
1526 lines
61 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2025-02-28 10:33:20 +08:00
package ccxt
type bitflyer struct {
func NewBitflyerCore() bitflyer {
p := bitflyer{}
return p
func (this *bitflyer) Describe() interface{} {
return this.DeepExtend(this.Exchange.Describe(), map[string]interface{} {
"id": "bitflyer",
"name": "bitFlyer",
"countries": []interface{}{"JP"},
"version": "v1",
"rateLimit": 1000,
"hostname": "",
"has": map[string]interface{} {
"CORS": nil,
"spot": true,
"margin": false,
"swap": nil,
"future": nil,
"option": false,
"cancelAllOrders": nil,
"cancelOrder": true,
"createOrder": true,
"fetchBalance": true,
"fetchClosedOrders": "emulated",
"fetchDeposits": true,
"fetchFundingRate": true,
"fetchFundingRateHistory": false,
"fetchFundingRates": false,
"fetchMarginMode": false,
"fetchMarkets": true,
"fetchMyTrades": true,
"fetchOpenOrders": "emulated",
"fetchOrder": "emulated",
"fetchOrderBook": true,
"fetchOrders": true,
"fetchPositionMode": false,
"fetchPositions": true,
"fetchTicker": true,
"fetchTrades": true,
"fetchTradingFee": true,
"fetchTradingFees": false,
"fetchTransfer": false,
"fetchTransfers": false,
"fetchWithdrawals": true,
"transfer": false,
"withdraw": true,
"urls": map[string]interface{} {
"logo": "",
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"rest": "https://api.{hostname}",
"www": "",
"doc": "",
"api": map[string]interface{} {
"public": map[string]interface{} {
"get": []interface{}{"getmarkets/usa", "getmarkets/eu", "getmarkets", "getboard", "getticker", "getexecutions", "gethealth", "getboardstate", "getchats", "getfundingrate"},
"private": map[string]interface{} {
"get": []interface{}{"getpermissions", "getbalance", "getbalancehistory", "getcollateral", "getcollateralhistory", "getcollateralaccounts", "getaddresses", "getcoinins", "getcoinouts", "getbankaccounts", "getdeposits", "getwithdrawals", "getchildorders", "getparentorders", "getparentorder", "getexecutions", "getpositions", "gettradingcommission"},
"post": []interface{}{"sendcoin", "withdraw", "sendchildorder", "cancelchildorder", "sendparentorder", "cancelparentorder", "cancelallchildorders"},
"fees": map[string]interface{} {
"trading": map[string]interface{} {
"maker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"),
"taker": this.ParseNumber("0.002"),
"precisionMode": TICK_SIZE,
"features": map[string]interface{} {
"spot": map[string]interface{} {
"sandbox": false,
"createOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"triggerPrice": false,
"triggerPriceType": nil,
"triggerDirection": false,
"stopLossPrice": false,
"takeProfitPrice": false,
"attachedStopLossTakeProfit": nil,
"timeInForce": map[string]interface{} {
"IOC": true,
"FOK": true,
"PO": true,
"GTD": true,
"hedged": false,
"trailing": false,
"leverage": false,
"marketBuyRequiresPrice": false,
"marketBuyByCost": false,
"selfTradePrevention": false,
"iceberg": false,
"createOrders": nil,
"fetchMyTrades": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 100,
"daysBack": nil,
"untilDays": nil,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOrder": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOpenOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 100,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 100,
"daysBack": nil,
"untilDays": nil,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchClosedOrders": map[string]interface{} {
"marginMode": false,
"limit": 100,
"daysBack": nil,
"daysBackCanceled": nil,
"untilDays": nil,
"trigger": false,
"trailing": false,
"symbolRequired": true,
"fetchOHLCV": nil,
"swap": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": nil,
"inverse": nil,
"future": map[string]interface{} {
"linear": nil,
"inverse": nil,
"exceptions": map[string]interface{} {
"exact": map[string]interface{} {
"-2": OnMaintenance,
func (this *bitflyer) ParseExpiryDate(expiry interface{}) interface{} {
var day interface{} = Slice(expiry, 0, 2)
var monthName interface{} = Slice(expiry, 2, 5)
var year interface{} = Slice(expiry, 5, 9)
var months interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"JAN": "01",
"FEB": "02",
"MAR": "03",
"APR": "04",
"MAY": "05",
"JUN": "06",
"JUL": "07",
"AUG": "08",
"SEP": "09",
"OCT": "10",
"NOV": "11",
"DEC": "12",
var month interface{} = this.SafeString(months, monthName)
return this.Parse8601(Add(Add(Add(Add(Add(year, "-"), month), "-"), day), "T00:00:00Z"))
func (this *bitflyer) SafeMarket(optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// Bitflyer has a different type of conflict in markets, because
// some of their ids (ETH/BTC and BTC/JPY) are duplicated in US, EU and JP.
// Since they're the same we just need to return one
marketId := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = marketId
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = market
delimiter := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = delimiter
marketType := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil)
_ = marketType
return this.Exchange.SafeMarket(marketId, market, delimiter, "spot")
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchMarkets
* @description retrieves data on all markets for bitflyer
* @see
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} an array of objects representing market data
func (this *bitflyer) FetchMarkets(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
jp_markets:= (<-this.PublicGetGetmarkets(params))
// [
// // spot
// { "product_code": "BTC_JPY", "market_type": "Spot" },
// { "product_code": "BCH_BTC", "market_type": "Spot" },
// // forex swap
// { "product_code": "FX_BTC_JPY", "market_type": "FX" },
// // future
// {
// "product_code": "BTCJPY11FEB2022",
// "alias": "BTCJPY_MAT1WK",
// "market_type": "Futures",
// },
// ];
us_markets:= (<-this.PublicGetGetmarketsUsa(params))
// [
// { "product_code": "BTC_USD", "market_type": "Spot" },
// { "product_code": "BTC_JPY", "market_type": "Spot" },
// ];
eu_markets:= (<-this.PublicGetGetmarketsEu(params))
// [
// { "product_code": "BTC_EUR", "market_type": "Spot" },
// { "product_code": "BTC_JPY", "market_type": "Spot" },
// ];
var markets interface{} = this.ArrayConcat(jp_markets, us_markets)
markets = this.ArrayConcat(markets, eu_markets)
var result interface{} = []interface{}{}
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(markets)); i++ {
var market interface{} = GetValue(markets, i)
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "product_code")
var currencies interface{} = Split(id, "_")
var marketType interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "market_type")
var swap interface{} = (IsEqual(marketType, "FX"))
var future interface{} = (IsEqual(marketType, "Futures"))
var spot interface{} = !IsTrue(swap) && !IsTrue(future)
var typeVar interface{} = "spot"
var settle interface{} = nil
var baseId interface{} = nil
var quoteId interface{} = nil
var expiry interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(spot) {
baseId = this.SafeString(currencies, 0)
quoteId = this.SafeString(currencies, 1)
} else if IsTrue(swap) {
typeVar = "swap"
baseId = this.SafeString(currencies, 1)
quoteId = this.SafeString(currencies, 2)
} else if IsTrue(future) {
var alias interface{} = this.SafeString(market, "alias")
if IsTrue(IsEqual(alias, nil)) {
// no alias:
// { product_code: 'BTCJPY11MAR2022', market_type: 'Futures' }
// TODO this will break if there are products with 4 chars
baseId = Slice(id, 0, 3)
quoteId = Slice(id, 3, 6)
// last 9 chars are expiry date
var expiryDate interface{} = Slice(id, OpNeg(9), nil)
expiry = this.ParseExpiryDate(expiryDate)
} else {
var splitAlias interface{} = Split(alias, "_")
var currencyIds interface{} = this.SafeString(splitAlias, 0)
baseId = Slice(currencyIds, 0, OpNeg(3))
quoteId = Slice(currencyIds, OpNeg(3), nil)
var splitId interface{} = Split(id, currencyIds)
var expiryDate interface{} = this.SafeString(splitId, 1)
expiry = this.ParseExpiryDate(expiryDate)
typeVar = "future"
var base interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(baseId)
var quote interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(quoteId)
var symbol interface{} = Add(Add(base, "/"), quote)
var taker interface{} = GetValue(GetValue(this.Fees, "trading"), "taker")
var maker interface{} = GetValue(GetValue(this.Fees, "trading"), "maker")
var contract interface{} = IsTrue(swap) || IsTrue(future)
if IsTrue(contract) {
maker = 0
taker = 0
settle = "JPY"
symbol = Add(Add(symbol, ":"), settle)
if IsTrue(future) {
symbol = Add(Add(symbol, "-"), this.Yymmdd(expiry))
AppendToArray(&result,map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"symbol": symbol,
"base": base,
"quote": quote,
"settle": settle,
"baseId": baseId,
"quoteId": quoteId,
"settleId": nil,
"type": typeVar,
"spot": spot,
"margin": false,
"swap": swap,
"future": future,
"option": false,
"active": true,
"contract": contract,
"linear": Ternary(IsTrue(spot), nil, true),
"inverse": Ternary(IsTrue(spot), nil, false),
"taker": taker,
"maker": maker,
"contractSize": nil,
"expiry": expiry,
"expiryDatetime": this.Iso8601(expiry),
"strike": nil,
"optionType": nil,
"precision": map[string]interface{} {
"amount": nil,
"price": nil,
"limits": map[string]interface{} {
"leverage": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"amount": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"price": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"cost": map[string]interface{} {
"min": nil,
"max": nil,
"created": nil,
"info": market,
ch <- result
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitflyer) ParseBalance(response interface{}) interface{} {
var result interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"info": response,
for i := 0; IsLessThan(i, GetArrayLength(response)); i++ {
var balance interface{} = GetValue(response, i)
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(balance, "currency_code")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId)
var account interface{} = this.Account()
AddElementToObject(account, "total", this.SafeString(balance, "amount"))
AddElementToObject(account, "free", this.SafeString(balance, "available"))
AddElementToObject(result, code, account)
return this.SafeBalance(result)
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchBalance
* @description query for balance and get the amount of funds available for trading or funds locked in orders
* @see
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [balance structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchBalance(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes4128 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetGetbalance(params))
// [
// {
// "currency_code": "JPY",
// "amount": 1024078,
// "available": 508000
// },
// {
// "currency_code": "BTC",
// "amount": 10.24,
// "available": 4.12
// },
// {
// "currency_code": "ETH",
// "amount": 20.48,
// "available": 16.38
// }
// ]
ch <- this.ParseBalance(response)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchOrderBook
* @description fetches information on open orders with bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices, volumes and other data
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the order book for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of order book entries to return
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} A dictionary of [order book structures]{@link} indexed by market symbols
func (this *bitflyer) FetchOrderBook(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes4478 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": GetValue(market, "id"),
orderbook:= (<-this.PublicGetGetboard(this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- this.ParseOrderBook(orderbook, GetValue(market, "symbol"), nil, "bids", "asks", "price", "size")
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitflyer) ParseTicker(ticker interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(nil, market)
var timestamp interface{} = this.Parse8601(this.SafeString(ticker, "timestamp"))
var last interface{} = this.SafeString(ticker, "ltp")
return this.SafeTicker(map[string]interface{} {
"symbol": symbol,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"high": nil,
"low": nil,
"bid": this.SafeString(ticker, "best_bid"),
"bidVolume": nil,
"ask": this.SafeString(ticker, "best_ask"),
"askVolume": nil,
"vwap": nil,
"open": nil,
"close": last,
"last": last,
"previousClose": nil,
"change": nil,
"percentage": nil,
"average": nil,
"baseVolume": this.SafeString(ticker, "volume_by_product"),
"quoteVolume": nil,
"info": ticker,
}, market)
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchTicker
* @description fetches a price ticker, a statistical calculation with the information calculated over the past 24 hours for a specific market
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch the ticker for
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [ticker structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchTicker(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes4948 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PublicGetGetticker(this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- this.ParseTicker(response, market)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitflyer) ParseTrade(trade interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchTrades (public) v1
// {
// "id":2278466664,
// "side":"SELL",
// "price":56810.7,
// "size":0.08798,
// "exec_date":"2021-11-19T11:46:39.323",
// "buy_child_order_acceptance_id":"JRF20211119-114209-236525",
// "sell_child_order_acceptance_id":"JRF20211119-114639-236919"
// }
// fetchMyTrades
// {
// "id": 37233,
// "side": "BUY",
// "price": 33470,
// "size": 0.01,
// "exec_date": "2015-07-07T09:57:40.397",
// "child_order_id": "JOR20150707-060559-021935",
// "child_order_acceptance_id": "JRF20150707-060559-396699"
// "commission": 0,
// },
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var side interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(trade, "side")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(side, nil)) {
if IsTrue(IsLessThan(GetLength(side), 1)) {
side = nil
var order interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(side, nil)) {
var idInner interface{} = Add(side, "_child_order_acceptance_id")
if IsTrue(InOp(trade, idInner)) {
order = GetValue(trade, idInner)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(order, nil)) {
order = this.SafeString(trade, "child_order_acceptance_id")
var timestamp interface{} = this.Parse8601(this.SafeString(trade, "exec_date"))
var priceString interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "price")
var amountString interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "size")
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(trade, "id")
market = this.SafeMarket(nil, market)
return this.SafeTrade(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"info": trade,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"),
"order": order,
"type": nil,
"side": side,
"takerOrMaker": nil,
"price": priceString,
"amount": amountString,
"cost": nil,
"fee": nil,
}, market)
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchTrades
* @description get the list of most recent trades for a particular symbol
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [since] timestamp in ms of the earliest trade to fetch
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum amount of trades to fetch
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchTrades(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes5808 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "count", limit)
response:= (<-this.PublicGetGetexecutions(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "id": 39287,
// "side": "BUY",
// "price": 31690,
// "size": 27.04,
// "exec_date": "2015-07-08T02:43:34.823",
// "buy_child_order_acceptance_id": "JRF20150707-200203-452209",
// "sell_child_order_acceptance_id": "JRF20150708-024334-060234"
// },
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTrades(response, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchTradingFee
* @description fetch the trading fees for a market
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [fee structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchTradingFee(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes6158 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetGettradingcommission(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// commission_rate: '0.0020'
// }
var fee interface{} = this.SafeNumber(response, "commission_rate")
ch <- map[string]interface{} {
"info": response,
"symbol": GetValue(market, "symbol"),
"maker": fee,
"taker": fee,
"percentage": nil,
"tierBased": nil,
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#createOrder
* @description create a trade order
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market to create an order in
* @param {string} type 'market' or 'limit'
* @param {string} side 'buy' or 'sell'
* @param {float} amount how much of currency you want to trade in units of base currency
* @param {float} [price] the price at which the order is to be fulfilled, in units of the quote currency, ignored in market orders
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} an [order structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) CreateOrder(symbol interface{}, typeVar interface{}, side interface{}, amount interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
price := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = price
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes6518 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": this.MarketId(symbol),
"child_order_type": ToUpper(typeVar),
"side": ToUpper(side),
"price": price,
"size": amount,
result:= (<-this.PrivatePostSendchildorder(this.Extend(request, params)))
// { "status": - 200, "error_message": "Insufficient funds", "data": null }
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(result, "child_order_acceptance_id")
ch <- this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"info": result,
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#cancelOrder
* @description cancels an open order
* @see
* @param {string} id order id
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) CancelOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " cancelOrder() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes6828 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": this.MarketId(symbol),
"child_order_acceptance_id": id,
response:= (<-this.PrivatePostCancelchildorder(this.Extend(request, params)))
// 200 OK.
ch <- this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} {
"info": response,
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitflyer) ParseOrderStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"ACTIVE": "open",
"COMPLETED": "closed",
"CANCELED": "canceled",
"EXPIRED": "canceled",
"REJECTED": "canceled",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitflyer) ParseOrder(order interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var timestamp interface{} = this.Parse8601(this.SafeString(order, "child_order_date"))
var price interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "price")
var amount interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "size")
var filled interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "executed_size")
var remaining interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "outstanding_size")
var status interface{} = this.ParseOrderStatus(this.SafeString(order, "child_order_state"))
var typeVar interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(order, "child_order_type")
var side interface{} = this.SafeStringLower(order, "side")
var marketId interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "product_code")
var symbol interface{} = this.SafeSymbol(marketId, market)
var fee interface{} = nil
var feeCost interface{} = this.SafeNumber(order, "total_commission")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(feeCost, nil)) {
fee = map[string]interface{} {
"cost": feeCost,
"currency": nil,
"rate": nil,
var id interface{} = this.SafeString(order, "child_order_acceptance_id")
return this.SafeOrder(map[string]interface{} {
"id": id,
"clientOrderId": nil,
"info": order,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"lastTradeTimestamp": nil,
"status": status,
"symbol": symbol,
"type": typeVar,
"timeInForce": nil,
"postOnly": nil,
"side": side,
"price": price,
"triggerPrice": nil,
"cost": nil,
"amount": amount,
"filled": filled,
"remaining": remaining,
"fee": fee,
"average": nil,
"trades": nil,
}, market)
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchOrders
* @description fetches information on multiple orders made by the user
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of order structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, 100)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrders() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes7688 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": GetValue(market, "id"),
"count": limit,
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetGetchildorders(this.Extend(request, params)))
var orders interface{} = this.ParseOrders(response, market, since, limit)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
orders = this.FilterBy(orders, "symbol", symbol)
ch <- orders
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchOpenOrders
* @description fetch all unfilled currently open orders
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch open orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of open orders structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchOpenOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, 100)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"child_order_state": "ACTIVE",
retRes79715 := (<-this.FetchOrders(symbol, since, limit, this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- retRes79715
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchClosedOrders
* @description fetches information on multiple closed orders made by the user
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol of the market orders were made in
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch orders for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of order structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Order[]} a list of [order structures]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchClosedOrders(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, 100)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"child_order_state": "COMPLETED",
retRes81515 := (<-this.FetchOrders(symbol, since, limit, this.Extend(request, params)))
ch <- retRes81515
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchOrder
* @description fetches information on an order made by the user
* @see
* @param {string} id the order id
* @param {string} symbol unified symbol of the market the order was made in
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} An [order structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchOrder(id interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchOrder() requires a symbol argument")))
orders:= (<-this.FetchOrders(symbol))
var ordersById interface{} = this.IndexBy(orders, "id")
if IsTrue(InOp(ordersById, id)) {
ch <- GetValue(ordersById, id)
return nil
panic(OrderNotFound(Add(Add(this.Id, " No order found with id "), id)))
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchMyTrades
* @description fetch all trades made by the user
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch trades for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of trades structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {Trade[]} a list of [trade structures]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchMyTrades(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbol := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbol
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbol, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchMyTrades() requires a symbol argument")))
retRes8558 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": GetValue(market, "id"),
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "count", limit)
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetGetexecutions(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "id": 37233,
// "side": "BUY",
// "price": 33470,
// "size": 0.01,
// "exec_date": "2015-07-07T09:57:40.397",
// "child_order_id": "JOR20150707-060559-021935",
// "child_order_acceptance_id": "JRF20150707-060559-396699"
// "commission": 0,
// },
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTrades(response, market, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchPositions
* @description fetch all open positions
* @see
* @param {string[]} symbols list of unified market symbols
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [position structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchPositions(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
symbols := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = symbols
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
if IsTrue(IsEqual(symbols, nil)) {
panic(ArgumentsRequired(Add(this.Id, " fetchPositions() requires a `symbols` argument, exactly one symbol in an array")))
retRes8948 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": this.MarketIds(symbols),
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetGetpositions(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "product_code": "FX_BTC_JPY",
// "side": "BUY",
// "price": 36000,
// "size": 10,
// "commission": 0,
// "swap_point_accumulate": -35,
// "require_collateral": 120000,
// "open_date": "2015-11-03T10:04:45.011",
// "leverage": 3,
// "pnl": 965,
// "sfd": -0.5
// }
// ]
// todo unify parsePosition/parsePositions
ch <- response
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#withdraw
* @description make a withdrawal
* @see
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {float} amount the amount to withdraw
* @param {string} address the address to withdraw to
* @param {string} tag
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [transaction structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) Withdraw(code interface{}, amount interface{}, address interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
tag := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = tag
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes9348 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
if IsTrue(IsTrue(IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, "JPY")) && IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, "USD"))) && IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, "EUR"))) {
panic(ExchangeError(Add(Add(Add(this.Id, " allows withdrawing JPY, USD, EUR only, "), code), " is not supported")))
var currency interface{} = this.Currency(code)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"currency_code": GetValue(currency, "id"),
"amount": amount,
response:= (<-this.PrivatePostWithdraw(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "message_id": "69476620-5056-4003-bcbe-42658a2b041b"
// }
ch <- this.ParseTransaction(response, currency)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchDeposits
* @description fetch all deposits made to an account
* @see
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch deposits for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of deposits structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchDeposits(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes9658 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) {
currency = this.Currency(code)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "count", limit) // default 100
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetGetcoinins(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "id": 100,
// "order_id": "CDP20151227-024141-055555",
// "currency_code": "BTC",
// "amount": 0.00002,
// "address": "1WriteySQufKZ2pVuM1oMhPrTtTVFq35j",
// "tx_hash": "9f92ee65a176bb9545f7becb8706c50d07d4cee5ffca34d8be3ef11d411405ae",
// "status": "COMPLETED",
// "event_date": "2015-11-27T08:59:20.301"
// }
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTransactions(response, currency, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchWithdrawals
* @description fetch all withdrawals made from an account
* @see
* @param {string} code unified currency code
* @param {int} [since] the earliest time in ms to fetch withdrawals for
* @param {int} [limit] the maximum number of withdrawals structures to retrieve
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object[]} a list of [transaction structures]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchWithdrawals(optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
code := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = code
since := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, nil)
_ = since
limit := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, nil)
_ = limit
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes10048 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var currency interface{} = nil
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {}
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(code, nil)) {
currency = this.Currency(code)
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(limit, nil)) {
AddElementToObject(request, "count", limit) // default 100
response:= (<-this.PrivateGetGetcoinouts(this.Extend(request, params)))
// [
// {
// "id": 500,
// "order_id": "CWD20151224-014040-077777",
// "currency_code": "BTC",
// "amount": 0.1234,
// "address": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
// "tx_hash": "724c07dfd4044abcb390b0412c3e707dd5c4f373f0a52b3bd295ce32b478c60a",
// "fee": 0.0005,
// "additional_fee": 0.0001,
// "status": "COMPLETED",
// "event_date": "2015-12-24T01:40:40.397"
// }
// ]
ch <- this.ParseTransactions(response, currency, since, limit)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitflyer) ParseDepositStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"PENDING": "pending",
"COMPLETED": "ok",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitflyer) ParseWithdrawalStatus(status interface{}) interface{} {
var statuses interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"PENDING": "pending",
"COMPLETED": "ok",
return this.SafeString(statuses, status, status)
func (this *bitflyer) ParseTransaction(transaction interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// fetchDeposits
// {
// "id": 100,
// "order_id": "CDP20151227-024141-055555",
// "currency_code": "BTC",
// "amount": 0.00002,
// "address": "1WriteySQufKZ2pVuM1oMhPrTtTVFq35j",
// "tx_hash": "9f92ee65a176bb9545f7becb8706c50d07d4cee5ffca34d8be3ef11d411405ae",
// "status": "COMPLETED",
// "event_date": "2015-11-27T08:59:20.301"
// }
// fetchWithdrawals
// {
// "id": 500,
// "order_id": "CWD20151224-014040-077777",
// "currency_code": "BTC",
// "amount": 0.1234,
// "address": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
// "tx_hash": "724c07dfd4044abcb390b0412c3e707dd5c4f373f0a52b3bd295ce32b478c60a",
// "fee": 0.0005,
// "additional_fee": 0.0001,
// "status": "COMPLETED",
// "event_date": "2015-12-24T01:40:40.397"
// }
// withdraw
// {
// "message_id": "69476620-5056-4003-bcbe-42658a2b041b"
// }
currency := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = currency
var id interface{} = this.SafeString2(transaction, "id", "message_id")
var address interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "address")
var currencyId interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "currency_code")
var code interface{} = this.SafeCurrencyCode(currencyId, currency)
var timestamp interface{} = this.Parse8601(this.SafeString(transaction, "event_date"))
var amount interface{} = this.SafeNumber(transaction, "amount")
var txId interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "tx_hash")
var rawStatus interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "status")
var typeVar interface{} = nil
var status interface{} = nil
var fee interface{} = nil
if IsTrue(InOp(transaction, "fee")) {
typeVar = "withdrawal"
status = this.ParseWithdrawalStatus(rawStatus)
var feeCost interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "fee")
var additionalFee interface{} = this.SafeString(transaction, "additional_fee")
fee = map[string]interface{} {
"currency": code,
"cost": this.ParseNumber(Precise.StringAdd(feeCost, additionalFee)),
} else {
typeVar = "deposit"
status = this.ParseDepositStatus(rawStatus)
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": transaction,
"id": id,
"txid": txId,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"datetime": this.Iso8601(timestamp),
"network": nil,
"address": address,
"addressTo": address,
"addressFrom": nil,
"tag": nil,
"tagTo": nil,
"tagFrom": nil,
"type": typeVar,
"amount": amount,
"currency": code,
"status": status,
"updated": nil,
"comment": nil,
"internal": nil,
"fee": fee,
* @method
* @name bitflyer#fetchFundingRate
* @description fetch the current funding rate
* @see
* @param {string} symbol unified market symbol
* @param {object} [params] extra parameters specific to the exchange API endpoint
* @returns {object} a [funding rate structure]{@link}
func (this *bitflyer) FetchFundingRate(symbol interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) <- chan interface{} {
ch := make(chan interface{})
go func() interface{} {
defer close(ch)
defer ReturnPanicError(ch)
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
retRes11408 := (<-this.LoadMarkets())
var market interface{} = this.Market(symbol)
var request interface{} = map[string]interface{} {
"product_code": GetValue(market, "id"),
response:= (<-this.PublicGetGetfundingrate(this.Extend(request, params)))
// {
// "current_funding_rate": -0.003750000000
// "next_funding_rate_settledate": "2024-04-15T13:00:00"
// }
ch <- this.ParseFundingRate(response, market)
return nil
return ch
func (this *bitflyer) ParseFundingRate(contract interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
// {
// "current_funding_rate": -0.003750000000
// "next_funding_rate_settledate": "2024-04-15T13:00:00"
// }
market := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, nil)
_ = market
var nextFundingDatetime interface{} = this.SafeString(contract, "next_funding_rate_settledate")
var nextFundingTimestamp interface{} = this.Parse8601(nextFundingDatetime)
return map[string]interface{} {
"info": contract,
"symbol": this.SafeString(market, "symbol"),
"markPrice": nil,
"indexPrice": nil,
"interestRate": nil,
"estimatedSettlePrice": nil,
"timestamp": nil,
"datetime": nil,
"fundingRate": nil,
"fundingTimestamp": nil,
"fundingDatetime": nil,
"nextFundingRate": this.SafeNumber(contract, "current_funding_rate"),
"nextFundingTimestamp": nextFundingTimestamp,
"nextFundingDatetime": this.Iso8601(nextFundingTimestamp),
"previousFundingRate": nil,
"previousFundingTimestamp": nil,
"previousFundingDatetime": nil,
"interval": nil,
func (this *bitflyer) Sign(path interface{}, optionalArgs ...interface{}) interface{} {
api := GetArg(optionalArgs, 0, "public")
_ = api
method := GetArg(optionalArgs, 1, "GET")
_ = method
params := GetArg(optionalArgs, 2, map[string]interface{} {})
_ = params
headers := GetArg(optionalArgs, 3, nil)
_ = headers
body := GetArg(optionalArgs, 4, nil)
_ = body
var request interface{} = Add(Add("/", this.Version), "/")
if IsTrue(IsEqual(api, "private")) {
request = Add(request, "me/")
request = Add(request, path)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(method, "GET")) {
if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(params))) {
request = Add(request, Add("?", this.Urlencode(params)))
var baseUrl interface{} = this.ImplodeHostname(GetValue(GetValue(this.Urls, "api"), "rest"))
var url interface{} = Add(baseUrl, request)
if IsTrue(IsEqual(api, "private")) {
var nonce interface{} = ToString(this.Nonce())
var auth interface{} = Join([]interface{}{nonce, method, request}, "")
if IsTrue(GetArrayLength(ObjectKeys(params))) {
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(method, "GET")) {
body = this.Json(params)
auth = Add(auth, body)
headers = map[string]interface{} {
"ACCESS-KEY": this.ApiKey,
"ACCESS-SIGN": this.Hmac(this.Encode(auth), this.Encode(this.Secret), sha256),
"Content-Type": "application/json",
return map[string]interface{} {
"url": url,
"method": method,
"body": body,
"headers": headers,
func (this *bitflyer) HandleErrors(code interface{}, reason interface{}, url interface{}, method interface{}, headers interface{}, body interface{}, response interface{}, requestHeaders interface{}, requestBody interface{}) interface{} {
if IsTrue(IsEqual(response, nil)) {
return nil // fallback to the default error handler
var feedback interface{} = Add(Add(this.Id, " "), body)
// i.e. {"status":-2,"error_message":"Under maintenance","data":null}
var errorMessage interface{} = this.SafeString(response, "error_message")
var statusCode interface{} = this.SafeInteger(response, "status")
if IsTrue(!IsEqual(errorMessage, nil)) {
this.ThrowExactlyMatchedException(GetValue(this.Exceptions, "exact"), statusCode, feedback)
return nil
func (this *bitflyer) Init(userConfig map[string]interface{}) {
this.Exchange = Exchange{}
this.Exchange.InitParent(userConfig, this.Describe().(map[string]interface{}), this)
this.Exchange.DerivedExchange = this