package ccxt // PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, IT IS GENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN: // type paymium struct { Exchange } func NewPaymiumCore() paymium { p := paymium{} setDefaults(&p) return p } func (this *paymium) Describe() interface{} { return this.DeepExtend(this.Exchange.Describe(), map[string]interface{} { "id": "paymium", "name": "Paymium", "countries": []interface{}{"FR", "EU"}, "rateLimit": 2000, "version": "v1", "has": map[string]interface{} { "CORS": true, "spot": true, "margin": nil, "swap": false, "future": false, "option": false, "cancelOrder": true, "createDepositAddress": true, "createOrder": true, "fetchBalance": true, "fetchDepositAddress": true, "fetchDepositAddresses": true, "fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork": false, "fetchFundingHistory": false, "fetchFundingRate": false, "fetchFundingRateHistory": false, "fetchFundingRates": false, "fetchIndexOHLCV": false, "fetchMarkOHLCV": false, "fetchOpenInterestHistory": false, "fetchOrderBook": true, "fetchPremiumIndexOHLCV": false, "fetchTicker": true, "fetchTrades": true, "fetchTradingFee": false, "fetchTradingFees": false, "transfer": true, }, "urls": map[string]interface{} { "logo": "", "api": map[string]interface{} { "rest": "", }, "www": "", "fees": "", "doc": []interface{}{"", "", ""}, "referral": "", }, "api": map[string]interface{} { "public": map[string]interface{} { "get": []interface{}{"countries", "currencies", "data/{currency}/ticker", "data/{currency}/trades", "data/{currency}/depth", "bitcoin_charts/{id}/trades", "bitcoin_charts/{id}/depth"}, }, "private": map[string]interface{} { "get": []interface{}{"user", "user/addresses", "user/addresses/{address}", "user/orders", "user/orders/{uuid}", "user/price_alerts", "merchant/get_payment/{uuid}"}, "post": []interface{}{"user/addresses", "user/orders", "user/withdrawals", "user/email_transfers", "user/payment_requests", "user/price_alerts", "merchant/create_payment"}, "delete": []interface{}{"user/orders/{uuid}", "user/orders/{uuid}/cancel", "user/price_alerts/{id}"}, }, }, "markets": map[string]interface{} { "BTC/EUR": this.SafeMarketStructure(map[string]interface{} { "id": "eur", "symbol": "BTC/EUR", "base": "BTC", "quote": "EUR", "baseId": "btc", "quoteId": "eur", "type": "spot", "spot": true, }), }, "fees": map[string]interface{} { "trading": map[string]interface{} { "maker": this.ParseNumber("-0.001"), "taker": this.ParseNumber("0.005"), }, }, "precisionMode": TICK_SIZE, "features": map[string]interface{} { "spot": map[string]interface{} { "sandbox": false, "createOrder": map[string]interface{} { "marginMode": false, "triggerPrice": false, "triggerDirection": false, "triggerPriceType": nil, "stopLossPrice": false, "takeProfitPrice": false, "attachedStopLossTakeProfit": nil, "timeInForce": map[string]interface{} { "IOC": false, "FOK": false, "PO": false, "GTD": false, }, "hedged": false, "trailing": false, "leverage": false, "marketBuyByCost": true, "marketBuyRequiresPrice": false, "selfTradePrevention": false, "iceberg": false, }, "createOrders": nil, "fetchMyTrades": nil, "fetchOrder": nil, "fetchOpenOrders": nil, "fetchOrders": nil, "fetchClosedOrders": nil, "fetchOHLCV": nil, }, "swap": map[string]interface{} { "linear": nil, "inverse": nil, }, "future": map[string]interface{} { "linear": nil, "inverse": nil, }, }, }) } func (this *paymium) ParseBalance(response interface{}) interface{} { var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "info": response, } var currencies interface{} = ObjectKeys(this.Currencies) for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(currencies)); i++ { var code interface{} = GetValue(currencies, i) var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code) var currencyId interface{} = GetValue(currency, "id") var free interface{} = Add("balance_", currencyId) if IsTrue(InOp(response, free)) { var account interface{} = this.Account() var used interface{} = Add("locked_", currencyId) AddElementToObject(account, "free", this.SafeString(response, free)) AddElementToObject(account, "used", this.SafeString(response, used)) AddElementToObject(result, code, account) } } return this.SafeBalance(result) } /** * @method * @name paymium#fetchBalance * @description query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders * @see * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [balance structure]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) FetchBalance(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes1888 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes1888) response:= (<-this.PrivateGetUser(params)) PanicOnError(response) ch <- this.ParseBalance(response) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name paymium#fetchOrderBook * @description fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for * @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of order book entries to return * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} A dictionary of [order book structures]{@link} indexed by market symbols */ func (this *paymium) FetchOrderBook(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes2048 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes2048) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "currency": GetValue(market, "id"), } response:= (<-this.PublicGetDataCurrencyDepth(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) ch <- this.ParseOrderBook(response, GetValue(market, "symbol"), nil, "bids", "asks", "price", "amount") return nil }() return ch } func (this *paymium) ParseTicker(ticker interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // "high":"33740.82", // "low":"32185.15", // "volume":"4.7890433", // "bid":"33313.53", // "ask":"33497.97", // "midpoint":"33405.75", // "vwap":"32802.5263553", // "at":1643381654, // "price":"33143.91", // "open":"33116.86", // "variation":"0.0817", // "currency":"EUR", // "trade_id":"ce2f5152-3ac5-412d-9b24-9fa72338474c", // "size":"0.00041087" // } // market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(nil, market) var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeTimestamp(ticker, "at") var vwap interface{} = this.SafeString(ticker, "vwap") var baseVolume interface{} = this.SafeString(ticker, "volume") var quoteVolume interface{} = Precise.StringMul(baseVolume, vwap) var last interface{} = this.SafeString(ticker, "price") return this.SafeTicker(map[string]interface{} { "symbol": symbol, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "high": this.SafeString(ticker, "high"), "low": this.SafeString(ticker, "low"), "bid": this.SafeString(ticker, "bid"), "bidVolume": nil, "ask": this.SafeString(ticker, "ask"), "askVolume": nil, "vwap": vwap, "open": this.SafeString(ticker, "open"), "close": last, "last": last, "previousClose": nil, "change": nil, "percentage": this.SafeString(ticker, "variation"), "average": nil, "baseVolume": baseVolume, "quoteVolume": quoteVolume, "info": ticker, }, market) } /** * @method * @name paymium#fetchTicker * @description fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [ticker structure]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) FetchTicker(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes2728 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes2728) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "currency": GetValue(market, "id"), } ticker:= (<-this.PublicGetDataCurrencyTicker(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(ticker) // // { // "high":"33740.82", // "low":"32185.15", // "volume":"4.7890433", // "bid":"33313.53", // "ask":"33497.97", // "midpoint":"33405.75", // "vwap":"32802.5263553", // "at":1643381654, // "price":"33143.91", // "open":"33116.86", // "variation":"0.0817", // "currency":"EUR", // "trade_id":"ce2f5152-3ac5-412d-9b24-9fa72338474c", // "size":"0.00041087" // } // ch <- this.ParseTicker(ticker, market) return nil }() return ch } func (this *paymium) ParseTrade(trade interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = market var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeTimestamp(trade, "created_at_int") var id interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "uuid") market = this.SafeMarket(nil, market) var side interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "side") var price interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "price") var amountField interface{} = Add("traded_", ToLower(GetValue(market, "base"))) var amount interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, amountField) return this.SafeTrade(map[string]interface{} { "info": trade, "id": id, "order": nil, "timestamp": timestamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp), "symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"), "type": nil, "side": side, "takerOrMaker": nil, "price": price, "amount": amount, "cost": nil, "fee": nil, }, market) } /** * @method * @name paymium#fetchTrades * @description get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for * @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch * @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of trades to fetch * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) FetchTrades(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = since limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil) _ = limit params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes3368 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes3368) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "currency": GetValue(market, "id"), } response:= (<-this.PublicGetDataCurrencyTrades(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) ch <- this.ParseTrades(response, market, since, limit) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name paymium#createDepositAddress * @description create a currency deposit address * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code of the currency for the deposit address * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an [address structure]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) CreateDepositAddress(code interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes3558 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes3558) response:= (<-this.PrivatePostUserAddresses(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "address": "1HdjGr6WCTcnmW1tNNsHX7fh4Jr5C2PeKe", // "valid_until": 1620041926, // "currency": "BTC", // "label": "Savings" // } // ch <- this.ParseDepositAddress(response) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name paymium#fetchDepositAddress * @description fetch the deposit address for a currency associated with this account * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an [address structure]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) FetchDepositAddress(code interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes3788 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes3788) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "address": code, } response:= (<-this.PrivateGetUserAddressesAddress(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "address": "1HdjGr6WCTcnmW1tNNsHX7fh4Jr5C2PeKe", // "valid_until": 1620041926, // "currency": "BTC", // "label": "Savings" // } // ch <- this.ParseDepositAddress(response) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name paymium#fetchDepositAddresses * @description fetch deposit addresses for multiple currencies and chain types * @see * @param {string[]|undefined} codes list of unified currency codes, default is undefined * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a list of [address structures]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) FetchDepositAddresses(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) codes := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = codes params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes4048 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes4048) response:= (<-this.PrivateGetUserAddresses(params)) PanicOnError(response) // // [ // { // "address": "1HdjGr6WCTcnmW1tNNsHX7fh4Jr5C2PeKe", // "valid_until": 1620041926, // "currency": "BTC", // "label": "Savings" // } // ] // ch <- this.ParseDepositAddresses(response, codes) return nil }() return ch } func (this *paymium) ParseDepositAddress(depositAddress interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // "address": "1HdjGr6WCTcnmW1tNNsHX7fh4Jr5C2PeKe", // "valid_until": 1620041926, // "currency": "BTC", // "label": "Savings" // } // currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = currency var address interface{} = this.SafeString(depositAddress, "address") var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(depositAddress, "currency") return map[string]interface{} { "info": depositAddress, "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency), "network": nil, "address": address, "tag": nil, } } /** * @method * @name paymium#createOrder * @description create a trade order * @see * @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in * @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit' * @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell' * @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency * @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) CreateOrder(symbol interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = price params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes4538 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes4538) var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol) var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "type": Add(this.Capitalize(typeVar), "Order"), "currency": GetValue(market, "id"), "direction": side, "amount": amount, } if IsTrue(!IsEqual(typeVar, "market")) { AddElementToObject(request, "price", price) } response:= (<-this.PrivatePostUserOrders(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) ch <- this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} { "info": response, "id": GetValue(response, "uuid"), }, market) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name paymium#cancelOrder * @description cancels an open order * @see * @see * @param {string} id order id * @param {string} symbol not used by paymium cancelOrder () * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) CancelOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = symbol params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "uuid": id, } response:= (<-this.PrivateDeleteUserOrdersUuidCancel(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) ch <- this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} { "info": response, }) return nil }() return ch } /** * @method * @name paymium#transfer * @description transfer currency internally between wallets on the same account * @see * @param {string} code unified currency code * @param {float} amount amount to transfer * @param {string} fromAccount account to transfer from * @param {string} toAccount account to transfer to * @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint * @returns {object} a [transfer structure]{@link} */ func (this *paymium) Transfer(code interface{}, amount interface{}, fromAccount interface{}, toAccount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) defer ReturnPanicError(ch) params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params retRes5058 := (<-this.LoadMarkets()) PanicOnError(retRes5058) var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code) if IsTrue(IsLessThan(GetIndexOf(toAccount, "@"), 0)) { panic(ExchangeError(Add(this.Id, " transfer() only allows transfers to an email address"))) } if IsTrue(IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, "BTC")) && IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, "EUR"))) { panic(ExchangeError(Add(this.Id, " transfer() only allows BTC or EUR"))) } var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "currency": GetValue(currency, "id"), "amount": this.CurrencyToPrecision(code, amount), "email": toAccount, } response:= (<-this.PrivatePostUserEmailTransfers(this.Extend(request, params))) PanicOnError(response) // // { // "uuid": "968f4580-e26c-4ad8-8bcd-874d23d55296", // "type": "Transfer", // "currency": "BTC", // "currency_amount": "string", // "created_at": "2013-10-24T10:34:37.000Z", // "updated_at": "2013-10-24T10:34:37.000Z", // "amount": "1.0", // "state": "executed", // "currency_fee": "0.0", // "btc_fee": "0.0", // "comment": "string", // "traded_btc": "string", // "traded_currency": "string", // "direction": "buy", // "price": "string", // "account_operations": [ // { // "uuid": "968f4580-e26c-4ad8-8bcd-874d23d55296", // "amount": "1.0", // "currency": "BTC", // "created_at": "2013-10-24T10:34:37.000Z", // "created_at_int": 1389094259, // "name": "account_operation", // "address": "1FPDBXNqSkZMsw1kSkkajcj8berxDQkUoc", // "tx_hash": "string", // "is_trading_account": true // } // ] // } // ch <- this.ParseTransfer(response, currency) return nil }() return ch } func (this *paymium) ParseTransfer(transfer interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { // // { // "uuid": "968f4580-e26c-4ad8-8bcd-874d23d55296", // "type": "Transfer", // "currency": "BTC", // "currency_amount": "string", // "created_at": "2013-10-24T10:34:37.000Z", // "updated_at": "2013-10-24T10:34:37.000Z", // "amount": "1.0", // "state": "executed", // "currency_fee": "0.0", // "btc_fee": "0.0", // "comment": "string", // "traded_btc": "string", // "traded_currency": "string", // "direction": "buy", // "price": "string", // "account_operations": [ // { // "uuid": "968f4580-e26c-4ad8-8bcd-874d23d55296", // "amount": "1.0", // "currency": "BTC", // "created_at": "2013-10-24T10:34:37.000Z", // "created_at_int": 1389094259, // "name": "account_operation", // "address": "1FPDBXNqSkZMsw1kSkkajcj8berxDQkUoc", // "tx_hash": "string", // "is_trading_account": true // } // ] // } // currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil) _ = currency var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(transfer, "currency") var updatedAt interface{} = this.SafeString(transfer, "updated_at") var timetstamp interface{} = this.ParseDate(updatedAt) var accountOperations interface{} = this.SafeValue(transfer, "account_operations") var firstOperation interface{} = this.SafeValue(accountOperations, 0, map[string]interface{} {}) var status interface{} = this.SafeString(transfer, "state") return map[string]interface{} { "info": transfer, "id": this.SafeString(transfer, "uuid"), "timestamp": timetstamp, "datetime": this.Iso8601(timetstamp), "currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency), "amount": this.SafeNumber(transfer, "amount"), "fromAccount": nil, "toAccount": this.SafeString(firstOperation, "address"), "status": this.ParseTransferStatus(status), } } func (this *paymium) ParseTransferStatus(status interface{}) interface{} { var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} { "executed": "ok", } return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status) } func (this *paymium) Sign(path interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} { api := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "public") _ = api method := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, "GET") _ = method params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {}) _ = params headers := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil) _ = headers body := GetArg(optionalArgs, 4, nil) _ = body var url interface{} = Add(Add(Add(Add(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), "rest"), "/"), this.Version), "/"), this.ImplodeParams(path, params)) var query interface{} = this.Omit(params, this.ExtractParams(path)) if IsTrue(IsEqual(api, "public")) { if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(query))) { url = Add(url, Add("?", this.Urlencode(query))) } } else { this.CheckRequiredCredentials() var nonce interface{} = ToString(this.Nonce()) var auth interface{} = Add(nonce, url) headers = map[string]interface{} { "Api-Key": this.ApiKey, "Api-Nonce": nonce, } if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "POST")) { if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(query))) { body = this.Json(query) auth = Add(auth, body) AddElementToObject(headers, "Content-Type", "application/json") } } else { if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(query))) { var queryString interface{} = this.Urlencode(query) auth = Add(auth, queryString) url = Add(url, Add("?", queryString)) } } AddElementToObject(headers, "Api-Signature", this.Hmac(this.Encode(auth), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256)) } return map[string]interface{} { "url": url, "method": method, "body": body, "headers": headers, } } func (this *paymium) HandleErrors(httpCode interface{}, reason interface{}, url interface{}, method interface{}, headers interface{}, body interface{}, response interface{}, requestHeaders interface{}, requestBody interface{}) interface{} { if IsTrue(IsEqual(response, nil)) { return nil } var errors interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "errors") if IsTrue(!IsEqual(errors, nil)) { panic(ExchangeError(Add(Add(this.Id, " "), this.Json(response)))) } return nil } func (this *paymium) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) { this.Exchange = Exchange{} this.Exchange.InitParent(userConfig, this.Describe().(map[string]interface{}), this) this.Exchange.DerivedExchange = this }