package ccxt import ( "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" j "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "reflect" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" ) type Exchange struct { marketsMutex sync.Mutex Itf interface{} DerivedExchange IDerivedExchange methodCache sync.Map cacheLoaded bool Version string Id string Name string Options map[string]interface{} Has map[string]interface{} Api map[string]interface{} TransformedApi map[string]interface{} Markets map[string]interface{} Markets_by_id map[string]interface{} Currencies_by_id map[string]interface{} Currencies map[string]interface{} RequiredCredentials map[string]interface{} HttpExceptions map[string]interface{} MarketsById map[string]interface{} Timeframes map[string]interface{} Features map[string]interface{} Exceptions map[string]interface{} Precision map[string]interface{} Urls interface{} UserAgents map[string]interface{} Timeout int64 MAX_VALUE float64 RateLimit float64 TokenBucket map[string]interface{} Throttler Throttler NewUpdates bool Alias bool Verbose bool UserAgent string EnableRateLimit bool Url string Hostname string BaseCurrencies map[string]interface{} QuoteCurrencies map[string]interface{} ReloadingMarkets bool MarketsLoading bool Symbols []string Codes []string Ids []string CommonCurrencies map[string]interface{} PrecisionMode int Limits map[string]interface{} Fees map[string]interface{} CurrenciesById map[string]interface{} ReduceFees bool AccountsById interface{} Accounts interface{} // timestamps LastRestRequestTimestamp int64 LastRequestHeaders interface{} Last_request_headers interface{} Last_http_response interface{} LastRequestBody interface{} Last_request_body interface{} Last_request_url interface{} LastRequestUrl interface{} Headers interface{} // type check this Number interface{} // keys Secret string ApiKey string Password string Uid string AccountId string Token string Login string PrivateKey string WalletAddress string httpClient *http.Client HttpProxy interface{} HttpsProxy interface{} Http_proxy interface{} Https_proxy interface{} Proxy interface{} ProxyUrl interface{} ProxyUrlCallback interface{} Proxy_url interface{} Proxy_url_callback interface{} SocksProxy interface{} Socks_proxy interface{} SocksProxyCallback interface{} Socks_proxy_callback interface{} HttpsProxyCallback interface{} Https_proxy_callback interface{} HttpProxyCallback interface{} Http_proxy_callback interface{} SocksroxyCallback interface{} WsSocksProxy string Ws_socks_proxy string WssProxy string Wss_proxy string WsProxy string Ws_proxy string SubstituteCommonCurrencyCodes bool Twofa interface{} //WS Ohlcvs interface{} Trades interface{} Tickers interface{} Orders interface{} MyTrades interface{} Orderbooks interface{} PaddingMode int MinFundingAddressLength int MaxEntriesPerRequest int // tests only FetchResponse interface{} IsSandboxModeEnabled bool } const DECIMAL_PLACES int = 2 const SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS int = 3 const TICK_SIZE int = 4 const TRUNCATE int = 0 const NO_PADDING = 5 const PAD_WITH_ZERO int = 6 // var ROUND int = 0 func (this *Exchange) InitParent(userConfig map[string]interface{}, exchangeConfig map[string]interface{}, itf interface{}) { // this = &Exchange{} var describeValues = this.Describe() if userConfig == nil { userConfig = map[string]interface{}{} } var extendedProperties = this.DeepExtend(describeValues, exchangeConfig) extendedProperties = this.DeepExtend(extendedProperties, userConfig) this.Itf = itf // = SafeString(extendedProperties, "id", "").(string) // this.Id = this.id333 // this.itf = itf // warmup itf cache this.initializeProperties(extendedProperties) // beforeNs := time.Now().UnixNano() // this.WarmUpCache(this.Itf) // afterNs := time.Now().UnixNano() // fmt.Println("Warmup cache took: ", afterNs-beforeNs) this.AfterConstruct() this.transformApiNew(this.Api) transport := &http.Transport{} this.httpClient = &http.Client{ Timeout: 30 * time.Second, Transport: transport, } // fmt.Println(this.TransformedApi) } func (this *Exchange) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) { // to do } func NewExchange() IExchange { exchange := &Exchange{} exchange.Init(map[string]interface{}{}) return exchange } func (this *Exchange) WarmUpCache() { // itf fields if this.cacheLoaded { return } this.cacheLoaded = true itf := this.Itf baseValue := reflect.ValueOf(itf) baseType := baseValue.Type() for i := 0; i < baseType.NumMethod(); i++ { method := baseType.Method(i) name := method.Name cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s", name) methodValue := baseValue.MethodByName(name) methodType := method.Type numIn := methodType.NumIn() isVariadic := methodType.IsVariadic() cacheValue := map[string]interface{}{ "method": method, "methodValue": methodValue, "methodType": methodType, "numIn": numIn, "isVariadic": isVariadic, } this.methodCache.Store(cacheKey, cacheValue) } } func (this *Exchange) InitThrottler() { this.Throttler = NewThrottler(this.TokenBucket) } func (this *Exchange) LoadMarkets(params ...interface{}) <-chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(ch) defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { ch <- "panic:" + ToString(r) } }() this.WarmUpCache() if this.Markets != nil && len(this.Markets) > 0 { if this.Markets_by_id == nil && len(this.Markets) > 0 { // Only lock when writing this.marketsMutex.Lock() result := this.SetMarkets(this.Markets, nil) this.marketsMutex.Unlock() ch <- result return } ch <- this.Markets return } var currencies interface{} = nil var defaultParams = map[string]interface{}{} hasFetchCurrencies := this.Has["fetchCurrencies"] if IsBool(hasFetchCurrencies) && IsTrue(hasFetchCurrencies) { currencies = <-this.DerivedExchange.FetchCurrencies(defaultParams) } markets := <-this.DerivedExchange.FetchMarkets(defaultParams) PanicOnError(markets) // Lock only for writing this.marketsMutex.Lock() result := this.SetMarkets(markets, currencies) this.marketsMutex.Unlock() ch <- result }() return ch } func (this *Exchange) Throttle(cost interface{}) <-chan interface{} { // to do ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(ch) task := <-this.Throttler.Throttle(cost) ch <- task }() return ch } func (this *Exchange) FetchMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <-chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { // defer close(ch) // markets := <-this.callInternal("fetchMarkets", optionalArgs) // return markets return this.Markets }() return ch } func (this *Exchange) FetchCurrencies(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <-chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() interface{} { defer close(ch) // markets := <-this.callInternal("fetchCurrencies", optionalArgs) // return markets return this.Currencies }() return ch } func (this *Exchange) Sleep(milliseconds interface{}) <-chan bool { var duration time.Duration // Type assertion to handle various types for milliseconds ch := make(chan bool) go func() interface{} { switch v := milliseconds.(type) { case int: duration = time.Duration(v) * time.Millisecond case float64: duration = time.Duration(v * float64(time.Millisecond)) case time.Duration: // If already a time.Duration, use it directly duration = v default: return false } // Sleep for the specified duration time.Sleep(duration) return true }() return ch } func Unique(obj interface{}) []string { // Type assertion to check if obj is of type []string strList, ok := obj.([]string) if !ok { return nil } // Use a map to ensure uniqueness uniqueMap := make(map[string]struct{}) var result []string for _, str := range strList { // Check if the string is already in the map if _, exists := uniqueMap[str]; !exists { uniqueMap[str] = struct{}{} result = append(result, str) } } return result } func (this *Exchange) Log(args ...interface{}) { // convert to str and print fmt.Println(args) } func (this *Exchange) callEndpoint(endpoint2 interface{}, parameters interface{}) <-chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(ch) defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { ch <- "panic:" + ToString(r) } }() endpoint := endpoint2.(string) if val, ok := this.TransformedApi[endpoint]; ok { endPointData := val.(map[string]interface{}) // endPointData := this.TransformedApi[endpoint].(map[string]interface{}) method := endPointData["method"].(string) path := endPointData["path"].(string) api := endPointData["api"] var cost float64 = 1 if valCost, ok := endPointData["cost"]; ok { cost = valCost.(float64) } res := <-this.Fetch2(path, api, method, parameters, map[string]interface{}{}, nil, map[string]interface{}{"cost": cost}) PanicOnError(res) ch <- res } ch <- nil }() return ch } // error related functions type ErrorType string type Error struct { Type ErrorType Message string Stack string } func (e *Error) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("[ccxtError]::[%s]::[%s]\nStack:\n%s", e.Type, e.Message, e.Stack) } func NewError(errType interface{}, message ...interface{}) error { typeErr := ToString(errType) msg := "" stack := "" if len(message) > 0 { msg = ToString(message[0]) if len(message) > 1 { stack = ToString(message[1]) } } return &Error{Type: ErrorType(string(typeErr)), Message: msg, Stack: stack} } func Exception(v ...interface{}) error { return NewError("Exception", v...) } func IsError(res interface{}) bool { resStr, ok := res.(string) if ok { return strings.HasPrefix(resStr, "panic:") } return false } func CreateReturnError(res interface{}) error { resStr := res.(string) resStr = strings.ReplaceAll(resStr, "panic:", "") if strings.Contains(resStr, "ccxtError") { // resStr = strings.ReplaceAll(resStr, "ccxtError", "") splitted := strings.Split(resStr, "::") s1 := splitted[1] s2 := splitted[2] exceptionName := s1[1 : len(s1)-1] message := s2[1 : len(s2)-1] return CreateError(exceptionName, message, res) } return Exception(resStr) } // emd of error related functions func ToSafeFloat(v interface{}) (float64, error) { switch v := v.(type) { case float64: return v, nil case float32: return float64(v), nil case int: return float64(v), nil case int64: return float64(v), nil case string: return strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64) default: return 0, errors.New("cannot convert to float") } } // json converts an object to a JSON string func (this *Exchange) Json(object interface{}) interface{} { jsonBytes, err := j.Marshal(object) if err != nil { return nil } return string(jsonBytes) } func (this *Exchange) ParseNumber(v interface{}, a ...interface{}) interface{} { if (v == nil) || (v == "") { // return default value if exists if len(a) > 0 { return a[0] } return nil } f, err := ToSafeFloat(v) if err == nil { return f } return nil } func (this *Exchange) ValueIsDefined(v interface{}) bool { return v != nil } func (this *Exchange) callDynamically(name2 interface{}, args ...interface{}) <-chan interface{} { return this.callInternal(name2.(string), args...) } // clone creates a deep copy of the input object. It supports arrays, slices, and maps. func (this *Exchange) Clone(object interface{}) interface{} { return this.DeepCopy(reflect.ValueOf(object)).Interface() } func (this *Exchange) DeepCopy(value reflect.Value) reflect.Value { switch value.Kind() { case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: // Create a new slice/array of the same type and length copy := reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type(), value.Len(), value.Cap()) for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ { copy.Index(i).Set(this.DeepCopy(value.Index(i))) } return copy case reflect.Map: // Create a new map of the same type copy := reflect.MakeMap(value.Type()) for _, key := range value.MapKeys() { copy.SetMapIndex(key, this.DeepCopy(value.MapIndex(key))) } return copy default: // For other types, just return the value return reflect.ValueOf(value.Interface()) } } type ArrayCache interface { ToArray() []interface{} } func (this *Exchange) ArraySlice(array interface{}, first interface{}, second ...interface{}) interface{} { firstInt := reflect.ValueOf(first).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(0)).Interface().(int) parsedArray := reflect.ValueOf(array) if parsedArray.Kind() != reflect.Slice { return nil } length := parsedArray.Len() isArrayCache := reflect.TypeOf(array).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*ArrayCache)(nil)).Elem()) if len(second) == 0 { if firstInt < 0 { index := length + firstInt if index < 0 { index = 0 } if isArrayCache { return reflect.ValueOf(array).Interface().(ArrayCache).ToArray()[index:] } return this.sliceToInterface(parsedArray.Slice(index, length)) } if isArrayCache { return reflect.ValueOf(array).Interface().(ArrayCache).ToArray()[firstInt:] } return this.sliceToInterface(parsedArray.Slice(firstInt, length)) } secondInt := reflect.ValueOf(second[0]).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(0)).Interface().(int) if isArrayCache { return reflect.ValueOf(array).Interface().(ArrayCache).ToArray()[firstInt:secondInt] } return this.sliceToInterface(parsedArray.Slice(firstInt, secondInt)) } func (this *Exchange) sliceToInterface(value reflect.Value) []interface{} { length := value.Len() result := make([]interface{}, length) for i := 0; i < length; i++ { result[i] = value.Index(i).Interface() } return result } // Example ArrayCache implementation for testing type exampleArrayCache struct { data []interface{} } func (e *exampleArrayCache) ToArray() []interface{} { return } func (this *Exchange) ParseTimeframe(timeframe interface{}) interface{} { str, ok := timeframe.(string) if !ok { return nil } if len(str) < 2 { return nil } amount, err := strconv.Atoi(str[:len(str)-1]) if err != nil { return nil } unit := str[len(str)-1:] scale := 0 switch unit { case "y": scale = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 case "M": scale = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 case "w": scale = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 case "d": scale = 60 * 60 * 24 case "h": scale = 60 * 60 case "m": scale = 60 case "s": scale = 1 default: return nil } result := amount * scale return result } func Totp(secret interface{}) string { return "" } func (this *Exchange) ParseJson(input interface{}) interface{} { return ParseJSON(input) } // type Dict map[string]interface{} func (this *Exchange) transformApiNew(api Dict, paths ...string) { if api == nil { return } if paths == nil { paths = []string{} } for key, value := range api { if isHttpMethod(key) { var endpoints []string if dictValue, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); ok { for endpoint := range dictValue { endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint) } } else { if listValue, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok { for _, item := range listValue { if s, ok := item.(string); ok { endpoints = append(endpoints, s) } } } } for _, endpoint := range endpoints { cost := 1.0 if dictValue, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); ok { if config, ok := dictValue[endpoint]; ok { if dictConfig, ok := config.(map[string]interface{}); ok { if rl, success := dictConfig["cost"]; success { if rlFloat, ok := rl.(float64); ok { cost = rlFloat } else if rlString, ok := rl.(string); ok { cost = parseCost(rlString) } } } else if config != nil { cost = parseCost(fmt.Sprintf("%v", config)) } } } pattern := `[^a-zA-Z0-9]` rgx := regexp.MustCompile(pattern) result := rgx.Split(endpoint, -1) pathParts := append(paths, key) for _, part := range result { if len(part) > 0 { pathParts = append(pathParts, part) } } for i, part := range pathParts { pathParts[i] = strings.Title(part) } path := strings.Join(pathParts, "") if len(path) > 0 { path = strings.ToLower(string(path[0])) + path[1:] } apiObj := interface{}(paths) if len(paths) == 1 { apiObj = paths[0] } this.TransformedApi[path] = map[string]interface{}{ "method": strings.ToUpper(key), "path": endpoint, "api": apiObj, "cost": cost, } } } else { if nestedDict, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); ok { this.transformApiNew(nestedDict, append(paths, key)...) } } } } func isHttpMethod(key string) bool { // Add your implementation of HTTP method check httpMethods := []string{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"} for _, method := range httpMethods { if strings.EqualFold(method, key) { return true } } return false } func parseCost(costStr string) float64 { // Add your implementation for parsing cost var cost float64 fmt.Sscanf(costStr, "%f", &cost) return cost } // func (this *Exchange) callInternal(name2 string, args ...interface{}) interface{} { // name := strings.Title(strings.ToLower(name2)) // baseType := reflect.TypeOf(this.Itf) // for i := 0; i < baseType.NumMethod(); i++ { // method := baseType.Method(i) // if name == method.Name { // methodType := method.Type // numIn := methodType.NumIn() // isVariadic := methodType.IsVariadic() // in := make([]reflect.Value, numIn) // argCount := len(args) // for k := 0; k < numIn; k++ { // if k < argCount { // param := args[k] // if param == nil { // // Get the type of the k-th parameter // paramType := methodType.In(k) // // Create a zero value of the parameter type (which will be `nil` for pointers, slices, maps, etc.) // in[k] = reflect.Zero(paramType) // } else { // in[k] = reflect.ValueOf(param) // } // } else { // paramType := methodType.In(k) // in[k] = reflect.Zero(paramType) // } // } // if isVariadic && argCount >= numIn-1 { // variadicArgs := make([]reflect.Value, argCount-(numIn-1)) // for k := numIn - 1; k < argCount; k++ { // param := args[k] // if param == nil { // paramType := methodType.In(numIn - 1).Elem() // variadicArgs[k-(numIn-1)] = reflect.Zero(paramType) // } else { // variadicArgs[k-(numIn-1)] = reflect.ValueOf(param) // } // } // in[numIn-1] = reflect.ValueOf(variadicArgs) // } // res := reflect.ValueOf(this.Itf).MethodByName(name).Call(in) // return res[0].Interface() // } // } // return nil // } func (this *Exchange) CheckRequiredDependencies() { // to do } func (this *Exchange) FixStringifiedJsonMembers(a interface{}) string { aStr := a.(string) aStr = strings.ReplaceAll(aStr, "\\", "") aStr = strings.ReplaceAll(aStr, "\"{", "{") aStr = strings.ReplaceAll(aStr, "}\"", "}") return aStr } func (this *Exchange) IsEmpty(a interface{}) bool { if a == nil { return true } v := reflect.ValueOf(a) switch v.Kind() { case reflect.String: return v.Len() == 0 case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: return v.Len() == 0 case reflect.Map: return v.Len() == 0 default: return false } } func (this *Exchange) CallInternal(name2 string, args ...interface{}) <-chan interface{} { return this.callInternal(name2, args...) } func (this *Exchange) callInternal(name2 string, args ...interface{}) <-chan interface{} { ch := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(ch) defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { if r != "break" { ch <- "panic:" + ToString(r) } } }() this.WarmUpCache() res := <-CallInternalMethod(&this.methodCache, this.Itf, name2, args...) ch <- res }() // res := <-CallInternalMethod(this.Itf, name2, args...) // return res return ch } func (this *Exchange) RandomBytes(length interface{}) string { var byteLength int // Handle different types for the length parameter switch v := length.(type) { case int: byteLength = v case int32: byteLength = int(v) case int64: byteLength = int(v) case float32: byteLength = int(v) case float64: byteLength = int(v) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported length type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(length))) } if byteLength <= 0 { panic("length must be greater than 0") } x := make([]byte, byteLength) _, err := rand.Read(x) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to generate random bytes: %v", err)) } return hex.EncodeToString(x) } func (this *Exchange) IsJsonEncodedObject(str interface{}) bool { // Attempt to assert the input to a string type str2, ok := str.(string) if !ok { return false } // Check if the string starts with "{" or "[" if strings.HasPrefix(str2, "{") || strings.HasPrefix(str2, "[") { return true } return false } func (this *Exchange) StringToCharsArray(value interface{}) []string { // Attempt to assert the input to a string type str, ok := value.(string) if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported type: %v, expected string", reflect.TypeOf(value))) } // Initialize a slice to hold the characters chars := make([]string, len(str)) // Loop through each character in the string and add it to the slice for i, char := range str { chars[i] = string(char) } return chars } func (this *Exchange) GetMarket(symbol string) MarketInterface { market := this.Markets[symbol] return NewMarketInterface(market) } func (this *Exchange) GetMarketsList() []MarketInterface { var markets []MarketInterface for _, market := range this.Markets { markets = append(markets, NewMarketInterface(market)) } return markets } func (this *Exchange) GetCurrency(currency string) Currency { market := this.Currencies[currency] return NewCurrency(market) } func (this *Exchange) GetCurrenciesList() []Currency { var currencies []Currency for _, currency := range this.Currencies { currencies = append(currencies, NewCurrency(currency)) } return currencies } func (this *Exchange) SetProperty(obj interface{}, property interface{}, defaultValue interface{}) { // Convert property to string propName, ok := property.(string) if !ok { // fmt.Println("Property should be a string") return } // Get the reflection object for the obj val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem() // Get the field by name field := val.FieldByName(propName) // Check if the field exists and is settable if field.IsValid() && field.CanSet() { // Set the field with the default value, casting it to the right type field.Set(reflect.ValueOf(defaultValue)) } else { // fmt.Printf("Field '%s' is either invalid or cannot be set\n", propName) } } func (this *Exchange) GetProperty(obj interface{}, property interface{}) interface{} { // Convert property to string propName, ok := property.(string) if !ok { // fmt.Println("Property should be a string") return nil } // Get the reflection object for the obj val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem() // Get the field by name field := val.FieldByName(propName) // Check if the field exists and can be accessed if field.IsValid() && field.CanInterface() { // Return the field value as an interface{} return field.Interface() } else { // fmt.Printf("Field '%s' is either invalid or cannot be accessed\n", propName) return nil } } func (this *Exchange) Unique(obj interface{}) []string { // Type assertion to check if obj is a slice of strings if list, ok := obj.([]string); ok { // Create a map to track unique strings uniqueMap := make(map[string]bool) var uniqueList []string // Iterate over the list and add only unique elements for _, item := range list { if !uniqueMap[item] { uniqueMap[item] = true uniqueList = append(uniqueList, item) } } return uniqueList } // If obj is not a []string, return an empty slice return []string{} } // func (this *Exchange) callInternal(name2 string, args ...interface{}) interface{} { // name := strings.Title(strings.ToLower(name2)) // baseType := reflect.TypeOf(this.Itf) // // baseValue := reflect.ValueOf(this.Itf) // // method3 := baseValue.MethodByName(name) // // fmt.Println(method3.Interface()) // // method2, err := baseType.MethodByName(name) // // if !err { // // fmt.Println((method2)) // // } // for i := 0; i < baseType.NumMethod(); i++ { // method := baseType.Method(i) // if name == method.Name { // // methodType := method.Type // in := make([]reflect.Value, len(args)) // for k, param := range args { // val := reflect.ValueOf(param) // if !val.IsValid() { // //fmt.Println(val) // //panic("value is invalid") // // paramType := val.Type() // // in[k] = reflect.Zero(paramType) // val = reflect.Zero(nil) // } // in[k] = val // } // var res []reflect.Value // /*temp := reflect.ValueOf(this.Itf).MethodByName(name) // x1 := reflect.ValueOf(temp).FieldByName("flag").Uint()*/ // res = reflect.ValueOf(this.Itf).MethodByName(name).Call(in) // return res[0].Interface().(interface{}) // } // } // return nil // } func (this *Exchange) RetrieveStarkAccount(sig interface{}, account interface{}, hash interface{}) interface{} { return nil // to do } func (this *Exchange) StarknetEncodeStructuredData(a interface{}, b interface{}, c interface{}, d interface{}) interface{} { return nil // to do } func (this *Exchange) StarknetSign(a interface{}, b interface{}) interface{} { return nil // to do } func (this *Exchange) ExtendExchangeOptions(options2 interface{}) { options := options2.(map[string]interface{}) extended := this.Extend(this.Options, options) this.Options = extended } // func (this *Exchange) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) { // } func (this *Exchange) UpdateProxySettings() { proxyUrl := this.CheckProxyUrlSettings(nil, nil, nil, nil) proxies := this.CheckProxySettings(nil, "", nil, nil) httProxy := this.SafeString(proxies, 0) httpsProxy := this.SafeString(proxies, 1) socksProxy := this.SafeString(proxies, 2) hasHttProxyDefined := (httProxy != nil) || (httpsProxy != nil) || (socksProxy != nil) this.CheckConflictingProxies(hasHttProxyDefined, proxyUrl) if hasHttProxyDefined { proxyTransport := &http.Transport{ // MaxIdleConns: 100, // IdleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second, // DisableCompression: false, // DisableKeepAlives: false, } proxyUrlStr := "" if httProxy != nil { proxyUrlStr = httProxy.(string) } else { proxyUrlStr = httpsProxy.(string) } proxyURLParsed, _ := url.Parse(proxyUrlStr) proxyTransport.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(proxyURLParsed) this.httpClient.Transport = proxyTransport } }