621 lines
16 KiB
621 lines
16 KiB
package ccxt
import (
const (
// TICK_SIZE = 4
var precisionConstants = map[string]int{
func (this *Exchange) NumberToString(x interface{}) interface{} {
res := NumberToString(x)
if res == "" {
return nil
return res
func NumberToString(x interface{}) string {
switch v := x.(type) {
case nil:
return ""
case float64, float32, int, int64, int32:
str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
val := ToFloat64(v)
// Handle very large numbers (positive exponents)
if math.Abs(val) >= 1.0 {
parts := strings.Split(str, "e")
if len(parts) == 2 {
// Convert the exponent into an integer
exponent, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
// Split the mantissa into integer and fractional parts
mantissaParts := strings.Split(parts[0], ".")
integerPart := mantissaParts[0]
fractionalPart := ""
if len(mantissaParts) > 1 {
fractionalPart = mantissaParts[1]
// Adjust the number of zeros based on the exponent
if exponent >= 0 {
totalDigits := integerPart + fractionalPart
if exponent >= len(fractionalPart) {
zerosToAdd := exponent - len(fractionalPart)
return totalDigits + strings.Repeat("0", zerosToAdd)
} else {
return totalDigits[:len(integerPart)+exponent] + "." + totalDigits[len(integerPart)+exponent:]
// Handle numbers with negative exponents (fractions)
if math.Abs(val) < 1.0 {
parts := strings.Split(str, "e-")
if len(parts) == 2 {
n := strings.Replace(parts[0], ".", "", -1)
e, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
neg := str[0] == '-'
if e != 0 {
// Format the result with leading zeros
return fmt.Sprintf("%s0.%s%s", map[bool]string{true: "-", false: ""}[neg], strings.Repeat("0", e-1), strings.Replace(n, "-", "", 1))
// If no scientific notation, return the original string
return str
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x)
func (this *Exchange) NumberToString2(x interface{}) string {
switch v := x.(type) {
case nil:
return ""
case float64, float32, int, int64, int32:
str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
if math.Abs(ToFloat64((v))) < 1.0 {
parts := strings.Split(str, "e-")
if len(parts) == 2 {
n := strings.Replace(parts[0], ".", "", -1)
e, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
neg := str[0] == '-'
if e != 0 {
// Fix: Remove the extra "-" sign in the result
return fmt.Sprintf("%s0.%s%s", map[bool]string{true: "-", false: ""}[neg], strings.Repeat("0", e-1), strings.Replace(n, "-", "", 1))
} else {
parts := strings.Split(str, "e")
if len(parts) == 2 {
e, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
m := strings.Split(parts[0], ".")
if len(m) > 1 {
e -= len(m[1])
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", m[0], m[1], strings.Repeat("0", e))
return str
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x)
// func (this *Exchange) NumberToString(x interface{}) string {
// switch v := x.(type) {
// case nil:
// return ""
// case float64, float32, int, int64, int32:
// str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
// if math.Abs(ToFloat64((v))) < 1.0 {
// parts := strings.Split(str, "e-")
// if len(parts) == 2 {
// n := strings.Replace(parts[0], ".", "", -1)
// e, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
// neg := str[0] == '-'
// if e != 0 {
// return fmt.Sprintf("%s0.%s%s", map[bool]string{true: "-", false: ""}[neg], strings.Repeat("0", e-1), n)
// }
// }
// } else {
// parts := strings.Split(str, "e")
// if len(parts) == 2 {
// e, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
// m := strings.Split(parts[0], ".")
// if len(m) > 1 {
// e -= len(m[1])
// }
// return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", m[0], m[1], strings.Repeat("0", e))
// }
// }
// return str
// default:
// return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x)
// }
// }
var truncateRegExpCache = make(map[int]*regexp.Regexp)
func (this *Exchange) truncateToString(num interface{}, precision int) string {
numStr := NumberToString(num)
if precision > 0 {
re, exists := truncateRegExpCache[precision]
if !exists {
re = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`([-]*\d+\.\d{%d})(\d)`, precision))
truncateRegExpCache[precision] = re
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(numStr)
if len(match) > 1 {
return match[1]
intNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(numStr)
return strconv.Itoa(intNum)
func (this *Exchange) truncate(num interface{}, precision int) float64 {
result, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(this.truncateToString(num, precision), 64)
return result
func (this *Exchange) PrecisionFromString(str2 interface{}) int {
str := str2.(string)
if strings.ContainsAny(str, "eE") {
numStr := regexp.MustCompile(`\d\.?\d*[eE]`).ReplaceAllString(str, "")
precision, _ := strconv.Atoi(numStr)
return -precision
split := regexp.MustCompile(`0+$`).ReplaceAllString(str, "")
parts := strings.Split(split, ".")
if len(parts) > 1 {
return len(parts[1])
return 0
func getDecimalPlaces(number float64) int {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%f", number)
parts := strings.Split(str, ".")
if len(parts) == 2 {
// Count the number of decimal places by looking at the fractional part
return len(strings.TrimRight(parts[1], "0"))
return 0
func roundToDecimalPlaces(num float64, decimalPlaces int) float64 {
shift := math.Pow(10, float64(decimalPlaces))
return math.Round(num*shift) / shift
func (this *Exchange) DecimalToPrecision(value interface{}, roundingMode interface{}, numPrecisionDigits interface{}, args ...interface{}) interface{} {
countingMode := GetArg(args, 0, nil)
paddingMode := GetArg(args, 1, nil)
return this._decimalToPrecision(value, roundingMode, numPrecisionDigits, countingMode, paddingMode)
func (this *Exchange) _decimalToPrecision(x interface{}, roundingMode2, numPrecisionDigits2 interface{}, countmode2, paddingMode interface{}) string {
if countmode2 == nil {
countmode2 = DECIMAL_PLACES
if paddingMode == nil {
paddingMode = NO_PADDING
countMode := int(ParseInt(countmode2))
roundingMode := int(ParseInt(roundingMode2))
numPrecisionDigits := ToFloat64(numPrecisionDigits2)
if countMode == TICK_SIZE && numPrecisionDigits < 0 {
// return "", errors.New("TICK_SIZE can't be used with negative or zero numPrecisionDigits")
panic("TICK_SIZE can't be used with negative or zero numPrecisionDigits")
parsedX := ToFloat64(x)
if numPrecisionDigits < 0 {
toNearest := math.Pow(10, math.Abs(numPrecisionDigits))
if roundingMode == ROUND {
res := this._decimalToPrecision(parsedX/toNearest, roundingMode, 0, countmode2, paddingMode)
floatRes, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(res, 64)
resultFloat := toNearest * floatRes
resultStr := ""
if resultFloat == math.Trunc(resultFloat) {
resultStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(resultFloat)) // Output: 10
} else {
// Float value, print with decimals
resultStr = fmt.Sprintf("%f", resultFloat)
return resultStr
if roundingMode == TRUNCATE {
decimalPlaces := getDecimalPlaces(parsedX)
modResult := roundToDecimalPlaces(math.Mod(parsedX, toNearest), decimalPlaces) // tricky go does not have fixed point types out of the box
truncVal := parsedX - modResult
truncValStr := ""
if truncVal == math.Trunc(truncVal) {
truncValStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(truncVal)) // Output: 10
} else {
// Float value, print with decimals
truncValStr = fmt.Sprintf("%f", truncVal)
return truncValStr
// Handle tick size
if countMode == TICK_SIZE {
precisionDigitsString := this._decimalToPrecision(numPrecisionDigits, ROUND, 22, DECIMAL_PLACES, NO_PADDING)
newNumPrecisionDigits := this.PrecisionFromString(precisionDigitsString)
missing := math.Mod(parsedX, numPrecisionDigits)
missingRes := this._decimalToPrecision(missing, ROUND, 8, DECIMAL_PLACES, NO_PADDING)
missingFloat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(missingRes, 64)
missing = missingFloat
fpError := missing / numPrecisionDigits
fpErrorStr := this._decimalToPrecision(fpError, ROUND, math.Max(float64(newNumPrecisionDigits), 8), DECIMAL_PLACES, NO_PADDING)
fpErrorResult := this.PrecisionFromString(fpErrorStr)
if fpErrorResult != 0 {
if roundingMode == ROUND {
if parsedX > 0 {
if missing >= numPrecisionDigits/2 {
parsedX = parsedX - missing + numPrecisionDigits
} else {
parsedX = parsedX - missing
} else {
if missing >= numPrecisionDigits/2 {
parsedX = parsedX - missing
} else {
parsedX = parsedX - missing - numPrecisionDigits
} else if roundingMode == TRUNCATE {
parsedX = parsedX - missing
return this._decimalToPrecision(parsedX, ROUND, newNumPrecisionDigits, DECIMAL_PLACES, paddingMode)
// Convert to a string (if needed), skip leading minus sign (if any)
str := NumberToString(x)
isNegative := str[0] == '-'
strStart := 0
if isNegative {
strStart = 1
strEnd := len(str)
// Find the dot position in the source buffer
strDot := strings.Index(str, ".")
hasDot := strDot != -1
// Char code constants
MINUS := byte('-')
DOT := byte('.')
ZERO := byte('0')
ONE := byte('1')
FIVE := byte('5')
NINE := byte('9')
// For -123.4567 the `chars` array will hold 01234567 (leading zero is reserved for rounding cases when 099 → 100)
arraySize := strEnd - strStart
if !hasDot {
chars := make([]byte, arraySize)
chars[0] = ZERO
// Validate & copy digits, determine certain locations in the resulting buffer
afterDot := arraySize
digitsStart := -1
digitsEnd := -1
for i, j := 1, strStart; j < strEnd; i, j = i+1, j+1 {
value := str[j]
if value == DOT {
afterDot = i
} else if value < ZERO || value > NINE {
panic("invalid number(contains an illegal character")
} else {
chars[i] = value
if value != ZERO && digitsStart < 0 {
digitsStart = i
if digitsStart < 0 {
digitsStart = 1
precisionStart := digitsStart
if countMode == DECIMAL_PLACES {
// precisionStart = afterDot + 1
precisionStart = afterDot
precisionEnd := precisionStart + int(numPrecisionDigits)
// Reset the last significant digit index, as it will change during the rounding/truncation.
digitsEnd = -1
allZeros := true
signNeeded := isNegative
for i, memo := len(chars)-1, 0; i >= 0; i-- {
c := chars[i]
if i != 0 {
c += byte(memo)
if i >= precisionStart+int(numPrecisionDigits) {
ceil := roundingMode == ROUND && c >= FIVE && !(c == FIVE && memo == 1)
if ceil {
c = NINE + 1
} else {
c = ZERO
if c > NINE {
c = ZERO
memo = 1
} else {
memo = 0
} else if memo == 1 {
c = ONE
chars[i] = c
if c != ZERO {
allZeros = false
digitsStart = i
if digitsEnd < 0 {
digitsEnd = i + 1
if countMode == SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS {
precisionStart = digitsStart
precisionEnd = precisionStart + int(numPrecisionDigits)
if allZeros {
signNeeded = false
readStart := digitsStart
if (digitsStart >= afterDot) || allZeros {
readStart = afterDot - 1
readEnd := digitsEnd
if digitsEnd < afterDot {
readEnd = afterDot
nSign := 0
if signNeeded {
nSign = 1
nBeforeDot := nSign + afterDot - readStart
nAfterDot := int(math.Max(float64(readEnd-afterDot), 0))
actualLength := readEnd - readStart
desiredLength := actualLength
if paddingMode.(int) != NO_PADDING {
desiredLength = precisionEnd - readStart
pad := int(math.Max(float64(desiredLength-actualLength), 0))
padStart := nBeforeDot + 1 + nAfterDot
padEnd := padStart + pad
isInteger := nAfterDot+pad == 0
offsetInt := 0
if isInteger {
offsetInt = 0
} else {
offsetInt = 1
outArray := make([]byte, nBeforeDot+(offsetInt)+nAfterDot+pad)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ---------------------
if signNeeded {
outArray[0] = MINUS // - minus sign
for i, j := nSign, readStart; i < nBeforeDot; i, j = i+1, j+1 {
outArray[i] = chars[j] // 123 before dot
if !isInteger {
outArray[nBeforeDot] = DOT // . dot
for i, j := nBeforeDot+1, afterDot; i < padStart; i, j = i+1, j+1 {
outArray[i] = chars[j] // 456 after dot
for i := padStart; i < padEnd; i++ {
outArray[i] = ZERO // 000 padding
return string(outArray)
// func (this *Exchange) _decimalToPrecision(x interface{}, roundingMode interface{}, numPrecisionDigits2 interface{}, countingMode2 interface{}, paddingMode2 interface{}) string {
// countingMode := countingMode2.(int)
// paddingMode := paddingMode2.(int)
// numPrecisionDigits := numPrecisionDigits2
// floatNumPrecisionDigits := numPrecisionDigits.(float64)
// if countingMode == TICK_SIZE {
// // if numPrecisionDigitsStr, ok := strconv.Itoa(numPrecisionDigits); ok {
// // numPrecisionDigits, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(numPrecisionDigitsStr, 64)
// // }
// if numPrecisionDigits.(float64) <= 0 {
// return ""
// }
// }
// if floatNumPrecisionDigits < 0 {
// toNearest := math.Pow(10, float64(-floatNumPrecisionDigits))
// if roundingMode == ROUND {
// return this.DecimalToPrecision(x.(float64)/toNearest*toNearest, roundingMode, 0, countingMode, paddingMode)
// }
// if roundingMode == TRUNCATE {
// return fmt.Sprintf("%v", x.(float64)-math.Mod(x.(float64), toNearest))
// }
// }
// str := this.NumberToString(x)
// isNegative := str[0] == '-'
// strStart := 0
// if isNegative {
// strStart = 1
// }
// strEnd := len(str)
// var strDot int
// // hasDot := false
// for strDot = 0; strDot < strEnd; strDot++ {
// if str[strDot] == '.' {
// // hasDot = true
// break
// }
// }
// chars := make([]uint8, strEnd-strStart)
// chars[0] = '0'
// afterDot := len(chars)
// digitsStart, digitsEnd := -1, -1
// for i, j := 1, strStart; j < strEnd; j, i = j+1, i+1 {
// c := str[j]
// if c == '.' {
// afterDot = i
// i--
// } else {
// chars[i] = c
// if c != '0' && digitsStart < 0 {
// digitsStart = i
// }
// }
// }
// if digitsStart < 0 {
// digitsStart = 1
// }
// precisionStart := afterDot
// if countingMode == SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS {
// precisionStart = digitsStart
// }
// precisionEnd := precisionStart + numPrecisionDigits
// digitsEnd = -1
// allZeros := true
// signNeeded := isNegative
// for i, memo := len(chars)-1, 0; i >= 0; i-- {
// c := chars[i]
// if i != 0 {
// c += uint8(memo)
// if i >= (precisionStart + numPrecisionDigits) {
// ceil := (roundingMode == ROUND) && (c >= '5') && !(c == '5' && memo != 0)
// if ceil {
// c = '0'
// } else {
// c = '0'
// }
// }
// if c > '9' {
// c = '0'
// memo = 1
// } else {
// memo = 0
// }
// } else if memo != 0 {
// c = '1'
// }
// chars[i] = c
// if c != '0' {
// allZeros = false
// digitsStart = i
// if digitsEnd < 0 {
// digitsEnd = i + 1
// }
// }
// }
// if countingMode == SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS {
// precisionStart = digitsStart
// precisionEnd = precisionStart + numPrecisionDigits
// }
// if allZeros {
// signNeeded = false
// }
// readStart := afterDot - 1
// if digitsStart < afterDot || !allZeros {
// readStart = digitsStart
// }
// readEnd := afterDot
// if digitsEnd >= afterDot {
// readEnd = digitsEnd
// }
// nSign := 0
// if signNeeded {
// nSign = 1
// }
// nBeforeDot := nSign + (afterDot - readStart)
// nAfterDot := readEnd - afterDot
// actualLength := readEnd - readStart
// desiredLength := actualLength
// if paddingMode != NO_PADDING {
// desiredLength = precisionEnd - readStart
// }
// pad := desiredLength - actualLength
// // padStart := nBeforeDot + 1 + nAfterDot
// // padEnd := padStart + pad
// isInteger := nAfterDot+pad == 0
// out := make([]uint8, nBeforeDot)
// if !isInteger {
// out = append(out, '.')
// }
// out = append(out, chars[readStart:readEnd]...)
// for i := 0; i < pad; i++ {
// out = append(out, '0')
// }
// if signNeeded {
// return fmt.Sprintf("-%s", string(out))
// }
// return string(out)
// }
// func (this *Exchange) omitZero(stringNumber string) string {
// if stringNumber == "" {
// return ""
// }
// num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(stringNumber, 64)
// if err != nil || num == 0 {
// return ""
// }
// return stringNumber
// }