package ccxt // PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, IT IS GENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN: // type mexc struct { Exchange } func NewMexcCore() mexc { p := mexc{} setDefaults(&p) return p } func (this *mexc) Describe() interface{} { return this.DeepExtend(this.Exchange.Describe(), map[string]interface{} { "id": "mexc", "name": "MEXC Global", "countries": []interface{}{"SC"}, "rateLimit": 50, "version": "v3", "certified": true, "pro": true, "has": map[string]interface{} { "CORS": nil, "spot": true, "margin": true, "swap": true, "future": false, "option": false, "addMargin": true, "borrowCrossMargin": false, "borrowIsolatedMargin": false, "borrowMargin": false, "cancelAllOrders": true, "cancelOrder": true, "cancelOrders": nil, "closeAllPositions": false, "closePosition": false, "createDepositAddress": true, "createMarketBuyOrderWithCost": true, "createMarketOrderWithCost": true, "createMarketSellOrderWithCost": true, "createOrder": true, "createOrders": true, "createPostOnlyOrder": true, "createReduceOnlyOrder": true, "createStopLimitOrder": true, "createStopMarketOrder": true, "createStopOrder": true, "createTriggerOrder": true, "deposit": nil, "editOrder": nil, "fetchAccounts": true, "fetchBalance": true, "fetchBidsAsks": true, "fetchBorrowInterest": false, "fetchBorrowRate": false, "fetchBorrowRateHistories": false, "fetchBorrowRateHistory": false, "fetchBorrowRates": false, "fetchBorrowRatesPerSymbol": false, "fetchCanceledOrders": true, "fetchClosedOrder": nil, "fetchClosedOrders": true, "fetchCrossBorrowRate": false, "fetchCrossBorrowRates": false, "fetchCurrencies": true, "fetchDeposit": nil, "fetchDepositAddress": true, "fetchDepositAddresses": nil, "fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork": true, "fetchDeposits": true, "fetchDepositWithdrawFee": "emulated", "fetchDepositWithdrawFees": true, "fetchFundingHistory": true, "fetchFundingInterval": true, "fetchFundingIntervals": false, "fetchFundingRate": true, "fetchFundingRateHistory": true, "fetchFundingRates": false, "fetchIndexOHLCV": true, "fetchIsolatedBorrowRate": false, "fetchIsolatedBorrowRates": false, "fetchIsolatedPositions": false, "fetchL2OrderBook": true, "fetchLedger": nil, "fetchLedgerEntry": nil, "fetchLeverage": true, "fetchLeverages": false, "fetchLeverageTiers": true, "fetchMarginAdjustmentHistory": false, "fetchMarginMode": false, "fetchMarketLeverageTiers": "emulated", "fetchMarkets": true, "fetchMarkOHLCV": true, "fetchMyTrades": true, "fetchOHLCV": true, "fetchOpenInterest": false, "fetchOpenInterestHistory": false, "fetchOpenOrder": nil, "fetchOpenOrders": true, "fetchOrder": true, "fetchOrderBook": true, "fetchOrderBooks": nil, "fetchOrders": true, "fetchOrderTrades": true, "fetchPosition": "emulated", "fetchPositionHistory": "emulated", "fetchPositionMode": true, "fetchPositions": true, "fetchPositionsHistory": true, "fetchPositionsRisk": nil, "fetchPremiumIndexOHLCV": false, "fetchStatus": true, "fetchTicker": true, "fetchTickers": true, "fetchTime": true, "fetchTrades": true, "fetchTradingFee": true, "fetchTradingFees": false, "fetchTradingLimits": nil, "fetchTransactionFee": "emulated", "fetchTransactionFees": true, "fetchTransactions": nil, "fetchTransfer": true, "fetchTransfers": true, "fetchWithdrawal": nil, "fetchWithdrawals": true, "reduceMargin": true, "repayCrossMargin": false, "repayIsolatedMargin": false, "setLeverage": true, "setMarginMode": true, "setPositionMode": true, "signIn": nil, "transfer": nil, "withdraw": true, }, "urls": map[string]interface{} { "logo": "", "api": map[string]interface{} { "spot": map[string]interface{} { "public": "", "private": "", }, "spot2": map[string]interface{} { "public": "", "private": "", }, "contract": map[string]interface{} { "public": "", "private": "", }, "broker": map[string]interface{} { "private": "", }, }, "www": "", "doc": []interface{}{""}, "fees": []interface{}{""}, "referral": "", }, "api": map[string]interface{} { "spot": map[string]interface{} { "public": map[string]interface{} { "get": map[string]interface{} { "ping": 1, "time": 1, "exchangeInfo": 10, "depth": 1, "trades": 5, "historicalTrades": 1, "aggTrades": 1, "klines": 1, "avgPrice": 1, "ticker/24hr": 1, "ticker/price": 1, "ticker/bookTicker": 1, "etf/info": 1, }, }, "private": map[string]interface{} { "get": map[string]interface{} { "order": 2, "openOrders": 3, "allOrders": 10, "account": 10, "myTrades": 10, "tradeFee": 10, "sub-account/list": 1, "sub-account/apiKey": 1, "capital/config/getall": 10, "capital/deposit/hisrec": 1, "capital/withdraw/history": 1, "capital/withdraw/address": 10, "capital/deposit/address": 10, "capital/transfer": 1, "capital/transfer/tranId": 1, "capital/transfer/internal": 1, "capital/sub-account/universalTransfer": 1, "capital/convert": 1, "capital/convert/list": 1, "margin/loan": 1, "margin/allOrders": 1, "margin/myTrades": 1, "margin/openOrders": 1, "margin/maxTransferable": 1, "margin/priceIndex": 1, "margin/order": 1, "margin/isolated/account": 1, "margin/maxBorrowable": 1, "margin/repay": 1, "margin/isolated/pair": 1, "margin/forceLiquidationRec": 1, "margin/isolatedMarginData": 1, "margin/isolatedMarginTier": 1, "rebate/taxQuery": 1, "rebate/detail": 1, "rebate/detail/kickback": 1, "rebate/referCode": 1, "rebate/affiliate/commission": 1, "rebate/affiliate/withdraw": 1, "rebate/affiliate/commission/detail": 1, "mxDeduct/enable": 1, "userDataStream": 1, "selfSymbols": 1, }, "post": map[string]interface{} { "order": 1, "order/test": 1, "sub-account/virtualSubAccount": 1, "sub-account/apiKey": 1, "sub-account/futures": 1, "sub-account/margin": 1, "batchOrders": 10, "capital/withdraw/apply": 1, "capital/withdraw": 1, "capital/transfer": 1, "capital/transfer/internal": 1, "capital/deposit/address": 1, "capital/sub-account/universalTransfer": 1, "capital/convert": 10, "mxDeduct/enable": 1, "userDataStream": 1, }, "put": map[string]interface{} { "userDataStream": 1, }, "delete": map[string]interface{} { "order": 1, "openOrders": 1, "sub-account/apiKey": 1, "margin/order": 1, "margin/openOrders": 1, "userDataStream": 1, "capital/withdraw": 1, }, }, }, "contract": map[string]interface{} { "public": map[string]interface{} { "get": map[string]interface{} { "ping": 2, "detail": 100, "support_currencies": 2, "depth/{symbol}": 2, "depth_commits/{symbol}/{limit}": 2, "index_price/{symbol}": 2, "fair_price/{symbol}": 2, "funding_rate/{symbol}": 2, "kline/{symbol}": 2, "kline/index_price/{symbol}": 2, "kline/fair_price/{symbol}": 2, "deals/{symbol}": 2, "ticker": 2, "risk_reverse": 2, "risk_reverse/history": 2, "funding_rate/history": 2, }, }, "private": map[string]interface{} { "get": map[string]interface{} { "account/assets": 2, "account/asset/{currency}": 2, "account/transfer_record": 2, "position/list/history_positions": 2, "position/open_positions": 2, "position/funding_records": 2, "position/position_mode": 2, "order/list/open_orders/{symbol}": 2, "order/list/history_orders": 2, "order/external/{symbol}/{external_oid}": 2, "order/get/{order_id}": 2, "order/batch_query": 8, "order/deal_details/{order_id}": 2, "order/list/order_deals": 2, "planorder/list/orders": 2, "stoporder/list/orders": 2, "stoporder/order_details/{stop_order_id}": 2, "account/risk_limit": 2, "account/tiered_fee_rate": 2, "position/leverage": 2, }, "post": map[string]interface{} { "position/change_margin": 2, "position/change_leverage": 2, "position/change_position_mode": 2, "order/submit": 2, "order/submit_batch": 40, "order/cancel": 2, "order/cancel_with_external": 2, "order/cancel_all": 2, "account/change_risk_level": 2, "planorder/place": 2, "planorder/cancel": 2, "planorder/cancel_all": 2, "stoporder/cancel": 2, "stoporder/cancel_all": 2, "stoporder/change_price": 2, "stoporder/change_plan_price": 2, }, }, }, "spot2": map[string]interface{} { "public": map[string]interface{} { "get": map[string]interface{} { "market/symbols": 1, "market/coin/list": 2, "common/timestamp": 1, "common/ping": 2, "market/ticker": 1, "market/depth": 1, "market/deals": 1, "market/kline": 1, "market/api_default_symbols": 2, }, }, "private": map[string]interface{} { "get": map[string]interface{} { "account/info": 1, "order/open_orders": 1, "order/list": 1, "order/query": 1, "order/deals": 1, "order/deal_detail": 1, "asset/deposit/address/list": 2, "asset/deposit/list": 2, "asset/address/list": 2, "asset/withdraw/list": 2, "asset/internal/transfer/record": 10, "account/balance": 10, "asset/internal/transfer/info": 10, "market/api_symbols": 2, }, "post": map[string]interface{} { "order/place": 1, "order/place_batch": 1, "order/advanced/place_batch": 1, "asset/withdraw": 2, "asset/internal/transfer": 10, }, "delete": map[string]interface{} { "order/cancel": 1, "order/cancel_by_symbol": 1, "asset/withdraw": 2, }, }, }, "broker": map[string]interface{} { "private": map[string]interface{} { "get": map[string]interface{} { "sub-account/universalTransfer": 1, "sub-account/list": 1, "sub-account/apiKey": 1, "capital/deposit/subAddress": 1, "capital/deposit/subHisrec": 1, "capital/deposit/subHisrec/getall": 1, }, "post": map[string]interface{} { "sub-account/virtualSubAccount": 1, "sub-account/apiKey": 1, "capital/deposit/subAddress": 1, "capital/withdraw/apply": 1, "sub-account/universalTransfer": 1, "sub-account/futures": 1, }, "delete": map[string]interface{} { "sub-account/apiKey": 1, }, }, }, }, "precisionMode": TICK_SIZE, "timeframes": map[string]interface{} { "1m": "1m", "5m": "5m", "15m": "15m", "30m": "30m", "1h": "1h", "4h": "4h", "8h": "8h", "1d": "1d", "1w": "1w", "1M": "1M", }, "fees": map[string]interface{} { "trading": map[string]interface{} { "tierBased": false, "percentage": true, "maker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"), "taker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"), }, }, "options": map[string]interface{} { "adjustForTimeDifference": false, "timeDifference": 0, "unavailableContracts": map[string]interface{} { "BTC/USDT:USDT": true, "LTC/USDT:USDT": true, "ETH/USDT:USDT": true, }, "fetchMarkets": map[string]interface{} { "types": map[string]interface{} { "spot": true, "swap": map[string]interface{} { "linear": true, "inverse": false, }, }, }, "timeframes": map[string]interface{} { "spot": map[string]interface{} { "1m": "1m", "5m": "5m", "15m": "15m", "30m": "30m", "1h": "60m", "4h": "4h", "1d": "1d", "1w": "1W", "1M": "1M", }, "swap": map[string]interface{} { "1m": "Min1", "5m": "Min5", "15m": "Min15", "30m": "Min30", "1h": "Min60", "4h": "Hour4", "8h": "Hour8", "1d": "Day1", "1w": "Week1", "1M": "Month1", }, }, "defaultType": "spot", "defaultNetwork": "ETH", "defaultNetworks": map[string]interface{} { "ETH": "ETH", "USDT": "ERC20", "USDC": "ERC20", "BTC": "BTC", "LTC": "LTC", }, "networks": map[string]interface{} { "ZKSYNC": "ZKSYNCERA", "TRC20": "TRX", "TON": "TONCOIN", "AVAXC": "AVAX_CCHAIN", "ERC20": "ETH", "ACA": "ACALA", "BEP20": "BSC", "OPTIMISM": "OP", "ASTR": "ASTAR", "BTM": "BTM2", "CRC20": "CRONOS", "ETHF": "ETF", "HRC20": "HECO", "OASIS": "ROSE", "OKC": "OKT", "RSK": "RBTC", }, "networksById": map[string]interface{} { "BNB Smart Chain(BEP20-RACAV1)": "BSC", "BNB Smart Chain(BEP20-RACAV2)": "BSC", "BNB Smart Chain(BEP20)": "BSC", }, "recvWindow": Multiply(5, 1000), "maxTimeTillEnd": Subtract(Multiply(Multiply(90, 86400), 1000), 1), "broker": "CCXT", }, "features": map[string]interface{} { "default": map[string]interface{} { "sandbox": false, "createOrder": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": true, "triggerPrice": false, "triggerDirection": false, "triggerPriceType": map[string]interface{} { "last": false, "mark": false, "index": false, }, "stopLossPrice": false, "takeProfitPrice": false, "attachedStopLossTakeProfit": nil, "timeInForce": map[string]interface{} { "IOC": true, "FOK": true, "PO": true, "GTD": false, }, "hedged": true, "trailing": false, "leverage": true, "marketBuyByCost": true, "marketBuyRequiresPrice": false, "selfTradePrevention": false, "iceberg": false, }, "createOrders": map[string]interface{} { "max": 20, }, "fetchMyTrades": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, "limit": 100, "daysBack": 30, "untilDays": nil, "symbolRequired": true, }, "fetchOrder": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, "trigger": false, "trailing": false, "symbolRequired": true, }, "fetchOpenOrders": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": true, "limit": nil, "trigger": false, "trailing": false, "symbolRequired": true, }, "fetchOrders": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": true, "limit": 1000, "daysBack": 7, "untilDays": 7, "trigger": false, "trailing": false, "symbolRequired": true, }, "fetchClosedOrders": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": true, "limit": 1000, "daysBack": 7, "daysBackCanceled": 7, "untilDays": 7, "trigger": false, "trailing": false, "symbolRequired": true, }, "fetchOHLCV": map[string]interface{} { "limit": 1000, }, }, "spot": map[string]interface{} { "extends": "default", }, "forDerivs": map[string]interface{} { "extends": "default", "createOrder": map[string]interface{} { "triggerPrice": true, "triggerPriceType": map[string]interface{} { "last": true, "mark": true, "index": true, }, "triggerDirection": true, "stopLossPrice": false, "takeProfitPrice": false, "hedged": true, "leverage": true, "marketBuyByCost": false, }, "createOrders": nil, "fetchMyTrades": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, "limit": 100, "daysBack": 90, "untilDays": 90, }, "fetchOrder": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, }, "fetchOpenOrders": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, "limit": 100, "trigger": true, "trailing": false, }, "fetchOrders": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, "limit": 100, "daysBack": 90, "untilDays": 90, "trigger": true, "trailing": false, }, "fetchClosedOrders": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, "limit": 100, "daysBack": 90, "daysBackCanceled": nil, "untilDays": 90, "trigger": true, "trailing": false, }, "fetchOHLCV": map[string]interface{} { "limit": 2000, }, }, "swap": map[string]interface{} { "linear": map[string]interface{} { "extends": "forDerivs", }, "inverse": map[string]interface{} { "extends": "forDerivs", }, }, "future": map[string]interface{} { "linear": nil, "inverse": nil, }, }, "commonCurrencies": map[string]interface{} { "BEYONDPROTOCOL": "BEYOND", "BIFI": "BIFIF", "BYN": "BEYONDFI", "COFI": "COFIX", "DFI": "DFISTARTER", "DFT": "DFUTURE", "DRK": "DRK", "EGC": "EGORASCREDIT", "FLUX1": "FLUX", "FLUX": "FLUX1", "FREE": "FREEROSSDAO", "GAS": "GASDAO", "GASNEO": "GAS", "GMT": "GMTTOKEN", "STEPN": "GMT", "HERO": "STEPHERO", "MIMO": "MIMOSA", "PROS": "PROSFINANCE", "SIN": "SINCITYTOKEN", "SOUL": "SOULSWAP", }, "exceptions": map[string]interface{} { "exact": map[string]interface{} { "-1128": BadRequest, "-2011": BadRequest, "-1121": BadSymbol, "10101": InsufficientFunds, "2009": InvalidOrder, "2011": BadRequest, "30004": InsufficientFunds, "33333": BadRequest, "44444": BadRequest, "1002": InvalidOrder, "30019": BadRequest, "30005": InvalidOrder, "2003": InvalidOrder, "2005": InsufficientFunds, "400": BadRequest, "600": BadRequest, "70011": PermissionDenied, "88004": InsufficientFunds, "88009": ExchangeError, "88013": InvalidOrder, "88015": InsufficientFunds, "700003": InvalidNonce, "26": ExchangeError, "602": AuthenticationError, "10001": AuthenticationError, "10007": BadSymbol, "10015": BadRequest, "10072": BadRequest, "10073": BadRequest, "10095": InvalidOrder, "10096": InvalidOrder, "10097": InvalidOrder, "10098": InvalidOrder, "10099": BadRequest, "10100": BadRequest, "10102": InvalidOrder, "10103": ExchangeError, "10200": BadRequest, "10201": BadRequest, "10202": BadRequest, "10206": BadRequest, "10211": BadRequest, "10212": BadRequest, "10216": ExchangeError, "10219": ExchangeError, "10222": BadRequest, "10232": BadRequest, "10259": ExchangeError, "10265": ExchangeError, "10268": BadRequest, "20001": ExchangeError, "20002": ExchangeError, "22222": BadRequest, "30000": ExchangeError, "30001": InvalidOrder, "30002": InvalidOrder, "30003": InvalidOrder, "30010": InvalidOrder, "30014": InvalidOrder, "30016": InvalidOrder, "30018": AccountSuspended, "30020": AuthenticationError, "30021": BadRequest, "30025": InvalidOrder, "30026": BadRequest, "30027": InvalidOrder, "30028": InvalidOrder, "30029": InvalidOrder, "30032": InvalidOrder, "30041": InvalidOrder, "60005": ExchangeError, "700001": AuthenticationError, "700002": AuthenticationError, "700004": BadRequest, "700005": InvalidNonce, "700006": BadRequest, "700007": AuthenticationError, "700008": BadRequest, "700013": AuthenticationError, "730001": BadRequest, "730002": BadRequest, "730000": ExchangeError, "730003": ExchangeError, "730100": ExchangeError, "730600": BadRequest, "730601": BadRequest, "730602": BadRequest, "730700": BadRequest, "730701": BadRequest, "730702": BadRequest, "730703": BadRequest, "730704": BadRequest, "730705": BadRequest, "730706": BadRequest, "730707": BadRequest, "730101": BadRequest, "140001": BadRequest, "140002": AuthenticationError, }, "broad": map[string]interface{} { "Order quantity error, please try to modify.": BadRequest, "Combination of optional parameters invalid": BadRequest, "api market order is disabled": BadRequest, "Contract not allow place order!": InvalidOrder, "Oversold": InsufficientFunds, "Insufficient position": InsufficientFunds, "Insufficient balance!": InsufficientFunds, "Bid price is great than max allow price": InvalidOrder, "Invalid symbol.": BadSymbol, "Param error!": BadRequest, "maintenance": OnMaintenance, }, }, }) } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchStatus * @description the latest known information on the availability of the exchange API * @see * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [status structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchStatus(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchStatus", nil, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) var response interface{} = nil var status interface{} = nil var updated interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { response = (<-this.SpotPublicGetPing(query)) PanicOnError(response) // // {} // var keys interface{} = ObjectKeys(response) var length interface{} = GetArrayLength(keys) status = Ternary(IsTrue(length), this.Json(response), "ok") } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { response = (<-this.ContractPublicGetPing(query)) PanicOnError(response) // // {"success":true,"code":"0","data":"1648124374985"} // status = Ternary(IsTrue(this.SafeValue(response, "success")), "ok", this.Json(response)) updated = this.SafeInteger(response, "data") } ch <- map[string]interface{} { "status": status, "updated": updated, "url": nil, "eta": nil, "info": response, } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTime * @description fetches the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server * @see * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {int} the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server */ func (this *mexc) FetchTime(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchTime", nil, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { response = (<-this.SpotPublicGetTime(query)) PanicOnError(response) // // {"serverTime": "1647519277579"} // ch <- this.SafeInteger(response, "serverTime") return nil } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { response = (<-this.ContractPublicGetPing(query)) PanicOnError(response) // // {"success":true,"code":"0","data":"1648124374985"} // ch <- this.SafeInteger(response, "data") return nil } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchCurrencies * @description fetches all available currencies on an exchange * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an associative dictionary of currencies */ func (this *mexc) FetchCurrencies(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) // this endpoint requires authentication // while fetchCurrencies is a public API method by design // therefore we check the keys here // and fallback to generating the currencies from the markets params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params if !IsTrue(this.CheckRequiredCredentials(false)) { return nil } response:= (<-this.SpotPrivateGetCapitalConfigGetall(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "coin": "QANX", // "name": "QANplatform", // "networkList": [ // { // "coin": "QANX", // "depositDesc": null, // "depositEnable": true, // "minConfirm": "0", // "name": "QANplatform", // "network": "BEP20(BSC)", // "withdrawEnable": false, // "withdrawFee": "42.000000000000000000", // "withdrawIntegerMultiple": null, // "withdrawMax": "24000000.000000000000000000", // "withdrawMin": "20.000000000000000000", // "sameAddress": false, // "contract": "0xAAA7A10a8ee237ea61E8AC46C50A8Db8bCC1baaa" // }, // { // "coin": "QANX", // "depositDesc": null, // "depositEnable": true, // "minConfirm": "0", // "name": "QANplatform", // "network": "ERC20", // "withdrawEnable": true, // "withdrawFee": "2732.000000000000000000", // "withdrawIntegerMultiple": null, // "withdrawMax": "24000000.000000000000000000", // "withdrawMin": "240.000000000000000000", // "sameAddress": false, // "contract": "0xAAA7A10a8ee237ea61E8AC46C50A8Db8bCC1baaa" // } // ] // } // var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(response)); i++ { var currency interface{} = GetValue(response, i) var id interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "coin") var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(id) var name interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "name") var currencyActive interface{} = false var currencyFee interface{} = nil var currencyWithdrawMin interface{} = nil var currencyWithdrawMax interface{} = nil var depositEnabled interface{} = false var withdrawEnabled interface{} = false var networks interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var chains interface{} = this.SafeValue(currency, "networkList", []interface{}{}) for j := 0; IsLessThan(j, GetArrayLength(chains)); j++ { var chain interface{} = GetValue(chains, j) var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString2(chain, "netWork", "network") var network interface{} = this.NetworkIdToCode(networkId) var isDepositEnabled interface{} = this.SafeBool(chain, "depositEnable", false) var isWithdrawEnabled interface{} = this.SafeBool(chain, "withdrawEnable", false) var active interface{} = (IsTrue(isDepositEnabled) && IsTrue(isWithdrawEnabled)) currencyActive = IsTrue(active) || IsTrue(currencyActive) var withdrawMin interface{} = this.SafeString(chain, "withdrawMin") var withdrawMax interface{} = this.SafeString(chain, "withdrawMax") currencyWithdrawMin = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(currencyWithdrawMin, nil))), withdrawMin, currencyWithdrawMin) currencyWithdrawMax = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(currencyWithdrawMax, nil))), withdrawMax, currencyWithdrawMax) var fee interface{} = this.SafeNumber(chain, "withdrawFee") currencyFee = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(currencyFee, nil))), fee, currencyFee) if IsTrue(Precise.StringGt(currencyWithdrawMin, withdrawMin)) { currencyWithdrawMin = withdrawMin } if IsTrue(Precise.StringLt(currencyWithdrawMax, withdrawMax)) { currencyWithdrawMax = withdrawMax } if IsTrue(isDepositEnabled) { depositEnabled = true } if IsTrue(isWithdrawEnabled) { withdrawEnabled = true } AddElementToObject(networks, network, map[string]interface{} { "info": chain, "id": networkId, "network": network, "active": active, "deposit": isDepositEnabled, "withdraw": isWithdrawEnabled, "fee": fee, "precision": nil, "limits": map[string]interface{} { "withdraw": map[string]interface{} { "min": withdrawMin, "max": withdrawMax, }, }, }) } var networkKeys interface{} = ObjectKeys(networks) var networkKeysLength interface{} = GetArrayLength(networkKeys) if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(networkKeysLength, 1))) || IsTrue((InOp(networks, "NONE")))) { var defaultNetwork interface{} = this.SafeValue2(networks, "NONE", Subtract(networkKeysLength, 1)) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(defaultNetwork, nil)) { currencyFee = GetValue(defaultNetwork, "fee") } } AddElementToObject(result, code, map[string]interface{} { "info": currency, "id": id, "code": code, "name": name, "active": currencyActive, "deposit": depositEnabled, "withdraw": withdrawEnabled, "fee": currencyFee, "precision": nil, "limits": map[string]interface{} { "amount": map[string]interface{} { "min": nil, "max": nil, }, "withdraw": map[string]interface{} { "min": currencyWithdrawMin, "max": currencyWithdrawMax, }, }, "networks": networks, }) } ch <- result return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchMarkets * @description retrieves data on all markets for mexc * @see * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} an array of objects representing market data */ func (this *mexc) FetchMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params if IsTrue(GetValue(this.Options, "adjustForTimeDifference")) { retRes118912 := (<-this.LoadTimeDifference()) PanicOnError(retRes118912) } var spotMarketPromise interface{} = this.FetchSpotMarkets(params) var swapMarketPromise interface{} = this.FetchSwapMarkets(params) spotMarketswapMarketVariable := (<-promiseAll([]interface{}{spotMarketPromise, swapMarketPromise})); spotMarket := GetValue(spotMarketswapMarketVariable,0); swapMarket := GetValue(spotMarketswapMarketVariable,1) ch <- this.ArrayConcat(spotMarket, swapMarket) return nil }() return ch } /** * @ignore * @method * @name mexc#fetchMarkets * @description retrieves data on all spot markets for mexc * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} an array of objects representing market data */ func (this *mexc) FetchSpotMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params response:= (<-this.SpotPublicGetExchangeInfo(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "timezone": "CST", // "serverTime": 1647521860402, // "rateLimits": [], // "exchangeFilters": [], // "symbols": [ // { // "symbol": "OGNUSDT", // "status": "1", // "baseAsset": "OGN", // "baseAssetPrecision": "2", // "quoteAsset": "USDT", // "quoteAssetPrecision": "4", // "orderTypes": [ // "LIMIT", // "LIMIT_MAKER" // ], // "baseCommissionPrecision": "2", // "quoteCommissionPrecision": "4", // "quoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed": false, // "isSpotTradingAllowed": true, // "isMarginTradingAllowed": true, // "permissions": [ // "SPOT", // "MARGIN" // ], // "filters": [], // "baseSizePrecision": "0.01", // this turned out to be a minimum base amount for order // "maxQuoteAmount": "5000000", // "makerCommission": "0.002", // "takerCommission": "0.002" // "quoteAmountPrecision": "5", // this turned out to be a minimum cost amount for order // "quotePrecision": "4", // deprecated in favor of 'quoteAssetPrecision' ( ) // // note, "icebergAllowed" & "ocoAllowed" fields were recently removed // }, // ] // } // // Notes: // - 'quoteAssetPrecision' & 'baseAssetPrecision' are not currency's real blockchain precision (to view currency's actual individual precision, refer to fetchCurrencies() method). // var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "symbols", []interface{}{}) var result interface{} = []interface{}{} for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(data)); i++ { var market interface{} = GetValue(data, i) var id interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "symbol") var baseId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "baseAsset") var quoteId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "quoteAsset") var base interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(baseId) var quote interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId) var status interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "status") var isSpotTradingAllowed interface{} = this.SafeValue(market, "isSpotTradingAllowed") var active interface{} = false if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(status, "1"))) && IsTrue((isSpotTradingAllowed))) { active = true } var isMarginTradingAllowed interface{} = this.SafeValue(market, "isMarginTradingAllowed") var makerCommission interface{} = this.SafeNumber(market, "makerCommission") var takerCommission interface{} = this.SafeNumber(market, "takerCommission") var maxQuoteAmount interface{} = this.SafeNumber(market, "maxQuoteAmount") AppendToArray(&result,map[string]interface{} { "id": id, "symbol": Add(Add(base, "/"), quote), "base": base, "quote": quote, "settle": nil, "baseId": baseId, "quoteId": quoteId, "settleId": nil, "type": "spot", "spot": true, "margin": isMarginTradingAllowed, "swap": false, "future": false, "option": false, "active": active, "contract": false, "linear": nil, "inverse": nil, "taker": takerCommission, "maker": makerCommission, "contractSize": nil, "expiry": nil, "expiryDatetime": nil, "strike": nil, "optionType": nil, "precision": map[string]interface{} { "amount": this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(market, "baseAssetPrecision"))), "price": this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(market, "quoteAssetPrecision"))), }, "limits": map[string]interface{} { "leverage": map[string]interface{} { "min": nil, "max": nil, }, "amount": map[string]interface{} { "min": this.SafeNumber(market, "baseSizePrecision"), "max": nil, }, "price": map[string]interface{} { "min": nil, "max": nil, }, "cost": map[string]interface{} { "min": this.SafeNumber(market, "quoteAmountPrecision"), "max": maxQuoteAmount, }, }, "created": nil, "info": market, }) } ch <- result return nil }() return ch } /** * @ignore * @method * @name mexc#fetchMarkets * @description retrieves data on all swap markets for mexc * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} an array of objects representing market data */ func (this *mexc) FetchSwapMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params var currentRl interface{} = this.RateLimit this.SetProperty(this, "rateLimit", 10) // see comment: response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetDetail(params)) PanicOnError(response) this.SetProperty(this, "rateLimit", currentRl) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":[ // { // "symbol":"BTC_USDT", // "displayName":"BTC_USDT永续", // "displayNameEn":"BTC_USDT SWAP", // "positionOpenType":3, // "baseCoin":"BTC", // "quoteCoin":"USDT", // "settleCoin":"USDT", // "contractSize":0.0001, // "minLeverage":1, // "maxLeverage":125, // "priceScale":2, // seems useless atm, as it's just how UI shows the price, i.e. 29583.50 for BTC/USDT:USDT, while price ticksize is 0.5 // "volScale":0, // probably: contract amount precision // "amountScale":4, // probably: quote currency precision // "priceUnit":0.5, // price tick size // "volUnit":1, // probably: contract tick size // "minVol":1, // "maxVol":1000000, // "bidLimitPriceRate":0.1, // "askLimitPriceRate":0.1, // "takerFeeRate":0.0006, // "makerFeeRate":0.0002, // "maintenanceMarginRate":0.004, // "initialMarginRate":0.008, // "riskBaseVol":10000, // "riskIncrVol":200000, // "riskIncrMmr":0.004, // "riskIncrImr":0.004, // "riskLevelLimit":5, // "priceCoefficientVariation":0.1, // "indexOrigin":["BINANCE","GATEIO","HUOBI","MXC"], // "state":0, // 0 enabled, 1 delivery, 2 completed, 3 offline, 4 pause // "isNew":false, // "isHot":true, // "isHidden":false // }, // ] // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data", []interface{}{}) var result interface{} = []interface{}{} for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(data)); i++ { var market interface{} = GetValue(data, i) var id interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "symbol") var baseId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "baseCoin") var quoteId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "quoteCoin") var settleId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "settleCoin") var base interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(baseId) var quote interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId) var settle interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(settleId) var state interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "state") var isLinear interface{} = IsEqual(quote, settle) AppendToArray(&result,map[string]interface{} { "id": id, "symbol": Add(Add(Add(Add(base, "/"), quote), ":"), settle), "base": base, "quote": quote, "settle": settle, "baseId": baseId, "quoteId": quoteId, "settleId": settleId, "type": "swap", "spot": false, "margin": false, "swap": true, "future": false, "option": false, "active": (IsEqual(state, "0")), "contract": true, "linear": isLinear, "inverse": !IsTrue(isLinear), "taker": this.SafeNumber(market, "takerFeeRate"), "maker": this.SafeNumber(market, "makerFeeRate"), "contractSize": this.SafeNumber(market, "contractSize"), "expiry": nil, "expiryDatetime": nil, "strike": nil, "optionType": nil, "precision": map[string]interface{} { "amount": this.SafeNumber(market, "volUnit"), "price": this.SafeNumber(market, "priceUnit"), }, "limits": map[string]interface{} { "leverage": map[string]interface{} { "min": this.SafeNumber(market, "minLeverage"), "max": this.SafeNumber(market, "maxLeverage"), }, "amount": map[string]interface{} { "min": this.SafeNumber(market, "minVol"), "max": this.SafeNumber(market, "maxVol"), }, "price": map[string]interface{} { "min": nil, "max": nil, }, "cost": map[string]interface{} { "min": nil, "max": nil, }, }, "created": nil, "info": market, }) } ch <- result return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchOrderBook * @see * @see * @description fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of order book entries to return * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} A dictionary of [order book structures]{@link} indexed by market symbols */ func (this *mexc) FetchOrderBook(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes14628 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes14628) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) } var orderbook interface{} = nil if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { response:= (<-this.SpotPublicGetDepth(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "lastUpdateId": "744267132", // "bids": [ // ["40838.50","0.387864"], // ["40837.95","0.008400"], // ], // "asks": [ // ["40838.61","6.544908"], // ["40838.88","0.498000"], // ] // } // var spotTimestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(response, "timestamp") orderbook = this.ParseOrderBook(response, symbol, spotTimestamp) AddElementToObject(orderbook, "nonce", this.SafeInteger(response, "lastUpdateId")) } else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) { response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetDepthSymbol(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":{ // "asks":[ // [3445.72,48379,1], // [3445.75,34994,1], // ], // "bids":[ // [3445.55,44081,1], // [3445.51,24857,1], // ], // "version":2827730444, // "timestamp":1634117846232 // } // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data") var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(data, "timestamp") orderbook = this.ParseOrderBook(data, symbol, timestamp) AddElementToObject(orderbook, "nonce", this.SafeInteger(data, "version")) } ch <- orderbook return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseBidAsk(bidask interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { priceKey := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, 0) _ = priceKey amountKey := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, 1) _ = amountKey countOrIdKey := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, 2) _ = countOrIdKey var countKey interface{} = 2 var price interface{} = this.SafeNumber(bidask, priceKey) var amount interface{} = this.SafeNumber(bidask, amountKey) var count interface{} = this.SafeNumber(bidask, countKey) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(count, nil)) { return []interface{}{price, amount, count} } return []interface{}{price, amount} } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTrades * @see * @see * @see * @description get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for * @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch * @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of trades to fetch * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {int} [params.until] *spot only* *since must be defined* the latest time in ms to fetch entries for * @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchTrades(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes15438 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes15438) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) } var trades interface{} = nil if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { var until interface{} = this.SafeIntegerN(params, []interface{}{"endTime", "until"}) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since) if IsTrue(IsEqual(until, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchTrades() requires an until parameter when since is provided"))) } } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(until, nil)) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(since, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchTrades() requires a since parameter when until is provided"))) } AddElementToObject(request, "endTime", until) } var method interface{} = this.SafeString(this.Options, "fetchTradesMethod", "spotPublicGetAggTrades") method = this.SafeString(params, "method", method) // AggTrades, HistoricalTrades, Trades params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"method"}) if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "spotPublicGetAggTrades")) { trades = (<-this.SpotPublicGetAggTrades(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(trades) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "spotPublicGetHistoricalTrades")) { trades = (<-this.SpotPublicGetHistoricalTrades(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(trades) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "spotPublicGetTrades")) { trades = (<-this.SpotPublicGetTrades(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(trades) } else { panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchTrades() not support this method"))) } } else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) { response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetDealsSymbol(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0, // "data": [ // { // "p": 31199, // "v": 18, // "T": 1, // "O": 3, // "M": 2, // "t": 1609831235985 // }, // ] // } // trades = this.SafeValue(response, "data") } ch <- this.ParseTrades(trades, market, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseTrade(trade interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var id interface{} = nil var timestamp interface{} = nil var orderId interface{} = nil var symbol interface{} = nil var fee interface{} = nil var typeVar interface{} = nil var side interface{} = nil var takerOrMaker interface{} = nil var priceString interface{} = nil var amountString interface{} = nil var costString interface{} = nil // if swap if IsTrue(InOp(trade, "v")) { // // swap: fetchTrades // // { // "p": 31199, // "v": 18, // "T": 1, // "O": 3, // "M": 2, // "t": 1609831235985 // } // timestamp = this.SafeInteger(trade, "t") market = this.SafeMarket(nil, market) symbol = GetValue(market, "symbol") priceString = this.SafeString(trade, "p") amountString = this.SafeString(trade, "v") side = this.ParseOrderSide(this.SafeString(trade, "T")) takerOrMaker = "taker" } else { // // spot: fetchTrades (for aggTrades) // // { // "a": null, // "f": null, // "l": null, // "p": "40679", // "q": "0.001309", // "T": 1647551328000, // "m": true, // "M": true // } // // spot: fetchMyTrades, fetchOrderTrades // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "id": "133948532984922113", // "orderId": "133948532531949568", // "orderListId": "-1", // "price": "41995.51", // "qty": "0.0002", // "quoteQty": "8.399102", // "commission": "0.016798204", // "commissionAsset": "USDT", // "time": "1647718055000", // "isBuyer": true, // "isMaker": false, // "isBestMatch": true // } // // swap: fetchMyTrades, fetchOrderTrades // // { // "id": "299444585", // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "side": "1", // "vol": "1", // "price": "2.45455", // "feeCurrency": "USDT", // "fee": "0.00147273", // "timestamp": "1648924557000", // "profit": "0", // "category": "1", // "orderId": "265307163526610432", // "positionMode": "1", // "taker": true // } // var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "symbol") market = this.SafeMarket(marketId, market) symbol = GetValue(market, "symbol") id = this.SafeString2(trade, "id", "a") priceString = this.SafeString2(trade, "price", "p") orderId = this.SafeString(trade, "orderId") // if swap if IsTrue(InOp(trade, "positionMode")) { timestamp = this.SafeInteger(trade, "timestamp") amountString = this.SafeString(trade, "vol") side = this.ParseOrderSide(this.SafeString(trade, "side")) fee = map[string]interface{} { "cost": this.SafeString(trade, "fee"), "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(this.SafeString(trade, "feeCurrency")), } takerOrMaker = Ternary(IsTrue(this.SafeValue(trade, "taker")), "taker", "maker") } else { timestamp = this.SafeInteger2(trade, "time", "T") amountString = this.SafeString2(trade, "qty", "q") costString = this.SafeString(trade, "quoteQty") var isBuyer interface{} = this.SafeValue(trade, "isBuyer") var isMaker interface{} = this.SafeValue(trade, "isMaker") var buyerMaker interface{} = this.SafeValue2(trade, "isBuyerMaker", "m") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(isMaker, nil)) { takerOrMaker = Ternary(IsTrue(isMaker), "maker", "taker") } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(isBuyer, nil)) { side = Ternary(IsTrue(isBuyer), "buy", "sell") } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(buyerMaker, nil)) { side = Ternary(IsTrue(buyerMaker), "sell", "buy") takerOrMaker = "taker" } var feeAsset interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "commissionAsset") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeAsset, nil)) { fee = map[string]interface{} { "cost": this.SafeString(trade, "commission"), "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(feeAsset), } } } } if IsTrue(IsEqual(id, nil)) { id = this.SyntheticTradeId(market, timestamp, side, amountString, priceString, typeVar, takerOrMaker) } return this.SafeTrade(map[string]interface{} { "id": id, "order": orderId, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "symbol": symbol, "type": typeVar, "side": side, "takerOrMaker": takerOrMaker, "price": priceString, "amount": amountString, "cost": costString, "fee": fee, "info": trade, }, market) } func (this *mexc) SyntheticTradeId(optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // TODO: can be unified method? this approach is being used by multiple exchanges (mexc, woo-coinsbit, dydx, ...) market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market timestamp := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = timestamp side := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = side amount := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil) _ = amount price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 4, nil) _ = price orderType := GetArg(optionalArgs, 5, nil) _ = orderType takerOrMaker := GetArg(optionalArgs, 6, nil) _ = takerOrMaker var id interface{} = "" if IsTrue(!IsEqual(timestamp, nil)) { id = Add(Add(this.NumberToString(timestamp), "-"), this.SafeString(market, "id", "_")) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(side, nil)) { id = Add(id, Add("-", side)) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(amount, nil)) { id = Add(id, Add("-", this.NumberToString(amount))) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(price, nil)) { id = Add(id, Add("-", this.NumberToString(price))) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(takerOrMaker, nil)) { id = Add(id, Add("-", takerOrMaker)) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(orderType, nil)) { id = Add(id, Add("-", orderType)) } } return id } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchOHLCV * @see * @see * @description fetches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for * @param {string} timeframe the length of time each candle represents * @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch * @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of candles to fetch * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {int} [params.until] timestamp in ms of the latest candle to fetch * @param {boolean} [params.paginate] default false, when true will automatically paginate by calling this endpoint multiple times. See in the docs all the [availble parameters]( * @returns {int[][]} A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume */ func (this *mexc) FetchOHLCV(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) timeframe := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "1m") _ = timeframe since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes18178 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes18178) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var maxLimit interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((GetValue(market, "spot"))), 1000, 2000) var paginate interface{} = false paginateparamsVariable := this.HandleOptionAndParams(params, "fetchOHLCV", "paginate", false); paginate = GetValue(paginateparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(paginateparamsVariable,1) if IsTrue(paginate) { retRes182319 := (<-this.FetchPaginatedCallDeterministic("fetchOHLCV", symbol, since, limit, timeframe, params, maxLimit)) PanicOnError(retRes182319) ch <- retRes182319 return nil } var options interface{} = this.SafeValue(this.Options, "timeframes", map[string]interface{} {}) var timeframes interface{} = this.SafeValue(options, GetValue(market, "type"), map[string]interface{} {}) var timeframeValue interface{} = this.SafeString(timeframes, timeframe) var duration interface{} = Multiply(this.ParseTimeframe(timeframe), 1000) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), "interval": timeframeValue, } var candles interface{} = nil if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { var until interface{} = this.SafeIntegerN(params, []interface{}{"until", "endTime"}) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since) if IsTrue(IsEqual(until, nil)) { // we have to calculate it assuming we can get at most 2000 entries per request var end interface{} = this.Sum(since, Multiply(maxLimit, duration)) var now interface{} = this.Milliseconds() AddElementToObject(request, "endTime", mathMin(end, now)) } } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(until, nil)) { params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"until"}) AddElementToObject(request, "endTime", until) } response:= (<-this.SpotPublicGetKlines(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // [ // 1640804880000, // "47482.36", // "47482.36", // "47416.57", // "47436.1", // "3.550717", // 1640804940000, // "168387.3" // ], // ] // candles = response } else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) { var until interface{} = this.SafeIntegerProductN(params, []interface{}{"until", "endTime"}, 0.001) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "start", this.ParseToInt(Divide(since, 1000))) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(until, nil)) { params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"until"}) AddElementToObject(request, "end", until) } var priceType interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "price", "default") params = this.Omit(params, "price") var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(priceType, "default")) { response = (<-this.ContractPublicGetKlineSymbol(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(priceType, "index")) { response = (<-this.ContractPublicGetKlineIndexPriceSymbol(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(priceType, "mark")) { response = (<-this.ContractPublicGetKlineFairPriceSymbol(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } else { panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchOHLCV() not support this price type, [default, index, mark]"))) } // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":{ // "time":[1634052300,1634052360,1634052420], // "open":[3492.2,3491.3,3495.65], // "close":[3491.3,3495.65,3495.2], // "high":[3495.85,3496.55,3499.4], // "low":[3491.15,3490.9,3494.2], // "vol":[1740.0,351.0,314.0], // "amount":[60793.623,12260.4885,10983.1375], // } // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data") candles = this.ConvertTradingViewToOHLCV(data, "time", "open", "high", "low", "close", "vol") } ch <- this.ParseOHLCVs(candles, market, timeframe, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseOHLCV(ohlcv interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market return []interface{}{this.SafeInteger(ohlcv, 0), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 1), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 2), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 3), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 4), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 5)} } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTickers * @description fetches price tickers for multiple markets, statistical information calculated over the past 24 hours for each market * @see * @see * @param {string[]|undefined} symbols unified symbols of the markets to fetch the ticker for, all market tickers are returned if not assigned * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a dictionary of [ticker structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchTickers(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbols params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes19328 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes19328) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var market interface{} = nil var isSingularMarket interface{} = false if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbols, nil)) { var length interface{} = GetArrayLength(symbols) isSingularMarket = IsEqual(length, 1) var firstSymbol interface{} = this.SafeString(symbols, 0) market = this.Market(firstSymbol) } marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchTickers", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) var tickers interface{} = nil if IsTrue(isSingularMarket) { AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { tickers = (<-this.SpotPublicGetTicker24hr(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(tickers) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetTicker(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":[ // { // "symbol":"ETH_USDT", // "lastPrice":3581.3, // "bid1":3581.25, // "ask1":3581.5, // "volume24":4045530, // "amount24":141331823.5755, // "holdVol":5832946, // "lower24Price":3413.4, // "high24Price":3588.7, // "riseFallRate":0.0275, // "riseFallValue":95.95, // "indexPrice":3580.7852, // "fairPrice":3581.08, // "fundingRate":0.000063, // "maxBidPrice":3938.85, // "minAskPrice":3222.7, // "timestamp":1634162885016 // }, // ] // } // tickers = this.SafeValue(response, "data", []interface{}{}) } // when it's single symbol request, the returned structure is different (singular object) for both spot & swap, thus we need to wrap inside array if IsTrue(isSingularMarket) { tickers = []interface{}{tickers} } ch <- this.ParseTickers(tickers, symbols) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTicker * @description fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [ticker structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchTicker(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes20228 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes20228) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchTicker", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) var ticker interface{} = nil var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { ticker = (<-this.SpotPublicGetTicker24hr(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(ticker) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetTicker(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":{ // "symbol":"ETH_USDT", // "lastPrice":3581.3, // "bid1":3581.25, // "ask1":3581.5, // "volume24":4045530, // "amount24":141331823.5755, // "holdVol":5832946, // "lower24Price":3413.4, // "high24Price":3588.7, // "riseFallRate":0.0275, // "riseFallValue":95.95, // "indexPrice":3580.7852, // "fairPrice":3581.08, // "fundingRate":0.000063, // "maxBidPrice":3938.85, // "minAskPrice":3222.7, // "timestamp":1634162885016 // } // } // ticker = this.SafeValue(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {}) } // when it's single symbol request, the returned structure is different (singular object) for both spot & swap, thus we need to wrap inside array ch <- this.ParseTicker(ticker, market) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseTicker(ticker interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(ticker, "symbol") market = this.SafeMarket(marketId, market) var timestamp interface{} = nil var bid interface{} = nil var ask interface{} = nil var bidVolume interface{} = nil var askVolume interface{} = nil var baseVolume interface{} = nil var quoteVolume interface{} = nil var open interface{} = nil var high interface{} = nil var low interface{} = nil var changePcnt interface{} = nil var changeValue interface{} = nil var prevClose interface{} = nil var isSwap interface{} = this.SafeValue(market, "swap") // if swap if IsTrue(IsTrue(isSwap) || IsTrue((InOp(ticker, "timestamp")))) { // // { // "symbol": "ETH_USDT", // "lastPrice": 3581.3, // "bid1": 3581.25, // "ask1": 3581.5, // "volume24": 4045530, // "amount24": 141331823.5755, // "holdVol": 5832946, // "lower24Price": 3413.4, // "high24Price": 3588.7, // "riseFallRate": 0.0275, // "riseFallValue": 95.95, // "indexPrice": 3580.7852, // "fairPrice": 3581.08, // "fundingRate": 0.000063, // "maxBidPrice": 3938.85, // "minAskPrice": 3222.7, // "timestamp": 1634162885016 // } // timestamp = this.SafeInteger(ticker, "timestamp") bid = this.SafeString(ticker, "bid1") ask = this.SafeString(ticker, "ask1") baseVolume = this.SafeString(ticker, "volume24") quoteVolume = this.SafeString(ticker, "amount24") high = this.SafeString(ticker, "high24Price") low = this.SafeString(ticker, "lower24Price") changeValue = this.SafeString(ticker, "riseFallValue") changePcnt = this.SafeString(ticker, "riseFallRate") changePcnt = Precise.StringMul(changePcnt, "100") } else { // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "priceChange": "184.34", // "priceChangePercent": "0.00400048", // "prevClosePrice": "46079.37", // "lastPrice": "46263.71", // "lastQty": "", // "bidPrice": "46260.38", // "bidQty": "", // "askPrice": "46260.41", // "askQty": "", // "openPrice": "46079.37", // "highPrice": "47550.01", // "lowPrice": "45555.5", // "volume": "1732.461487", // "quoteVolume": null, // "openTime": 1641349500000, // "closeTime": 1641349582808, // "count": null // } // timestamp = this.SafeInteger(ticker, "closeTime") bid = this.SafeString(ticker, "bidPrice") ask = this.SafeString(ticker, "askPrice") bidVolume = this.SafeString(ticker, "bidQty") askVolume = this.SafeString(ticker, "askQty") if IsTrue(Precise.StringEq(bidVolume, "0")) { bidVolume = nil } if IsTrue(Precise.StringEq(askVolume, "0")) { askVolume = nil } baseVolume = this.SafeString(ticker, "volume") quoteVolume = this.SafeString(ticker, "quoteVolume") open = this.SafeString(ticker, "openPrice") high = this.SafeString(ticker, "highPrice") low = this.SafeString(ticker, "lowPrice") prevClose = this.SafeString(ticker, "prevClosePrice") changeValue = this.SafeString(ticker, "priceChange") changePcnt = this.SafeString(ticker, "priceChangePercent") changePcnt = Precise.StringMul(changePcnt, "100") } return this.SafeTicker(map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"), "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "open": open, "high": high, "low": low, "close": this.SafeString(ticker, "lastPrice"), "bid": bid, "bidVolume": bidVolume, "ask": ask, "askVolume": askVolume, "vwap": nil, "previousClose": prevClose, "change": changeValue, "percentage": changePcnt, "average": nil, "baseVolume": baseVolume, "quoteVolume": quoteVolume, "info": ticker, }, market) } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchBidsAsks * @description fetches the bid and ask price and volume for multiple markets * @see * @param {string[]|undefined} symbols unified symbols of the markets to fetch the bids and asks for, all markets are returned if not assigned * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a dictionary of [ticker structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchBidsAsks(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbols params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes22138 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes22138) var market interface{} = nil var isSingularMarket interface{} = false if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbols, nil)) { var length interface{} = GetArrayLength(symbols) isSingularMarket = IsEqual(length, 1) market = this.Market(GetValue(symbols, 0)) } marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchBidsAsks", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) var tickers interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { tickers = (<-this.SpotPublicGetTickerBookTicker(query)) PanicOnError(tickers) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { panic(NotSupported(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchBidsAsks() is not available for "), marketType), " markets"))) } // when it's single symbol request, the returned structure is different (singular object) for both spot & swap, thus we need to wrap inside array if IsTrue(isSingularMarket) { tickers = []interface{}{tickers} } ch <- this.ParseTickers(tickers, symbols) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#createMarketBuyOrderWithCost * @description create a market buy order by providing the symbol and cost * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in * @param {float} cost how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CreateMarketBuyOrderWithCost(symbol interface{}, cost interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes22578 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes22578) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " createMarketBuyOrderWithCost() supports spot orders only"))) } AddElementToObject(params, "cost", cost) retRes226315 := (<-this.CreateOrder(symbol, "market", "buy", 0, nil, params)) PanicOnError(retRes226315) ch <- retRes226315 return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#createMarketSellOrderWithCost * @description create a market sell order by providing the symbol and cost * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in * @param {float} cost how much you want to trade in units of the quote currency * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CreateMarketSellOrderWithCost(symbol interface{}, cost interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes22778 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes22778) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " createMarketBuyOrderWithCost() supports spot orders only"))) } AddElementToObject(params, "cost", cost) retRes228315 := (<-this.CreateOrder(symbol, "market", "sell", 0, nil, params)) PanicOnError(retRes228315) ch <- retRes228315 return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#createOrder * @description create a trade order * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in * @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit' * @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell' * @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency * @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported for spot-margin trading * @param {float} [params.triggerPrice] The price at which a trigger order is triggered at * @param {bool} [params.postOnly] if true, the order will only be posted if it will be a maker order * @param {bool} [params.reduceOnly] *contract only* indicates if this order is to reduce the size of a position * @param {bool} [params.hedged] *swap only* true for hedged mode, false for one way mode, default is false * @param {string} [params.timeInForce] 'IOC' or 'FOK', default is 'GTC' * EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS * @param {int} [params.leverage] *contract only* leverage is necessary on isolated margin * @param {long} [params.positionId] *contract only* it is recommended to fill in this parameter when closing a position * @param {string} [params.externalOid] *contract only* external order ID * @param {int} [params.positionMode] *contract only* 1:hedge, 2:one-way, default: the user's current config * @param {boolean} [params.test] *spot only* whether to use the test endpoint or not, default is false * @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CreateOrder(symbol interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = price params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes23148 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes23148) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) marginModequeryVariable := this.HandleMarginModeAndParams("createOrder", params); marginMode := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,1) if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { retRes231819 := (<-this.CreateSpotOrder(market, typeVar, side, amount, price, marginMode, query)) PanicOnError(retRes231819) ch <- retRes231819 return nil } else { retRes232019 := (<-this.CreateSwapOrder(market, typeVar, side, amount, price, marginMode, query)) PanicOnError(retRes232019) ch <- retRes232019 return nil } return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) CreateSpotOrderRequest(market interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = price marginMode := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = marginMode params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params var symbol interface{} = GetValue(market, "symbol") var orderSide interface{} = ToUpper(side) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), "side": orderSide, "type": ToUpper(typeVar), } if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "market")) { var cost interface{} = this.SafeNumber2(params, "cost", "quoteOrderQty") params = this.Omit(params, "cost") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(cost, nil)) { amount = cost AddElementToObject(request, "quoteOrderQty", this.CostToPrecision(symbol, amount)) } else { if IsTrue(IsEqual(price, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "quantity", this.AmountToPrecision(symbol, amount)) } else { var amountString interface{} = this.NumberToString(amount) var priceString interface{} = this.NumberToString(price) var quoteAmount interface{} = Precise.StringMul(amountString, priceString) amount = quoteAmount AddElementToObject(request, "quoteOrderQty", this.CostToPrecision(symbol, amount)) } } } else { AddElementToObject(request, "quantity", this.AmountToPrecision(symbol, amount)) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(price, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "price", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, price)) } var clientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "clientOrderId") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(clientOrderId, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "newClientOrderId", clientOrderId) params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"type", "clientOrderId"}) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, nil)) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " createOrder() does not support marginMode "), marginMode), " for spot-margin trading"))) } } var postOnly interface{} = nil postOnlyparamsVariable := this.HandlePostOnly(IsEqual(typeVar, "market"), IsEqual(typeVar, "LIMIT_MAKER"), params); postOnly = GetValue(postOnlyparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(postOnlyparamsVariable,1) if IsTrue(postOnly) { AddElementToObject(request, "type", "LIMIT_MAKER") } var tif interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "timeInForce") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(tif, nil)) { params = this.Omit(params, "timeInForce") if IsTrue(IsEqual(tif, "IOC")) { AddElementToObject(request, "type", "IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL") } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(tif, "FOK")) { AddElementToObject(request, "type", "FILL_OR_KILL") } } return this.Extend(request, params) } /** * @ignore * @method * @name mexc#createSpotOrder * @description create a trade order * @see * @param {string} market unified symbol of the market to create an order in * @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit' * @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell' * @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency * @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders * @param {string} [marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported for spot-margin trading * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {bool} [params.postOnly] if true, the order will only be posted if it will be a maker order * @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CreateSpotOrder(market interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = price marginMode := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = marginMode params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes23998 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes23998) var test interface{} = this.SafeBool(params, "test", false) params = this.Omit(params, "test") var request interface{} = this.CreateSpotOrderRequest(market, typeVar, side, amount, price, marginMode, params) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(test) { response = (<-this.SpotPrivatePostOrderTest(request)) PanicOnError(response) } else { response = (<-this.SpotPrivatePostOrder(request)) PanicOnError(response) } // // spot // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "123738410679123456", // "orderListId": -1 // } // // margin // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "762634301354414080", // "clientOrderId": null, // "isIsolated": true, // "transactTime": 1661992652132 // } // var order interface{} = this.ParseOrder(response, market) AddElementToObject(order, "side", side) AddElementToObject(order, "type", typeVar) if IsTrue(IsEqual(this.SafeString(order, "price"), nil)) { AddElementToObject(order, "price", price) } if IsTrue(IsEqual(this.SafeString(order, "amount"), nil)) { AddElementToObject(order, "amount", amount) } ch <- order return nil }() return ch } /** * @ignore * @method * @name mexc#createSwapOrder * @description create a trade order * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} market unified symbol of the market to create an order in * @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit' * @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell' * @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency * @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders * @param {string} [marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported for spot-margin trading * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {float} [params.triggerPrice] The price at which a trigger order is triggered at * @param {bool} [params.postOnly] if true, the order will only be posted if it will be a maker order * @param {bool} [params.reduceOnly] indicates if this order is to reduce the size of a position * @param {bool} [params.hedged] *swap only* true for hedged mode, false for one way mode, default is false * * EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS * @param {int} [params.leverage] leverage is necessary on isolated margin * @param {long} [params.positionId] it is recommended to fill in this parameter when closing a position * @param {string} [params.externalOid] external order ID * @param {int} [params.positionMode] 1:hedge, 2:one-way, default: the user's current config * @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CreateSwapOrder(market interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = price marginMode := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = marginMode params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes24688 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes24688) var symbol interface{} = GetValue(market, "symbol") var unavailableContracts interface{} = this.SafeValue(this.Options, "unavailableContracts", map[string]interface{} {}) var isContractUnavaiable interface{} = this.SafeBool(unavailableContracts, symbol, false) if IsTrue(isContractUnavaiable) { panic(NotSupported(Add(Add(this.Id, " createSwapOrder() does not support yet this symbol:"), symbol))) } var openType interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, nil)) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(marginMode, "cross")) { openType = 2 } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) { openType = 1 } else { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " createSwapOrder() marginMode parameter should be either \"cross\" or \"isolated\""))) } } else { openType = this.SafeInteger(params, "openType", 2) // defaulting to cross margin } if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, "limit"))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, "market")))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 1)))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 2)))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 3)))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 4)))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 5)))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 6)))) { panic(InvalidOrder(Add(this.Id, " createSwapOrder() order type must either limit, market, or 1 for limit orders, 2 for post-only orders, 3 for IOC orders, 4 for FOK orders, 5 for market orders or 6 to convert market price to current price"))) } var postOnly interface{} = nil postOnlyparamsVariable := this.HandlePostOnly(IsEqual(typeVar, "market"), IsEqual(typeVar, 2), params); postOnly = GetValue(postOnlyparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(postOnlyparamsVariable,1) if IsTrue(postOnly) { typeVar = 2 } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "limit")) { typeVar = 1 } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "market")) { typeVar = 6 } var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), "vol": ParseFloat(this.AmountToPrecision(symbol, amount)), "type": typeVar, "openType": openType, } if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 5))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, 6)))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(typeVar, "market")))) { AddElementToObject(request, "price", ParseFloat(this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, price))) } if IsTrue(IsEqual(openType, 1)) { var leverage interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "leverage") if IsTrue(IsEqual(leverage, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " createSwapOrder() requires a leverage parameter for isolated margin orders"))) } } var reduceOnly interface{} = this.SafeBool(params, "reduceOnly", false) var hedged interface{} = this.SafeBool(params, "hedged", false) var sideInteger interface{} = nil if IsTrue(hedged) { if IsTrue(reduceOnly) { params = this.Omit(params, "reduceOnly") // hedged mode does not accept this parameter side = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(side, "buy"))), "sell", "buy") } sideInteger = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(side, "buy"))), 1, 3) AddElementToObject(request, "positionMode", 1) } else { if IsTrue(reduceOnly) { sideInteger = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(side, "buy"))), 2, 4) } else { sideInteger = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(side, "buy"))), 1, 3) } } AddElementToObject(request, "side", sideInteger) var clientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeString2(params, "clientOrderId", "externalOid") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(clientOrderId, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "externalOid", clientOrderId) } var triggerPrice interface{} = this.SafeNumber2(params, "triggerPrice", "stopPrice") params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"clientOrderId", "externalOid", "postOnly", "stopPrice", "triggerPrice", "hedged"}) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(triggerPrice) { AddElementToObject(request, "triggerPrice", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, triggerPrice)) AddElementToObject(request, "triggerType", this.SafeInteger(params, "triggerType", 1)) AddElementToObject(request, "executeCycle", this.SafeInteger(params, "executeCycle", 1)) AddElementToObject(request, "trend", this.SafeInteger(params, "trend", 1)) AddElementToObject(request, "orderType", this.SafeInteger(params, "orderType", 1)) response = (<-this.ContractPrivatePostPlanorderPlace(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } else { response = (<-this.ContractPrivatePostOrderSubmit(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } // // Swap // {"code":200,"data":"2ff3163e8617443cb9c6fc19d42b1ca4"} // // Trigger // {"success":true,"code":0,"data":259208506303929856} // var data interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "data") ch <- this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} { "id": data, }, market) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#createOrders * @description *spot only* *all orders must have the same symbol* create a list of trade orders * @see * @param {Array} orders list of orders to create, each object should contain the parameters required by createOrder, namely symbol, type, side, amount, price and params * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to api endpoint * @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CreateOrders(orders interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes25908 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes25908) var ordersRequests interface{} = []interface{}{} var symbol interface{} = nil for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(orders)); i++ { var rawOrder interface{} = GetValue(orders, i) var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(rawOrder, "symbol") var market interface{} = this.Market(marketId) if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " createOrders() is only supported for spot markets"))) } if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { symbol = marketId } else { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, marketId)) { panic(BadRequest(Add(this.Id, " createOrders() requires all orders to have the same symbol"))) } } var typeVar interface{} = this.SafeString(rawOrder, "type") var side interface{} = this.SafeString(rawOrder, "side") var amount interface{} = this.SafeValue(rawOrder, "amount") var price interface{} = this.SafeValue(rawOrder, "price") var orderParams interface{} = this.SafeValue(rawOrder, "params", map[string]interface{} {}) var marginMode interface{} = nil marginModeparamsVariable := this.HandleMarginModeAndParams("createOrder", params); marginMode = GetValue(marginModeparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(marginModeparamsVariable,1) var orderRequest interface{} = this.CreateSpotOrderRequest(market, typeVar, side, amount, price, marginMode, orderParams) AppendToArray(&ordersRequests,orderRequest) } var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "batchOrders": this.Json(ordersRequests), } response:= (<-this.SpotPrivatePostBatchOrders(request)) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "1196315350023612316", // "newClientOrderId": "hio8279hbdsds", // "orderListId": -1 // }, // { // "newClientOrderId": "123456", // "msg": "The minimum transaction volume cannot be less than:0.5USDT", // "code": 30002 // }, // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "1196315350023612318", // "orderListId": -1 // } // ] // ch <- this.ParseOrders(response) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchOrder * @description fetches information on an order made by the user * @see * @see * @param {string} id order id * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported, for spot-margin trading * @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrder() requires a symbol argument"))) } retRes26608 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes26608) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } var data interface{} = nil if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { var clientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "clientOrderId") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(clientOrderId, nil)) { params = this.Omit(params, "clientOrderId") AddElementToObject(request, "origClientOrderId", clientOrderId) } else { AddElementToObject(request, "orderId", id) } marginModequeryVariable := this.HandleMarginModeAndParams("fetchOrder", params); marginMode := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,1) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, nil)) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrder() does not support marginMode "), marginMode), " for spot-margin trading"))) } data = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetMarginOrder(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(data) } else { data = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetOrder(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(data) } } else if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "swap")) { AddElementToObject(request, "order_id", id) response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetOrderGetOrderId(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": { // "orderId": "264995729269765120", // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "positionId": "0", // "price": "2.2", // "vol": "15", // "leverage": "20", // "side": "1", // "category": "1", // "orderType": "1", // "dealAvgPrice": "0", // "dealVol": "0", // "orderMargin": "2.2528", // "takerFee": "0", // "makerFee": "0", // "profit": "0", // "feeCurrency": "USDT", // "openType": "1", // "state": "2", // "externalOid": "_m_0e9520c256744d64b942985189026d20", // "errorCode": "0", // "usedMargin": "0", // "createTime": "1648850305236", // "updateTime": "1648850305245", // "positionMode": "1" // } // } // data = this.SafeValue(response, "data") } ch <- this.ParseOrder(data, market) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchOrders * @description fetches information on multiple orders made by the user * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of order structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {int} [params.until] the latest time in ms to fetch orders for * @param {string} [params.marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported, for spot-margin trading * @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes27838 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes27838) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var market interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { market = this.Market(symbol) AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } var until interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "until") params = this.Omit(params, "until") marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchOrders", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrders() requires a symbol argument for spot market"))) } marginModequeryInnerVariable := this.HandleMarginModeAndParams("fetchOrders", params); marginMode := GetValue(marginModequeryInnerVariable,0); queryInner := GetValue(marginModequeryInnerVariable,1) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(until, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "endTime", until) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) } var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, nil)) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrders() does not support marginMode "), marginMode), " for spot-margin trading"))) } response = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetMarginAllOrders(this.Extend(request, queryInner))) PanicOnError(response) } else { response = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetAllOrders(this.Extend(request, queryInner))) PanicOnError(response) } // // spot // // [ // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "133949373632483328", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": null, // "price": "45000", // "origQty": "0.0002", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "NEW", // "timeInForce": null, // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "SELL", // "stopPrice": null, // "icebergQty": null, // "time": "1647718255000", // "updateTime": "1647718255000", // "isWorking": true, // "origQuoteOrderQty": "9" // }, // ] // // margin // // [ // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "763307297891028992", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": null, // "price": "18000", // "origQty": "0.0014", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "NEW", // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY", // "isIsolated": true, // "isWorking": true, // "time": 1662153107000, // "updateTime": 1662153107000 // } // ] // ch <- this.ParseOrders(response, market, since, limit) return nil } else { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "start_time", since) var end interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "end_time", until) if IsTrue(IsEqual(end, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "end_time", this.Sum(since, GetValue(this.Options, "maxTimeTillEnd"))) } else { if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan((Subtract(end, since)), GetValue(this.Options, "maxTimeTillEnd"))) { panic(BadRequest(Add(this.Id, " end is invalid, i.e. exceeds allowed 90 days."))) } else { AddElementToObject(request, "end_time", until) } } } else if IsTrue(!IsEqual(until, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "start_time", this.Sum(until, Multiply(GetValue(this.Options, "maxTimeTillEnd"), OpNeg(1)))) AddElementToObject(request, "end_time", until) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "page_size", limit) } var method interface{} = this.SafeString(this.Options, "fetchOrders", "contractPrivateGetOrderListHistoryOrders") method = this.SafeString(query, "method", method) var ordersOfRegular interface{} = []interface{}{} var ordersOfTrigger interface{} = []interface{}{} if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "contractPrivateGetOrderListHistoryOrders")) { response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetOrderListHistoryOrders(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": [ // { // "orderId": "265230764677709315", // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "positionId": "0", // "price": "2.1", // "vol": "102", // "leverage": "20", // "side": "1", // "category": "1", // "orderType": "1", // "dealAvgPrice": "0", // "dealVol": "0", // "orderMargin": "10.96704", // "takerFee": "0", // "makerFee": "0", // "profit": "0", // "feeCurrency": "USDT", // "openType": "1", // "state": "2", // "externalOid": "_m_7e42f8df6b324c869e4e200397e2b00f", // "errorCode": "0", // "usedMargin": "0", // "createTime": "1648906342000", // "updateTime": "1648906342000", // "positionMode": "1" // }, // ] // } // ordersOfRegular = this.SafeValue(response, "data") } else { // the Planorder endpoints work not only for stop-market orders, but also for stop-limit orders that were supposed to have a separate endpoint response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetPlanorderListOrders(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": [ // { // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "leverage": "20", // "side": "1", // "vol": "13", // "openType": "1", // "state": "1", // "orderType": "1", // "errorCode": "0", // "createTime": "1648984276000", // "updateTime": "1648984276000", // "id": "265557643326564352", // "triggerType": "1", // "triggerPrice": "3", // "price": "2.9", // not present in stop-market, but in stop-limit order // "executeCycle": "87600", // "trend": "1", // }, // ] // } // ordersOfTrigger = this.SafeValue(response, "data") } var merged interface{} = this.ArrayConcat(ordersOfTrigger, ordersOfRegular) ch <- this.ParseOrders(merged, market, since, limit, params) return nil } return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) FetchOrdersByIds(ids interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes29638 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes29638) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var market interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { market = this.Market(symbol) AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchOrdersByIds", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrdersByIds() is not supported for "), marketType))) } else { AddElementToObject(request, "order_ids", Join(ids, ",")) response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetOrderBatchQuery(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": [ // { // "orderId": "265230764677709315", // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "positionId": "0", // "price": "2.1", // "vol": "102", // "leverage": "20", // "side": "1", // "category": "1", // "orderType": "1", // "dealAvgPrice": "0", // "dealVol": "0", // "orderMargin": "10.96704", // "takerFee": "0", // "makerFee": "0", // "profit": "0", // "feeCurrency": "USDT", // "openType": "1", // "state": "2", // "externalOid": "_m_7e42f8df6b324c869e4e200397e2b00f", // "errorCode": "0", // "usedMargin": "0", // "createTime": "1648906342000", // "updateTime": "1648906342000", // "positionMode": "1" // } // ] // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data") ch <- this.ParseOrders(data, market) return nil } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchOpenOrders * @description fetch all unfilled currently open orders * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported, for spot-margin trading * @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchOpenOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes30308 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes30308) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var market interface{} = nil var marketType interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { market = this.Market(symbol) } marketTypeparamsVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchOpenOrders", market, params); marketType = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,1) if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOpenOrders() requires a symbol argument for spot market"))) } AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) marginModequeryVariable := this.HandleMarginModeAndParams("fetchOpenOrders", params); marginMode := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,1) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, nil)) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchOpenOrders() does not support marginMode "), marginMode), " for spot-margin trading"))) } response = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetMarginOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) } else { response = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) } // // spot // // [ // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "133949373632483328", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": "", // "price": "45000", // "origQty": "0.0002", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "NEW", // "timeInForce": null, // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "SELL", // "stopPrice": null, // "icebergQty": null, // "time": "1647718255199", // "updateTime": null, // "isWorking": true, // "origQuoteOrderQty": "9" // } // ] // // margin // // [ // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "764547676405633024", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": null, // "price": "18000", // "origQty": "0.0013", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "NEW", // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY", // "isIsolated": true, // "isWorking": true, // "time": 1662448836000, // "updateTime": 1662448836000 // } // ] // ch <- this.ParseOrders(response, market, since, limit) return nil } else { retRes310419 := (<-this.FetchOrdersByState(2, symbol, since, limit, params)) PanicOnError(retRes310419) // TO_DO: another possible way is through: open_orders/{symbol}, but as they have same ratelimits, and less granularity, i think historical orders are more convenient, as it supports more params (however, theoretically, open-orders endpoint might be sligthly fast) ch <- retRes310419 return nil } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchClosedOrders * @description fetches information on multiple closed orders made by the user * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of order structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchClosedOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes312215 := (<-this.FetchOrdersByState(3, symbol, since, limit, params)) PanicOnError(retRes312215) ch <- retRes312215 return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchCanceledOrders * @description fetches information on multiple canceled orders made by the user * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in * @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest order, default is undefined * @param {int} [limit] max number of orders to return, default is undefined * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a list of [order structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchCanceledOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes313915 := (<-this.FetchOrdersByState(4, symbol, since, limit, params)) PanicOnError(retRes313915) ch <- retRes313915 return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) FetchOrdersByState(state interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes31438 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes31438) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var market interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { market = this.Market(symbol) } marketTypeVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchOrdersByState", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypeVariable,0) if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { panic(NotSupported(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrdersByState() is not supported for "), marketType))) } else { AddElementToObject(request, "states", state) retRes315419 := (<-this.FetchOrders(symbol, since, limit, this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(retRes315419) ch <- retRes315419 return nil } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#cancelOrder * @description cancels an open order * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} id order id * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported for spot-margin trading * @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CancelOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes31728 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes31728) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var market interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { market = this.Market(symbol) AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } var marketType interface{} = nil marketTypeparamsVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("cancelOrder", market, params); marketType = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,1) marginModequeryVariable := this.HandleMarginModeAndParams("cancelOrder", params); marginMode := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,1) var data interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder() requires a symbol argument"))) } var requestInner interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } var clientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "clientOrderId") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(clientOrderId, nil)) { params = this.Omit(query, "clientOrderId") AddElementToObject(requestInner, "origClientOrderId", clientOrderId) } else { AddElementToObject(requestInner, "orderId", id) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, nil)) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder() does not support marginMode "), marginMode), " for spot-margin trading"))) } data = (<-this.SpotPrivateDeleteMarginOrder(this.Extend(requestInner, query))) PanicOnError(data) } else { data = (<-this.SpotPrivateDeleteOrder(this.Extend(requestInner, query))) PanicOnError(data) } } else { // TODO: PlanorderCancel endpoint has bug atm. waiting for fix. var method interface{} = this.SafeString(this.Options, "cancelOrder", "contractPrivatePostOrderCancel") // contractPrivatePostOrderCancel, contractPrivatePostPlanorderCancel method = this.SafeString(query, "method", method) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "contractPrivatePostOrderCancel")) { response = (<-this.ContractPrivatePostOrderCancel([]interface{}{id})) PanicOnError(response) // the request cannot be changed or extended. This is the only way to send. } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "contractPrivatePostPlanorderCancel")) { response = (<-this.ContractPrivatePostPlanorderCancel([]interface{}{id})) PanicOnError(response) // the request cannot be changed or extended. This is the only way to send. } else { panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder() not support this method"))) } // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": [ // { // "orderId": "264995729269765120", // "errorCode": "0", // if already canceled: "2041"; if doesn't exist: "2040" // "errorMsg": "success", // if already canceled: "order state cannot be cancelled"; if doesn't exist: "order not exist" // } // ] // } // data = this.SafeValue(response, "data") var order interface{} = this.SafeValue(data, 0) var errorMsg interface{} = this.SafeValue(order, "errorMsg", "") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(errorMsg, "success")) { panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder() the order with id "), id), " cannot be cancelled: "), errorMsg))) } } ch <- this.ParseOrder(data, market) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#cancelOrders * @description cancel multiple orders * @see * @param {string[]} ids order ids * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol, default is undefined * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an list of [order structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CancelOrders(ids interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes32858 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes32858) var market interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((!IsEqual(symbol, nil))), this.Market(symbol), nil) marketTypeVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("cancelOrders", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypeVariable,0) if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrders() is not supported for "), marketType))) } else { response:= (<-this.ContractPrivatePostOrderCancel(ids)) PanicOnError(response) // the request cannot be changed or extended. The only way to send. // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": [ // { // "orderId": "264995729269765120", // "errorCode": "0", // if already canceled: "2041" // "errorMsg": "success", // if already canceled: "order state cannot be cancelled" // }, // ] // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data") ch <- this.ParseOrders(data, market) return nil } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#cancelAllOrders * @description cancel all open orders * @see * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol, only orders in the market of this symbol are cancelled when symbol is not undefined * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.marginMode] only 'isolated' is supported for spot-margin trading * @returns {object[]} a list of [order structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CancelAllOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes33238 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes33238) var market interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((!IsEqual(symbol, nil))), this.Market(symbol), nil) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var marketType interface{} = nil marketTypeparamsVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("cancelAllOrders", market, params); marketType = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,1) marginModequeryVariable := this.HandleMarginModeAndParams("cancelAllOrders", params); marginMode := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marginModequeryVariable,1) if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " cancelAllOrders() requires a symbol argument on spot"))) } AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, nil)) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " cancelAllOrders() does not support marginMode "), marginMode), " for spot-margin trading"))) } response = (<-this.SpotPrivateDeleteMarginOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) } else { response = (<-this.SpotPrivateDeleteOpenOrders(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) } // // spot // // [ // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "133926492139692032", // "price": "30000", // "origQty": "0.0002", // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY" // }, // ] // // margin // // [ // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "762640232574226432", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": null, // "price": "18000", // "origQty": "0.00147", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "NEW", // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY", // "isIsolated": true, // "isWorking": true, // "time": 1661994066000, // "updateTime": 1661994066000 // } // ] // ch <- this.ParseOrders(response, market) return nil } else { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } // method can be either: contractPrivatePostOrderCancelAll or contractPrivatePostPlanorderCancelAll // the Planorder endpoints work not only for stop-market orders but also for stop-limit orders that are supposed to have separate endpoint var method interface{} = this.SafeString(this.Options, "cancelAllOrders", "contractPrivatePostOrderCancelAll") method = this.SafeString(query, "method", method) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "contractPrivatePostOrderCancelAll")) { response = (<-this.ContractPrivatePostOrderCancelAll(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "contractPrivatePostPlanorderCancelAll")) { response = (<-this.ContractPrivatePostPlanorderCancelAll(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) } // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0" // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{}) ch <- this.ParseOrders(data, market) return nil } return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseOrder(order interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // spot: createOrder // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "123738410679123456", // "orderListId": -1 // } // // margin: createOrder // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "762634301354414080", // "clientOrderId": null, // "isIsolated": true, // "transactTime": 1661992652132 // } // // spot: cancelOrder, cancelAllOrders // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "133926441921286144", // "price": "30000", // "origQty": "0.0002", // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY" // } // // margin: cancelOrder, cancelAllOrders // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "762640232574226432", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": null, // "price": "18000", // "origQty": "0.00147", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "NEW", // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY", // "isIsolated": true, // "isWorking": true, // "time": 1661994066000, // "updateTime": 1661994066000 // } // // spot: fetchOrder, fetchOpenOrders, fetchOrders // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "133734823834147272", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": null, // "price": "30000", // "origQty": "0.0002", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "CANCELED", // "timeInForce": null, // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY", // "stopPrice": null, // "icebergQty": null, // "time": "1647667102000", // "updateTime": "1647708567000", // "isWorking": true, // "origQuoteOrderQty": "6" // } // // margin: fetchOrder, fetchOrders // // { // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "orderId": "763307297891028992", // "orderListId": "-1", // "clientOrderId": null, // "price": "18000", // "origQty": "0.0014", // "executedQty": "0", // "cummulativeQuoteQty": "0", // "status": "NEW", // "type": "LIMIT", // "side": "BUY", // "isIsolated": true, // "isWorking": true, // "time": 1662153107000, // "updateTime": 1662153107000 // } // // swap: createOrder // // 2ff3163e8617443cb9c6fc19d42b1ca4 // // swap: fetchOrder, fetchOrders // // regular // { // "orderId": "264995729269765120", // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "positionId": "0", // "price": "2.2", // "vol": "15", // "leverage": "20", // "side": "1", // TODO: not unified // "category": "1", // "orderType": "1", // TODO: not unified // "dealAvgPrice": "0", // "dealVol": "0", // "orderMargin": "2.2528", // "takerFee": "0", // "makerFee": "0", // "profit": "0", // "feeCurrency": "USDT", // "openType": "1", // "state": "2", // TODO // "externalOid": "_m_0e9520c256744d64b942985189026d20", // "errorCode": "0", // "usedMargin": "0", // "createTime": "1648850305236", // "updateTime": "1648850305245", // "positionMode": "1" // } // // stop // { // "id": "265557643326564352", // "triggerType": "1", // "triggerPrice": "3", // "price": "2.9", // not present in stop-market, but in stop-limit order // "executeCycle": "87600", // "trend": "1", // // below keys are same as in regular order structure // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "leverage": "20", // "side": "1", // "vol": "13", // "openType": "1", // "state": "1", // "orderType": "1", // "errorCode": "0", // "createTime": "1648984276000", // "updateTime": "1648984276000", // } // // createOrders error // // { // "newClientOrderId": "123456", // "msg": "The minimum transaction volume cannot be less than:0.5USDT", // "code": 30002 // } // market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var code interface{} = this.SafeInteger(order, "code") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) { // error upon placing multiple orders return this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} { "info": order, "status": "rejected", "clientOrderId": this.SafeString(order, "newClientOrderId"), }) } var id interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsString(order)) { id = order } else { id = this.SafeString2(order, "orderId", "id") } var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "symbol") market = this.SafeMarket(marketId, market) var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeIntegerN(order, []interface{}{"time", "createTime", "transactTime"}) var fee interface{} = nil var feeCurrency interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "feeCurrency") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeCurrency, nil)) { var takerFee interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "takerFee") var makerFee interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "makerFee") var feeSum interface{} = Precise.StringAdd(takerFee, makerFee) fee = map[string]interface{} { "currency": feeCurrency, "cost": this.ParseNumber(feeSum), } } return this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} { "id": id, "clientOrderId": this.SafeString(order, "clientOrderId"), "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "lastTradeTimestamp": nil, "status": this.ParseOrderStatus(this.SafeString2(order, "status", "state")), "symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"), "type": this.ParseOrderType(this.SafeString(order, "type")), "timeInForce": this.ParseOrderTimeInForce(this.SafeString(order, "timeInForce")), "side": this.ParseOrderSide(this.SafeString(order, "side")), "price": this.SafeNumber(order, "price"), "triggerPrice": this.SafeNumber2(order, "stopPrice", "triggerPrice"), "average": this.SafeNumber(order, "dealAvgPrice"), "amount": this.SafeNumber2(order, "origQty", "vol"), "cost": this.SafeNumber(order, "cummulativeQuoteQty"), "filled": this.SafeNumber2(order, "executedQty", "dealVol"), "remaining": nil, "fee": fee, "trades": nil, "info": order, }, market) } func (this *mexc) ParseOrderSide(status interface{}) interface{} { var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "BUY": "buy", "SELL": "sell", "1": "buy", "2": "sell", } return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } func (this *mexc) ParseOrderType(status interface{}) interface{} { var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "MARKET": "market", "LIMIT": "limit", "LIMIT_MAKER": "limit", } return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } func (this *mexc) ParseOrderStatus(status interface{}) interface{} { var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "NEW": "open", "FILLED": "closed", "CANCELED": "canceled", "PARTIALLY_FILLED": "open", "PARTIALLY_CANCELED": "canceled", "2": "open", "3": "closed", "4": "canceled", } return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } func (this *mexc) ParseOrderTimeInForce(status interface{}) interface{} { var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "GTC": "GTC", "FOK": "FOK", "IOC": "IOC", } return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } func (this *mexc) FetchAccountHelper(typeVar interface{}, params interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "spot")) { retRes366319 := (<-this.SpotPrivateGetAccount(params)) PanicOnError(retRes366319) ch <- retRes366319 return nil } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "swap")) { response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetAccountAssets(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":[ // { // "currency":"BSV", // "positionMargin":0, // "availableBalance":0, // "cashBalance":0, // "frozenBalance":0, // "equity":0, // "unrealized":0, // "bonus":0 // }, // ] // } // ch <- this.SafeValue(response, "data") return nil } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchAccounts * @description fetch all the accounts associated with a profile * @see * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a dictionary of [account structures]{@link} indexed by the account type */ func (this *mexc) FetchAccounts(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) // TODO: is the below endpoints suitable for fetchAccounts? params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchAccounts", nil, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) retRes37298 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes37298) response:= (<-this.FetchAccountHelper(marketType, query)) PanicOnError(response) var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "balances", []interface{}{}) var result interface{} = []interface{}{} for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(data)); i++ { var account interface{} = GetValue(data, i) var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString2(account, "asset", "currency") var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId) AppendToArray(&result,map[string]interface{} { "id": this.SafeString(account, "id"), "type": this.SafeString(account, "type"), "code": code, "info": account, }) } ch <- result return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTradingFee * @description fetch the trading fees for a market * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [fee structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchTradingFee(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes37578 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes37578) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) if !IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(this.Id, " fetchTradingFee() supports spot markets only"))) } var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } response:= (<-this.SpotPrivateGetTradeFee(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "data":{ // "makerCommission":0.003000000000000000, // "takerCommission":0.003000000000000000 // }, // "code":0, // "msg":"success", // "timestamp":1669109672717 // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {}) ch <- map[string]interface{} { "info": data, "symbol": symbol, "maker": this.SafeNumber(data, "makerCommission"), "taker": this.SafeNumber(data, "takerCommission"), "percentage": nil, "tierBased": nil, } return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) CustomParseBalance(response interface{}, marketType interface{}) interface{} { // // spot // // { // "asset": "USDT", // "free": "0.000000000674", // "locked": "0" // } // // swap // // { // "currency": "BSV", // "positionMargin": 0, // "availableBalance": 0, // "cashBalance": 0, // "frozenBalance": 0, // "equity": 0, // "unrealized": 0, // "bonus": 0 // } // // margin // // { // "baseAsset": { // "asset": "BTC", // "borrowEnabled": true, // "borrowed": "0", // "free": "0", // "interest": "0", // "locked": "0", // "netAsset": "0", // "netAssetOfBtc": "0", // "repayEnabled": true, // "totalAsset": "0" // } // "quoteAsset": { // "asset": "USDT", // "borrowEnabled": true, // "borrowed": "0", // "free": "10", // "interest": "0", // "locked": "0", // "netAsset": "10", // "netAssetOfBtc": "0", // "repayEnabled": true, // "totalAsset": "10" // } // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "isolatedCreated": true, // "enabled": true, // "marginLevel": "999", // "marginRatio": "9", // "indexPrice": "16741.137068965517241379", // "liquidatePrice": "--", // "liquidateRate": "--", // "tradeEnabled": true // } // var wallet interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "margin")) { wallet = this.SafeValue(response, "assets", []interface{}{}) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { wallet = this.SafeValue(response, "data", []interface{}{}) } else { wallet = this.SafeValue(response, "balances", []interface{}{}) } var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "info": response, } if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "margin")) { for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(wallet)); i++ { var entry interface{} = GetValue(wallet, i) var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "symbol") var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId, nil) var base interface{} = this.SafeValue(entry, "baseAsset", map[string]interface{} {}) var quote interface{} = this.SafeValue(entry, "quoteAsset", map[string]interface{} {}) var baseCode interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(this.SafeString(base, "asset")) var quoteCode interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(this.SafeString(quote, "asset")) var subResult interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} AddElementToObject(subResult, baseCode, this.ParseBalanceHelper(base)) AddElementToObject(subResult, quoteCode, this.ParseBalanceHelper(quote)) AddElementToObject(result, symbol, this.SafeBalance(subResult)) } return result } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(wallet)); i++ { var entry interface{} = GetValue(wallet, i) var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "currency") var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId) var account interface{} = this.Account() AddElementToObject(account, "free", this.SafeString(entry, "availableBalance")) AddElementToObject(account, "used", this.SafeString(entry, "frozenBalance")) AddElementToObject(result, code, account) } return this.SafeBalance(result) } else { for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(wallet)); i++ { var entry interface{} = GetValue(wallet, i) var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "asset") var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId) var account interface{} = this.Account() AddElementToObject(account, "free", this.SafeString(entry, "free")) AddElementToObject(account, "used", this.SafeString(entry, "locked")) AddElementToObject(result, code, account) } return this.SafeBalance(result) } } func (this *mexc) ParseBalanceHelper(entry interface{}) interface{} { var account interface{} = this.Account() AddElementToObject(account, "used", this.SafeString(entry, "locked")) AddElementToObject(account, "free", this.SafeString(entry, "free")) AddElementToObject(account, "total", this.SafeString(entry, "totalAsset")) var debt interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "borrowed") var interest interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "interest") AddElementToObject(account, "debt", Precise.StringAdd(debt, interest)) return account } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchBalance * @description query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders * @see * @see * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.symbols] // required for margin, market id's separated by commas * @returns {object} a [balance structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchBalance(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes39218 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes39218) var marketType interface{} = nil var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} marketTypeparamsVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchBalance", nil, params); marketType = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,1) var marginMode interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "marginMode") var isMargin interface{} = this.SafeBool(params, "margin", false) params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"margin", "marginMode"}) var response interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(marginMode, nil))) || IsTrue((isMargin))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(marketType, "margin")))) { var parsedSymbols interface{} = nil var symbol interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "symbol") if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { var symbols interface{} = this.SafeValue(params, "symbols") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbols, nil)) { parsedSymbols = Join(this.MarketIds(symbols), ",") } } else { var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) parsedSymbols = GetValue(market, "id") } this.CheckRequiredArgument("fetchBalance", parsedSymbols, "symbol or symbols") marketType = "margin" AddElementToObject(request, "symbols", parsedSymbols) params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"symbol", "symbols"}) response = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetMarginIsolatedAccount(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { response = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetAccount(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { response = (<-this.ContractPrivateGetAccountAssets(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) } else { panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchBalance() not support this method"))) } // // spot // // { // "makerCommission": 0, // "takerCommission": 20, // "buyerCommission": 0, // "sellerCommission": 0, // "canTrade": true, // "canWithdraw": true, // "canDeposit": true, // "updateTime": null, // "accountType": "SPOT", // "balances": [ // { // "asset": "USDT", // "free": "0.000000000674", // "locked": "0" // }, // ], // "permissions": ["SPOT"] // } // // swap // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0, // "data": [ // { // "currency": "BSV", // "positionMargin": 0, // "availableBalance": 0, // "cashBalance": 0, // "frozenBalance": 0, // "equity": 0, // "unrealized": 0, // "bonus": 0 // }, // ] // } // // margin // // { // "assets": [ // { // "baseAsset": { // "asset": "BTC", // "borrowEnabled": true, // "borrowed": "0", // "free": "0", // "interest": "0", // "locked": "0", // "netAsset": "0", // "netAssetOfBtc": "0", // "repayEnabled": true, // "totalAsset": "0" // }, // "quoteAsset": { // "asset": "USDT", // "borrowEnabled": true, // "borrowed": "0", // "free": "10", // "interest": "0", // "locked": "0", // "netAsset": "10", // "netAssetOfBtc": "0", // "repayEnabled": true, // "totalAsset": "10" // }, // "symbol": "BTCUSDT", // "isolatedCreated": true, // "enabled": true, // "marginLevel": "999", // "marginRatio": "9", // "indexPrice": "16741.137068965517241379", // "liquidatePrice": "--", // "liquidateRate": "--", // "tradeEnabled": true // } // ] // } // ch <- this.CustomParseBalance(response, marketType) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchMyTrades * @description fetch all trades made by the user * @see * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {int} [params.until] the latest time in ms to fetch trades for * @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchMyTrades(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchMyTrades() requires a symbol argument"))) } retRes40578 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes40578) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var marketType interface{} = nil marketTypeparamsVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchMyTrades", market, params); marketType = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(marketTypeparamsVariable,1) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } var trades interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) } var until interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "until") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(until, nil)) { params = this.Omit(params, "until") AddElementToObject(request, "endTime", until) } trades = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetMyTrades(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(trades) } else { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "start_time", since) var end interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "end_time") if IsTrue(IsEqual(end, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "end_time", this.Sum(since, GetValue(this.Options, "maxTimeTillEnd"))) } } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "page_size", limit) } response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetOrderListOrderDeals(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": [ // { // "id": "299444585", // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "side": "1", // "vol": "1", // "price": "2.45455", // "feeCurrency": "USDT", // "fee": "0.00147273", // "timestamp": "1648924557000", // "profit": "0", // "category": "1", // "orderId": "265307163526610432", // "positionMode": "1", // "taker": true // } // ] // } // trades = this.SafeValue(response, "data") } ch <- this.ParseTrades(trades, market, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchOrderTrades * @description fetch all the trades made from a single order * @see * @see * @param {string} id order id * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of trades to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchOrderTrades(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes41538 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes41538) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var market interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { market = this.Market(symbol) } marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchOrderTrades", market, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) var trades interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrderTrades() requires a symbol argument"))) } AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) AddElementToObject(request, "orderId", id) trades = (<-this.SpotPrivateGetMyTrades(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(trades) } else { AddElementToObject(request, "order_id", id) response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetOrderDealDetailsOrderId(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": "0", // "data": [ // { // "id": "299444585", // "symbol": "STEPN_USDT", // "side": "1", // "vol": "1", // "price": "2.45455", // "feeCurrency": "USDT", // "fee": "0.00147273", // "timestamp": "1648924557000", // "profit": "0", // "category": "1", // "orderId": "265307163526610432", // "positionMode": "1", // "taker": true // } // ] // } // trades = this.SafeValue(response, "data") } ch <- this.ParseTrades(trades, market, since, limit, query) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ModifyMarginHelper(symbol interface{}, amount interface{}, addOrReduce interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params var positionId interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "positionId") if IsTrue(IsEqual(positionId, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " modifyMarginHelper() requires a positionId parameter"))) } retRes42258 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes42258) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "positionId": positionId, "amount": amount, "type": addOrReduce, } response:= (<-this.ContractPrivatePostPositionChangeMargin(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0 // } ch <- response return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#reduceMargin * @description remove margin from a position * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {float} amount the amount of margin to remove * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [margin structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) ReduceMargin(symbol interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes425115 := (<-this.ModifyMarginHelper(symbol, amount, "SUB", params)) PanicOnError(retRes425115) ch <- retRes425115 return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#addMargin * @description add margin * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {float} amount amount of margin to add * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [margin structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) AddMargin(symbol interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes426515 := (<-this.ModifyMarginHelper(symbol, amount, "ADD", params)) PanicOnError(retRes426515) ch <- retRes426515 return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#setLeverage * @description set the level of leverage for a market * @see * @param {float} leverage the rate of leverage * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} response from the exchange */ func (this *mexc) SetLeverage(leverage interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes42798 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes42798) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "leverage": leverage, } var positionId interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "positionId") if IsTrue(IsEqual(positionId, nil)) { var openType interface{} = this.SafeNumber(params, "openType") // 1 or 2 var positionType interface{} = this.SafeNumber(params, "positionType") // 1 or 2 var market interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((!IsEqual(symbol, nil))), this.Market(symbol), nil) if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(openType, nil))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(positionType, nil)))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(market, nil)))) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " setLeverage() requires a positionId parameter or a symbol argument with openType and positionType parameters, use openType 1 or 2 for isolated or cross margin respectively, use positionType 1 or 2 for long or short positions"))) } else { AddElementToObject(request, "openType", openType) AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) AddElementToObject(request, "positionType", positionType) } } else { AddElementToObject(request, "positionId", positionId) } retRes429815 := (<-this.ContractPrivatePostPositionChangeLeverage(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(retRes429815) ch <- retRes429815 return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchFundingHistory * @description fetch the history of funding payments paid and received on this account * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch funding history for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of funding history structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [funding history structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchFundingHistory(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes43138 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes43138) var market interface{} = nil var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { market = this.Market(symbol) AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "page_size", limit) } response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetPositionFundingRecords(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0, // "data": { // "pageSize": 20, // "totalCount": 2, // "totalPage": 1, // "currentPage": 1, // "resultList": [ // { // "id": 7423910, // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "positionType": 1, // "positionValue": 29.30024, // "funding": 0.00076180624, // "rate": -0.000026, // "settleTime": 1643299200000 // }, // { // "id": 7416473, // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "positionType": 1, // "positionValue": 28.9188, // "funding": 0.0014748588, // "rate": -0.000051, // "settleTime": 1643270400000 // } // ] // } // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {}) var resultList interface{} = this.SafeValue(data, "resultList", []interface{}{}) var result interface{} = []interface{}{} for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(resultList)); i++ { var entry interface{} = GetValue(resultList, i) var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(entry, "settleTime") AppendToArray(&result,map[string]interface{} { "info": entry, "symbol": symbol, "code": nil, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "id": this.SafeNumber(entry, "id"), "amount": this.SafeNumber(entry, "funding"), }) } ch <- result return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseFundingRate(contract interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "fundingRate": 0.000014, // "maxFundingRate": 0.003, // "minFundingRate": -0.003, // "collectCycle": 8, // "nextSettleTime": 1643241600000, // "timestamp": 1643240373359 // } // market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var nextFundingRate interface{} = this.SafeNumber(contract, "fundingRate") var nextFundingTimestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(contract, "nextSettleTime") var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(contract, "symbol") var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market, nil, "contract") var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(contract, "timestamp") var interval interface{} = this.SafeString(contract, "collectCycle") var intervalString interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(interval, nil)) { intervalString = Add(interval, "h") } return map[string]interface{} { "info": contract, "symbol": symbol, "markPrice": nil, "indexPrice": nil, "interestRate": nil, "estimatedSettlePrice": nil, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "fundingRate": nextFundingRate, "fundingTimestamp": nextFundingTimestamp, "fundingDatetime": this.Iso8601(nextFundingTimestamp), "nextFundingRate": nil, "nextFundingTimestamp": nil, "nextFundingDatetime": nil, "previousFundingRate": nil, "previousFundingTimestamp": nil, "previousFundingDatetime": nil, "interval": intervalString, } } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchFundingInterval * @description fetch the current funding rate interval * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [funding rate structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchFundingInterval(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes443415 := (<-this.FetchFundingRate(symbol, params)) PanicOnError(retRes443415) ch <- retRes443415 return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchFundingRate * @description fetch the current funding rate * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [funding rate structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchFundingRate(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes44478 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes44478) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetFundingRateSymbol(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0, // "data": { // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "fundingRate": 0.000014, // "maxFundingRate": 0.003, // "minFundingRate": -0.003, // "collectCycle": 8, // "nextSettleTime": 1643241600000, // "timestamp": 1643240373359 // } // } // var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {}) ch <- this.ParseFundingRate(result, market) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchFundingRateHistory * @description fetches historical funding rate prices * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the funding rate history for * @param {int} [since] not used by mexc, but filtered internally by ccxt * @param {int} [limit] mexc limit is page_size default 20, maximum is 100 * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [funding rate structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchFundingRateHistory(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchFundingRateHistory() requires a symbol argument"))) } retRes44878 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes44878) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "page_size", limit) } response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetFundingRateHistory(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0, // "data": { // "pageSize": 2, // "totalCount": 21, // "totalPage": 11, // "currentPage": 1, // "resultList": [ // { // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "fundingRate": 0.000266, // "settleTime": 1609804800000 // }, // { // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "fundingRate": 0.00029, // "settleTime": 1609776000000 // } // ] // } // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data") var result interface{} = this.SafeValue(data, "resultList", []interface{}{}) var rates interface{} = []interface{}{} for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(result)); i++ { var entry interface{} = GetValue(result, i) var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "symbol") var symbolInner interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId) var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(entry, "settleTime") AppendToArray(&rates,map[string]interface{} { "info": entry, "symbol": symbolInner, "fundingRate": this.SafeNumber(entry, "fundingRate"), "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), }) } var sorted interface{} = this.SortBy(rates, "timestamp") ch <- this.FilterBySymbolSinceLimit(sorted, GetValue(market, "symbol"), since, limit) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchLeverageTiers * @description retrieve information on the maximum leverage, and maintenance margin for trades of varying trade sizes, if a market has a leverage tier of 0, then the leverage tiers cannot be obtained for this market * @see * @param {string[]} [symbols] list of unified market symbols * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a dictionary of [leverage tiers structures]{@link}, indexed by market symbols */ func (this *mexc) FetchLeverageTiers(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbols params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes45528 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes45528) symbols = this.MarketSymbols(symbols, "swap", true, true) response:= (<-this.ContractPublicGetDetail(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":[ // { // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "displayName": "BTC_USDT永续", // "displayNameEn": "BTC_USDT SWAP", // "positionOpenType": 3, // "baseCoin": "BTC", // "quoteCoin": "USDT", // "settleCoin": "USDT", // "contractSize": 0.0001, // "minLeverage": 1, // "maxLeverage": 125, // "priceScale": 2, // "volScale": 0, // "amountScale": 4, // "priceUnit": 0.5, // "volUnit": 1, // "minVol": 1, // "maxVol": 1000000, // "bidLimitPriceRate": 0.1, // "askLimitPriceRate": 0.1, // "takerFeeRate": 0.0006, // "makerFeeRate": 0.0002, // "maintenanceMarginRate": 0.004, // "initialMarginRate": 0.008, // "riskBaseVol": 10000, // "riskIncrVol": 200000, // "riskIncrMmr": 0.004, // "riskIncrImr": 0.004, // "riskLevelLimit": 5, // "priceCoefficientVariation": 0.1, // "indexOrigin": ["BINANCE","GATEIO","HUOBI","MXC"], // "state": 0, // 0 enabled, 1 delivery, 2 completed, 3 offline, 4 pause // "isNew": false, // "isHot": true, // "isHidden": false // }, // ... // ] // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data") ch <- this.ParseLeverageTiers(data, symbols, "symbol") return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseMarketLeverageTiers(info interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // "symbol": "BTC_USDT", // "displayName": "BTC_USDT永续", // "displayNameEn": "BTC_USDT SWAP", // "positionOpenType": 3, // "baseCoin": "BTC", // "quoteCoin": "USDT", // "settleCoin": "USDT", // "contractSize": 0.0001, // "minLeverage": 1, // "maxLeverage": 125, // "priceScale": 2, // "volScale": 0, // "amountScale": 4, // "priceUnit": 0.5, // "volUnit": 1, // "minVol": 1, // "maxVol": 1000000, // "bidLimitPriceRate": 0.1, // "askLimitPriceRate": 0.1, // "takerFeeRate": 0.0006, // "makerFeeRate": 0.0002, // "maintenanceMarginRate": 0.004, // "initialMarginRate": 0.008, // "riskBaseVol": 10000, // "riskIncrVol": 200000, // "riskIncrMmr": 0.004, // "riskIncrImr": 0.004, // "riskLevelLimit": 5, // "priceCoefficientVariation": 0.1, // "indexOrigin": ["BINANCE","GATEIO","HUOBI","MXC"], // "state": 0, // 0 enabled, 1 delivery, 2 completed, 3 offline, 4 pause // "isNew": false, // "isHot": true, // "isHidden": false // } // market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "symbol") var maintenanceMarginRate interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "maintenanceMarginRate") var initialMarginRate interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "initialMarginRate") var maxVol interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "maxVol") var riskIncrVol interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "riskIncrVol") var riskIncrMmr interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "riskIncrMmr") var riskIncrImr interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "riskIncrImr") var floor interface{} = "0" var tiers interface{} = []interface{}{} var quoteId interface{} = this.SafeString(info, "quoteCoin") if IsTrue(IsEqual(riskIncrVol, "0")) { return []interface{}{map[string]interface{} { "tier": 0, "symbol": this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market, nil, "contract"), "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId), "minNotional": nil, "maxNotional": nil, "maintenanceMarginRate": nil, "maxLeverage": this.SafeNumber(info, "maxLeverage"), "info": info, }} } for Precise.StringLt(floor, maxVol) { var cap interface{} = Precise.StringAdd(floor, riskIncrVol) AppendToArray(&tiers,map[string]interface{} { "tier": this.ParseNumber(Precise.StringDiv(cap, riskIncrVol)), "symbol": this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market, nil, "contract"), "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId), "minNotional": this.ParseNumber(floor), "maxNotional": this.ParseNumber(cap), "maintenanceMarginRate": this.ParseNumber(maintenanceMarginRate), "maxLeverage": this.ParseNumber(Precise.StringDiv("1", initialMarginRate)), "info": info, }) initialMarginRate = Precise.StringAdd(initialMarginRate, riskIncrImr) maintenanceMarginRate = Precise.StringAdd(maintenanceMarginRate, riskIncrMmr) floor = cap } return tiers } func (this *mexc) ParseDepositAddress(depositAddress interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // coin: "USDT", // network: "BNB Smart Chain(BEP20)", // address: "0x0d48003e0c27c5de62b97c9b4cdb31fdd29da619", // memo: null // } // currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = currency var address interface{} = this.SafeString(depositAddress, "address") var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(depositAddress, "coin") var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString(depositAddress, "netWork") this.CheckAddress(address) return map[string]interface{} { "info": depositAddress, "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency), "network": this.NetworkIdToCode(networkId, currencyId), "address": address, "tag": this.SafeString(depositAddress, "memo"), } } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork * @description fetch a dictionary of addresses for a currency, indexed by network * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code of the currency for the deposit address * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a dictionary of [address structures]{@link} indexed by the network */ func (this *mexc) FetchDepositAddressesByNetwork(code interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes47188 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes47188) var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "coin": GetValue(currency, "id"), } var networkCode interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "network") var networkId interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkCode, nil)) { // createDepositAddress and fetchDepositAddress use a different network-id compared to withdraw var networkUnified interface{} = this.NetworkIdToCode(networkCode, code) var networks interface{} = this.SafeDict(currency, "networks", map[string]interface{} {}) if IsTrue(InOp(networks, networkUnified)) { var network interface{} = this.SafeDict(networks, networkUnified, map[string]interface{} {}) var networkInfo interface{} = this.SafeValue(network, "info", map[string]interface{} {}) networkId = this.SafeString(networkInfo, "network") } else { networkId = this.NetworkCodeToId(networkCode, code) } } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkId, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "network", networkId) } params = this.Omit(params, "network") response:= (<-this.SpotPrivateGetCapitalDepositAddress(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // { // coin: "USDT", // network: "BNB Smart Chain(BEP20)", // address: "0x0d48003e0c27c5de62b97c9b4cdb31fdd29da619", // memo: null // } // ... // ] // var addressStructures interface{} = this.ParseDepositAddresses(response, nil, false) ch <- this.IndexBy(addressStructures, "network") return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#createDepositAddress * @description create a currency deposit address * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code of the currency for the deposit address * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [] the blockchain network name * @returns {object} an [address structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) CreateDepositAddress(code interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes47688 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes47688) var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "coin": GetValue(currency, "id"), } var networkCode interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "network") if IsTrue(IsEqual(networkCode, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " createDepositAddress requires a `network` parameter"))) } // createDepositAddress and fetchDepositAddress use a different network-id compared to withdraw var networkId interface{} = nil var networkUnified interface{} = this.NetworkIdToCode(networkCode, code) var networks interface{} = this.SafeDict(currency, "networks", map[string]interface{} {}) if IsTrue(InOp(networks, networkUnified)) { var network interface{} = this.SafeDict(networks, networkUnified, map[string]interface{} {}) var networkInfo interface{} = this.SafeValue(network, "info", map[string]interface{} {}) networkId = this.SafeString(networkInfo, "network") } else { networkId = this.NetworkCodeToId(networkCode, code) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(networkId, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "network", networkId) } params = this.Omit(params, "network") response:= (<-this.SpotPrivatePostCapitalDepositAddress(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // { // "coin": "EOS", // "network": "EOS", // "address": "zzqqqqqqqqqq", // "memo": "MX10068" // } ch <- this.ParseDepositAddress(response, currency) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchDepositAddress * @description fetch the deposit address for a currency associated with this account * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [] the chain of currency, this only apply for multi-chain currency, and there is no need for single chain currency * @returns {object} an [address structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchDepositAddress(code interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params var network interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "network") var addressStructures interface{} = (<-this.FetchDepositAddressesByNetwork(code, params)) var result interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(network, nil)) { result = this.SafeDict(addressStructures, this.NetworkIdToCode(network, code)) } else { var options interface{} = this.SafeDict(this.Options, "defaultNetworks") var defaultNetworkForCurrency interface{} = this.SafeString(options, code) if IsTrue(!IsEqual(defaultNetworkForCurrency, nil)) { result = this.SafeDict(addressStructures, defaultNetworkForCurrency) } else { var keys interface{} = ObjectKeys(addressStructures) var key interface{} = this.SafeString(keys, 0) result = this.SafeDict(addressStructures, key) } } if IsTrue(IsEqual(result, nil)) { panic(InvalidAddress(Add(Add(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchDepositAddress() cannot find a deposit address for "), code), ", and network"), network), "consider creating one using .createDepositAddress() method or in MEXC website"))) } ch <- result return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchDeposits * @description fetch all deposits made to an account * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch deposits for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of deposits structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchDeposits(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = code since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes48478 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes48478) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var currency interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) { currency = this.Currency(code) AddElementToObject(request, "coin", GetValue(currency, "id")) // currently mexc does not have network names unified so for certain things we might need TRX or TRC-20 // due to that I'm applying the network parameter directly so the user can control it on its side var rawNetwork interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "network") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(rawNetwork, nil)) { params = this.Omit(params, "network") AddElementToObject(request, "coin", Add(Add(GetValue(request, "coin"), "-"), rawNetwork)) } } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(limit, 1000)) { panic(ExchangeError("This exchange supports a maximum limit of 1000")) } AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) } response:= (<-this.SpotPrivateGetCapitalDepositHisrec(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // { // "amount": "10", // "coin": "USDC-TRX", // "network": "TRX", // "status": "5", // "address": "TSMcEDDvkqY9dz8RkFnrS86U59GwEZjfvh", // "txId": "51a8f49e6f03f2c056e71fe3291aa65e1032880be855b65cecd0595a1b8af95b", // "insertTime": "1664805021000", // "unlockConfirm": "200", // "confirmTimes": "203", // "memo": "xxyy1122" // } // ] // ch <- this.ParseTransactions(response, currency, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchWithdrawals * @description fetch all withdrawals made from an account * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of withdrawals structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchWithdrawals(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = code since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes49088 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes49088) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var currency interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) { currency = this.Currency(code) AddElementToObject(request, "coin", GetValue(currency, "id")) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(limit, 1000)) { panic(ExchangeError("This exchange supports a maximum limit of 1000")) } AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) } response:= (<-this.SpotPrivateGetCapitalWithdrawHistory(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // { // "id": "adcd1c8322154de691b815eedcd10c42", // "txId": "0xc8c918cd69b2246db493ef6225a72ffdc664f15b08da3e25c6879b271d05e9d0", // "coin": "USDC-MATIC", // "network": "MATIC", // "address": "0xeE6C7a415995312ED52c53a0f8f03e165e0A5D62", // "amount": "2", // "transferType": "0", // "status": "7", // "transactionFee": "1", // "confirmNo": null, // "applyTime": "1664882739000", // "remark": '', // "memo": null // } // ] // ch <- this.ParseTransactions(response, currency, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseTransaction(transaction interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // fetchDeposits // // { // "amount": "10", // "coin": "USDC-TRX", // "network": "TRX", // "status": "5", // "address": "TSMcEDDvkqY9dz8RkFnrS86U59GwEZjfvh", // "txId": "51a8f49e6f03f2c056e71fe3291aa65e1032880be855b65cecd0595a1b8af95b", // "insertTime": "1664805021000", // "unlockConfirm": "200", // "confirmTimes": "203", // "memo": "xxyy1122" // } // // fetchWithdrawals // // { // "id": "adcd1c8322154de691b815eedcd10c42", // "txId": "0xc8c918cd69b2246db493ef6225a72ffdc664f15b08da3e25c6879b271d05e9d0", // "coin": "USDC-MATIC", // "network": "MATIC", // "address": "0xeE6C7a415995312ED52c53a0f8f03e165e0A5D62", // "amount": "2", // "transferType": "0", // "status": "7", // "transactionFee": "1", // "confirmNo": null, // "applyTime": "1664882739000", // "remark": '', // "memo": null // } // // withdraw // // { // "id":"25fb2831fb6d4fc7aa4094612a26c81d" // } // currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = currency var id interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "id") var typeVar interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(id, nil))), "deposit", "withdrawal") var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger2(transaction, "insertTime", "applyTime") var currencyId interface{} = nil var currencyWithNetwork interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "coin") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(currencyWithNetwork, nil)) { currencyId = GetValue(Split(currencyWithNetwork, "-"), 0) } var network interface{} = nil var rawNetwork interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "network") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(rawNetwork, nil)) { network = this.NetworkIdToCode(rawNetwork) } var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency) var status interface{} = this.ParseTransactionStatusByType(this.SafeString(transaction, "status"), typeVar) var amountString interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "amount") var address interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "address") var txid interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "txId") var fee interface{} = nil var feeCostString interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "transactionFee") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeCostString, nil)) { fee = map[string]interface{} { "cost": this.ParseNumber(feeCostString), "currency": code, } } if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "withdrawal")) { // mexc withdrawal amount includes the fee amountString = Precise.StringSub(amountString, feeCostString) } return map[string]interface{} { "info": transaction, "id": id, "txid": txid, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "network": network, "address": address, "addressTo": address, "addressFrom": nil, "tag": this.SafeString(transaction, "memo"), "tagTo": nil, "tagFrom": nil, "type": typeVar, "amount": this.ParseNumber(amountString), "currency": code, "status": status, "updated": nil, "comment": nil, "internal": nil, "fee": fee, } } func (this *mexc) ParseTransactionStatusByType(status interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { typeVar := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = typeVar var statusesByType interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "deposit": map[string]interface{} { "1": "failed", "2": "pending", "3": "pending", "4": "pending", "5": "ok", "6": "pending", "7": "failed", }, "withdrawal": map[string]interface{} { "1": "pending", "2": "pending", "3": "pending", "4": "pending", "5": "pending", "6": "pending", "7": "ok", "8": "failed", "9": "canceled", "10": "pending", }, } var statuses interface{} = this.SafeValue(statusesByType, typeVar, map[string]interface{} {}) return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchPosition * @description fetch data on a single open contract trade position * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market the position is held in, default is undefined * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [position structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchPosition(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes50868 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes50868) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } response:= (<-this.FetchPositions(nil, this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) ch <- this.SafeValue(response, 0) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchPositions * @description fetch all open positions * @see * @param {string[]|undefined} symbols list of unified market symbols * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [position structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchPositions(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbols params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes51058 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes51058) response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetPositionOpenPositions(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0, // "data": [ // { // "positionId": 1394650, // "symbol": "ETH_USDT", // "positionType": 1, // "openType": 1, // "state": 1, // "holdVol": 1, // "frozenVol": 0, // "closeVol": 0, // "holdAvgPrice": 1217.3, // "openAvgPrice": 1217.3, // "closeAvgPrice": 0, // "liquidatePrice": 1211.2, // "oim": 0.1290338, // "im": 0.1290338, // "holdFee": 0, // "realised": -0.0073, // "leverage": 100, // "createTime": 1609991676000, // "updateTime": 1609991676000, // "autoAddIm": false // } // ] // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{}) ch <- this.ParsePositions(data, symbols) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParsePosition(position interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // fetchPositions // // { // "positionId": 1394650, // "symbol": "ETH_USDT", // "positionType": 1, // "openType": 1, // "state": 1, // "holdVol": 1, // "frozenVol": 0, // "closeVol": 0, // "holdAvgPrice": 1217.3, // "openAvgPrice": 1217.3, // "closeAvgPrice": 0, // "liquidatePrice": 1211.2, // "oim": 0.1290338, // "im": 0.1290338, // "holdFee": 0, // "realised": -0.0073, // "leverage": 100, // "createTime": 1609991676000, // "updateTime": 1609991676000, // "autoAddIm": false // } // // fetchPositionsHistory // // { // positionId: '390281084', // symbol: 'RVN_USDT', // positionType: '1', // openType: '2', // state: '3', // holdVol: '0', // frozenVol: '0', // closeVol: '1141', // holdAvgPrice: '0.03491', // holdAvgPriceFullyScale: '0.03491', // openAvgPrice: '0.03491', // openAvgPriceFullyScale: '0.03491', // closeAvgPrice: '0.03494', // liquidatePrice: '0.03433', // oim: '0', // im: '0', // holdFee: '0', // realised: '0.1829', // leverage: '50', // createTime: '1711512408000', // updateTime: '1711512553000', // autoAddIm: false, // version: '4', // profitRatio: '0.0227', // newOpenAvgPrice: '0.03491', // newCloseAvgPrice: '0.03494', // closeProfitLoss: '0.3423', // fee: '0.1593977', // positionShowStatus: 'CLOSED' // } // market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market market = this.SafeMarket(this.SafeString(position, "symbol"), market) var symbol interface{} = GetValue(market, "symbol") var contracts interface{} = this.SafeString(position, "holdVol") var entryPrice interface{} = this.SafeNumber(position, "openAvgPrice") var initialMargin interface{} = this.SafeString(position, "im") var rawSide interface{} = this.SafeString(position, "positionType") var side interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(rawSide, "1"))), "long", "short") var openType interface{} = this.SafeString(position, "margin_mode") var marginType interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(openType, "1"))), "isolated", "cross") var leverage interface{} = this.SafeNumber(position, "leverage") var liquidationPrice interface{} = this.SafeNumber(position, "liquidatePrice") var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(position, "updateTime") return this.SafePosition(map[string]interface{} { "info": position, "id": nil, "symbol": symbol, "contracts": this.ParseNumber(contracts), "contractSize": nil, "entryPrice": entryPrice, "collateral": nil, "side": side, "unrealizedPnl": nil, "leverage": this.ParseNumber(leverage), "percentage": nil, "marginMode": marginType, "notional": nil, "markPrice": nil, "lastPrice": nil, "liquidationPrice": liquidationPrice, "initialMargin": this.ParseNumber(initialMargin), "initialMarginPercentage": nil, "maintenanceMargin": nil, "maintenanceMarginPercentage": nil, "marginRatio": nil, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "hedged": nil, "stopLossPrice": nil, "takeProfitPrice": nil, "lastUpdateTimestamp": nil, }) } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTransfer * @description fetches a transfer * @see * @param {string} id transfer id * @param {string} [code] not used by mexc fetchTransfer * @param {object} params extra parameters specific to the exchange api endpoint * @returns {object} a [transfer structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchTransfer(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = code params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchTransfer", nil, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) retRes52578 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes52578) if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "transact_id": id, } response:= (<-this.Spot2PrivateGetAssetInternalTransferInfo(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "code": "200", // "data": { // "currency": "USDT", // "amount": "1", // "transact_id": "954877a2ef54499db9b28a7cf9ebcf41", // "from": "MAIN", // "to": "CONTRACT", // "transact_state": "SUCCESS" // } // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeDict(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {}) ch <- this.ParseTransfer(data) return nil } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { panic(BadRequest(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchTransfer() is not supported for "), marketType))) } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTransfers * @description fetch a history of internal transfers made on an account * @see * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code of the currency transferred * @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch transfers for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of transfers structures to retrieve * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [transfer structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchTransfers(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = code since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params marketTypequeryVariable := this.HandleMarketTypeAndParams("fetchTransfers", nil, params); marketType := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,0); query := GetValue(marketTypequeryVariable,1) retRes52988 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes52988) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} var currency interface{} = nil var resultList interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) { currency = this.Currency(code) AddElementToObject(request, "currency", GetValue(currency, "id")) } if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "spot")) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "start_time", since) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { if IsTrue(IsGreaterThan(limit, 50)) { panic(ExchangeError("This exchange supports a maximum limit of 50")) } AddElementToObject(request, "page-size", limit) } response:= (<-this.Spot2PrivateGetAssetInternalTransferRecord(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "code": "200", // "data": { // "total_page": "1", // "total_size": "5", // "result_list": [{ // "currency": "USDT", // "amount": "1", // "transact_id": "954877a2ef54499db9b28a7cf9ebcf41", // "from": "MAIN", // "to": "CONTRACT", // "transact_state": "SUCCESS" // }, // ... // ] // } // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data", map[string]interface{} {}) resultList = this.SafeValue(data, "result_list", []interface{}{}) } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(marketType, "swap")) { if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "page_size", limit) } response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetAccountTransferRecord(this.Extend(request, query))) PanicOnError(response) var data interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "data") resultList = this.SafeValue(data, "resultList") } ch <- this.ParseTransfers(resultList, currency, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#transfer * @description transfer currency internally between wallets on the same account * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code * @param {float} amount amount to transfer * @param {string} fromAccount account to transfer from * @param {string} toAccount account to transfer to * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.symbol] market symbol required for margin account transfers eg:BTCUSDT * @returns {object} a [transfer structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) Transfer(code interface{}, amount interface{}, fromAccount interface{}, toAccount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes53878 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes53878) var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code) var accounts interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "spot": "SPOT", "swap": "FUTURES", "margin": "ISOLATED_MARGIN", } var fromId interface{} = this.SafeString(accounts, fromAccount) var toId interface{} = this.SafeString(accounts, toAccount) if IsTrue(IsEqual(fromId, nil)) { var keys interface{} = ObjectKeys(accounts) panic(ExchangeError(Add(Add(this.Id, " fromAccount must be one of "), Join(keys, ", ")))) } if IsTrue(IsEqual(toId, nil)) { var keys interface{} = ObjectKeys(accounts) panic(ExchangeError(Add(Add(this.Id, " toAccount must be one of "), Join(keys, ", ")))) } var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "asset": GetValue(currency, "id"), "amount": amount, "fromAccountType": fromId, "toAccountType": toId, } if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(fromId, "ISOLATED_MARGIN"))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(toId, "ISOLATED_MARGIN")))) { var symbol interface{} = this.SafeString(params, "symbol") params = this.Omit(params, "symbol") if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " transfer() requires a symbol argument for isolated margin"))) } var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } response:= (<-this.SpotPrivatePostCapitalTransfer(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "tranId": "ebb06123e6a64f4ab234b396c548d57e" // } // var transaction interface{} = this.ParseTransfer(response, currency) ch <- this.Extend(transaction, map[string]interface{} { "amount": amount, "fromAccount": fromAccount, "toAccount": toAccount, }) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseTransfer(transfer interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // spot: fetchTransfer // // { // "currency": "USDT", // "amount": "1", // "transact_id": "b60c1df8e7b24b268858003f374ecb75", // "from": "MAIN", // "to": "CONTRACT", // "transact_state": "WAIT" // } // // swap: fetchTransfer // // { // "currency": "USDT", // "amount": "22.90213135", // "txid": "fa8a1e7bf05940a3b7025856dc48d025", // "id": "2980812", // "type": "IN", // "state": "SUCCESS", // "createTime": "1648849076000", // "updateTime": "1648849076000" // } // // transfer // // { // "tranId": "ebb06123e6a64f4ab234b396c548d57e" // } // currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = currency var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(transfer, "currency") var id interface{} = this.SafeStringN(transfer, []interface{}{"transact_id", "txid", "tranId"}) var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(transfer, "createTime") var datetime interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue((!IsEqual(timestamp, nil))), this.Iso8601(timestamp), nil) var direction interface{} = this.SafeString(transfer, "type") var accountFrom interface{} = nil var accountTo interface{} = nil if IsTrue(!IsEqual(direction, nil)) { accountFrom = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(direction, "IN"))), "MAIN", "CONTRACT") accountTo = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(direction, "IN"))), "CONTRACT", "MAIN") } else { accountFrom = this.SafeString(transfer, "from") accountTo = this.SafeString(transfer, "to") } return map[string]interface{} { "info": transfer, "id": id, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": datetime, "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency), "amount": this.SafeNumber(transfer, "amount"), "fromAccount": this.ParseAccountId(accountFrom), "toAccount": this.ParseAccountId(accountTo), "status": this.ParseTransferStatus(this.SafeString2(transfer, "transact_state", "state")), } } func (this *mexc) ParseAccountId(status interface{}) interface{} { var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "MAIN": "spot", "CONTRACT": "swap", } return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } func (this *mexc) ParseTransferStatus(status interface{}) interface{} { var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "SUCCESS": "ok", "FAILED": "failed", "WAIT": "pending", } return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } /** * @method * @name mexc#withdraw * @description make a withdrawal * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code * @param {float} amount the amount to withdraw * @param {string} address the address to withdraw to * @param {string} tag * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [transaction structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) Withdraw(code interface{}, amount interface{}, address interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) tag := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = tag params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes55228 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes55228) var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code) tagparamsVariable := this.HandleWithdrawTagAndParams(tag, params); tag = GetValue(tagparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(tagparamsVariable,1) var networks interface{} = this.SafeDict(this.Options, "networks", map[string]interface{} {}) var network interface{} = this.SafeString2(params, "network", "netWork") // this line allows the user to specify either ERC20 or ETH network = this.SafeString(networks, network, network) // handle ETH > ERC-20 alias network = this.NetworkCodeToId(network, GetValue(currency, "code")) this.CheckAddress(address) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "coin": GetValue(currency, "id"), "address": address, "amount": amount, } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(tag, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "memo", tag) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(network, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "netWork", network) params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"network", "netWork"}) } response:= (<-this.SpotPrivatePostCapitalWithdraw(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "id":"7213fea8e94b4a5593d507237e5a555b" // } // ch <- this.ParseTransaction(response, currency) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#setPositionMode * @description set hedged to true or false for a market * @see * @param {bool} hedged set to true to use dualSidePosition * @param {string} symbol not used by mexc setPositionMode () * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} response from the exchange */ func (this *mexc) SetPositionMode(hedged interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "positionMode": Ternary(IsTrue(hedged), 1, 2), } response:= (<-this.ContractPrivatePostPositionChangePositionMode(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0 // } // ch <- response return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchPositionMode * @description fetchs the position mode, hedged or one way, hedged for binance is set identically for all linear markets or all inverse markets * @see * @param {string} symbol not used by mexc fetchPositionMode * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an object detailing whether the market is in hedged or one-way mode */ func (this *mexc) FetchPositionMode(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetPositionPositionMode(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success":true, // "code":0, // "data":2 // } // var positionMode interface{} = this.SafeInteger(response, "data") ch <- map[string]interface{} { "info": response, "hedged": (IsEqual(positionMode, 1)), } return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchTransactionFees * @description fetch deposit and withdrawal fees * @see * @param {string[]|undefined} codes returns fees for all currencies if undefined * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [fee structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchTransactionFees(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) codes := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = codes params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes56108 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes56108) response:= (<-this.SpotPrivateGetCapitalConfigGetall(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "networkList": [ // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "depositDesc": null, // "depositEnable": true, // "minConfirm": "0", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "network": "ERC20", // "withdrawEnable": true, // "withdrawFee": "10.000000000000000000", // "withdrawIntegerMultiple": null, // "withdrawMax": "1200000.000000000000000000", // "withdrawMin": "20.000000000000000000", // "sameAddress": false, // "contract": "0x32353a6c91143bfd6c7d363b546e62a9a2489a20", // "withdrawTips": null, // "depositTips": null // } // ... // ] // }, // ... // ] // ch <- this.ParseTransactionFees(response, codes) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseTransactionFees(response interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { codes := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = codes var withdrawFees interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(response)); i++ { var entry interface{} = GetValue(response, i) var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(entry, "coin") var currency interface{} = this.SafeCurrency(currencyId) var code interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "code") if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(codes, nil))) || IsTrue((this.InArray(code, codes)))) { AddElementToObject(withdrawFees, code, this.ParseTransactionFee(entry, currency)) } } return map[string]interface{} { "withdraw": withdrawFees, "deposit": map[string]interface{} {}, "info": response, } } func (this *mexc) ParseTransactionFee(transaction interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "networkList": [ // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "depositDesc": null, // "depositEnable": true, // "minConfirm": "0", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "network": "ERC20", // "withdrawEnable": true, // "withdrawFee": "10.000000000000000000", // "withdrawIntegerMultiple": null, // "withdrawMax": "1200000.000000000000000000", // "withdrawMin": "20.000000000000000000", // "sameAddress": false, // "contract": "0x32353a6c91143bfd6c7d363b546e62a9a2489a20", // "withdrawTips": null, // "depositTips": null // } // ... // ] // } // currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = currency var networkList interface{} = this.SafeValue(transaction, "networkList", []interface{}{}) var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} for j := 0; IsLessThan(j, GetArrayLength(networkList)); j++ { var networkEntry interface{} = GetValue(networkList, j) var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString(networkEntry, "network") var networkCode interface{} = this.SafeString(GetValue(this.Options, "networks"), networkId, networkId) var fee interface{} = this.SafeNumber(networkEntry, "withdrawFee") AddElementToObject(result, networkCode, fee) } return result } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchDepositWithdrawFees * @description fetch deposit and withdrawal fees * @see * @param {string[]|undefined} codes returns fees for all currencies if undefined * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object[]} a list of [fee structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchDepositWithdrawFees(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) codes := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = codes params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes57118 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes57118) response:= (<-this.SpotPrivateGetCapitalConfigGetall(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "networkList": [ // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "depositDesc": null, // "depositEnable": true, // "minConfirm": "0", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "network": "ERC20", // "withdrawEnable": true, // "withdrawFee": "10.000000000000000000", // "withdrawIntegerMultiple": null, // "withdrawMax": "1200000.000000000000000000", // "withdrawMin": "20.000000000000000000", // "sameAddress": false, // "contract": "0x32353a6c91143bfd6c7d363b546e62a9a2489a20", // "withdrawTips": null, // "depositTips": null // } // ... // ] // }, // ... // ] // ch <- this.ParseDepositWithdrawFees(response, codes, "coin") return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseDepositWithdrawFee(fee interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "networkList": [ // { // "coin": "AGLD", // "depositDesc": null, // "depositEnable": true, // "minConfirm": "0", // "name": "Adventure Gold", // "network": "ERC20", // "withdrawEnable": true, // "withdrawFee": "10.000000000000000000", // "withdrawIntegerMultiple": null, // "withdrawMax": "1200000.000000000000000000", // "withdrawMin": "20.000000000000000000", // "sameAddress": false, // "contract": "0x32353a6c91143bfd6c7d363b546e62a9a2489a20", // "withdrawTips": null, // "depositTips": null // } // ... // ] // } // currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = currency var networkList interface{} = this.SafeValue(fee, "networkList", []interface{}{}) var result interface{} = this.DepositWithdrawFee(fee) for j := 0; IsLessThan(j, GetArrayLength(networkList)); j++ { var networkEntry interface{} = GetValue(networkList, j) var networkId interface{} = this.SafeString(networkEntry, "network") var networkCode interface{} = this.NetworkIdToCode(networkId, this.SafeString(currency, "code")) AddElementToObject(GetValue(result, "networks"), networkCode, map[string]interface{} { "withdraw": map[string]interface{} { "fee": this.SafeNumber(networkEntry, "withdrawFee"), "percentage": nil, }, "deposit": map[string]interface{} { "fee": nil, "percentage": nil, }, }) } return this.AssignDefaultDepositWithdrawFees(result) } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchLeverage * @description fetch the set leverage for a market * @see * @param {string} symbol unified market symbol * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [leverage structure]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchLeverage(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes58028 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes58028) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "symbol": GetValue(market, "id"), } response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetPositionLeverage(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "success": true, // "code": 0, // "data": [ // { // "level": 1, // "maxVol": 463300, // "mmr": 0.004, // "imr": 0.005, // "positionType": 1, // "openType": 1, // "leverage": 20, // "limitBySys": false, // "currentMmr": 0.004 // }, // { // "level": 1, // "maxVol": 463300, // "mmr": 0.004, // "imr": 0.005, // "positionType": 2, // "openType": 1, // "leverage": 20, // "limitBySys": false, // "currentMmr": 0.004 // } // ] // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data", []interface{}{}) ch <- this.ParseLeverage(data, market) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) ParseLeverage(leverage interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var marginMode interface{} = nil var longLeverage interface{} = nil var shortLeverage interface{} = nil for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(leverage)); i++ { var entry interface{} = GetValue(leverage, i) var openType interface{} = this.SafeInteger(entry, "openType") var positionType interface{} = this.SafeInteger(entry, "positionType") if IsTrue(IsEqual(positionType, 1)) { longLeverage = this.SafeInteger(entry, "leverage") } else if IsTrue(IsEqual(positionType, 2)) { shortLeverage = this.SafeInteger(entry, "leverage") } marginMode = Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(openType, 1))), "isolated", "cross") } return map[string]interface{} { "info": leverage, "symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"), "marginMode": marginMode, "longLeverage": longLeverage, "shortLeverage": shortLeverage, } } func (this *mexc) HandleMarginModeAndParams(methodName interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { /** * @ignore * @method * @description marginMode specified by params["marginMode"], this.options["marginMode"], this.options["defaultMarginMode"], params["margin"] = true or this.options["defaultType"] = 'margin' * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {bool} [params.margin] true for trading spot-margin * @returns {Array} the marginMode in lowercase */ params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params defaultValue := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = defaultValue var defaultType interface{} = this.SafeString(this.Options, "defaultType") var isMargin interface{} = this.SafeBool(params, "margin", false) var marginMode interface{} = nil marginModeparamsVariable := this.Exchange.HandleMarginModeAndParams(methodName, params, defaultValue); marginMode = GetValue(marginModeparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(marginModeparamsVariable,1) if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(defaultType, "margin"))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(isMargin, true)))) { marginMode = "isolated" } return []interface{}{marginMode, params} } /** * @method * @name mexc#fetchPositionsHistory * @description fetches historical positions * @see * @param {string[]} [symbols] unified contract symbols * @param {int} [since] not used by mexc fetchPositionsHistory * @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of candles to fetch, default=1000 * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange api endpoint * * EXCHANGE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS * @param {int} [params.type] position type,1: long, 2: short * @param {int} [params.page_num] current page number, default is 1 * @returns {object[]} a list of [position structures]{@link} */ func (this *mexc) FetchPositionsHistory(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbols since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes59018 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes59018) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {} if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbols, nil)) { var symbolsLength interface{} = GetArrayLength(symbols) if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbolsLength, 1)) { var market interface{} = this.Market(GetValue(symbols, 0)) AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "page_size", limit) } response:= (<-this.ContractPrivateGetPositionListHistoryPositions(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // success: true, // code: '0', // data: [ // { // positionId: '390281084', // symbol: 'RVN_USDT', // positionType: '1', // openType: '2', // state: '3', // holdVol: '0', // frozenVol: '0', // closeVol: '1141', // holdAvgPrice: '0.03491', // holdAvgPriceFullyScale: '0.03491', // openAvgPrice: '0.03491', // openAvgPriceFullyScale: '0.03491', // closeAvgPrice: '0.03494', // liquidatePrice: '0.03433', // oim: '0', // im: '0', // holdFee: '0', // realised: '0.1829', // leverage: '50', // createTime: '1711512408000', // updateTime: '1711512553000', // autoAddIm: false, // version: '4', // profitRatio: '0.0227', // newOpenAvgPrice: '0.03491', // newCloseAvgPrice: '0.03494', // closeProfitLoss: '0.3423', // fee: '0.1593977', // positionShowStatus: 'CLOSED' // }, // ... // ] // } // var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "data") var positions interface{} = this.ParsePositions(data, symbols, params) ch <- this.FilterBySinceLimit(positions, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name mexc#setMarginMode * @description set margin mode to 'cross' or 'isolated' * @see * @param {string} marginMode 'cross' or 'isolated' * @param {string} [symbol] required when there is no position, else provide params["positionId"] * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @param {string} [params.positionId] required when a position is set * @param {string} [params.direction] "long" or "short" required when there is no position * @returns {object} response from the exchange */ func (this *mexc) SetMarginMode(marginMode interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes59728 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes59728) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "spot")) { panic(BadSymbol(Add(this.Id, " setMarginMode() supports contract markets only"))) } marginMode = ToLower(marginMode) if IsTrue(IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated")) && IsTrue(!IsEqual(marginMode, "cross"))) { panic(BadRequest(Add(this.Id, " setMarginMode() marginMode argument should be isolated or cross"))) } var leverage interface{} = this.SafeInteger(params, "leverage") if IsTrue(IsEqual(leverage, nil)) { panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " setMarginMode() requires a leverage parameter"))) } var direction interface{} = this.SafeStringLower2(params, "direction", "positionId") var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "leverage": leverage, "openType": Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(marginMode, "isolated"))), 1, 2), } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id")) } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(direction, nil)) { AddElementToObject(request, "positionType", Ternary(IsTrue((IsEqual(direction, "short"))), 2, 1)) } params = this.Omit(params, "direction") response:= (<-this.ContractPrivatePostPositionChangeLeverage(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { success: true, code: '0' } // ch <- this.ParseLeverage(response, market) return nil }() return ch } func (this *mexc) Nonce() interface{} { return Subtract(this.Milliseconds(), this.SafeInteger(this.Options, "timeDifference", 0)) } func (this *mexc) Sign(path interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { api := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "public") _ = api method := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, "GET") _ = method params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params headers := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil) _ = headers body := GetArg(optionalArgs, 4, nil) _ = body var section interface{} = this.SafeString(api, 0) var access interface{} = this.SafeString(api, 1) pathparamsVariable := this.ResolvePath(path, params); path = GetValue(pathparamsVariable,0); params = GetValue(pathparamsVariable,1) var url interface{} = nil if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsEqual(section, "spot")) || IsTrue(IsEqual(section, "broker"))) { if IsTrue(IsEqual(section, "broker")) { url = Add(Add(GetValue(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), section), access), "/"), path) } else { url = Add(Add(Add(Add(GetValue(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), section), access), "/api/"), this.Version), "/"), path) } var urlParams interface{} = params if IsTrue(IsEqual(access, "private")) { if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsEqual(section, "broker")) && IsTrue((IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "POST"))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "PUT")))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "DELETE")))))) { urlParams = map[string]interface{} { "timestamp": this.Nonce(), "recvWindow": this.SafeInteger(this.Options, "recvWindow", 5000), } body = this.Json(params) } else { AddElementToObject(urlParams, "timestamp", this.Nonce()) AddElementToObject(urlParams, "recvWindow", this.SafeInteger(this.Options, "recvWindow", 5000)) } } var paramsEncoded interface{} = "" if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(urlParams))) { paramsEncoded = this.Urlencode(urlParams) url = Add(url, Add("?", paramsEncoded)) } if IsTrue(IsEqual(access, "private")) { this.CheckRequiredCredentials() var signature interface{} = this.Hmac(this.Encode(paramsEncoded), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256) url = Add(url, Add(Add("&", "signature="), signature)) headers = map[string]interface{} { "X-MEXC-APIKEY": this.ApiKey, "source": this.SafeString(this.Options, "broker", "CCXT"), } } if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "POST"))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "PUT")))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "DELETE")))) { AddElementToObject(headers, "Content-Type", "application/json") } } else if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsEqual(section, "contract")) || IsTrue(IsEqual(section, "spot2"))) { url = Add(Add(GetValue(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), section), access), "/"), this.ImplodeParams(path, params)) params = this.Omit(params, this.ExtractParams(path)) if IsTrue(IsEqual(access, "public")) { if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(params))) { url = Add(url, Add("?", this.Urlencode(params))) } } else { this.CheckRequiredCredentials() var timestamp interface{} = ToString(this.Nonce()) var auth interface{} = "" headers = map[string]interface{} { "ApiKey": this.ApiKey, "Request-Time": timestamp, "Content-Type": "application/json", "source": this.SafeString(this.Options, "broker", "CCXT"), } if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "POST")) { auth = this.Json(params) body = auth } else { params = this.Keysort(params) if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(params))) { auth = Add(auth, this.Urlencode(params)) url = Add(url, Add("?", auth)) } } auth = Add(Add(this.ApiKey, timestamp), auth) var signature interface{} = this.Hmac(this.Encode(auth), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256) AddElementToObject(headers, "Signature", signature) } } return map[string]interface{} { "url": url, "method": method, "body": body, "headers": headers, } } func (this *mexc) HandleErrors(code interface{}, reason interface{}, url interface{}, method interface{}, headers interface{}, body interface{}, response interface{}, requestHeaders interface{}, requestBody interface{}) interface{} { if IsTrue(IsEqual(response, nil)) { return nil } // spot // {"code":-1128,"msg":"Combination of optional parameters invalid.","_extend":null} // {"success":false,"code":123456,"message":"Order quantity error...."} // // contract // // {"code":10232,"msg":"The currency not exist"} // {"code":10216,"msg":"No available deposit address"} // {"success":true, "code":0, "data":1634095541710} // var success interface{} = this.SafeBool(response, "success", false) // v1 if IsTrue(IsEqual(success, true)) { return nil } var responseCode interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "code", nil) if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(responseCode, nil))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(responseCode, "200")))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(responseCode, "0")))) { var feedback interface{} = Add(Add(this.Id, " "), body) this.ThrowBroadlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "broad"), body, feedback) this.ThrowExactlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "exact"), responseCode, feedback) panic(ExchangeError(feedback)) } return nil } func (this *mexc) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) { this.Exchange = Exchange{} this.Exchange.InitParent(userConfig, this.Describe().(map[string]interface{}), this) this.Exchange.DerivedExchange = this }