hr(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
// spot
// [{
// symbol: 'BTCUSDT',
// priceChange: '105.20',
// priceChangePercent: '0.3000',
// weightedAvgPrice: null,
// prevClosePrice: null,
// lastPrice: '34905.21',
// lastQty: null,
// bidPrice: '34905.21',
// askPrice: '34905.22',
// openPrice: '34800.01',
// highPrice: '35276.33',
// lowPrice: '34787.51',
// volume: '12549.6481',
// quoteVolume: '439390492.917',
// openTime: '0',
// closeTime: '0',
// firstId: '0',
// lastId: '0',
// count: '0'
// }]
// swap
// {
// "high": "35296",
// "vol": "779308354",
// "last": "34884.1",
// "low": "34806.7",
// "buy": 34883.9,
// "sell": 34884,
// "rose": "-0.0027957315",
// "time": 1699348013000
// }
// the exchange returns market ids with an underscore from the tickers endpoint
// the market ids do not have an underscore, so it has to be removed
// https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues/13856
var tickers interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(data)); i++ {
var ticker interface{} = this.SafeDict(data, i, map[string]interface{} {})
var market interface{} = this.Market(this.SafeValue(ticker, "symbol"))
AddElementToObject(tickers, GetValue(market, "id"), ticker)
ch <- this.ParseTickers(tickers, symbols)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseTrade(trade interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchTrades
// {
// "id": 28457,
// "price": "4.00000100",
// "qty": "12.00000000",
// "time": 1499865549590, // Actual timestamp of trade
// "isBuyerMaker": true,
// "isBestMatch": true
// }
// fetchTrades - spot
// {
// "symbol":"USDCUSDT",
// "id":20725156,
// "orderId":2880918576,
// "origClientOrderId":null,
// "price":"0.9996000000000000",
// "qty":"100.0000000000000000",
// "commission":null,
// "commissionAssert":null,
// "time":1635558511000,
// "isBuyer":false,
// "isMaker":false,
// "isBestMatch":true
// }
// fetchTrades - future
// {
// "tradeId":12,
// "price":0.9,
// "qty":1,
// "amount":9,
// "contractName":"E-SAND-USDT",
// "side":"BUY",
// "fee":"0.0018",
// "bidId":1558124009467904992,
// "askId":1558124043827644908,
// "bidUserId":10294,
// "askUserId":10467,
// "isBuyer":true,
// "isMaker":true,
// "ctime":1678426306000
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger2(trade, "ctime", "time")
var priceString interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "price")
var amountString interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "qty")
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "symbol", "contractName")
var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market)
var orderId interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "orderId")
var id interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "id", "tradeId")
var side interface{} = nil
var buyerMaker interface{} = this.SafeBool(trade, "isBuyerMaker") // ignore "m" until Bitrue fixes api
var isBuyer interface{} = this.SafeBool(trade, "isBuyer")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(buyerMaker, nil)) {
side = Ternary(IsTrue(buyerMaker), "sell", "buy")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(isBuyer, nil)) {
side = Ternary(IsTrue(isBuyer), "buy", "sell") // this is a true side
var fee interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(InOp(trade, "commission")) {
fee = map[string]interface{} {
"cost": this.SafeString2(trade, "commission", "fee"),
"currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(this.SafeString(trade, "commissionAssert")),
var takerOrMaker interface{} = nil
var isMaker interface{} = this.SafeBool(trade, "isMaker")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(isMaker, nil)) {
takerOrMaker = Ternary(IsTrue(isMaker), "maker", "taker")
return this.SafeTrade(map[string]interface{} {
"info": trade,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"symbol": symbol,
"id": id,
"order": orderId,
"type": nil,
"side": side,
"takerOrMaker": takerOrMaker,
"price": priceString,
"amount": amountString,
"cost": nil,
"fee": fee,
}, market)
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchTrades
* @description get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#recent-trades-list
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of trades to fetch
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades}
func (this *bitrue) FetchTrades(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes17808 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) // default 100, max 1000
response = (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetTrades(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchTrades only support spot markets")))
// spot
// [
// {
// "id": 28457,
// "price": "4.00000100",
// "qty": "12.00000000",
// "time": 1499865549590,
// "isBuyerMaker": true,
// "isBestMatch": true
// }
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTrades(response, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseOrderStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"INIT": "open",
"NEW": "open",
"FILLED": "closed",
"CANCELED": "canceled",
"PENDING_CANCEL": "canceling",
"REJECTED": "rejected",
"EXPIRED": "expired",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitrue) ParseOrder(order interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// createOrder - spot
// {
// "symbol":"USDCUSDT",
// "orderId":2878854881,
// "clientOrderId":"",
// "transactTime":1635551031276
// }
// createOrder - future
// {
// "orderId":1690615676032452985,
// }
// fetchOrders - spot
// {
// "symbol":"USDCUSDT",
// "orderId":"2878854881",
// "clientOrderId":"",
// "price":"1.1000000000000000",
// "origQty":"100.0000000000000000",
// "executedQty":"0.0000000000000000",
// "cummulativeQuoteQty":"0.0000000000000000",
// "status":"NEW",
// "timeInForce":"",
// "type":"LIMIT",
// "side":"SELL",
// "stopPrice":"",
// "icebergQty":"",
// "time":1635551031000,
// "updateTime":1635551031000,
// "isWorking":false
// }
// fetchOrders - future
// {
// "orderId":1917641,
// "price":100,
// "origQty":10,
// "origAmount":10,
// "executedQty":1,
// "avgPrice":10000,
// "status":"INIT",
// "type":"LIMIT",
// "side":"BUY",
// "action":"OPEN",
// "transactTime":1686716571425
// "clientOrderId":4949299210
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var status interface{} = this.ParseOrderStatus(this.SafeString2(order, "status", "orderStatus"))
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "symbol")
var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market)
var filled interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "executedQty")
var timestamp interface{} = nil
var lastTradeTimestamp interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(InOp(order, "time")) {
timestamp = this.SafeInteger(order, "time")
} else if IsTrue(InOp(order, "transactTime")) {
timestamp = this.SafeInteger(order, "transactTime")
} else if IsTrue(InOp(order, "updateTime")) {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(status, "open")) {
if IsTrue(Precise.StringGt(filled, "0")) {
lastTradeTimestamp = this.SafeInteger(order, "updateTime")
} else {
timestamp = this.SafeInteger(order, "updateTime")
var average interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "avgPrice")
var price interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "price")
var amount interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "origQty")
// - Spot/Margin market: cummulativeQuoteQty
// - Futures market: cumQuote.
// Note this is not the actual cost, since Binance futures uses leverage to calculate margins.
var cost interface{} = this.SafeString2(order, "cummulativeQuoteQty", "cumQuote")
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "orderId")
var typeVar interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(order, "type")
var side interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(order, "side")
var fills interface{} = this.SafeList(order, "fills", []interface{}{})
var clientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "clientOrderId")
var timeInForce interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "timeInForce")
var postOnly interface{} = IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(typeVar, "limit_maker"))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(timeInForce, "GTX")))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(typeVar, "post_only")))
if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "limit_maker")) {
typeVar = "limit"
var triggerPrice interface{} = this.ParseNumber(this.OmitZero(this.SafeString(order, "stopPrice")))
return this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} {
"info": order,
"id": id,
"clientOrderId": clientOrderId,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"lastTradeTimestamp": lastTradeTimestamp,
"symbol": symbol,
"type": typeVar,
"timeInForce": timeInForce,
"postOnly": postOnly,
"side": side,
"price": price,
"triggerPrice": triggerPrice,
"amount": amount,
"cost": cost,
"average": average,
"filled": filled,
"remaining": nil,
"status": status,
"fee": nil,
"trades": fills,
}, market)
* @method
* @name bitrue#createMarketBuyOrderWithCost
* @description create a market buy order by providing the symbol and cost
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#new-order-trade-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#new-order-trade-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in
* @param {float} cost how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *bitrue) CreateMarketBuyOrderWithCost(symbol interface{}, cost interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes19568 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " createMarketBuyOrderWithCost() supports swap orders only")))
AddElementToObject(params, "createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPrice", false)
retRes196215 := (<-this.CreateOrder(symbol, "market", "buy", cost, nil, params))
ch <- retRes196215
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#createOrder
* @description create a trade order
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/spot/index.html#new-order-trade
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/futures/index.html#new-order-trade-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in
* @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit'
* @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell'
* @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency
* @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @param {float} [params.triggerPrice] *spot only* the price at which a trigger order is triggered at
* @param {string} [params.clientOrderId] a unique id for the order, automatically generated if not sent
* @param {decimal} [params.leverage] in future order, the leverage value of the order should consistent with the user contract configuration, default is 1
* @param {string} [params.timeInForce] 'fok', 'ioc' or 'po'
* @param {bool} [params.postOnly] default false
* @param {bool} [params.reduceOnly] default false
* @param {decimal} [params.icebergQty]
* @param {long} [params.recvWindow]
* @param {float} [params.cost] *swap market buy only* the quote quantity that can be used as an alternative for the amount
* @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *bitrue) CreateOrder(symbol interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = price
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes19908 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
var uppercaseType interface{} = ToUpper(typeVar)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"side": ToUpper(side),
"type": uppercaseType,
if IsTrue(IsEqual(uppercaseType, "LIMIT")) {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(price, nil)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(this.Id, " createOrder() requires a price argument")))
AddElementToObject(request, "price", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, price))
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
var isMarket interface{} = IsEqual(uppercaseType, "MARKET")
var timeInForce interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(params, "timeInForce")
var postOnly interface{} = this.IsPostOnly(isMarket, nil, params)
if IsTrue(postOnly) {
AddElementToObject(request, "type", "POST_ONLY")
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(timeInForce, "fok")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "type", "FOK")
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(timeInForce, "ioc")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "type", "IOC")
AddElementToObject(request, "contractName", GetValue(market, "id"))
var createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPrice interface{} = true
createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPriceparamsVariable := this.HandleOptionAndParams(params, "createOrder", "createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPrice", true);
createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPrice = GetValue(createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPriceparamsVariable,0);
params = GetValue(createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPriceparamsVariable,1)
if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(isMarket) && IsTrue((IsEqual(side, "buy")))) && IsTrue(createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPrice)) {
var cost interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "cost")
params = this.Omit(params, "cost")
if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsEqual(price, nil)) && IsTrue(IsEqual(cost, nil))) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(this.Id, " createOrder() requires the price argument with swap market buy orders to calculate total order cost (amount to spend), where cost = amount * price. Supply a price argument to createOrder() call if you want the cost to be calculated for you from price and amount, or, alternatively, add .options[\"createMarketBuyOrderRequiresPrice\"] = false to supply the cost in the amount argument (the exchange-specific behaviour)")))
} else {
var amountString interface{} = this.NumberToString(amount)
var priceString interface{} = this.NumberToString(price)
var quoteAmount interface{} = Precise.StringMul(amountString, priceString)
var requestAmount interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((!IsEqual(cost, nil))), cost, quoteAmount)
AddElementToObject(request, "amount", this.CostToPrecision(symbol, requestAmount))
AddElementToObject(request, "volume", this.CostToPrecision(symbol, requestAmount))
} else {
AddElementToObject(request, "amount", this.ParseToNumeric(amount))
AddElementToObject(request, "volume", this.ParseToNumeric(amount))
AddElementToObject(request, "positionType", 1)
var reduceOnly interface{} = this.SafeValue2(params, "reduceOnly", "reduce_only")
AddElementToObject(request, "open", Ternary(IsTrue(reduceOnly), "CLOSE", "OPEN"))
var leverage interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "leverage", "1")
AddElementToObject(request, "leverage", this.ParseToNumeric(leverage))
params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"leverage", "reduceOnly", "reduce_only", "timeInForce"})
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivatePostOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivatePostOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {})
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id"))
AddElementToObject(request, "quantity", this.AmountToPrecision(symbol, amount))
var validOrderTypes interface{} = this.SafeValue(GetValue(market, "info"), "orderTypes")
if !IsTrue(this.InArray(uppercaseType, validOrderTypes)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " "), typeVar), " is not a valid order type in market "), symbol)))
var clientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeString2(params, "newClientOrderId", "clientOrderId")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(clientOrderId, nil)) {
params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"newClientOrderId", "clientOrderId"})
AddElementToObject(request, "newClientOrderId", clientOrderId)
var triggerPrice interface{} = this.SafeValue2(params, "triggerPrice", "stopPrice")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(triggerPrice, nil)) {
params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"triggerPrice", "stopPrice"})
AddElementToObject(request, "stopPrice", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, triggerPrice))
response = (<-this.SpotV1PrivatePostOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " createOrder only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// {
// "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
// "orderId": 307650651173648896,
// "orderIdStr": "307650651173648896",
// "clientOrderId": "6gCrw2kRUAF9CvJDGP16IP",
// "transactTime": 1507725176595
// }
// swap
// {
// "code": "0",
// "msg": "Success",
// "data": {
// "orderId": 1690615676032452985
// }
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrder(data, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchOrder
* @description fetches information on an order made by the user
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/spot/index.html#query-order-user_data
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/futures/index.html#query-order-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} id the order id
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrder() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes21148 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var origClientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeValue2(params, "origClientOrderId", "clientOrderId")
params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"origClientOrderId", "clientOrderId"})
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(IsEqual(origClientOrderId, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "orderId", id)
} else {
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "clientOrderId", origClientOrderId)
} else {
AddElementToObject(request, "origClientOrderId", origClientOrderId)
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "contractName", GetValue(market, "id"))
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivateGetOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivateGetOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {})
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "orderId", id) // spot market id is mandatory
AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id"))
response = (<-this.SpotV1PrivateGetOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrder only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// {
// "symbol": "LTCBTC",
// "orderId": 1,
// "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
// "price": "0.1",
// "origQty": "1.0",
// "executedQty": "0.0",
// "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0",
// "status": "NEW",
// "timeInForce": "GTC",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "side": "BUY",
// "stopPrice": "0.0",
// "icebergQty": "0.0",
// "time": 1499827319559,
// "updateTime": 1499827319559,
// "isWorking": true
// }
// swap
// {
// "code":0,
// "msg":"success",
// "data":{
// "orderId":1917641,
// "price":100,
// "origQty":10,
// "origAmount":10,
// "executedQty":1,
// "avgPrice":10000,
// "status":"INIT",
// "type":"LIMIT",
// "side":"BUY",
// "action":"OPEN",
// "transactTime":1686716571425
// "clientOrderId":4949299210
// }
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrder(data, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchClosedOrders
* @description fetches information on multiple closed orders made by the user
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/spot/index.html#all-orders-user_data
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of order structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchClosedOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchClosedOrders() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes22078 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchClosedOrders only support spot markets")))
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) // default 100, max 1000
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PrivateGetAllOrders(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "symbol": "LTCBTC",
// "orderId": 1,
// "clientOrderId": "myOrder1",
// "price": "0.1",
// "origQty": "1.0",
// "executedQty": "0.0",
// "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0.0",
// "status": "NEW",
// "timeInForce": "GTC",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "side": "BUY",
// "stopPrice": "0.0",
// "icebergQty": "0.0",
// "time": 1499827319559,
// "updateTime": 1499827319559,
// "isWorking": true
// }
// ]
ch <- this.ParseOrders(response, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchOpenOrders
* @description fetch all unfilled currently open orders
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/spot/index.html#current-open-orders-user_data
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/futures/index.html#cancel-all-open-orders-trade-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of open order structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchOpenOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOpenOrders() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes22678 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "contractName", GetValue(market, "id"))
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivateGetOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivateGetOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{})
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id"))
response = (<-this.SpotV1PrivateGetOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchOpenOrders only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// [
// {
// "symbol":"USDCUSDT",
// "orderId":"2878854881",
// "clientOrderId":"",
// "price":"1.1000000000000000",
// "origQty":"100.0000000000000000",
// "executedQty":"0.0000000000000000",
// "cummulativeQuoteQty":"0.0000000000000000",
// "status":"NEW",
// "timeInForce":"",
// "type":"LIMIT",
// "side":"SELL",
// "stopPrice":"",
// "icebergQty":"",
// "time":1635551031000,
// "updateTime":1635551031000,
// "isWorking":false
// }
// ]
// swap
// {
// "code": "0",
// "msg": "Success",
// "data": [{
// "orderId": 1917641,
// "clientOrderId": "2488514315",
// "price": 100,
// "origQty": 10,
// "origAmount": 10,
// "executedQty": 1,
// "avgPrice": 12451,
// "status": "INIT",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "side": "BUY",
// "action": "OPEN",
// "transactTime": 1686717303975
// }
// ]
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrders(data, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#cancelOrder
* @description cancels an open order
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#cancel-order-trade
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#cancel-order-trade-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#cancel-order-trade-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} id order id
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *bitrue) CancelOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes23528 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var origClientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeValue2(params, "origClientOrderId", "clientOrderId")
params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"origClientOrderId", "clientOrderId"})
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(IsEqual(origClientOrderId, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "orderId", id)
} else {
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "clientOrderId", origClientOrderId)
} else {
AddElementToObject(request, "origClientOrderId", origClientOrderId)
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "contractName", GetValue(market, "id"))
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivatePostCancel(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivatePostCancel(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {})
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id"))
response = (<-this.SpotV1PrivateDeleteOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// {
// "symbol": "LTCBTC",
// "origClientOrderId": "myOrder1",
// "orderId": 1,
// "clientOrderId": "cancelMyOrder1"
// }
// swap
// {
// "code": "0",
// "msg": "Success",
// "data": {
// "orderId": 1690615847831143159
// }
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrder(data, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#cancelAllOrders
* @description cancel all open orders in a market
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#cancel-all-open-orders-trade-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#cancel-all-open-orders-trade-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market to cancel orders in
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @param {string} [params.marginMode] 'cross' or 'isolated', for spot margin trading
* @returns {object[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#order-structure}
func (this *bitrue) CancelAllOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes24188 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"contractName": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivatePostAllOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivatePostAllOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{})
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " cancelAllOrders only support future markets")))
// swap
// {
// 'code': '0',
// 'msg': 'Success',
// 'data': null
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrders(data, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchMyTrades
* @description fetch all trades made by the user
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/spot/index.html#account-trade-list-user_data
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/futures/index.html#account-trade-list-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchMyTrades(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes24608 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchMyTrades() requires a symbol argument")))
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
var data interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(limit, 1000)) {
limit = 1000
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "contractName", GetValue(market, "id"))
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivateGetMyTrades(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivateGetMyTrades(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{})
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id"))
response = (<-this.SpotV2PrivateGetMyTrades(this.Extend(request, params)))
data = response
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchMyTrades only support spot & swap markets")))
// spot
// [
// {
// "symbol":"USDCUSDT",
// "id":20725156,
// "orderId":2880918576,
// "origClientOrderId":null,
// "price":"0.9996000000000000",
// "qty":"100.0000000000000000",
// "commission":null,
// "commissionAssert":null,
// "time":1635558511000,
// "isBuyer":false,
// "isMaker":false,
// "isBestMatch":true
// }
// ]
// swap
// {
// "code":"0",
// "msg":"Success",
// "data":[
// {
// "tradeId":12,
// "price":0.9,
// "qty":1,
// "amount":9,
// "contractName":"E-SAND-USDT",
// "side":"BUY",
// "fee":"0.0018",
// "bidId":1558124009467904992,
// "askId":1558124043827644908,
// "bidUserId":10294,
// "askUserId":10467,
// "isBuyer":true,
// "isMaker":true,
// "ctime":1678426306000
// }
// ]
// }
ch <- this.ParseTrades(data, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchDeposits
* @description fetch all deposits made to an account
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#deposit-history--withdraw_data
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch deposits for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of deposits structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchDeposits(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(code, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchDeposits() requires a code argument")))
retRes25558 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"coin": GetValue(currency, "id"),
"status": 1,
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PrivateGetDepositHistory(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "code":200,
// "msg":"succ",
// "data":[
// {
// "id":2659137,
// "symbol":"USDC",
// "amount":"200.0000000000000000",
// "fee":"0.0E-15",
// "createdAt":1635503169000,
// "updatedAt":1635503202000,
// "addressFrom":"0x2faf487a4414fe77e2327f0bf4ae2a264a776ad2",
// "addressTo":"0x190ceccb1f8bfbec1749180f0ba8922b488d865b",
// "txid":"0x9970aec41099ac385568859517308707bc7d716df8dabae7b52f5b17351c3ed0",
// "confirmations":5,
// "status":0,
// "tagType":null,
// },
// {
// "id":2659137,
// "symbol": "XRP",
// "amount": "20.0000000000000000",
// "fee": "0.0E-15",
// "createdAt": 1544669393000,
// "updatedAt": 1544669413000,
// "addressFrom": "",
// "addressTo": "raLPjTYeGezfdb6crXZzcC8RkLBEwbBHJ5_18113641",
// "txid": "515B23E1F9864D3AF7F5B4C4FCBED784BAE861854FAB95F4031922B6AAEFC7AC",
// "confirmations": 7,
// "status": 1,
// "tagType": "Tag"
// }
// ]
// }
var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseTransactions(data, currency, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchWithdrawals
* @description fetch all withdrawals made from an account
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#withdraw-history--withdraw_data
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of withdrawals structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchWithdrawals(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(code, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchWithdrawals() requires a code argument")))
retRes26288 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"coin": GetValue(currency, "id"),
"status": 5,
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PrivateGetWithdrawHistory(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "code": 200,
// "msg": "succ",
// "data": [
// {
// "id": 183745,
// "symbol": "usdt_erc20",
// "amount": "8.4000000000000000",
// "fee": "1.6000000000000000",
// "payAmount": "0.0000000000000000",
// "createdAt": 1595336441000,
// "updatedAt": 1595336576000,
// "addressFrom": "",
// "addressTo": "0x2edfae3878d7b6db70ce4abed177ab2636f60c83",
// "txid": "",
// "confirmations": 0,
// "status": 6,
// "tagType": null
// }
// ]
// }
var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseTransactions(data, currency)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseTransactionStatusByType(status interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
typeVar := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = typeVar
var statusesByType interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"deposit": map[string]interface{} {
"0": "pending",
"1": "ok",
"withdrawal": map[string]interface{} {
"0": "pending",
"5": "ok",
"6": "canceled",
var statuses interface{} = this.SafeDict(statusesByType, typeVar, map[string]interface{} {})
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitrue) ParseTransaction(transaction interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchDeposits
// {
// "symbol": "XRP",
// "amount": "261.3361000000000000",
// "fee": "0.0E-15",
// "createdAt": 1548816979000,
// "updatedAt": 1548816999000,
// "addressFrom": "",
// "addressTo": "raLPjTYeGezfdb6crXZzcC8RkLBEwbBHJ5_18113641",
// "txid": "86D6EB68A7A28938BCE06BD348F8C07DEF500C5F7FE92069EF8C0551CE0F2C7D",
// "confirmations": 8,
// "status": 1,
// "tagType": "Tag"
// },
// {
// "symbol": "XRP",
// "amount": "20.0000000000000000",
// "fee": "0.0E-15",
// "createdAt": 1544669393000,
// "updatedAt": 1544669413000,
// "addressFrom": "",
// "addressTo": "raLPjTYeGezfdb6crXZzcC8RkLBEwbBHJ5_18113641",
// "txid": "515B23E1F9864D3AF7F5B4C4FCBED784BAE861854FAB95F4031922B6AAEFC7AC",
// "confirmations": 7,
// "status": 1,
// "tagType": "Tag"
// }
// fetchWithdrawals
// {
// "id": 183745,
// "symbol": "usdt_erc20",
// "amount": "8.4000000000000000",
// "fee": "1.6000000000000000",
// "payAmount": "0.0000000000000000",
// "createdAt": 1595336441000,
// "updatedAt": 1595336576000,
// "addressFrom": "",
// "addressTo": "0x2edfae3878d7b6db70ce4abed177ab2636f60c83",
// "txid": "",
// "confirmations": 0,
// "status": 6,
// "tagType": null
// }
// withdraw
// {
// "msg": null,
// "amount": 1000,
// "fee": 1,
// "ctime": null,
// "coin": "usdt_erc20",
// "withdrawId": 1156423,
// "addressTo": "0x2edfae3878d7b6db70ce4abed177ab2636f60c83"
// }
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var id interface{} = this.SafeString2(transaction, "id", "withdrawId")
var tagType interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "tagType")
var addressTo interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "addressTo")
var addressFrom interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "addressFrom")
var tagTo interface{} = nil
var tagFrom interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(tagType, nil)) {
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(addressTo, nil)) {
var parts interface{} = Split(addressTo, "_")
addressTo = this.SafeString(parts, 0)
tagTo = this.SafeString(parts, 1)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(addressFrom, nil)) {
var parts interface{} = Split(addressFrom, "_")
addressFrom = this.SafeString(parts, 0)
tagFrom = this.SafeString(parts, 1)
var txid interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "txid")
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(transaction, "createdAt")
var updated interface{} = this.SafeInteger(transaction, "updatedAt")
var payAmount interface{} = (InOp(transaction, "payAmount"))
var ctime interface{} = (InOp(transaction, "ctime"))
var typeVar interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((IsTrue(payAmount) || IsTrue(ctime))), "withdrawal", "deposit")
var status interface{} = this.ParseTransactionStatusByType(this.SafeString(transaction, "status"), typeVar)
var amount interface{} = this.SafeNumber(transaction, "amount")
var network interface{} = nil
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString2(transaction, "symbol", "coin")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(currencyId, nil)) {
var parts interface{} = Split(currencyId, "_")
currencyId = this.SafeString(parts, 0)
var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString(parts, 1)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkId, nil)) {
network = ToUpper(networkId)
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency)
var feeCost interface{} = this.SafeNumber(transaction, "fee")
var fee interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeCost, nil)) {
fee = map[string]interface{} {
"currency": code,
"cost": feeCost,
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": transaction,
"id": id,
"txid": txid,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"network": network,
"address": addressTo,
"addressTo": addressTo,
"addressFrom": addressFrom,
"tag": tagTo,
"tagTo": tagTo,
"tagFrom": tagFrom,
"type": typeVar,
"amount": amount,
"currency": code,
"status": status,
"updated": updated,
"internal": false,
"comment": nil,
"fee": fee,
* @method
* @name bitrue#withdraw
* @description make a withdrawal
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#withdraw-commit--withdraw_data
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {float} amount the amount to withdraw
* @param {string} address the address to withdraw to
* @param {string} tag
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [transaction structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure}
func (this *bitrue) Withdraw(code interface{}, amount interface{}, address interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
tag := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = tag
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
tagparamsVariable := this.HandleWithdrawTagAndParams(tag, params);
tag = GetValue(tagparamsVariable,0);
params = GetValue(tagparamsVariable,1)
retRes28318 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"coin": GetValue(currency, "id"),
"amount": amount,
"addressTo": address,
var networkCode interface{} = nil
networkCodeparamsVariable := this.HandleNetworkCodeAndParams(params);
networkCode = GetValue(networkCodeparamsVariable,0);
params = GetValue(networkCodeparamsVariable,1)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkCode, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "chainName", this.NetworkCodeToId(networkCode))
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(tag, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "tag", tag)
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PrivatePostWithdrawCommit(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "code": 200,
// "msg": "succ",
// "data": {
// "msg": null,
// "amount": 1000,
// "fee": 1,
// "ctime": null,
// "coin": "usdt_erc20",
// "withdrawId": 1156423,
// "addressTo": "0x2edfae3878d7b6db70ce4abed177ab2636f60c83"
// }
// }
var data interface{} = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {})
ch <- this.ParseTransaction(data, currency)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseDepositWithdrawFee(fee interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "coin": "adx",
// "coinFulName": "Ambire AdEx",
// "chains": [ "BSC" ],
// "chainDetail": [ [Object] ]
// }
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var chainDetails interface{} = this.SafeList(fee, "chainDetail", []interface{}{})
var chainDetailLength interface{} = GetArrayLength(chainDetails)
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"info": fee,
"withdraw": map[string]interface{} {
"fee": nil,
"percentage": nil,
"deposit": map[string]interface{} {
"fee": nil,
"percentage": nil,
"networks": map[string]interface{} {},
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(chainDetailLength, 0)) {
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, chainDetailLength); i++ {
var chainDetail interface{} = GetValue(chainDetails, i)
var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString(chainDetail, "chain")
var currencyCode interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "code")
var networkCode interface{} = this.NetworkIdToCode(networkId, currencyCode)
AddElementToObject(GetValue(result, "networks"), networkCode, map[string]interface{} {
"deposit": map[string]interface{} {
"fee": nil,
"percentage": nil,
"withdraw": map[string]interface{} {
"fee": this.SafeNumber(chainDetail, "withdrawFee"),
"percentage": false,
if IsTrue(IsEqual(chainDetailLength, 1)) {
AddElementToObject(GetValue(result, "withdraw"), "fee", this.SafeNumber(chainDetail, "withdrawFee"))
AddElementToObject(GetValue(result, "withdraw"), "percentage", false)
return result
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchDepositWithdrawFees
* @description fetch deposit and withdraw fees
* @see https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/Spot-official-api-docs#exchangeInfo_endpoint
* @param {string[]|undefined} codes list of unified currency codes
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a list of [fee structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchDepositWithdrawFees(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
codes := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = codes
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes29228 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.SpotV1PublicGetExchangeInfo(params))
var coins interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "coins")
ch <- this.ParseDepositWithdrawFees(coins, codes, "coin")
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseTransfer(transfer interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchTransfers
// {
// 'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract',
// 'symbol': 'USDT',
// 'amount': 1.0,
// 'status': 1,
// 'ctime': 1685404575000
// }
// transfer
// {}
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var transferType interface{} = this.SafeString(transfer, "transferType")
var fromAccount interface{} = nil
var toAccount interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(transferType, nil)) {
var accountSplit interface{} = Split(transferType, "_to_")
fromAccount = this.SafeString(accountSplit, 0)
toAccount = this.SafeString(accountSplit, 1)
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(transfer, "ctime")
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": transfer,
"id": nil,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"currency": this.SafeString(currency, "code"),
"amount": this.SafeNumber(transfer, "amount"),
"fromAccount": fromAccount,
"toAccount": toAccount,
"status": "ok",
* @method
* @name bitrue#fetchTransfers
* @description fetch a history of internal transfers made on an account
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#get-future-account-transfer-history-list-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#get-future-account-transfer-history-list-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} code unified currency code of the currency transferred
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch transfers for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of transfers structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @param {int} [params.until] the latest time in ms to fetch transfers for
* @param {string} [params.type] transfer type wallet_to_contract or contract_to_wallet
* @returns {object[]} a list of [transfer structures]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#transfer-structure}
func (this *bitrue) FetchTransfers(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes29818 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var typeVar interface{} = this.SafeString2(params, "type", "transferType")
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"transferType": typeVar,
var currency interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) {
currency = this.Currency(code)
AddElementToObject(request, "coinSymbol", GetValue(currency, "id"))
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "beginTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(limit, 200)) {
limit = 200
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
var until interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "until")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(until, nil)) {
params = this.Omit(params, "until")
AddElementToObject(request, "endTime", until)
response:= (<-this.FapiV2PrivateGetFuturesTransferHistory(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// 'code': '0',
// 'msg': 'Success',
// 'data': [{
// 'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract',
// 'symbol': 'USDT',
// 'amount': 1.0,
// 'status': 1,
// 'ctime': 1685404575000
// }]
// }
var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParseTransfers(data, currency, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#transfer
* @description transfer currency internally between wallets on the same account
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#new-future-account-transfer-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#user-commission-rate-user_data-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {float} amount amount to transfer
* @param {string} fromAccount account to transfer from
* @param {string} toAccount account to transfer to
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [transfer structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#transfer-structure}
func (this *bitrue) Transfer(code interface{}, amount interface{}, fromAccount interface{}, toAccount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes30378 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code)
var accountTypes interface{} = this.SafeDict(this.Options, "accountsByType", map[string]interface{} {})
var fromId interface{} = this.SafeString(accountTypes, fromAccount, fromAccount)
var toId interface{} = this.SafeString(accountTypes, toAccount, toAccount)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"coinSymbol": GetValue(currency, "id"),
"amount": this.CurrencyToPrecision(code, amount),
"transferType": Add(Add(fromId, "_to_"), toId),
response:= (<-this.FapiV2PrivatePostFuturesTransfer(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// 'code': '0',
// 'msg': 'Success',
// 'data': null
// }
var data interface{} = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {})
ch <- this.ParseTransfer(data, currency)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitrue#setLeverage
* @description set the level of leverage for a market
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#change-initial-leverage-trade-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#change-initial-leverage-trade-hmac-sha256
* @param {float} leverage the rate of leverage
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} response from the exchange
func (this *bitrue) SetLeverage(leverage interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " setLeverage() requires a symbol argument")))
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsLessThan(leverage, 1))) || IsTrue((IsGreaterThan(leverage, 125)))) {
panic(BadRequest(Add(this.Id, " leverage should be between 1 and 125")))
retRes30778 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var response interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"contractName": GetValue(market, "id"),
"leverage": leverage,
if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " setLeverage only support swap markets")))
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivatePostLevelEdit(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivatePostLevelEdit(this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- response
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) ParseMarginModification(data interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// setMargin
// {
// "code": 0,
// "msg": "success"
// "data": null
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": data,
"symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"),
"type": nil,
"marginMode": "isolated",
"amount": nil,
"total": nil,
"code": nil,
"status": nil,
"timestamp": nil,
"datetime": nil,
* @method
* @name bitrue#setMargin
* @description Either adds or reduces margin in an isolated position in order to set the margin to a specific value
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api-docs#modify-isolated-position-margin-trade-hmac-sha256
* @see https://www.bitrue.com/api_docs_includes_file/delivery.html#modify-isolated-position-margin-trade-hmac-sha256
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market to set margin in
* @param {float} amount the amount to set the margin to
* @param {object} [params] parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} A [margin structure]{@link https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/wiki/Manual#add-margin-structure}
func (this *bitrue) SetMargin(symbol interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes31318 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " setMargin only support swap markets")))
var response interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"contractName": GetValue(market, "id"),
"amount": this.ParseToNumeric(amount),
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "linear")) {
response = (<-this.FapiV2PrivatePostPositionMargin(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "inverse")) {
response = (<-this.DapiV2PrivatePostPositionMargin(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "code": 0,
// "msg": "success"
// "data": null
// }
ch <- this.ParseMarginModification(response, market)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitrue) Sign(path interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
api := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "public")
_ = api
method := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, "GET")
_ = method
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
headers := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil)
_ = headers
body := GetArg(optionalArgs, 4, nil)
_ = body
var typeVar interface{} = this.SafeString(api, 0)
var version interface{} = this.SafeString(api, 1)
var access interface{} = this.SafeString(api, 2)
var url interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "api")) && IsTrue(IsEqual(version, "kline")))) || IsTrue((IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "open")) && IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(path, "listenKey"), 0))))) {
url = GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), typeVar)
} else {
url = Add(Add(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), typeVar), "/"), version)
url = Add(Add(url, "/"), this.ImplodeParams(path, params))
params = this.Omit(params, this.ExtractParams(path))
if IsTrue(IsEqual(access, "private")) {
var recvWindow interface{} = this.SafeInteger(this.Options, "recvWindow", 5000)
if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "spot")) || IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "open"))) {
var query interface{} = this.Urlencode(this.Extend(map[string]interface{} {
"timestamp": this.Nonce(),
"recvWindow": recvWindow,
}, params))
var signature interface{} = this.Hmac(this.Encode(query), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256)
query = Add(query, Add(Add("&", "signature="), signature))
headers = map[string]interface{} {
"X-MBX-APIKEY": this.ApiKey,
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "GET"))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "DELETE")))) {
url = Add(url, Add("?", query))
} else {
body = query
AddElementToObject(headers, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
} else {
var timestamp interface{} = ToString(this.Nonce())
var signPath interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "fapi")) {
signPath = "/fapi"
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "dapi")) {
signPath = "/dapi"
signPath = Add(Add(Add(Add(signPath, "/"), version), "/"), path)
var signMessage interface{} = Add(Add(timestamp, method), signPath)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "GET")) {
var keys interface{} = ObjectKeys(params)
var keysLength interface{} = GetArrayLength(keys)
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(keysLength, 0)) {
signMessage = Add(signMessage, Add("?", this.Urlencode(params)))
var signature interface{} = this.Hmac(this.Encode(signMessage), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256)
headers = map[string]interface{} {
"X-CH-APIKEY": this.ApiKey,
"X-CH-SIGN": signature,
"X-CH-TS": timestamp,
url = Add(url, Add("?", this.Urlencode(params)))
} else {
var query interface{} = this.Extend(map[string]interface{} {
"recvWindow": recvWindow,
}, params)
body = this.Json(query)
signMessage = Add(signMessage, body)
var signature interface{} = this.Hmac(this.Encode(signMessage), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256)
headers = map[string]interface{} {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-CH-APIKEY": this.ApiKey,
"X-CH-SIGN": signature,
"X-CH-TS": timestamp,
} else {
if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(params))) {
url = Add(url, Add("?", this.Urlencode(params)))
return map[string]interface{} {
"url": url,
"method": method,
"body": body,
"headers": headers,
func (this *bitrue) HandleErrors(code interface{}, reason interface{}, url interface{}, method interface{}, headers interface{}, body interface{}, response interface{}, requestHeaders interface{}, requestBody interface{}) interface{} {
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(code, 418))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(code, 429)))) {
panic(DDoSProtection(Add(Add(Add(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " "), ToString(code)), " "), reason), " "), body)))
// error response in a form: { "code": -1013, "msg": "Invalid quantity." }
// following block cointains legacy checks against message patterns in "msg" property
// will switch "code" checks eventually, when we know all of them
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(code, 400)) {
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(body, "Price * QTY is zero or less"), 0)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(this.Id, " order cost = amount * price is zero or less "), body)))
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(body, "LOT_SIZE"), 0)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(this.Id, " order amount should be evenly divisible by lot size "), body)))
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(body, "PRICE_FILTER"), 0)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(this.Id, " order price is invalid, i.e. exceeds allowed price precision, exceeds min price or max price limits or is invalid float value in general, use this.priceToPrecision (symbol, amount) "), body)))
if IsTrue(IsEqual(response, nil)) {
return nil // fallback to default error handler
// check success value for wapi endpoints
// response in format {'msg': 'The coin does not exist.', 'success': true/false}
var success interface{} = this.SafeBool(response, "success", true)
if !IsTrue(success) {
var messageInner interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "msg")
var parsedMessage interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(messageInner, nil)) {
{ ret__ := func(this *bitrue) (ret_ interface{}) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
if e == "break" {
ret_ = func(this *bitrue) interface{} {
// catch block:
// do nothing
parsedMessage = nil
return nil
// try block:
parsedMessage = JsonParse(messageInner)
return nil
if ret__ != nil {
return ret__
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(parsedMessage, nil)) {
response = parsedMessage
var message interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "msg")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(message, nil)) {
this.ThrowExactlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "exact"), message, Add(Add(this.Id, " "), message))
this.ThrowBroadlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "broad"), message, Add(Add(this.Id, " "), message))
// checks against error codes
var error interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "code")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(error, nil)) {
// https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues/6501
// https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues/7742
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(error, "200"))) || IsTrue(Precise.StringEquals(error, "0"))) {
return nil
// a workaround for {"code":-2015,"msg":"Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action."}
// despite that their message is very confusing, it is raised by Binance
// on a temporary ban, the API key is valid, but disabled for a while
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(error, "-2015"))) && IsTrue(GetValue(this.Options, "hasAlreadyAuthenticatedSuccessfully"))) {
panic(DDoSProtection(Add(Add(this.Id, " temporary banned: "), body)))
var feedback interface{} = Add(Add(this.Id, " "), body)
this.ThrowExactlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "exact"), error, feedback)
if !IsTrue(success) {
panic(ExchangeError(Add(Add(this.Id, " "), body)))
return nil
func (this *bitrue) CalculateRateLimiterCost(api interface{}, method interface{}, path interface{}, params interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
config := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = config
if IsTrue(IsTrue((InOp(config, "noSymbol"))) && !IsTrue((InOp(params, "symbol")))) {
return GetValue(config, "noSymbol")
} else if IsTrue(IsTrue((InOp(config, "byLimit"))) && IsTrue((InOp(params, "limit")))) {
var limit interface{} = GetValue(params, "limit")
var byLimit interface{} = GetValue(config, "byLimit")
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(byLimit)); i++ {
var entry interface{} = GetValue(byLimit, i)
if IsTrue(IsLessThanOrEqual(limit, GetValue(entry, 0))) {
return GetValue(entry, 1)
return this.SafeValue(config, "cost", 1)
func (this *bitrue) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) {
this.Exchange = Exchange{}
this.Exchange.InitParent(userConfig, this.Describe().(map[string]interface{}), this)
this.Exchange.DerivedExchange = this