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package ccxt
// https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-code
type currencycom struct {
func NewCurrencycomCore() currencycom {
p := currencycom{}
return p
func (this *currencycom) Describe() interface{} {
return this.DeepExtend(this.Exchange.Describe(), map[string]interface{} {
"id": "currencycom",
"name": "Currency.com",
"countries": []interface{}{"BY"},
"rateLimit": 100,
"certified": false,
"pro": true,
"version": "v2",
"has": map[string]interface{} {
"CORS": nil,
"spot": true,
"margin": true,
"swap": true,
"future": false,
"option": false,
"addMargin": nil,
"cancelAllOrders": nil,
"cancelOrder": true,
"cancelOrders": nil,
"createDepositAddress": nil,
"createLimitOrder": true,
"createMarketOrder": true,
"createOrder": true,
"createStopLimitOrder": true,
"createStopMarketOrder": true,
"createStopOrder": true,
"editOrder": "emulated",
"fetchAccounts": true,
"fetchBalance": true,
"fetchBidsAsks": nil,
"fetchBorrowRateHistory": nil,
"fetchCanceledOrders": nil,
"fetchClosedOrder": nil,
"fetchClosedOrders": nil,
"fetchCrossBorrowRate": false,
"fetchCrossBorrowRates": false,
"fetchCurrencies": true,
"fetchDeposit": nil,
"fetchDepositAddress": true,
"fetchDepositAddresses": false,
"fetchDepositAddressesByNetwork": false,
"fetchDeposits": true,
"fetchDepositsWithdrawals": true,
"fetchFundingHistory": false,
"fetchFundingRate": false,
"fetchFundingRateHistory": false,
"fetchFundingRates": false,
"fetchIndexOHLCV": false,
"fetchIsolatedBorrowRate": false,
"fetchIsolatedBorrowRates": false,
"fetchL2OrderBook": true,
"fetchLedger": true,
"fetchLedgerEntry": false,
"fetchLeverage": true,
"fetchLeverageTiers": false,
"fetchMarginMode": false,
"fetchMarkets": true,
"fetchMarkOHLCV": false,
"fetchMyTrades": true,
"fetchOHLCV": true,
"fetchOpenOrder": nil,
"fetchOpenOrders": true,
"fetchOrder": true,
"fetchOrderBook": true,
"fetchOrderBooks": nil,
"fetchOrders": nil,
"fetchOrderTrades": nil,
"fetchPosition": nil,
"fetchPositionMode": false,
"fetchPositions": true,
"fetchPositionsRisk": nil,
"fetchPremiumIndexOHLCV": false,
"fetchTicker": true,
"fetchTickers": true,
"fetchTime": true,
"fetchTrades": true,
"fetchTradingFee": false,
"fetchTradingFees": true,
"fetchTradingLimits": nil,
"fetchTransactionFee": nil,
"fetchTransactionFees": nil,
"fetchTransactions": "emulated",
"fetchTransfers": nil,
"fetchWithdrawal": nil,
"fetchWithdrawals": true,
"reduceMargin": nil,
"sandbox": true,
"setLeverage": nil,
"setMarginMode": nil,
"setPositionMode": nil,
"signIn": nil,
"transfer": nil,
"withdraw": nil,
"timeframes": map[string]interface{} {
"1m": "1m",
"5m": "5m",
"10m": "10m",
"15m": "15m",
"30m": "30m",
"1h": "1h",
"4h": "4h",
"1d": "1d",
"1w": "1w",
"hostname": "backend.currency.com",
"urls": map[string]interface{} {
"logo": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1294454/83718672-36745c00-a63e-11ea-81a9-677b1f789a4d.jpg",
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"public": "https://api-adapter.{hostname}/api",
"private": "https://api-adapter.{hostname}/api",
"marketcap": "https://marketcap.{hostname}/api",
"test": map[string]interface{} {
"public": "https://demo-api-adapter.{hostname}/api",
"private": "https://demo-api-adapter.{hostname}/api",
"www": "https://www.currency.com",
"referral": "https://currency.com/trading/signup?c=362jaimv&pid=referral",
"doc": []interface{}{"https://currency.com/api"},
"fees": "https://currency.com/fees-charges",
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"public": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"v1/time": 1,
"v1/exchangeInfo": 1,
"v1/depth": 1,
"v1/aggTrades": 1,
"v1/klines": 1,
"v1/ticker/24hr": 1,
"v2/time": 1,
"v2/exchangeInfo": 1,
"v2/depth": 1,
"v2/aggTrades": 1,
"v2/klines": 1,
"v2/ticker/24hr": 1,
"marketcap": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"v1/assets": 1,
"v1/candles": 1,
"v1/orderbook": 1,
"v1/summary": 1,
"v1/ticker": 1,
"v1/token/assets": 1,
"v1/token/orderbook": 1,
"v1/token/summary": 1,
"v1/token/ticker": 1,
"v1/token/trades": 1,
"v1/token_crypto/OHLC": 1,
"v1/token_crypto/assets": 1,
"v1/token_crypto/orderbook": 1,
"v1/token_crypto/summary": 1,
"v1/token_crypto/ticker": 1,
"v1/token_crypto/trades": 1,
"v1/trades": 1,
"private": map[string]interface{} {
"get": map[string]interface{} {
"v1/account": 1,
"v1/currencies": 1,
"v1/deposits": 1,
"v1/depositAddress": 1,
"v1/ledger": 1,
"v1/leverageSettings": 1,
"v1/myTrades": 1,
"v1/openOrders": 1,
"v1/tradingPositions": 1,
"v1/tradingPositionsHistory": 1,
"v1/transactions": 1,
"v1/withdrawals": 1,
"v2/account": 1,
"v2/currencies": 1,
"v2/deposits": 1,
"v2/depositAddress": 1,
"v2/ledger": 1,
"v2/leverageSettings": 1,
"v2/myTrades": 1,
"v2/openOrders": 1,
"v2/tradingPositions": 1,
"v2/tradingPositionsHistory": 1,
"v2/transactions": 1,
"v2/withdrawals": 1,
"v2/fetchOrder": 1,
"post": map[string]interface{} {
"v1/order": 1,
"v1/updateTradingPosition": 1,
"v1/updateTradingOrder": 1,
"v1/closeTradingPosition": 1,
"v2/order": 1,
"v2/updateTradingPosition": 1,
"v2/updateTradingOrder": 1,
"v2/closeTradingPosition": 1,
"delete": map[string]interface{} {
"v1/order": 1,
"v2/order": 1,
"fees": map[string]interface{} {
"trading": map[string]interface{} {
"feeSide": "get",
"tierBased": false,
"percentage": true,
"taker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"),
"maker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"),
"precisionMode": TICK_SIZE,
"options": map[string]interface{} {
"defaultTimeInForce": "GTC",
"warnOnFetchOpenOrdersWithoutSymbol": true,
"recvWindow": Multiply(5, 1000),
"timeDifference": 0,
"adjustForTimeDifference": false,
"parseOrderToPrecision": false,
"newOrderRespType": map[string]interface{} {
"market": "FULL",
"limit": "RESULT",
"stop": "RESULT",
"leverage_markets_suffix": "_LEVERAGE",
"collateralCurrencies": []interface{}{"USD", "EUR", "USDT"},
"features": map[string]interface{} {
"default": map[string]interface{} {
"sandbox": true,
"createOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": true,
"triggerPrice": true,
"triggerPriceType": nil,
"triggerDirection": false,
"stopLossPrice": false,
"takeProfitPrice": false,
"attachedStopLossTakeProfit": map[string]interface{} {
"triggerPriceType": nil,
"price": false,
"timeInForce": map[string]interface{} {
"IOC": true,
"FOK": true,
"PO": false,
"GTD": true,
"hedged": false,
"selfTradePrevention": false,
"trailing": false,
"iceberg": false,
"leverage": true,
"marketBuyByCost": false,
"marketBuyRequiresPrice": false,
"createOrders": nil,
"fetchMyTrades": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 500,
"daysBack": 100000,
"untilDays": 100000,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchOpenOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": true,
"limit": 100,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": false,
"fetchOrders": nil,
"fetchClosedOrders": nil,
"fetchOHLCV": map[string]interface{} {
"limit": 1000,
"spot": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "default",
"swap": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "default",
"inverse": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "default",
"future": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "default",
"inverse": map[string]interface{} {
"extends": "default",
"exceptions": map[string]interface{} {
"broad": map[string]interface{} {
"FIELD_VALIDATION_ERROR Cancel is available only for LIMIT order": InvalidOrder,
"API key does not exist": AuthenticationError,
"Order would trigger immediately.": InvalidOrder,
"Account has insufficient balance for requested action.": InsufficientFunds,
"Rest API trading is not enabled.": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"Combination of parameters invalid": BadRequest,
"Invalid limit price": BadRequest,
"Only leverage symbol allowed here:": BadSymbol,
"market data service is not available": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"your time is ahead of server": InvalidNonce,
"Can not find account": BadRequest,
"You mentioned an invalid value for the price parameter": BadRequest,
"exact": map[string]interface{} {
"-1000": ExchangeNotAvailable,
"-1013": InvalidOrder,
"-1022": AuthenticationError,
"-1030": InvalidOrder,
"-1100": InvalidOrder,
"-1104": ExchangeError,
"-1025": AuthenticationError,
"-1128": BadRequest,
"-2010": ExchangeError,
"-2011": OrderNotFound,
"-2013": OrderNotFound,
"-2014": AuthenticationError,
"-2015": AuthenticationError,
"commonCurrencies": map[string]interface{} {
"ACN": "Accenture",
"AMC": "AMC Entertainment Holdings",
"BNS": "Bank of Nova Scotia",
"CAR": "Avis Budget Group Inc",
"CLR": "Continental Resources",
"EDU": "New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc",
"ETN": "Eaton",
"FOX": "Fox Corporation",
"GM": "General Motors Co",
"IQ": "iQIYI",
"OSK": "Oshkosh",
"PLAY": "Dave & Buster\\'s Entertainment",
func (this *currencycom) Nonce() interface{} {
return Subtract(this.Milliseconds(), GetValue(this.Options, "timeDifference"))
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchTime
* @description fetches the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/timeUsingGET
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {int} the current integer timestamp in milliseconds from the exchange server
func (this *currencycom) FetchTime(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.PublicGetV2Time(params))
// {
// "serverTime": 1590998366609
// }
ch <- this.SafeInteger(response, "serverTime")
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchCurrencies
* @description fetches all available currencies on an exchange
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/getCurrenciesUsingGET
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} an associative dictionary of currencies
func (this *currencycom) FetchCurrencies(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
// requires authentication
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if !IsTrue(this.CheckRequiredCredentials(false)) {
return nil
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2Currencies(params))
// [
// {
// "name": "Euro",
// "displaySymbol": "EUR.cx",
// "precision": "2",
// "type": "FIAT",
// "minWithdrawal": "90.0",
// "maxWithdrawal": "1.0E+8",
// "commissionMin": "0.02", // some instruments do not have this property
// "commissionPercent": "1.5", // some instruments do not have this property
// "minDeposit": "90.0",
// },
// {
// "name": "Bitcoin",
// "displaySymbol": "BTC",
// "precision": "8",
// "type": "CRYPTO", // only a few major currencies have this value, others like USDT have a value of "TOKEN"
// "minWithdrawal": "0.00020",
// "commissionFixed": "0.00010",
// "minDeposit": "0.00010",
// },
// ]
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(response)); i++ {
var currency interface{} = GetValue(response, i)
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(currency, "displaySymbol")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(id)
var fee interface{} = this.SafeNumber(currency, "commissionFixed")
AddElementToObject(result, code, map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"code": code,
"type": this.SafeStringLower(currency, "type"),
"name": this.SafeString(currency, "name"),
"active": nil,
"deposit": nil,
"withdraw": nil,
"fee": fee,
"precision": this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(currency, "precision"))),
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"amount": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"withdraw": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.SafeNumber(currency, "minWithdrawal"),
"max": this.SafeNumber(currency, "maxWithdrawal"),
"deposit": map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.SafeNumber(currency, "minDeposit"),
"max": nil,
"info": currency,
ch <- result
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchMarkets
* @description retrieves data on all markets for currencycom
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/exchangeInfoUsingGET
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} an array of objects representing market data
func (this *currencycom) FetchMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.PublicGetV2ExchangeInfo(params))
// {
// "timezone": "UTC",
// "serverTime": "1645186287261",
// "rateLimits": [
// { rateLimitType: "REQUEST_WEIGHT", interval: "MINUTE", intervalNum: "1", limit: "1200" },
// { rateLimitType: "ORDERS", interval: "SECOND", intervalNum: "1", limit: "10" },
// { rateLimitType: "ORDERS", interval: "DAY", intervalNum: "1", limit: "864000" },
// ],
// "exchangeFilters": [],
// "symbols": [
// {
// "name": "Bitcoin / Tether",
// "status": "TRADING", // TRADING, BREAK, HALT
// "baseAsset": "BTC",
// "baseAssetPrecision": "4",
// "quoteAsset": "USDT",
// "quoteAssetId": "USDT", // USDT, USDT_LEVERAGE
// "quotePrecision": "4",
// "orderTypes": [ "LIMIT", "MARKET" ], // LIMIT, MARKET, STOP
// "filters": [
// { filterType: "LOT_SIZE", minQty: "0.0001", maxQty: "100", stepSize: "0.0001", },
// { filterType: "MIN_NOTIONAL", minNotional: "5", },
// ],
// "marketModes": [ "REGULAR" ], // CLOSE_ONLY, LONG_ONLY, REGULAR
// "marketType": "SPOT", // SPOT, LEVERAGE
// "longRate": -0.0684932, // LEVERAGE only
// "shortRate": -0.0684932, // LEVERAGE only
// "swapChargeInterval": 1440, // LEVERAGE only
// "country": "",
// "sector": "",
// "industry": "",
// "tradingHours": "UTC; Mon - 22:00, 22:05 -; Tue - 22:00, 22:05 -; Wed - 22:00, 22:05 -; Thu - 22:00, 22:05 -; Fri - 22:00, 23:01 -; Sat - 22:00, 22:05 -; Sun - 21:00, 22:05 -",
// "tickSize": "0.01",
// "tickValue": "403.4405", // not available in BTC/USDT_LEVERAGE, but available in BTC/USD_LEVERAGE
// "exchangeFee": "0.2", // SPOT only
// "tradingFee": 0.075, // LEVERAGE only
// "makerFee": -0.025, // LEVERAGE only
// "takerFee": 0.06, // LEVERAGE only
// "maxSLGap": 50, // LEVERAGE only
// "minSLGap": 1, // LEVERAGE only
// "maxTPGap": 50, // LEVERAGE only
// "minTPGap": 0.5, // LEVERAGE only
// "assetType": "CRYPTOCURRENCY",
// },
// ]
// }
if IsTrue(GetValue(this.Options, "adjustForTimeDifference")) {
retRes53212 := (<-this.LoadTimeDifference())
var markets interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "symbols", []interface{}{})
var result interface{} = []interface{}{}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(markets)); i++ {
var market interface{} = GetValue(markets, i)
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "symbol")
var baseId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "baseAsset")
var quoteId interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "quoteAsset")
var base interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(baseId)
var quote interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId)
var symbol interface{} = Add(Add(base, "/"), quote)
var typeRaw interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "marketType")
var spot interface{} = (IsEqual(typeRaw, "SPOT"))
var futures interface{} = false
var swap interface{} = (IsEqual(typeRaw, "LEVERAGE"))
var typeVar interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue(swap), "swap", "spot")
var margin interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(swap) {
symbol = Replace(symbol, GetValue(this.Options, "leverage_markets_suffix"), "")
symbol = Add(symbol, Add(":", quote))
var active interface{} = IsEqual(this.SafeString(market, "status"), "TRADING")
// to set taker & maker fees, we use one from the below data - pairs either have 'exchangeFee' or 'tradingFee', if none of them (rare cases), then they should have 'takerFee & makerFee'
var exchangeFee interface{} = this.SafeString2(market, "exchangeFee", "tradingFee")
var makerFee interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "makerFee", exchangeFee)
var takerFee interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "takerFee", exchangeFee)
makerFee = Precise.StringDiv(makerFee, "100")
takerFee = Precise.StringDiv(takerFee, "100")
var filters interface{} = this.SafeValue(market, "filters", []interface{}{})
var filtersByType interface{} = this.IndexBy(filters, "filterType")
var limitPriceMin interface{} = nil
var limitPriceMax interface{} = nil
var precisionPrice interface{} = this.SafeNumber(market, "tickSize")
if IsTrue(InOp(filtersByType, "PRICE_FILTER")) {
var filter interface{} = this.SafeValue(filtersByType, "PRICE_FILTER", map[string]interface{} {})
precisionPrice = this.SafeNumber(filter, "tickSize")
// PRICE_FILTER reports zero values for maxPrice
// since they updated filter types in November 2018
// https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues/4286
// therefore limits['price']['max'] doesn't have any meaningful value except undefined
limitPriceMin = this.SafeNumber(filter, "minPrice")
var maxPrice interface{} = this.SafeString(filter, "maxPrice")
if IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(maxPrice, nil))) && IsTrue((Precise.StringGt(maxPrice, "0")))) {
limitPriceMax = maxPrice
var precisionAmount interface{} = this.ParseNumber(this.ParsePrecision(this.SafeString(market, "baseAssetPrecision")))
var limitAmount interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
if IsTrue(InOp(filtersByType, "LOT_SIZE")) {
var filter interface{} = this.SafeValue(filtersByType, "LOT_SIZE", map[string]interface{} {})
precisionAmount = this.SafeNumber(filter, "stepSize")
limitAmount = map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.SafeNumber(filter, "minQty"),
"max": this.SafeNumber(filter, "maxQty"),
var limitMarket interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
if IsTrue(InOp(filtersByType, "MARKET_LOT_SIZE")) {
var filter interface{} = this.SafeValue(filtersByType, "MARKET_LOT_SIZE", map[string]interface{} {})
limitMarket = map[string]interface{} {
"min": this.SafeNumber(filter, "minQty"),
"max": this.SafeNumber(filter, "maxQty"),
var costMin interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(InOp(filtersByType, "MIN_NOTIONAL")) {
var filter interface{} = this.SafeValue(filtersByType, "MIN_NOTIONAL", map[string]interface{} {})
costMin = this.SafeNumber(filter, "minNotional")
var isContract interface{} = IsTrue(swap) || IsTrue(futures)
AppendToArray(&result,map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"symbol": symbol,
"base": base,
"quote": quote,
"settle": nil,
"baseId": baseId,
"quoteId": quoteId,
"settleId": nil,
"type": typeVar,
"spot": spot,
"margin": margin,
"swap": swap,
"future": futures,
"option": false,
"active": active,
"contract": isContract,
"linear": Ternary(IsTrue(isContract), true, nil),
"inverse": nil,
"taker": this.ParseNumber(takerFee),
"maker": this.ParseNumber(makerFee),
"contractSize": nil,
"expiry": nil,
"expiryDatetime": nil,
"strike": nil,
"optionType": nil,
"precision": map[string]interface{} {
"amount": precisionAmount,
"price": precisionPrice,
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"leverage": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"amount": limitAmount,
"market": limitMarket,
"price": map[string]interface{} {
"min": limitPriceMin,
"max": this.ParseNumber(limitPriceMax),
"cost": map[string]interface{} {
"min": costMin,
"max": nil,
"created": nil,
"info": market,
ch <- result
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchAccounts
* @description fetch all the accounts associated with a profile
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/accountUsingGET
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a dictionary of [account structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=account-structure} indexed by the account type
func (this *currencycom) FetchAccounts(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2Account(params))
// {
// "makerCommission": "0.20",
// "takerCommission": "0.20",
// "buyerCommission": "0.20",
// "sellerCommission": "0.20",
// "canTrade": true,
// "canWithdraw": true,
// "canDeposit": true,
// "updateTime": "1645266330",
// "userId": "644722",
// "balances": [
// {
// "accountId": "120702016179403605",
// "collateralCurrency": false,
// "asset": "CAKE",
// "free": "3.1",
// "locked": "0.0",
// "default": false,
// },
// {
// "accountId": "109698017713125316",
// "collateralCurrency": true,
// "asset": "USD",
// "free": "17.58632",
// "locked": "0.0",
// "default": true,
// }
// ]
// }
var accounts interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "balances", []interface{}{})
var result interface{} = []interface{}{}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(accounts)); i++ {
var account interface{} = GetValue(accounts, i)
var accountId interface{} = this.SafeString(account, "accountId") // must be string, because the numeric value is far too big for integer, and causes bugs
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(account, "asset")
var currencyCode interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId)
AppendToArray(&result,map[string]interface{} {
"id": accountId,
"type": nil,
"currency": currencyCode,
"info": account,
ch <- result
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchTradingFees
* @description fetch the trading fees for multiple markets
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/accountUsingGET
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a dictionary of [fee structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=fee-structure} indexed by market symbols
func (this *currencycom) FetchTradingFees(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes7298 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2Account(params))
// {
// "makerCommission": "0.20",
// "takerCommission": "0.20",
// "buyerCommission": "0.20",
// "sellerCommission": "0.20",
// "canTrade": true,
// "canWithdraw": true,
// "canDeposit": true,
// "updateTime": "1645738976",
// "userId": "-1924114235",
// "balances": []
// }
var makerFee interface{} = this.SafeNumber(response, "makerCommission")
var takerFee interface{} = this.SafeNumber(response, "takerCommission")
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(this.Symbols)); i++ {
var symbol interface{} = GetValue(this.Symbols, i)
AddElementToObject(result, symbol, map[string]interface{} {
"info": response,
"symbol": symbol,
"maker": makerFee,
"taker": takerFee,
"percentage": true,
"tierBased": false,
ch <- result
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseBalance(response interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "makerCommission":0.20,
// "takerCommission":0.20,
// "buyerCommission":0.20,
// "sellerCommission":0.20,
// "canTrade":true,
// "canWithdraw":true,
// "canDeposit":true,
// "updateTime":1591056268,
// "balances":[
// {
// "accountId":5470306579272368,
// "collateralCurrency":true,
// "asset":"ETH",
// "free":0.0,
// "locked":0.0,
// "default":false,
// },
// ]
// }
typeVar := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = typeVar
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"info": response,
var balances interface{} = this.SafeValue(response, "balances", []interface{}{})
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(balances)); i++ {
var balance interface{} = GetValue(balances, i)
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(balance, "asset")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId)
var account interface{} = this.Account()
AddElementToObject(account, "free", this.SafeString(balance, "free"))
AddElementToObject(account, "used", this.SafeString(balance, "locked"))
AddElementToObject(result, code, account)
return this.SafeBalance(result)
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchBalance
* @description query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/accountUsingGET
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [balance structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=balance-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchBalance(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes8088 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2Account(params))
// {
// "makerCommission": "0.20",
// "takerCommission": "0.20",
// "buyerCommission": "0.20",
// "sellerCommission": "0.20",
// "canTrade": true,
// "canWithdraw": true,
// "canDeposit": true,
// "updateTime": "1645266330",
// "userId": "644722",
// "balances": [
// {
// "accountId": "120702016179403605",
// "collateralCurrency": false,
// "asset": "CAKE",
// "free": "1.784",
// "locked": "0.0",
// "default": false,
// },
// {
// "accountId": "109698017413175316",
// "collateralCurrency": true,
// "asset": "USD",
// "free": "7.58632",
// "locked": "0.0",
// "default": true,
// }
// ]
// }
ch <- this.ParseBalance(response)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchOrderBook
* @description fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/depthUsingGET
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of order book entries to return
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} A dictionary of [order book structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-book-structure} indexed by market symbols
func (this *currencycom) FetchOrderBook(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes8558 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit) // default 100, max 1000, valid limits 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000
response:= (<-this.PublicGetV2Depth(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "lastUpdateId":1590999849037,
// "asks":[
// [0.02495,60.0345],
// [0.02496,34.1],
// ...
// ],
// "bids":[
// [0.02487,72.4144854],
// [0.02486,24.043],
// ...
// ]
// }
var orderbook interface{} = this.ParseOrderBook(response, symbol)
AddElementToObject(orderbook, "nonce", this.SafeInteger(response, "lastUpdateId"))
ch <- orderbook
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseTicker(ticker interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchTicker
// {
// "symbol":"ETH/BTC",
// "priceChange":"0.00030",
// "priceChangePercent":"1.21",
// "weightedAvgPrice":"0.02481",
// "prevClosePrice":"0.02447",
// "lastPrice":"0.02477",
// "lastQty":"60.0",
// "bidPrice":"0.02477",
// "askPrice":"0.02484",
// "openPrice":"0.02447",
// "highPrice":"0.02524",
// "lowPrice":"0.02438",
// "volume":"11.97",
// "quoteVolume":"0.298053",
// "openTime":1590969600000,
// "closeTime":1591000072693
// }
// fetchTickers
// {
// "symbol": "SHIB/USD_LEVERAGE",
// "weightedAvgPrice": "0.000027595",
// "lastPrice": "0.00002737",
// "lastQty": "1.11111111E8",
// "bidPrice": "0.00002737",
// "askPrice": "0.00002782",
// "highPrice": "0.00002896",
// "lowPrice": "0.00002738",
// "volume": "16472160000",
// "quoteVolume": "454796.3376",
// "openTime": "1645187472000",
// "closeTime": "1645273872000",
// }
// ws:marketData.subscribe
// {
// "symbolName":"TXN",
// "bid":139.85,
// "bidQty":2500,
// "ofr":139.92000000000002,
// "ofrQty":2500,
// "timestamp":1597850971558
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger2(ticker, "closeTime", "timestamp")
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString2(ticker, "symbol", "symbolName")
market = this.SafeMarket(marketId, market, "/")
var last interface{} = this.SafeString(ticker, "lastPrice")
return this.SafeTicker(map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"),
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"high": this.SafeString(ticker, "highPrice"),
"low": this.SafeString(ticker, "lowPrice"),
"bid": this.SafeString2(ticker, "bidPrice", "bid"),
"bidVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "bidQty"),
"ask": this.SafeString2(ticker, "askPrice", "ofr"),
"askVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "ofrQty"),
"vwap": this.SafeString(ticker, "weightedAvgPrice"),
"open": this.SafeString(ticker, "openPrice"),
"close": last,
"last": last,
"previousClose": this.SafeString(ticker, "prevClosePrice"),
"change": this.SafeString(ticker, "priceChange"),
"percentage": this.SafeString(ticker, "priceChangePercent"),
"average": nil,
"baseVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "volume"),
"quoteVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "quoteVolume"),
"info": ticker,
}, market)
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchTicker
* @description fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/ticker_24hrUsingGET
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [ticker structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchTicker(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes9738 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PublicGetV2Ticker24hr(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "symbol":"ETH/BTC",
// "priceChange":"0.00030",
// "priceChangePercent":"1.21",
// "weightedAvgPrice":"0.02481",
// "prevClosePrice":"0.02447",
// "lastPrice":"0.02477",
// "lastQty":"60.0",
// "bidPrice":"0.02477",
// "askPrice":"0.02484",
// "openPrice":"0.02447",
// "highPrice":"0.02524",
// "lowPrice":"0.02438",
// "volume":"11.97",
// "quoteVolume":"0.298053",
// "openTime":1590969600000,
// "closeTime":1591000072693
// }
ch <- this.ParseTicker(response, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchTickers
* @description fetches price tickers for multiple markets, statistical information calculated over the past 24 hours for each market
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/ticker_24hrUsingGET
* @param {string[]|undefined} symbols unified symbols of the markets to fetch the ticker for, all market tickers are returned if not assigned
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a dictionary of [ticker structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ticker-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchTickers(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbols
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10128 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.PublicGetV2Ticker24hr(params))
// [
// {
// "symbol": "SHIB/USD_LEVERAGE",
// "weightedAvgPrice": "0.000027595",
// "lastPrice": "0.00002737",
// "lastQty": "1.11111111E8",
// "bidPrice": "0.00002737",
// "askPrice": "0.00002782",
// "highPrice": "0.00002896",
// "lowPrice": "0.00002738",
// "volume": "16472160000",
// "quoteVolume": "454796.3376",
// "openTime": "1645187472000",
// "closeTime": "1645273872000",
// }
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTickers(response, symbols)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseOHLCV(ohlcv interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// [
// 1590971040000,
// "0.02454",
// "0.02456",
// "0.02452",
// "0.02456",
// 249
// ]
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
return []interface{}{this.SafeInteger(ohlcv, 0), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 1), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 2), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 3), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 4), this.SafeNumber(ohlcv, 5)}
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchOHLCV
* @description fetches historical candlestick data containing the open, high, low, and close price, and the volume of a market
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/klinesUsingGET
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch OHLCV data for
* @param {string} timeframe the length of time each candle represents
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest candle to fetch
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of candles to fetch
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {int[][]} A list of candles ordered as timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume
func (this *currencycom) FetchOHLCV(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
timeframe := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "1m")
_ = timeframe
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10698 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
"interval": this.SafeString(this.Timeframes, timeframe, timeframe),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", mathMin(limit, 1000)) // default 500, max 1000
response:= (<-this.PublicGetV2Klines(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// [1590971040000,"0.02454","0.02456","0.02452","0.02456",249],
// [1590971100000,"0.02455","0.02457","0.02452","0.02456",300],
// [1590971160000,"0.02455","0.02456","0.02453","0.02454",286],
// ]
ch <- this.ParseOHLCVs(response, market, timeframe, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseTrade(trade interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchTrades (public aggregate trades)
// {
// "a":"1658318071", // Aggregate tradeId
// "p":"0.02476", // Price
// "q":"0.0", // Official doc says: "Quantity (should be ignored)"
// "T":"1591001423382", // Epoch timestamp in MS
// "m":false // Was the buyer the maker
// }
// createOrder fills (private)
// {
// "price": "9807.05",
// "qty": "0.01",
// "commission": "0",
// "commissionAsset": "dUSD"
// }
// fetchMyTrades
// {
// "symbol": "DOGE/USD",
// "id": "116046000",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000006dbb8ad",
// "price": "0.14094",
// "qty": "40.0",
// "commission": "0.01",
// "commissionAsset": "USD",
// "time": "1645283022351",
// "buyer": false,
// "maker": false,
// "isBuyer": false,
// "isMaker": false
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger2(trade, "T", "time")
var priceString interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "p", "price")
var amountString interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "q", "qty")
var id interface{} = this.SafeString2(trade, "a", "id")
var side interface{} = nil
var orderId interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "orderId")
var takerOrMaker interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(InOp(trade, "m")) {
side = Ternary(IsTrue(GetValue(trade, "m")), "sell", "buy") // this is reversed intentionally [TODO: needs reason to be mentioned]
takerOrMaker = "taker" // in public trades, it's always taker
} else if IsTrue(InOp(trade, "isBuyer")) {
side = Ternary(IsTrue((GetValue(trade, "isBuyer"))), "buy", "sell") // this is a true side
takerOrMaker = Ternary(IsTrue(GetValue(trade, "isMaker")), "maker", "taker")
var fee interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(InOp(trade, "commission")) {
fee = map[string]interface{} {
"cost": this.SafeString(trade, "commission"),
"currency": this.SafeCurrencyCode(this.SafeString(trade, "commissionAsset")),
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "symbol")
var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market)
return this.SafeTrade(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"order": orderId,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"symbol": symbol,
"type": nil,
"takerOrMaker": takerOrMaker,
"side": side,
"price": priceString,
"amount": amountString,
"cost": nil,
"fee": fee,
"info": trade,
}, market)
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchTrades
* @description get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/aggTradesUsingGET
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of trades to fetch
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=public-trades}
func (this *currencycom) FetchTrades(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes11828 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", mathMin(limit, 1000)) // default 500, max 1000
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
response:= (<-this.PublicGetV2AggTrades(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "a":"1658318071", // Aggregate tradeId
// "p":"0.02476", // Price
// "q":"0.0", // Official doc says: "Quantity (should be ignored)"
// "T":"1591001423382", // Epoch timestamp in MS
// "m":false // Was the buyer the maker
// },
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTrades(response, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseOrder(order interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// createOrder
// limit
// {
// "symbol": "BTC/USD",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000006eacaa0",
// "transactTime": "1645281669295",
// "price": "30000.00000000",
// "origQty": "0.0002", // might not be present for "market" order
// "executedQty": "0.0", // positive for BUY, negative for SELL. This property might not be present in Leverage markets
// "margin": 0.1, // present in leverage markets
// "status": "NEW", // NEW, FILLED, ...
// "timeInForce": "GTC",
// "type": "LIMIT", // LIMIT, MARKET
// "side": "BUY",
// "fills": [ // this field might not be present if there were no fills
// {
// "price": "0.14094",
// "qty": "40.0",
// "commission": "0",
// "commissionAsset": "dUSD",
// },
// ],
// }
// fetchOrder (fetchOpenOrders is an array same structure, with some extra fields)
// {
// "symbol": "BTC/USD_LEVERAGE",
// "accountId": "123456789012345678",
// "orderId": "00a01234-0123-54c4-0000-123451234567",
// "price": "25779.35",
// "status": "MODIFIED",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "timeInForceType": "GTC",
// "side": "BUY",
// "guaranteedStopLoss": false,
// "trailingStopLoss": false,
// "margin": "0.05",
// "takeProfit": "27020.00",
// "stopLoss": "24500.35",
// "fills": [], // might not be present
// "timestamp": "1685958369623", // "time" in "fetchOpenOrders"
// "expireTime": "1686167960000", // "expireTimestamp" in "fetchOpenOrders"
// "quantity": "0.00040", // "origQty" in "fetchOpenOrders"
// "executedQty": "0.0", // present in "fetchOpenOrders"
// "updateTime": "1685958369542", // present in "fetchOpenOrders"
// "leverage": true, // present in "fetchOpenOrders"
// "working": true // present in "fetchOpenOrders"
// }
// cancelOrder
// {
// "symbol": "DOGE/USD",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0003-0000-000006db714c",
// "price": "0.13",
// "origQty": "30.0",
// "executedQty": "0.0",
// "status": "CANCELED",
// "timeInForce": "GTC",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "side": "BUY",
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "symbol")
var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market, "/")
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "orderId")
var price interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "price")
var amount interface{} = this.SafeString2(order, "origQty", "quantity")
var filledRaw interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "executedQty")
var filled interface{} = Precise.StringAbs(filledRaw)
var status interface{} = this.ParseOrderStatus(this.SafeString(order, "status"))
var timeInForce interface{} = this.ParseOrderTimeInForce(this.SafeString2(order, "timeInForce", "timeInForceType"))
var typeVar interface{} = this.ParseOrderType(this.SafeString(order, "type"))
var side interface{} = this.ParseOrderSide(this.SafeString(order, "side"))
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeIntegerN(order, []interface{}{"time", "transactTime", "timestamp"})
var fills interface{} = this.SafeValue(order, "fills")
return this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} {
"info": order,
"id": id,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"lastTradeTimestamp": nil,
"symbol": symbol,
"type": typeVar,
"timeInForce": timeInForce,
"side": side,
"price": price,
"triggerPrice": nil,
"amount": amount,
"cost": nil,
"average": nil,
"filled": filled,
"remaining": nil,
"status": status,
"fee": nil,
"trades": fills,
}, market)
func (this *currencycom) ParseOrderStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"NEW": "open",
"CREATED": "open",
"MODIFIED": "open",
"FILLED": "closed",
"CANCELED": "canceled",
"PENDING_CANCEL": "canceling",
"REJECTED": "rejected",
"EXPIRED": "expired",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *currencycom) ParseOrderType(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"MARKET": "market",
"LIMIT": "limit",
"STOP": "stop",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *currencycom) ParseOrderTimeInForce(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"GTC": "GTC",
"FOK": "FOK",
"IOC": "IOC",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *currencycom) ParseOrderSide(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"BUY": "buy",
"SELL": "sell",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
* @method
* @name currencycom#createOrder
* @description create a trade order
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/orderUsingPOST
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in
* @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit'
* @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell'
* @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency
* @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *currencycom) CreateOrder(symbol interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = price
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes13748 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var accountId interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(GetValue(market, "margin")) {
accountId = this.SafeString(this.Options, "accountId")
accountId = this.SafeString(params, "accountId", accountId)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(accountId, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " createOrder() requires an accountId parameter or an exchange.options[\\'accountId\\'] option for "), GetValue(market, "type")), " markets")))
var newOrderRespType interface{} = this.SafeValue(GetValue(this.Options, "newOrderRespType"), typeVar, "RESULT")
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
"quantity": this.AmountToPrecision(symbol, amount),
"type": ToUpper(typeVar),
"side": ToUpper(side),
"newOrderRespType": newOrderRespType,
if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "limit")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "price", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, price))
AddElementToObject(request, "timeInForce", GetValue(this.Options, "defaultTimeInForce"))
} else {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "stop")) {
AddElementToObject(request, "type", "STOP")
AddElementToObject(request, "price", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, price))
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(typeVar, "market")) {
var triggerPrice interface{} = this.SafeValue2(params, "triggerPrice", "stopPrice")
params = this.Omit(params, []interface{}{"triggerPrice", "stopPrice"})
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(triggerPrice, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "type", "STOP")
AddElementToObject(request, "price", this.PriceToPrecision(symbol, triggerPrice))
response:= (<-this.PrivatePostV2Order(this.Extend(request, params)))
// limit
// {
// "symbol": "BTC/USD",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000006eaaaa0",
// "transactTime": "1645281669295",
// "price": "30000.00000000",
// "origQty": "0.0002",
// "executedQty": "0.0", // positive for BUY, negative for SELL
// "status": "NEW",
// "timeInForce": "GTC",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "side": "BUY",
// }
// market
// {
// "symbol": "DOGE/USD",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000006eab8ad",
// "transactTime": "1645283022252",
// "price": "0.14066000",
// "origQty": "40",
// "executedQty": "40.0", // positive for BUY, negative for SELL
// "status": "FILLED",
// "timeInForce": "FOK",
// "type": "MARKET",
// "side": "BUY",
// "fills": [
// {
// "price": "0.14094",
// "qty": "40.0",
// "commission": "0",
// "commissionAsset": "dUSD"
// }
// ]
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrder(response, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchOrder
* @description fetches information on an order made by the user
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/getOrderUsingGET
* @param {string} id order id
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrder() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes14708 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"orderId": id,
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2FetchOrder(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "accountId": "109698017413125316",
// "orderId": "2810f1c5-0079-54c4-0000-000080421601",
// "quantity": "20.0",
// "price": "0.06",
// "timestamp": "1661157503788",
// "status": "CREATED",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "timeInForceType": "GTC",
// "side": "BUY",
// "margin": "0.1",
// "fills": [ // might not be present
// {
// "price": "0.14094",
// "qty": "40.0",
// "commission": "0",
// "commissionAsset": "dUSD"
// }
// ]
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrder(response)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchOpenOrders
* @description fetch all unfilled currently open orders
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/openOrdersUsingGET
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchOpenOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes15148 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
market = this.Market(symbol)
AddElementToObject(request, "symbol", GetValue(market, "id"))
} else if IsTrue(GetValue(this.Options, "warnOnFetchOpenOrdersWithoutSymbol")) {
var symbols interface{} = this.Symbols
var numSymbols interface{} = GetArrayLength(symbols)
var fetchOpenOrdersRateLimit interface{} = this.ParseToInt(Divide(numSymbols, 2))
panic(ExchangeError(Add(Add(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " fetchOpenOrders() WARNING: fetching open orders without specifying a symbol is rate-limited to one call per "), ToString(fetchOpenOrdersRateLimit)), " seconds. Do not call this method frequently to avoid ban. Set "), this.Id), ".options[\"warnOnFetchOpenOrdersWithoutSymbol\"] = false to suppress this warning message.")))
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2OpenOrders(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "symbol": "DOGE/USD",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0003-0000-000004bac57a",
// "price": "0.13",
// "origQty": "39.0",
// "executedQty": "0.0", // positive for BUY, negative for SELL
// "status": "NEW",
// "timeInForce": "GTC",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "side": "BUY",
// "time": "1645284216240",
// "updateTime": "1645284216240",
// "leverage": false,
// "working": true
// },
// ]
ch <- this.ParseOrders(response, market, since, limit, params)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#cancelOrder
* @description cancels an open order
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/cancelOrderUsingDELETE
* @param {string} id order id
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=order-structure}
func (this *currencycom) CancelOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes15638 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var origClientOrderId interface{} = this.SafeValue(params, "origClientOrderId")
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(IsEqual(origClientOrderId, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "orderId", id)
} else {
AddElementToObject(request, "origClientOrderId", origClientOrderId)
response:= (<-this.PrivateDeleteV2Order(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "symbol": "DOGE/USD",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0003-0000-000006db764c",
// "price": "0.13",
// "origQty": "30.0",
// "executedQty": "0.0", // positive for BUY, negative for SELL
// "status": "CANCELED",
// "timeInForce": "GTC",
// "type": "LIMIT",
// "side": "BUY",
// }
ch <- this.ParseOrder(response, market)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchMyTrades
* @description fetch all trades made by the user
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/myTradesUsingGET
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=trade-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchMyTrades(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchMyTrades() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes16088 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2MyTrades(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "symbol": "DOGE/USD",
// "id": "116046000",
// "orderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000006dbb8ad",
// "price": "0.14094",
// "qty": "40.0",
// "commission": "0.01",
// "commissionAsset": "USD",
// "time": "1645283022351",
// "buyer": false,
// "maker": false,
// "isBuyer": false,
// "isMaker": false
// },
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTrades(response, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchDeposits
* @description fetch all deposits made to an account
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/getDepositsUsingGET
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch deposits for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of deposits structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchDeposits(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes165015 := (<-this.FetchTransactionsByMethod("privateGetV2Deposits", code, since, limit, params))
ch <- retRes165015
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchWithdrawals
* @description fetch all withdrawals made from an account
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/getWithdrawalsUsingGET
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of withdrawals structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchWithdrawals(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes166515 := (<-this.FetchTransactionsByMethod("privateGetV2Withdrawals", code, since, limit, params))
ch <- retRes166515
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchDepositsWithdrawals
* @description fetch history of deposits and withdrawals
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/getTransactionsUsingGET
* @param {string} [code] unified currency code for the currency of the deposit/withdrawals, default is undefined
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest deposit/withdrawal, default is undefined
* @param {int} [limit] max number of deposit/withdrawals to return, default is undefined
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a list of [transaction structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=transaction-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchDepositsWithdrawals(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes168015 := (<-this.FetchTransactionsByMethod("privateGetV2Transactions", code, since, limit, params))
ch <- retRes168015
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) FetchTransactionsByMethod(method interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes16848 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
var currency interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) {
currency = this.Currency(code)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
var response interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "privateGetV2Deposits")) {
response = (<-this.PrivateGetV2Deposits(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "privateGetV2Withdrawals")) {
response = (<-this.PrivateGetV2Withdrawals(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "privateGetV2Transactions")) {
response = (<-this.PrivateGetV2Transactions(this.Extend(request, params)))
} else {
panic(NotSupported(Add(this.Id, " fetchTransactionsByMethod() not support this method")))
// [
// {
// "id": "616769213",
// "balance": "2.088",
// "amount": "1.304", // negative for 'withdrawal'
// "currency": "CAKE",
// "type": "deposit",
// "timestamp": "1645282121023",
// "paymentMethod": "BLOCKCHAIN",
// "blockchainTransactionHash": "0x57c68c1f2ae74d5eda5a2a00516361d241a5c9e1ee95bf32573523857c38c112",
// "status": "PROCESSED",
// "commission": "0.14", // this property only exists in withdrawal
// },
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTransactions(response, currency, since, limit, params)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseTransaction(transaction interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "id": "616769213",
// "balance": "2.088",
// "amount": "1.304", // negative for 'withdrawal'
// "currency": "CAKE",
// "type": "deposit",
// "timestamp": "1645282121023",
// "paymentMethod": "BLOCKCHAIN",
// "blockchainTransactionHash": "0x57c68c1f2ae74d5eda5a2a00516361d241a5c9e1ee95bf32573523857c38c112",
// "status": "PROCESSED",
// "commission": "0.14", // this property only exists in withdrawal
// }
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(transaction, "timestamp")
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "currency")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency)
var feeCost interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "commission")
var fee interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"currency": nil,
"cost": nil,
"rate": nil,
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeCost, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(fee, "currency", code)
AddElementToObject(fee, "cost", feeCost)
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": transaction,
"id": this.SafeString(transaction, "id"),
"txid": this.SafeString(transaction, "blockchainTransactionHash"),
"type": this.ParseTransactionType(this.SafeString(transaction, "type")),
"currency": code,
"network": nil,
"amount": this.SafeNumber(transaction, "amount"),
"status": this.ParseTransactionStatus(this.SafeString(transaction, "state")),
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"address": nil,
"addressFrom": nil,
"addressTo": nil,
"tag": nil,
"tagFrom": nil,
"tagTo": nil,
"updated": nil,
"internal": nil,
"comment": nil,
"fee": fee,
func (this *currencycom) ParseTransactionStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"APPROVAL": "pending",
"PROCESSED": "ok",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *currencycom) ParseTransactionType(typeVar interface{}) interface{} {
var types interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"deposit": "deposit",
"withdrawal": "withdrawal",
return this.SafeString(types, typeVar, typeVar)
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchLedger
* @description fetch the history of changes, actions done by the user or operations that altered the balance of the user
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/getLedgerUsingGET
* @param {string} [code] unified currency code, default is undefined
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest ledger entry, default is undefined
* @param {int} [limit] max number of ledger entries to return, default is undefined
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [ledger structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=ledger}
func (this *currencycom) FetchLedger(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes18058 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
var currency interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) {
currency = this.Currency(code)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(since, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "startTime", since)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "limit", limit)
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2Ledger(this.Extend(request, params)))
// in the below example, first item expresses withdrawal/deposit type, second example expresses trade
// [
// {
// "id": "619031398",
// "balance": "0.0",
// "amount": "-1.088",
// "currency": "CAKE",
// "type": "withdrawal",
// "timestamp": "1645460496425",
// "commission": "0.13",
// "paymentMethod": "BLOCKCHAIN", // present in withdrawal/deposit
// "blockchainTransactionHash": "0x400ac905557c3d34638b1c60eba110b3ee0f97f4eb0f7318015ab76e7f16b7d6", // present in withdrawal/deposit
// "status": "PROCESSED"
// },
// {
// "id": "619031034",
// "balance": "8.17223588",
// "amount": "-0.01326294",
// "currency": "USD",
// "type": "exchange_commission",
// "timestamp": "1645460461235",
// "commission": "0.01326294",
// "status": "PROCESSED"
// },
// ]
ch <- this.ParseLedger(response, currency, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseLedgerEntry(item interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(item, "id")
var amountString interface{} = this.SafeString(item, "amount")
var amount interface{} = Precise.StringAbs(amountString)
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(item, "timestamp")
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(item, "currency")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency)
currency = this.SafeCurrency(currencyId, currency)
var feeCost interface{} = this.SafeString(item, "commission")
var fee interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeCost, nil)) {
fee = map[string]interface{} {
"currency": code,
"cost": feeCost,
var direction interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue(Precise.StringLt(amountString, "0")), "out", "in")
return this.SafeLedgerEntry(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"direction": direction,
"account": nil,
"referenceId": this.SafeString(item, "blockchainTransactionHash"),
"referenceAccount": nil,
"type": this.ParseLedgerEntryType(this.SafeString(item, "type")),
"currency": code,
"amount": amount,
"before": nil,
"after": this.SafeString(item, "balance"),
"status": this.ParseLedgerEntryStatus(this.SafeString(item, "status")),
"fee": fee,
"info": item,
}, currency)
func (this *currencycom) ParseLedgerEntryStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"APPROVAL": "pending",
"PROCESSED": "ok",
"CANCELLED": "canceled",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *currencycom) ParseLedgerEntryType(typeVar interface{}) interface{} {
var types interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"deposit": "transaction",
"withdrawal": "transaction",
"exchange_commission": "fee",
return this.SafeString(types, typeVar, typeVar)
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchLeverage
* @description fetch the set leverage for a market
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/leverageSettingsUsingGET
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [leverage structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=leverage-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchLeverage(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes19098 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2LeverageSettings(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "values": [ 1, 2, 5, 10, ],
// "value": "10",
// }
ch <- this.ParseLeverage(response, market)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseLeverage(leverage interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var leverageValue interface{} = this.SafeInteger(leverage, "value")
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": leverage,
"symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"),
"marginMode": nil,
"longLeverage": leverageValue,
"shortLeverage": leverageValue,
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchDepositAddress
* @description fetch the deposit address for a currency associated with this account
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/getDepositAddressUsingGET
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} an [address structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=address-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchDepositAddress(code interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes19458 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"coin": GetValue(currency, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2DepositAddress(this.Extend(request, params)))
// { "address":"0x97d64eb014ac779194991e7264f01c74c90327f0" }
ch <- this.ParseDepositAddress(response, currency)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParseDepositAddress(depositAddress interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var address interface{} = this.SafeString(depositAddress, "address")
currency = this.SafeCurrency(nil, currency)
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": depositAddress,
"currency": GetValue(currency, "code"),
"network": nil,
"address": address,
"tag": nil,
func (this *currencycom) Sign(path interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
api := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "public")
_ = api
method := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, "GET")
_ = method
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
headers := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil)
_ = headers
body := GetArg(optionalArgs, 4, nil)
_ = body
var url interface{} = Add(Add(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), api), "/"), path)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(path, "historicalTrades")) {
headers = map[string]interface{} {
"X-MBX-APIKEY": this.ApiKey,
if IsTrue(IsEqual(api, "private")) {
var query interface{} = this.Urlencode(this.Extend(map[string]interface{} {
"timestamp": this.Nonce(),
"recvWindow": GetValue(this.Options, "recvWindow"),
}, params))
var signature interface{} = this.Hmac(this.Encode(query), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256)
query = Add(query, Add(Add("&", "signature="), signature))
headers = map[string]interface{} {
"X-MBX-APIKEY": this.ApiKey,
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "GET"))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(method, "DELETE")))) {
url = Add(url, Add("?", query))
} else {
body = query
AddElementToObject(headers, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
} else {
if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(params))) {
url = Add(url, Add("?", this.Urlencode(params)))
url = this.ImplodeHostname(url)
return map[string]interface{} {
"url": url,
"method": method,
"body": body,
"headers": headers,
* @method
* @name currencycom#fetchPositions
* @description fetch all open positions
* @see https://apitradedoc.currency.com/swagger-ui.html#/rest-api/tradingPositionsUsingGET
* @param {string[]|undefined} symbols list of unified market symbols
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [position structure]{@link https://docs.ccxt.com/#/?id=position-structure}
func (this *currencycom) FetchPositions(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbols
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes20138 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetV2TradingPositions(params))
// {
// "positions": [
// {
// "accountId": "109698017416453793",
// "id": "00a18490-0079-54c4-0000-0000803e73d3",
// "instrumentId": "45463225268524228",
// "orderId": "00a18490-0079-54c4-0000-0000803e73d2",
// "openQuantity": "13.6",
// "openPrice": "0.75724",
// "closeQuantity": "0.0",
// "closePrice": "0",
// "rpl": "-0.007723848",
// "rplConverted": "0",
// "upl": "-0.006664",
// "uplConverted": "-0.006664",
// "swap": "0",
// "swapConverted": "0",
// "fee": "-0.007723848",
// "dividend": "0",
// "margin": "0.2",
// "state": "ACTIVE",
// "currency": "USD",
// "createdTimestamp": "1645473877236",
// "openTimestamp": "1645473877193",
// "type": "NET",
// "cost": "2.0583600",
// "symbol": "XRP/USD_LEVERAGE"
// }
// ]
// }
var data interface{} = this.SafeList(response, "positions", []interface{}{})
ch <- this.ParsePositions(data, symbols)
return nil
return ch
func (this *currencycom) ParsePosition(position interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "accountId": "109698017416453793",
// "id": "00a18490-0079-54c4-0000-0000803e73d3",
// "instrumentId": "45463225268524228",
// "orderId": "00a18490-0079-54c4-0000-0000803e73d2",
// "openQuantity": "13.6",
// "openPrice": "0.75724",
// "closeQuantity": "0.0",
// "closePrice": "0",
// "rpl": "-0.007723848",
// "rplConverted": "0",
// "upl": "-0.006664",
// "uplConverted": "-0.006664",
// "swap": "0",
// "swapConverted": "0",
// "fee": "-0.007723848",
// "dividend": "0",
// "margin": "0.2",
// "state": "ACTIVE",
// "currency": "USD",
// "createdTimestamp": "1645473877236",
// "openTimestamp": "1645473877193",
// "type": "NET",
// "cost": "2.0583600",
// "symbol": "XRP/USD_LEVERAGE"
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
market = this.SafeMarket(this.SafeString(position, "symbol"), market)
var symbol interface{} = GetValue(market, "symbol")
var timestamp interface{} = this.SafeInteger(position, "createdTimestamp")
var quantityRaw interface{} = this.SafeString(position, "openQuantity")
var side interface{} = Ternary(IsTrue(Precise.StringGt(quantityRaw, "0")), "long", "short")
var quantity interface{} = Precise.StringAbs(quantityRaw)
var entryPrice interface{} = this.SafeNumber(position, "openPrice")
var unrealizedProfit interface{} = this.SafeNumber(position, "upl")
var marginCoeff interface{} = this.SafeString(position, "margin")
var leverage interface{} = Precise.StringDiv("1", marginCoeff)
return this.SafePosition(map[string]interface{} {
"info": position,
"symbol": symbol,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"lastUpdateTimestamp": nil,
"contracts": this.ParseNumber(quantity),
"contractSize": nil,
"entryPrice": entryPrice,
"collateral": nil,
"side": side,
"unrealizedPnl": unrealizedProfit,
"leverage": leverage,
"percentage": nil,
"marginMode": nil,
"notional": nil,
"markPrice": nil,
"lastPrice": nil,
"liquidationPrice": nil,
"initialMargin": nil,
"initialMarginPercentage": nil,
"maintenanceMargin": this.ParseNumber(marginCoeff),
"maintenanceMarginPercentage": nil,
"marginRatio": nil,
"id": nil,
"hedged": nil,
"stopLossPrice": nil,
"takeProfitPrice": nil,
func (this *currencycom) HandleErrors(httpCode interface{}, reason interface{}, url interface{}, method interface{}, headers interface{}, body interface{}, response interface{}, requestHeaders interface{}, requestBody interface{}) interface{} {
if IsTrue(IsTrue((IsEqual(httpCode, 418))) || IsTrue((IsEqual(httpCode, 429)))) {
panic(DDoSProtection(Add(Add(Add(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " "), ToString(httpCode)), " "), reason), " "), body)))
// error response in a form: { "code": -1013, "msg": "Invalid quantity." }
// following block cointains legacy checks against message patterns in "msg" property
// will switch "code" checks eventually, when we know all of them
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(httpCode, 400)) {
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(body, "Price * QTY is zero or less"), 0)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(this.Id, " order cost = amount * price is zero or less "), body)))
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(body, "LOT_SIZE"), 0)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(this.Id, " order amount should be evenly divisible by lot size "), body)))
if IsTrue(IsGreaterThanOrEqual(GetIndexOf(body, "PRICE_FILTER"), 0)) {
panic(InvalidOrder(Add(Add(this.Id, " order price is invalid, i.e. exceeds allowed price precision, exceeds min price or max price limits or is invalid float value in general, use this.priceToPrecision (symbol, amount) "), body)))
if IsTrue(IsEqual(response, nil)) {
return nil // fallback to default error handler
// {"code":-1128,"msg":"Combination of optional parameters invalid."}
var errorCode interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "code")
if IsTrue(IsTrue((!IsEqual(errorCode, nil))) && IsTrue((!IsEqual(errorCode, "0")))) {
var feedback interface{} = Add(Add(this.Id, " "), this.Json(response))
this.ThrowExactlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "exact"), errorCode, feedback)
var message interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "msg")
this.ThrowBroadlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "broad"), message, feedback)
return nil
func (this *currencycom) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) {
this.Exchange = Exchange{}
this.Exchange.InitParent(userConfig, this.Describe().(map[string]interface{}), this)
this.Exchange.DerivedExchange = this